. , _ ' I , ' . LEGISLATURE of NEBRASKA' " . - A Synopsis of Proceedings of the Twenty" Ninth Gen era ! Session I SgNA1'I : - The second section or 8. I' ' . 21. ! introduced hy Senator Schreclc Oil the 2th , for regulation of automobiles - biles reads as follows : "Whenover It shall appear that any horse or mule driven or ridden lIy any person upon any of said streets roads or highways Is about to become frightened or Is frightened hy the approach of any au tomoblle or vehicle or when Il shall appear that any horse or horses mule or Itlules driven by any person or persons upon any of said streets roads or highways are about to become frightened , or are frightened by the ap , preach of any such automobile or vo hide It shall be the dUly of the per son driving or conducting such ! auto mobile or vehicle to cause the same to come to a full stop , unless horse or horses mule or mules have pass ( ) ( I. " 11rs.V. . 11. Sutton was selected to furnish a journal of the proceedIngs IngH at $ : IrO ; a day she to furnish all material 1 except. machines. The appointment - pointment of W. II. Aslcwlth as commander . mander I of the Grand Island S01lllers' Homo was confirmed : hy the senate In executive session by unanimous voto. DIlls were Introduced : S. F. :13. : hy Glflln of Dawson , an act provllling for the election of n prosecuting attor- ney for each judicial district In the state to hold office for n term of four years . the first election to be held In 190G : the prosecuting attorney shall IJl paid $2.000 n year ! : In districts containing counties with n population of more than 100,000 he shall have two deputies . each to be paid $1.500 f'en ; 1' , An act to establish local option by counties : providing that 10 per cent of the voters can file a petition with the county clerIc thirty days before - fore a general election and get the question voted on. Providing that when an Irrigation district Is formed everyone owning land In the district Iff entitled to a vote. SI J. . 35 , by Shel- lIon of Cass-Provldlng that when the Missouri river changes its course and puts a part of Nebraska In an- other state the accretion and the inhabitants . habitants thereof shall become a part of the other state the same to be announced . nounced br procl\matlon ! of the gov- ernor. IIOUSE-Replying to the action of the house demanding Information _ from Congressman Durlcett as to whether he would support President Roosevelt In his railroad reform legislation . 1utlon. the clerIc on the 12th , read the following : "Am advised of'actlon of Nebraska house of rop\'I'APntntIves today , asking my views. Please say to the house for me that I stand squarely with the president ntlll In dorse his message for proper control of railroad rlttes. " The telegram was received by Speaker Rouso. The house adjourned ! at 2:50 : p. m. out of respect - Mpect to the late ! Governor Garbor whose death was announced In a tele- gram received by Governor Mickey from T08elh Garber of Hell Cloud " Whorl the telegram was read Kaley I of Webster moved for the appoint- i . ment of a committee to draw suitable resolutions. The following were pass- ed : "Whereas , By the death of Hon Silas Garber the state has suffered the loss of a distinguished and honored citizen who has served many times in public office and br reason of his exemplary life and honorable service has. endeared himself to the people or our commonwealth \ ; therefore be it Resolved , That wo honor the memory of the Hon. Silas Garber by adjournIng - Ing for the remainder of the . . . day and - that these resolutions be spread upon th journal of the house and that a copy of the same be forwarded to his Immediate family to whom we offer our sincere sympathy In this their hour or grief. " McAllister or Deuel , introduced his reapportionment bill. It Is house roll No. 37 , and with one slight change Is Identical with house roll No. :171 : , which he Introduced two years ago and which failed of pas- sage. The only } Joint of difference between - tween the two measures IR that the uresent bill adds one more county Banner \ to district No. 60. represented ! - ed hy McAllister , which now Includes Deuel Keith , Cheyenne and Kimball. rhe new bill reapportions the senator- 'al as well as the representative dis- tricts It takes Douglas county out of the Tenth representative district and places It In the Ninth , giving it four more representatives and Instead of leaving Douglas In the Sixth Renator- lal district , as at present , with three senators , the new bill creates the Fifth district of Douglas alone with four senators , and the Sixth , with Douglas and Saunders , with one sen- ator. So under the new bill Douglas county has seventeen and a half members - tiers In senate and house together whereas at present it has twelve Among bills Introduced the following occur : 1'0 provide for the erection and . maintenance of a hard fiber binding twine plant at the Nebraska state penitentiary and to make appropria- tions therefor. Appropriates $45,000 for establishment and $150,000 for op- eration. II. U. No. 51 , by Warner of Lancaster-An act to provide for the reassessment of all real property In 1905 : permits county assessors In i counties of over ao.ooo to make up assessment books : permits annual revision vision of real estate valuation : gives state hoard power to increase or decrease - crease assessment on any class of property : provides for county levy after state board has made its equall- nation as recommended by the governor - ernor In his message. SENATE-The first thing the sen- ate ( lid when It get down to business on the lath was to authorize the pur- chase of two thermometers so that the sergeant-at.arms could keep the cham- her at an even temperature. The Sheldon resolution to allow the finance committee to visit the state institu- tions and allow expenses to that committee - mittee only except in cases specified by the senate then occupied the time of the law makers until noon. The resolution was tal\led. Resolutions In respect to the memor of ex-Governor Garber were adopted Dills were in troduced : Providing for instructing children In public schools in the humane - mane treatment of animals and birds , and to prevent cruel experiments on animals birds and fowls To provide for election of deputy assessors To redistrict the state of Nebraska Into senatorial and rellre8etJcative districts. To prevent overworking of and cruelty to animals. Act authorizing corpora- tions to act as executor , administra- tor trustee , guardian . receiver assignee - sgnee ! , agent and attorney In fact. To provide for primary elections and to regulate the same. The senate adjourned till Monday noon. HOUSE-Tho house was In session just thlrt-five minutes on the 13th. but when it adjourned it had all avail- able business cleared up. It adjourned - ed until : 2 ! p. m Monday , and the great majority of members Immediately took the trail for home. The only business transacted was tht introduction of new bills , the promotion of H. Rs 63. 54 and 55. the bills for house salaries and incidentals and transfer of fuedi - - - - , - . from the Norfolk to , time Lincoln asy- : um8. 80 they coulll be engrossed fm third reading , 'anll the announcement by the speaker of additional employes. Dills introduced Incll\(10(1 \ ( the follow- ling : An act authorIzing the construction . tlon on the f > state fair grounds of a live stock pavilion and a. fish building and to appropriate for such purpose the sum of $25.000 An act to provide . vide for nominating candidates for public office by direct. vote of the people . plo at primary elections except candidates . dldates for state offices and candl- dates other than members of congress to be chosen at any special election candidates for township or precinct offices and members of the school hoards outside of cities. An act : requiring - quiring at least one session of the grand jury annually In the district court of each ' county. An act to per- mit the governor to parole a life pris- oner after serving ten years , Instead of twenty-five An act defining the crime of slander and providing a punishment - Ishment therefor 01 not exceeding a fine of . $ ) .00 or Imprisonment of more than three months. THE APPORTIONMENT MEASURE How the Senatorial and Representative - tive Districts Are Arranged. If the bill .int.roduced In the house on the 12th becomes a law , the sena- torfal and representative districts will be distributed as follows : Senatorial Districts. DIstrict I-Rlchnrlhwn and Nemaha , one ! mator. 2-Pawnee , Gage and Saline , two senators - tors ' a-Johnson : and Otoe one senator. 4-Ca's and Barpy , one senator ro-DouJlas , four senators G-DouKlaH a\lll Saunders one senator. 7-'Vashlngton. Burt and Thurston one lIenator. 8-Dakoto. , Dixon and Cedar , one sena- tor. 9-Cumlng. Wayne and Pierce , one son- ator. 10StantonMadison and Antelope , one senator. ll-Boone , Nance and Merrick one sen- ator. 12-Platte and Polk , one senator. 13-DodJo and Colfax one s nator. 14-lluUer and Seward , one senator. 15I.ancasteitwo scnators. 16YUI'k and Fillmore , one senator. li-.JelTerson and Thayer one Renator. IS-Nuckols , Webster and Franklin , one senator 19-Adarns' ' and Ciny . one senator KcarneY'and Buffalo , one Renator. 21-Hall and Hamilton , one senator 2"-Howard. Sherman , Greeley . Valley Wheeler , Garlic ! . Loup and Blaine , one scnator. 23-Knox , lIolt , Boyd and Rock , one sen- ater 24-Brown , Keya Paha , Cherry Sioux Sheridan Dawes and Box Butte , one sen- ator. 23--Lincoln . Logan , Thomas Hooker , Grant , McPherson , Keith Perkins Deuel , Cheyenne . Kimball . Banner and Scolls Bluff one Icnator. 2G-Custer Ilhd Dawson one senator. 21-Harlan. Phelps , Frontier and Gos- per , one sena"tor. 2S-I"urnns , Red Willow Hitchcock , Chase Hayes tend Dundy . one Ienntor. Repraentatlve Districts I-Richardson. . two representatives. 2-Nernaha , one repreHentative. 3-Pawnee : , ono reprellentatlvc. 4-Johnson , one representative 5-Nernahll , Pawnee and Johnson ono representative. G-Otoe , two repres'ntaU\'es 7- < : : asH. two representatives. 8-Sarp . oc representative , 9-Doug-Ias , thirteen repl'csentatives. 10-Washington . one representative l1-Burt. one representative 12Cumlngone representative. 13-\\'ashlngton . , Burt and Cumlng , one representative. H-Dakotu and Thurston , one represent- Iltl\'e I 1&-'nyne. one representative. IG-Dlxlln. one represcntatlve l1-Cedar. one representative IS-Stanton and Pierce , one represent- ative. 19-Knox. one representntl\.o 2a-1nox and Boy(1 one representative. 21-Antelope. one representntl\'e. 22-1\IaI1180n. one representative. 23-Platll' , one representative. 24-Plalte and Madison , one representll- tI ve. 25-Nancc , one representatlvc. : 'G-Coltax. one representatlvc. 27-Dodgo , two representatives 28-Saunl1er . two representatives. : ? 9-LnncastlJr. six representatl\'es 30--Gage . three repreRentatives 31-Jefferson. one representative. 32-Sallne , one represontatlvo. 33-Sallne and Jefferson one representa- tive. 3i-Seward..one . represontatlve. -nutler , one representative. 3G-llutler and Seward , one representa , tI ve. 31-Polk , cane representative. 3S-York , cmo representatlvo. 39-FtIlmo"e. " one represenlatlve. 4o-York apd Fillmore , one representa- th'o. - \ 41-Tha30'er. . one representative , 42-NUCkolls. one representative . . 43-CIlJ. . one representative. 44-Thayer , = -uckoU. and Clay one rcprutnta th"p- . _ . . _ . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - _ . _ - . _ - - ro a I II - - . . - - - -t \ -\\'ebHter. . one representative. 4Co-Adams , two reprelentntlves. ! 41-lIal1 , one representative. 48-lIamliton. one relreHentath'c ) Jlnmllton and 111111 , one repreRcnta- tlve. O-\lerrlclt. one rcpresentatlve. 51-Boone. one representative. 52-Howard , one relJl'ellentative. 53-Garllel < < l. Wheeler and GI'eele . one , , representative. : ' fil-Shennan and Valley , one rellresenta- lIP' A tlve. , . &sr-Ilolt one reprmCntaUve. liro-Hock , Brown , Loup , : ; :1J1no. and ' Thomas one rcprescntatlvo 57-Keyes Paha , Cherry hooker and I Grant ' - , , , one repl'esentatlve 58-Sherman and Datvea , one represen t- I atlve ' i9-Box ! Butte , Seotts Bluff anti Sioux i one repre entatl\'e , ' ro-Dellel , KeIth ) , Cheyenne Kimball and Bannel' . 0110 relJ1'esentatlve . 6)-I.lncolo ) , one reprellentatlve. . 62-Cllster , one represenlatlve 6\-CuHter : \ Logan anl1 McPherson , one representnt { ve , GI-Buffalo , two l'eprcsentntiveR. 6-Kearney ; , one I'Cpl'csentatlve . _ liro-F'rnnkllll ( ; , ono representative. ' 6i-IIarll\n , cue repl'csentatlve ' ' 6S-PhclllS , one representative : 69-I"urnas , OliO rcpresontatlve. i' a-Dawson , one represontutlvu. . iI-Dawson. Gospel' and Furnas , one repres'nta tI'e. . 72-Frontler and Hares , one ropresenta = : tlve. , 73RedVIliow , one representative Y' . . . i4-Hltehcock , DUlllly , Chase and Per- : kitls one rCllrcscntntive. Fatten Your Calves. It requires about one-half as much grain to produce 100 pounds of gain on calves aH on two-year-olds. Th3 4 work of the Missouri ; Agricultural col- lege has definitely demonstrated that , . the most profitable age to fatten cat- r tie Is while they are still 'oung. The , older the animal the more food Is required to produce a given gain. Other - er stations have investigated the quos- lion and arrived at the same result. One Cause of Nervousness. A frequent case of nervousness Is light-fitting shoes , and this is preva- . lent mostly among ladles. The com- pression ofthe foot Irritates the nerves and muscles within it : this > ' Irritation extends up the legs : it reaches the heart : and so It conlin- . , ties Its upward journey until it arrives - rives at the brain , where mischief is wrought. F , Full of Business to the End Commercial Travelers ( wrecked on a desert Island ) t3 cannibals : " 'Veil , since 'ou're determined to cat me , kindly do me one last favor : Use our brand of mustard for the sauce.It Improves the flavor of all meat : : t , never molds or absorbs moisture. You'll find a sample box in my right hand coat poclcct. " British Soldiers Are Vain. From a British war ofllcQ order lately Issued it appears that the most , frequent of Tommy Atldns' minor offenses - fenses are wearing his cap on the . ' back of his head "so as to display effeminate - t femlnate and unsolc ler1l1cc curls on the forehead , " and carrying a cigarette ! - ette behind his ear. Keats' Opinion of Hamlet. 1 The middle age of Shakespeare was all covered oVEr ; his days were not more happy than Hamlet's , who is . t perhaps , more like Shakespeare him- self In his common everyday life than \ any other of his characters.-From a Keats Autograph Letter Sold in Lon- L- . , ; ' don. ' . World's POGtal Employes. German has .1,000 : ! : postal em- ployes : the United States , 239,000 : Great Britain , 181100. None of the 1 other states in the postal union pos- + ' t. sons 100.000 postal emplores. France jt" , f. has 81,000. Austria 5:7",000. : Russia ! , 57,9G2 and Japan 57.9G5. , ; , Ban on Salvation Army All efforts to establish the Salvation - lion Army In Russia has so far been ; of no avail said General Booth as f the Russian government had issued strict Injunctions against the general or his followers crossing the frontier. Russia's Model Cotton Farms , The Russian government has estab- lished half a dozen model farms for _ the cultivation of cotton In different I parts : / of Turkestan I