The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 20, 1905, Image 14

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I )
What Others Say.
I' The Two Ships. I
I Al ; I Htallil 11) the cross 011 the lout moulltaln'R
crest ,
1 LOOking over the IIltlmatc sra , :
III the gloom or the mountain a Rltl" tics at
rest ,
Anti one sails away from the lea :
1 one spreads 'whlte WhllrH Oil a far.n'achhllC
track ,
With 11IllIlallt1111 Rhl'l l10wllllr ( n' , ' :
Onll hltlcR III thc shadow with sails laid allacl-
'I'he ship that is waltlllir fur use I
Itut lot in the .IIHlalll' Ih" 1'11I1I.IH hn'ak away ,
'rhe Gatc'H glowing IlOrtalH I see :
And I ilave frolll tlte outgoing ship In the hay
Thin song uf ( lie sailors lu ! lll' " ,
Sf Ilhllll ( uf the 111111111011'1 footprints that lore
The com fort o'cr dark Galilee : .
And I walt for thin signal 11I1r0 to the slier .
' 1'01111 : suit that IR waiting fur IIlc--lIrd
" "rlc.
As we go to press wc learn of I
thc marriage of Mr. B. C. Swisc- :
good and Miss Grace McGinnis ,
near Dawson , thc happy event
occuring- Wed tiesday afternoon
at Falls City al3 o'clock , county
judge .1. N. 'Vilhitc , ofiiciating-
'I'hc wedding was a quiet affair
and cause as a surprise to many
of their aCfJuain tanccs.
The bride is one of Richardson
coun ty's estimable young ladies
and is thc laughter of J. G. Mc-
' Ginnis of Dawson and is known
and admired among her many
friends for her many womanly
t The groom has grown to man-
hood in this community and his
\ friends arc limited only by his
acquaintanccship. ; His honesty
and integrity arc well known to
us all For the past year Bert
has been engaged in thc cattle
I business at 'Veskan , Kan. , in' '
which vocation he has been p.1r-
I ticularly SUCCC'iistu1.
'l'hc happy couple left Wednesday -
I day afternoon for Weskan where
they will make their future home.
The Vcdcttc , together with a
host of friends unite in wishing
Mr. and Mrs. Swiscgood a happy
and prosperous wedded lifc.- cr-
don cdcttc.
- - - - -
Telephone Company Meels.
'l'hc majority of thc members
of thc Vcrdon Rural Telephone
Association at Stcwart's hall
: Monday afternoon for the purpose
of discussing the affairs of the
company , future improvements ,
disposition of stock , ctc. B. V.
Vcach , president of thc concern ,
tendered his rcsig-nation. This
was strenuously opposed by thc
members who refused to acccpt
his rcsignation The association
however agreed to sell thc entire
plant provided it could bc disposed -
posed at 100 cents on thc do11ar.
Another meeting has been called
for tomorrow evening.-Verdon
" Not Contagious ,
, A Horton girl , teaching a
country school , has dread of all
X kinds of contagious discascs. She
sent a child home because her
mother was sick. The next day
thc child presented herself at
school with her finger in her
month and a little hood swinging I
by thc strings , saying , 'Vc's got
- - . . . . -
a little baby at our house , but
mamma says I shall tell you it
. .
ain't catclung.-Hmwatha
- - -
Right You Arc.
'i lie man who kindles thc fire
with catalogues from thc department -
mcnt stores and give all his trade
to thc homc mcrchants is the man
who helps put a better value on
your propcrty. ' [ hc more a town
grows and thc more business it
( doc ! , thc greater thc increase in
\'aluc of both city and farm. Thc
man who patronizes : : thc city elc-
partmcn stores in preference to
his Home mcrchantthinkll1g that
hc may thereby save few paltry
p l nl11CS , is simnly ; dctracting' from
thc wealth of Isis own community.
-Ilumboldt Standard.
- - - - -
A. M. Fcrg-us went to Falls
City Thursday morning- Hc will
spend thc remainder of the winter -
cr with his son at that placc.-
Hastings 'l'ribllnc.
Falls City sports arc elated be-
cause ! there is one dog owned itl
thc town that can run down and
capture a cotton tailed rabbit.-
Hiawatha Dcmocrat.
- -
Judge Morrow went to Lincoln
after a fat job with thc Nebraska
Legislature , and hc got. Hc will
write down the doings of sonic
committee at S3.00 a day. -.Shu-
bert Ci t
- - - - - - - -
Mrs. RebeccaVilson ! of Falls 1
City president of thc state federation -
ation of woman's clubs , was the
guest last week of Mesdames :
Olive Kline and Jas. B. Davis , also -
so attending thc Alpha club ban-
Iluct on Thursday c\'cning'-
IIumbolelt Lcadcr.
- -
Thc Missouri Pacific is now
running twenty-scvcn freights a
day over this road. Surely this
is going sonic for a single track
road. The company has a con-
tract to move 200 carloads of
grain every day out of Omaha
for ninety days.-Auburn He-
pu bl ican.
Mrs. G. C Boyle went to Falls
City Monday afternoon an I returned -
turned home Tues Iay. accomp-
anicd by he : 'husbantl who has
spent several weeks at the Mercy :
hospital in that city. \"e arc
glad to learn that Mr. Boyle is
very much improved in health -
Dawson Newsboy.
- - - - - -
Ex-Mayor 0. . A , Cooper received -
ceivcd a severe fall at his farm
west of town Tuesday morning
Hc was climbing over a fence and
one of his feet caught on a barb
wire at thc top and he fell striking -
ing his face Hc received severe
bruises and came near breaking
his right lcg. The side of his
face and his nose were badly
swollen for a few clays and caus-
cd some of his friends to think
hc might have had a fistic cn-
tcr.-Humbold Standard.
- - -
'l'hc annual meeting of the
stockholders of thc State Bank of
- - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
_ _ _ _ u _ " . . _
Sale Notes
. . .
- - - - - - - -
- - - - . - , . . .
- - - -
- -
L -
. .
- '
I-Ias Blank Notes designed especially
for Public S lles. 1 f you are bout
to hold a sale we will be pleas ed to
furnish w vo.l what Blank Notes _ you
may need , free of charge.
If you wish to sell your notes we
will be pleased to buy then or wc ; .
invite . YOU to brim tle : 11 here for feel - 1
safe keeping should you desire to
. . . - - .
carry . them 'ourself. l
. . . . t ,
" " " ' - : = >
_ _ ' _ . . . . . . . , . /J. . . . " . . . . . : ' , - : > ' "
v + 4
Y ; ' _ ' Peculiar to women cured with UR. \I\YEU'S \ VITA SYSTEM
k \/4 We do not ask you ; to take nul' unsupported word \\0 will refer
> ; you : to grateful : patients in your own locality. DR. AIEYER'S far
' ' flLmcd "ITA SYSTI speedily cures the most hopeless or RO-
; , ' _ _ called incurable cases without knife or Iluln It is radically . different .
ferent from anything : else under the Sun , being positively harril-
less reliable , IIhllllo and et1'ective. Its discovery is hoon to
womankind being styled hy many UA the lUel1clllul Curette. It '
e. a. suYS , doe lint merely cure the twelve Dllle.11 ! mentioned ! in our book _
A. . . M. o , but relieves sufferers from Tuners , Cunccrll and TUlllorouPi
OHIUP PNYI- growths without the use uf the knlCe.
OIAN Write postal todny. Simply say , Send me your F1Eis BOOK ,
12 Diseases Peculiar to 'VolUen. It should ho read by all Sult'orill'olUen. / .
( Sent only 10 WOlllen ) Address
THE VITA COMPANY ; ' Hiawatha , Kansas , U. S. A.
> - !
_ _ _ _
Humboldt was hell on Alotld n tv I
at which time thc following dir-
cctors were chosen : S. P. Gist ,
\V. A. Grecnwald , S. II. Baync ,
J. F. Walsh and Silas Gist 'hc
officers elected were S. p Gist ,
presidenIW. ; A. Grc'n'ald , vice
president ; J. F. Walsh , cashier
and Ra\ Gist assistant cashicr.
A substantial dividend was declared -
clared at this nice ting-Hum-
bold En l'rpric
- - - - - -
The Prcsi < h l : t gets a good
many letters from hc men who
served tinder him in thc "Houg-h
Hidcrs. " This one carne recently -
1) from New : \l'xico : "Dl'ar
Colonel : I am in a heap of trouble
and I write to sec if you call help
mc out. Last week whcn I was
shooting miry wife another lady
steeped in range and I hit her.
It was an accidcn I hope you
will write to thc julge 811(1 tell
, , , I
hun to let mc goo. " -h. . C. Star.
- - -
Nebraska I cpu hlicans grave
taken one effective way to insure
thc state against another " railway -
way Senator. " 'I ' lie Republicans
members of thc Legislature have
called upon the preferred candi-
date to declare himself on thc
subject of freight rates reforms ,
md , have let it be known that
they will not elect any man un-
less hc pledges himself to support
President Roosevelt in his efforts
to regulate thc railways This
is particularly significant in a
state which has been literally
dominated by thc railway inter-
- . . . .J ,
csts through nearly all of the :
high ofiiccs. It is a hopeful sign
when thc Legislators demand of .
a Senatorial caudidate ill Nebras- ,
1m that hc shall stand for the -
people , and , not for thc rai1road j
- --1\ C. Star. I
When thc senate committces
were appoimi tech Senator 1'uckc
came in for a large share of re-
cognition. The senator is thc
chairman of committec on cm-
. plo\'cs and thc committcc 011 constitutional - " . ,
I. stitutional amcndmcnts and federal - ' -
oral relations , two most important -
ant of the senate committees. Hc
is also a mcmucr of the commit-
tees on apportionments , highways
bridges and ferries , judiciary
I miscellaneous subjects , public
lands aril buildings and rc'rJrltl !
schools , asylull1sinstitute for the
feeble Minded and1 } home for the
friendless. Thus the senator is
sure of pienty to do during the
scssion.HU..l . ! . ! ! I terprisc.
The Falls City marshal has
again shot himself while foolIng
with his own rgvolver . This is a -4
' ' - -
regular monthly occurcncc. 'l'hc -
Ii' C , papers should have the
item stereotyped and run it tf-
Illawatha \Vorld.
- - - - -
A Beard MAny Feet Long.
Stephen Lamberson , of Black
Hawk , Colo. , has been visiting
his brothcr , Ioscs f..ambcrson , thc ; Y'
. first time they have } been together -
cr in 38 years. Stephen Lamber-
son is 72 years old and is very
proud of his beard , which reaches
to thc ground whcn combed out.
He braids it and keeps it coiled
under his 'est.Vhen his broth-
cr last saw him , the beard only
reached to his l nccs. It has tak-
cn it 38 ycars to grow thc extra
foot or so needed to reach the
g-round-Iliawatha 'Yord. :
A - - (