The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 20, 1905, Image 10

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    I . _ _
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, "
Volel'lIn .IOH111111 11cllcr , or 701 South
Wlllnllt Htl'l'lJ11 \ ) J'\1l11 \ : 11 , 111. , says : "In
the fall / or JSII ! ! , after taking DOlin's
Klelney Pills I tent .
tllo readers of this t
1111111 : tilnt. t tllCj' had l
rpllu\'el \ ! III" oC Idl. ,
racy tl'OlIlIlo ( , lib" , \
posed or II 1\1110 : '
hackvillt pain
across lilY 101m and
1Il'1H'lItli the 5hOu1
Ilpl' 1I11111PHul'ln \ ) ! ! ; 1 t I
the interval which ,
hat elllllHlel ( I have ,
111111 occasion to t 1'1' . '
ort i to \Ollll't-l \ Khl
IWY ] 'ills \ \ \ ' IIt'II I
notlcId warnings 2
of mum tttIack. ( On each Itllll every OC ,
C'uloll : the I'CHlllts I obtained were just
IIH sat , isfictory liS when the pills \ were
first brought to lilY notl'e 1 just liS
ollllllllltlcn'lly elillon the II1'Ol1ll1'lltlOll
today as ! I lId over two yOarS Ilgo "
F'ostUl' , lllhlll'n Co" , HlilTalu , N. y" ,
proprietors ; . For Halo lIy Illl druggists ,
price GO cents per hex
- -
Thc Good Old Time :
When Benjamin Fl'IIllldlll tool the
tJach from Phihulolllhh\ Now York
hl' spenL four IIIIYH on the jOlll'ne
I 10 tells liS that , liS the old 1 driver
jogt'11 ! ; along . ho spent his time lmil' }
thug Htocltlngs Two stage conches
nll,1 , eight horses slllllce l for nil the
commerce that was cllrl'lell on he-
twcon ( BOHton and New YOl'lt , stud In
winter the journey occupied a wcelt.-
Rum ChnnucG Tribe.
The 'l\m-Nyams , of the upper Nile
\ \'alloy , usell to 110 a'el' ) ' harmless ,
nmlahlo people whose amllselllouts
were to smolw nnd hold night ! con
ccrts But rifles anti runs changed
them , nnll now a British expedition Is
mnrehln to 1)\lI1lsh them for shooting
nt Brlthh "patrols , " though what
Brltlllh patrolsvoro doing In the
Nj'llm.N ' 1U1l country Is not explained
Value of System.
A wealthy merchant remarked the
other day that "his tiller . of success
hall wrapper \ \ marlioll : 'system. ' " And
ho declared that both those who sold
goods ( to him and those who bought of
him were so Imlressoll'Ith his show
oC system that time confidence ema-
nat lug thorefrom was 1\ big capital In
Especially for , Women.
Champion , 1\1leh" , Jan. Uth-Spe. (
'Ial-A casee of especial interest to
women Is that oC 1'lrs. A. 'Vellntt ,
wife of 1well Imown photographer
horo. It Is best given In her own
"I could not sleep , my feet were
cold and my limbs cramped " 1\11'3
Wellat states "I had an awful hard
pain across my 1lIlno's. I hall to get
nl three or four times In the night. 1
was very nervous and fearfully 110-
p011(1 ent.
"I had been troubled In this way
for five years when 1 commenced to
use Dodd's Kidney Pills , amid what
they caused to como from my kidneys
will I 'h:1rdIJ' : stand description. !
"ny limo time 1 had finished one box
of DOlhl's Kidney : Pills I was cllred
Now I can slop well , my limbs do
m1t cramp , I 110 not got ! \II In the
night and 1 feel hollel' than 1 have In
J'elU's. I owe my health to olld's ]
Kidney Pl11s "
Women's Ills are caused hy 1111'1- '
eased Kidneys : that's wh ) ' Uodd'j !
1..1dnoy Pills always mo them.
He who \ stops to help a tottering
brother over mho rough places arrives
dutclter } than , he who rushes ! hUllonb" ! ! ,
login the lane of lift'
' : ' ' \ . . , - - _ - . . : . . - - : _ - - - , - -
'A'GtT.\H\ i:1) runt : rolt t'ILIC.
11"l1ln' ; , IIl1uII. 1I1.\IIII ur I'r. I . " nlInl ( : 1t Ine. Your
. , ' ' If 1'W CIlX'1'lIJ-XT :
druI ! tet still 1':1111I,1 11\ racy '
manta 10 'I'll" ) _ 'J 1,1 Ii to 11 days. : , lk : . , _ _
. . .
- - - - - - -
lie who gives cheerfully of genuine
charity finds an ever . IlowIng \ fountain
from which to draw.
. . ' " > , , . " . ' :3 : . .
- -
SImple Explanation None M the List.
criers Had Thought Of.
They were erneldll"hllrd / nuts" In
mho smoking ! l'oomaftcI' time tolls of the
day were o\'cr. Some difllcult ! \ cases of
I'onsclel\'e had just been related ,
where a conflict existed between duty I
and Inclination , and one of these
stories suggested lie following "Irish
II I 111 cu Ity" :
"As 1 sat fishlllg one day , " said Can
1\11I1\laholl. "I foil asleep A terrible
thlllg hallpcllcel. Thcro was 1 In a
tiny , wee boat with two colleens ,
Ku'thlocn an' , 1\la\1l'ocn \ , faith , nn' didn't
I dote on Kathleen , though HOITa a
hit slip cared for 1111' 'l'hls Is n soli-
ral'y I \\111'1'111. cSllecblly In Kerry , for
ilhlurel'n , itu its nisy to see liked mo
holt hcr than any of the other buoys ,
lhough 1Il0BIlf could hardly hear the
sight of hOl' But , sure , she waG Kath
leon's friend , so I had to put up with
her company.
\\'ell , an awful storm cause on ,
the Waves rose mountains high an'
the girls called on all the saints to
protect an' save thl1l1 There was no
chalice with three of us In the boat.
it hall to ho ] ightered : what was a
body to Ilo ? I was fair distracted.
Kathleen 1 couldn't part with , an' I
darn't throw 1'1aureen Into the angry
waters Cnn any of yez tell mo what
1 lllel ? "
Con's intelligent and interested au-
IlIcnco suggested different ways ot'
salvation : nonc was correct.
"I awoke , " said , the stor-tellel'
"Ycz all seem lo forget I had been
asleep ! " - London Ti t . Bits
Some Pointers Letter Writers Will Do
Well to Remcmber.
Sherwin Cody In his "Training
Course In Correct . English , Business
Correspondence anll AdvOl'tlsmen t
\\'riting " lays dow.l some rules as to
the length o : business letters Ill'
SrlYR :
"WI'CO a long letter to
"A fanller.
"A woman
"A customer who has asked you a
'A customer who II " "
angry and needs
quieting town , and , ' 111 he made only
more angr If you seem lo slight him ,
"A lllan who is interested , hut lllllst
hc convinced before ho will bur your
"Write a short letter to
"A busy business mnn
"An indifferent lllan on whom yotm
want to lllalte a sharp ) hnlll'esslon
"A personvho has written you
' \houl 1\ trivial matter for which he
cares lIttle
"A man who wants only a record of
a plccc of Information.
" . \ person who needs enl ' the slightest -
est reminder of something ho has for-
[ , otten 01' o\'ol'lool\Od "
Dean Swift and His Visitor.
The great Dean Swift was noted
for his sharp speeches , which were
oftentimes cruel hut were sometimes ,
1\S In the following story , richly mer-
Ited :
lie was one day visited hy a Dublin
printervho had just returned from
1.ondon , anll waR Ih'eHsell In a rich
coat of silk and ! geld lace , which ho
hall purchased ( thcre. I
Wlll'n he entered the room time I .
printer saluted the dean famillarb'
us II' Ill wore an old IIcqualntance Inc
eeI1l1'd so proud 1 ot' his grand coat
that the dean resolved to humble
So ho pretended that ho did not
Iwow lie printer ; said that he \\as
:111 impostor , and bade hlll1 leave the
The printer saw tilt ! mistalcevhicli \
ho had made and , returning ! home , he
put on his usual dress , 'l'lwn he again
went to the ( dean , and this time was
warm Ir wt'lcoll1el !
"Ah , lieorgc , " sail ! the deaii , "I ant
so glad to see you , for there t has bean
al Impatient fop here In silks and !
geld lace uu ho wanted tu pass himself
off for 'ou. but I knew you lo be al
ways < a plainly dressed , honest mall ,
Just as you are now. "
- _ _ c . _ _
- .
Of the United States Treasury Recommends f :
le- ru-na. t ii i
Another Prominent Physician Uses
and Endorses Pe-ru-na.
D cal EXllmlner of the U. S. Treasury '
ury Department , graduate of Columbia
lumbia College , and who served three
years at West Point , has the following .
ing to say ! oC Peruna :
"Allow me to express my gratl-
tude to you for the benefit derived
from your wonderful remedy.
One short month has brought
forth a vast change and I now
consider myself If well man after
months of suffcrlng. Fellow sufferers
ferers , Pcruna will cure you. "
A constantly Increasing number of
physicians prescribe Perunll In their
practice It leas proven Its merits so
thoroughly that even the doctors have
overcome their prejudice against so-
called patent medicines and reeom-
mend It to their patients.
Pel'lllla occupies n unique position I
in medical science. It Is the only internal . I
tomal systemic catarrh remed .
known to the medical profession to-
dar. Cntnrrh , ns everyone will admit ,
Is the cause of onehalr the diseases
which afflict manlilnd. : Catarrh and
catarrhal diseases afflict one-half of
the people of United States
Robert ; t . Roberts , 1\f. D , , ' \ \n ; ; - "
8n , D. C. . writes : -I"
"Through " ' ,
my own experience
as well as that of many 01 mv
friends and acquaintances who
have been cured or relieved 01 catarrh .
tarrh by the use of flartman's
Peruna , I can confidently recom-
mend It to those suffering from inch
dl.ordeu , and have no hesitation In
prescribing It t : my pallents. " -
Rob/'r ! n. Roberts.
--4--- -
Cutal'l'h Is n systemic disease curable -
able only by systemic treatment. A
remedy that cures catarrh must aim
clll'ec't1y nt the delll'esso'l nerve cen-
tel's. This is what Pel'una does
Pel'lUla hnmedlatl'ly Invigorates the
nerve ' sealers which give vitality to
the mucous membranes. Teen catarrh
_ _ _ _ u
Every houseleeper should know
that if I they will buy. Defiance Cold
\\'nter Starch for laundry use they
will save not only time , because It
never slicks to the Iron , but because
each package contains IG oz-ono full
pound-while all other Cold Water
Starch are put up Inpound pacl-
ages and the price Is the same , 10
cenls Then again because Defiance
Starch Is free from all Injurious chemicals - ,
Icals , Ie your grocer tries to sell you
a 1 2 - oz. package It Is because he has I
n stock on hand ! which he wishes to
dispose of before he puts ) In Defiance. I I
He knows that DefinncQ Starch has
printed 011 every package In large let-
ters and figures " 1G ozs " Demand De-
fiance and save much time and money
and the annoyance of the iron stick-
Ing Defiance never stir ks.
One of the saddest sight of our \ day '
Is when a man buries his nose In vol-
limes of sermons or of soclollog so
as to shut out the sight of the SOl'-
l'o'II1Chica Tl'lIJ1lne.
+ + + + + + + 44-4 + + + + 4 + + + + + + + + + + + p R
. . -
. 1
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_ I
= = = I
. . . -
: - - - - -
: t :
- , '
- -
, -
: -
. . . . . .
P11t&IT ! I
Dr , Llewellyn Jordan ,
Medical Examiner United State.
440 + + + 4'40 + 0 + / + 4N + Nr +
disappears. Tl1cn catarrh is per-
manetltly ctmred. ,
If you do not derive prompt and
satisfactory results from the use of
Peruna , write at once to Dr. Hart-
111111111 , giving a full statement of your
case , and he will he pleased to give
you his valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Ilartman , President of
Time Ilartman Sanitarium , Columbus ,
Three great pnrauits have again shown wonderful
Lands of Western
reull'l IIn the Free Jlumcslcllll
Canada thIs ) 'car.
MalDlftcell1 clIml\le-farmer plowing In thelrehl
ejec\'c In the middle of NU\'CID\Jcr.
II All are bound to \Ju more than pleased with the
IInlll results of the pastsenson's harvests. " -Eztract.
Coal wood , wntcr , hay In allUndauce Schools ,
churches , markets con\'cDlent
Apply for Information 10 Superintendent of Immt-
r8l1on , Ottawa Canada , or tu authorized Canadian
OO\'l'rtlmcllt AI ! ' lil-W. V. Il'lIuett , 801 New York
Life lIuildhllt , Omaha , Xehrn.ka
Please say K rere you saw this edvertleement-
When Your Grocer Says
he does not have Defiance Starch , yoU
play Ie sure he Is afraid to keep It until .
tll hlH lock or 12 ut : packages ) are
sold. Defiance Starch Is not only bet.
tel' than any other Cold Water Starch. 1
but contains 16 07 : , to the package and
sells for same money ns 12 oz brands.
Religion for reward would bo sin f. r . ,
a raise . -4 . .
; '
St. Soreness , ' :
I and f- , ' r
b . !
Jacobs Stiffness i ,
O _ I From cold hard labor or exercise ,
I i. relaxes the stiffness and the sore-
ness disappears.
The Old Monk Cure Price , 25c. and 50c
. : .1 ( ,
I When Answering Advertisements
i Kindly l Mention This Paper.
SYRUP cures coughs and colds.
- Best Cough Syrup. Teetca Good. Vre
to tim Scla by drug tte.
I {
. .