I Educutionnl Departtl1ent. By Co. Supt. Crocker iiu titol.n'r scnoo1. NO'l'HS. ; H ( Llinfr Circle York is pro- gressingnicc3y. Attend allce COIl- tinues to inCrease , Hoolll 2 , a large recitation room , being filled at the last I11ccting" . Ati all appropriate cnding" to the very successful season just closcd ) ' the ditTerent athletic organbmtions of the high schoo1. Professors 1IoIT and : Schlaifcr entertained - tcrtaincd the mel11bers at the home of J. C. SCg'rist era last Friday l - day evening" All those who bc- 10ng"ed to the foot-ball , boys' bas- ket ball , girls basket ba11 , track and base ball teams were invited ' \ to attend and a'ery enjoyable cvcning' was spcnt. . A program consisting of addresses - dresses by the captains of the various tea illS , and several 1 humorous - orous nUl11hcn was listened to. At the recent meeting .Qf the state teachers association , Miss Eva Cooper passed thc m1l1in- . ation re < l\lirl'd of candidates for places in the schools established hy the government in the Phili- pine ] sl a lids. The second regular meeting of the Dehating' Club was held on last li'l'iday l e \ c\'cning' The question - tlOn was hcsoh'cd that woman : . still rage shoulll be adopted by an. amclHlmcnt to the constitution 01 the U. S. " Garnett Murr\ , gd- ; w.ird 1 Hodapp and Miss Maude 'l'oslaIHl were chosen as judg'cs. The debate was a great succcs and the decision was tendered two to one in favor of thc aflirm- ative.--IIumbolclt gn tcrprise , Miss I\'a Lowe hs ! resigned as teacher in Dist. No. G an,1II : : . . . Mable i\lacomlJer has contracted to finish the term And Wednes- day c'cningl1iss Lowe bl.'la11ll' : \Irs.L oyd l\forri Yale School : , Dist. No. 60 , Edward - ward Hodapp , teachcr- have just completed a half year's worl\ Our enrollment is 3\ ) . The pupils as well as the teacher arc all deeply interested and very enthusiastic - thusiastic in their work Asplen- dill program rendered on Friday evening , 1)ec. 23rd marked the close of the first semester's work. : Cite [ many compliments that were showered - upon all : who took part I made them justly prO\\(1 of the c\'ent. ' The school was beautiful decorated with evergreen ' ) ranches crimped paper , corn and appro- priatl Christmas p Ltnres. : A large crowd was in attendance : and although the program was nearly three long no one seemed anxious for it to close. The next in order was the sale of eighteen most beautifully prepared baskets Mr. Palmer Fisher acted as auctioneer. After this the teacher - er introduced a prize voting con- test , which aroused exciting in- tcrest. A handsome box of"\Vuod- ward's Chocolates was voted to the most popular lady prescnt. Miss Eflie Spaulding- was the fortunate one to receive the pres- ent tOg'eth with the henors. Miss Lulu Stetlcr received the next highest number of'otes. . i Time closing feature of the evening - ing was thc disposal of the contents - tents of thc baskets , after which the large crowd dispersed , dcdar- lug it to be an e'cninglong - to be remcmbered. A neat little sum of $22.84 was accumulated which will be used to buy a library , pic- tures etc. for the school. - - . Time pupils of DisL No. 24 sent the County Superintendent a4pic- hire of their school for a Christ- mas presen t. Each pupil had a part in the giving' . The County Superintendent prizes the present very highly. . - - - - Dist. No. ( ,3 have just rcccntly completed their newscliool house. It is all exact reproduction of the famous Sutherland School house , and is , perhaps. the best country school building : in the county. 'J'he district is certainly to he cong'ra t ula ted. - - - ' 1'ltc pupils of DlSt No. 23 gave thc County Superintendent a beautiful Christmas present. It is a picture of the school. There arc only \)0 cnrolled. It is a good picture and we prize it very highly. - - - - Dibt. No. 82 , Della l\I Icrlislcy , tcacher. School closed Friday afternoon Dec. 23 , for a weeks vacation. The pupils gave an interesting Christmas program on Friday afternoon. Ele'el1'lsit - ors were prcsen t. Average daily attendance for second quarter 25. - - - - - - - - You l'l'mcmber told we you about the School Fair held in 1)ist. No. 79 , in connection with the ' Thanl\sgidng'prog-ram. , here ar'someol the prize winl1crs. Biggest : car of corn , Austin Thorn burg. ' Biggest Potato Clara Smith. Biggest Sweet Potato , Clara Smith. Big'g'estPumpkin , ClaraSmith. : nest specimen of writing , Clara Smith. Best written story , Nov 1'umcr. Prettiest loll , Ruth Cornclius. Biggest apple. Chas ] ose. Biggest car of popcorn , Ben \Valkcr. Biggest \ carrot , Altha Hitch- cock. Biggest squash , Cha Hose. Longest list of words made from the word "per : : anality , " Altha Ilitclmcock - - ' - - Dist. No. 5S-gthel Darker , teacher. \Vc closed our first half year Fdday , Dec. 23.rd , with a short plog'ram and Christmas tree. The pupils ( 'xchang'ed small g'ifts. Those receiving rewards for largest number of head marks were : Laura Kelly , Florence : StC-1 wart , Grace Kelly , Ira Inks and Goldic ] elf. Hattie Boyd , being neither absent nor tardy , was awarded a prix ' . . _ _ _ _ _ Dist. No. < j-Vidan ) Aten teacher. We believe wc have a sllcc ' eSSful 5chool. Friday , DCG. 23rd , wc gave a Christmas tree 'rhe exercises were well attended by patrons. Also in December we gave \ a basket supper and cleared S11).25. As a result we have a nice globe , a set of drawing books and other needed he1p Claud Shrader has been neither absent nor tardy during the first four months. - - - - - Dist. No. S8-'rances ) Kelly , tcachcr. School closed Friday . Dec. 23ftl , for a week's \'acation. We gave an interesting Christmas - mas program , consisting of recitations - tations , songs , dialogues and music. A number of visitors were present. Our enrollment is 28 Our teacher attended the State 'reacher's Associat1on. - - - 1)AwSON SCHOOl. NOT1S. : Our County Superintencemlt : visited our schools last Wednes- day. 'L'he Grammar room now has _ - - - - - - - . _ . . - _ - _ - . - . _ . . _ _ . . . _ . - _ . _ . . . - . - _ - -S S - _ _ _ . - , . _ . _ _ . . . . . . . . . < . . I r . 1 Whitaker Brothers' I } Land Excursion I Every First and Third Tuesday "tf of Each MOtlth. Providing the weather is favorable we will go next . . Tuesday to Dicki nson , Saline and Lincoln Counties , Kas. The 'wheat in these counties before this snow ' was looking fine and we are just in receipt of informa- ' : tion from these counties stating that the snow is the , i. . . . . . . finest that they have had for years and assures a fine's wheat crop an . : l'every man we have sold to is going to , make money on his crop to say nothing of the advance t a . on his land. Don't take our word for " the conditions in ' . these counties , ask the men that have seen this country. , . . . \Ve know one party that bought last year down in this ' country and clear $5 , ; 00. If you don't believe it come and we will take you to him and he will tell you that this is a fact. Don't g-o to the dry regions of Nebraska - . ; ka or Kansas , where thc land will only grow alfalfa ( . . . ' 1 but..go with 'us to 1\ orth Central Kansas wlfere the soil will produce anything. . The R. R. fare is only $9 for )1 ) the round trip. If you don't want to leave Richardson Co. , here is the best bargain in the Co. , gI acre farm , . j all good smooth land , large 10 room house , new barn 24X32 , , well . fenced , good orchard , plenty , of good wa- I tel' near Cottage Jro\'e. This farm is worth I $ . So per { . . . acre , but in order to make a quick sale will sell it for j $ 75 , This will not be on he t market long at this price r--j \Ve hive for sale a first mortgage on a good 80 for _ $ I , ooo , to run 3 years at 5 m per cent. This 80 is worth ( - 1 , $ ; ,500 or $4,000 and the maker of . this mortgage is J1 first class Fine city property for sale or rent , also .5 . ' per cent money to loon all fanns. I' ' WUITAKERBRO5e \ _ an organ , due to the efforts of their progressive teacher , Mr 'Vag-g'ener. Our Debating club is contem- plating a debate with sonic of our neighboring schools soon , preparatory - paratory to the Annual contest next spring' ' 'rhe teachers have instituted a Fire drill for all the rooms and thc practice of emptying the building quickly alaI orderly will soon be in force. Our Debating club held its reg- uJar veekl ) Illcdiug' last Friday evening and debated the silb.1ect : "Resoivecl that ichesg'es more pleasure than ' \ 'isdouu.Ve arc sorry but the affirmative won. After the debate the society spent some time in parlianl2ntary prac- tice. _ Dist. No. 5--Clara Dabb. teacher. 'l'he board had our school-room floor scrubbed last laturcla\ ' , for which we are very thankful. 'rhe pupils seem interested - tcrcstC'd in their work. 'Ve have four eighth grade boys , who enrolled - rolled only last wcek. Time Look- keeping class was organized last week. _ Dent fail to attend the special introductory sales of pianos at the Curtice : Music Store. Re- mcmber we give special terms and discounts luring the month. Lat- est popular sheet music. Quimby Hossack returned to the University Sunday afternoon. - - - 1 Brick ' N Ice Cream j " I Fruit Punch . , . . . . " . ' , . , . . . , Nabisco Sugar -iII r Wafers r ' jj Ice Cream and Ices , For Parties , order of Sowles r , . -