The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 13, 1905, Image 18
- - - Practical Suggestions 1 From a Practical Parlner.I I Editor of 'l ' ime : L'rihune---H you will allow me a small space in you paper , 1 would like to give you a ( cw thoughts on corn rais- . 1I1g. There arc men who will argue that the cheapest and best way to raise corn is with thc lister. Sonic think otherwise , while there may hc sonic that do not thick at all. I would like to give a few figures that may suggest a few thoughts to thc farmer who thinks and is willing to reason from a fair tan < 1poi n t. In a row 80 rods long there arc 15549 inches. Suppose the farmer - er listing corn will set his drill to drop 1 a grails i every 16 ] nchcs i and under fair conditions ever ) ' grain grows hc will have 1)90 stalks to thc row lvery l practical - cal farmcr knows that thc above is plenty close under thc best con- Thc farmer using 'planter 3 fl 8 in" , will put a hill of corn every 44 iuches or 3O hills to thc row averaging J grains to thc hill which is a fair estimate and not too thick under fair conditions will produce 1080 stalks to thc . row or JO stalks more than thc drilled I'D\\ Let 9 rows SO rods long equal one acl'C The planter - er will have 810 more stalks to the acre than the trill and ] there will be a better chance for thc corn not to bc too thick than with the drillc01'l1 being the nature of I bunch grass three stalks in a hill will grow stronger mud ; produce larger cars than one standing- ; alonc If anyone donbts this statement let him notice corn growing for a few seasons. ' ' ' ' 810 stalks 1'hc planter haying marc to the acre will have at least 8 bushels more corn to the acre than the drill. Time gain on 25 acres in any mcdil1m season will pay for the best planter on thc markct. I hayc dcmonstratl'd ( this to be true to my own satisfaction - faction on my own farm In my farming r hays learned three essential things necessary to raise a crop : 1st-A well prepared see ( ] bcd. 2nd--Good seed of strong gcrmim ting powcr : : rd -The proper tIladline sure to put thc seed as ( lest ircd. I"ailing' in thc above three points 1 tIly crop will prove short , rain and sunshine will not help tIlc. \1'lmy ' is it that sonic fat mers have : ; good 90 per cent stand ] and others only iO and some \ less The Government report shows that thc \'cragc of corn for JI)04 was 7,955,559 bu yeitd average , per acre : 32,8 bu I have no statistics at hand showing thc ,1 , average stand for 11)04 but basing it on 1903 it will be about )5 per ccnt. 30 per cent of this stand failed to show for some cause unknown - , known to mc. I wishto say to - I11Y brother farmers-don't con- demn mc harshly until you have thought over it . and can furnish the proof by practical experience and obscrvation-Unclc Gideon - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bank Election. Humboldt , Ncb.Jan. 10.- : rhe stockholdcrs of thc First National bank lwld their annual mccting yesterday and selected thc follow- ing" directors for thc coiiiitigyear : 1I. C. Kleckncr , 'Vm Campbell , Frank Sncthcn , .1. S. Sncthen , Thomas l ' . Brown , J , K , Ligg"ctt , F' l . N. Butterficld. All except thc first two namcd arc residents of this city ; they live at Auburn. The board of directors selected officers as followsFrankSnethen : . president ; J. S. Snethen , vice prcsidcn ; J. K. Lig"gctt , cashier ; F' . H , tterficld , assistant cash icr , Accident at HUlnboldt. , \y H Lonncke , engineer at thc Cooper & Linn electric light plant I at IIuni1)01(1t 1 was the victim of a peculiar accident Saturday , being struck in thc face by apiece piccc of machinery , sustaining severe bruises about thc face and head. Hc was rendered uncon- scious by thc blow , but was restored - stored by medical aid , which revealed - \'el1ed no dangerous injuries. lIc was forced to take a short vacation - tion , ho\\'e\'cr. lilllllboidt Club Entertain. The "Alpha" club of Humb- oldt on Friday evening hcld its annual banquet and reception to gentlemen friends and husbands : of thc members , thc alTaiI' ; taking place ) at thc Bohcm ian hall. :1\rs. : cbccca Wilson cf this city president of thc state federation - ation of woman's clubs , was a guest and gave an intercsting' address bet wccn the courses at thc banquet. When the supper was over hc members escorted their guest' to the spacious home of 1\rs J , C. Sl'grbt , w1.'rc an interesting program was rendered by the club ladies. 'l'hc first part was quite unique and intcrcsting , bcing' a n'Hlingb.r : \Irs. O. i\ . Coopcr. the characters of the story being represented In' mem- bcrs in costume during the pro- gress of thc rcading" In the first half of thc pan tomine thc char- acters were historical as follows : "Quecn Elizabcth , " Jlrs M. E Li tin ; IiHclen of 'T ' roy , " Mrs Della Shirley ; HIlhigcnia , " .1rs. . l { . L HolT ; "Cleopatra" Mrs I . . Josephine Bmnn ; L.'air l osa- mond. " Miss Lana Cooper ; "Oucrn glinor I ; , " l'1rs. L. Howell ; "Jcwish Maiden , " Miss Neva Norton ; "Thc Morning Daughter , ' Mrs. C. II. Wilson ; "Joan of Are , " Miss Dollyc l\lann In the scc- end part thc reading was from Shakespeare and thc characters represented were from \ his books as follows : "Ophelia , " Miss Jeanie - nie Fcllers ; "Desdcmona , " l'1's. M. L.Vilson ; ' 'Portia , " Mrs. C. 1'1. Linn : "Lady MacbethIrs. . , , , 4 " I . Junk ! Junk ! - . I will buy all the Junk you have and pay good prices for it. Just like finding money on your part. " , ' A Dollar ' Saved is a Dollar Earned. Hcre is where you can pick em up-dollars wc mean. I now sort all Junk here instead of at Omaha and can therefore pay better prices. I will buy retail or : wholesale lots and pay city prices , and at the same time save you thc freio"ht - . . -i ham Office Between 1st & 2tld on Chase Street. -J. Deal with me and make money. Ring Phone No. 239 , and I will call on you , or drop me a carel. Prices submitted on application - . _ . _ _ . _ . - - - - - - - Js FERER , ; \ PROP. FALLS CITY JUNK - HOUSE 1 Kate Dorland ; "Catherinc , " : : 'lrs,1 1 : . A. Latchfiell , 'Juliet , " l\lrs. C K Cooper In these scenes thc representations were made in pantomin : , the figures being garhed after the fashion of thc time where thc original livcd. some of the costumes being \'ery . ! , beautiful and thc likenesses faith- ful. Time entertainment wound np with a short musical program as follows : Vocal solo , "Dreams " Miss gna Cooper ; baritone solo , "Aslcep in the Deep , " Carry Cooper ; ' vocal duct , "Maying , " Mrs Howell and Miss Ena Cooper ; vocal solo , " 1 i'ore\'cr and Forever" Miss Josephine Bruun ; quartet "ItaHa , Italia , Beloved , " l\lrs HolT , l\1rs. Shirley Mr. Litchfield and l\lr. Howe. Richat.dson ! County rlan Invents Corn Husker. Alfred Shcllcnbargcra resident of this county has rcccntly patented a corn husking machine of his own in\'cntion which is attracting - tracting considerable attention from thc farmers who have seen it tested in thc fields luring thc season just passeeVL operate this machinc three men are required , one on the husker which is pulled br three horses , one on the wag- on which is to receive thc corn from , thc husker and one on thc wagon to and from the crib. One wagon and the husker are driven through thc field sidle by side and it is estimated that with it over eight acres a day can bc gathered. Thc machine can bc used as an attachment to a com binder or can be constructed as an entirely separate machine. Such a ma- chine must be'cry strong to withstand thc great strain of corn harvesting and so is Blade of steel and mailable irun. In harvesting - vesting time machin straddles a row of corn , thc power being ap- . plied to one set of independent . drive gears by one drive whccl. One gear operates thc snapping rolls and the othcr drives the husking rolls and elevator ch ins. As thc machine is drawn toward " ' , _ , - - each hill of corn the conveyor chains first engage the stalks and - rJl. . force them into thc rolls where - thc bent and broken stalks ara 4 straightened out before they pass t through the snapping rulls. As ; the stalls Pass between these rnlls the cars are snapped off and then carried rearward and dropp- cd onto the shucking rolls. whcrc thc shucks are taken from the cars. The ear then passses down time elevator and then is elevated into thc wag"on The husking rollers work on the _ prilciple of" a washing machine r wringer and their iron teeth catch ( and tear off the husks ' " 1ft. Shellcnbargcr expects to begin thc manufacture of the , machine and place it on market in time for next fall's : hancst. _ xt.J . l C. F. lea\'IS is in Omaha this : k week on basin ess. \Irs. Ogden and child of 1' nlo . were in this city 'l'ucsa\ ] . 'Isabelle TIosack is. visiting . ' . with her sister 1'lrs. Pearl Sloan at V crdon. Em\11ct : \ Satterwhite made a business trip to Humuold Mon- lla ' aftcrnoon. ; ' day ( j f } Mr , and \Irs. John , Kimmcl , ) 1'1rs Ed Kimmel and Eel Ruegg'c , left Tuesday afternoon on thc 11. 1 P. for a three months visit with \ friends in San Antonia and Corpus pus Christi , 1'cxas. ! Farmers or anybody else contemplating - tcmplating' haying a sale will do well to see liS for thc sale bills Besides getting thc bills at thc lowest possible price you can get a free notice of the sale in the -Q' papcr. Let us do your work -j