The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 13, 1905, Image 14
What Others Say. Alone. 'I'hen should he two words , dearest , one made Ill Of all clad KUIIIIIIK that ever breathed nil earth : Of all the ecstasies that JIll Joy'/ CliP , Of hover , and IJI'acl.\l1I1 hIIllllIeKKllIllIIlrth ; . 'I'hl' other \ IIIC a weary , walllllit sigh , I full nf sad tUII.1I11I longing , hungry IItralll , Hn\II1I1'IIR I \ , 1\c'KI'alrllllt \ , just a h..I1II.1 . cry Of love and loneliness aril hlallle , numb pat u. One I would love'-the oilier I wmllll fear These two words , cllO'ell with coils uuinmate art : Olll II teaiiing I I we're alone together , Ih'ar , The other IIIcallllllC , we're alone-apart. Carolyn WI'IIK Misses Helen esterer and Marie McCarthy of Falls City , 'isHed Sunday with "fiss MClla Uamppcr. - HiawathaVorld. . - - - - - - Supervisor llutching-s and , John iI1ig-all of Fall City were in town the last of the week inspecting - jug the new bridge that is being put in north of town.-Humb- oldt gntcrprisc. Miss May "lattox of Falls City was a guest of 1\1rs. . 1. Dorland several days recently , and a small compallY of friends were entertained - tained in her honor Saturday C \'ell i n g' . -II um belcH Leader. - - .1. ROCk l Williamson was in town Friday for thc first tune in a week. His enforced stay at home was clue to thc fact that while ( 'utting'hcdg'e hc accidently struck his foot with the sharp knife , inflicting - Hietingadcepanc } painful wounl. } HUllboldt ) Enterprisc. With its last Issue the Falls City Tribune was one year old , and in spite of ft11 ! predictions to the contrary , it maintains a place in the front rank of thc weeklies in southeast Nebraska. Here's wishing The Tribune a continu- ancc of succcss. -lJa wson News l3oy. - - The F.1l1s City 1'rihunc com- plcted thc first year of its exist- i\11CC with thc last issue. From it'cry humhk beginning , The Tribune has reached the point where it is generally regarded as the foremost news paper publish- , cd at the county scat.-llumbold En t erprise. _ _ _ _ _ J. J. 'J'urner'isitec1 relatives Falls Cfty on Sunday last , .tnd was present at thc marriage of his g'rt111d-dau-hter : : , Miss Claude Albright , well known to most of our people , who wag married to 1\11' Hayden Prater of Falls City , where thc couple will malil their homc. 'l'hc Humbuldt friends of thc bride extend best wishes to thc newly wedded uair.--Hulllu- old Lcader. - - - For some uncxplaincd reason the shccp business docs not seem to follow the rule that other pro- ducts. When thc cotton'as high everybody in the South went to growing cutton. The samc thing holds good : : } in the north with cattle , hogscori , and \\ 'L'herc docs not seem to bl'enOUI wool in thc world to meet the demand - mand , yet nobody appears to be 11 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , t getting excited over thc sheep busincss-Humboldt Standard - - Guy Hutch ins attended \Vatch Party , at Verdon Satut day evening - ing- and saw the event of thc New Year. Then he went to halls City , and visited his parents over Sunday , returning : hOlllc Monday. -Shubert Citizen - - - C. A. Lore ! , wife and daughter I spent Sunday with his brother , J.I I S. Lord in Salelll ; who went to Lincoln Monday to deliberate with the lower house of the state legislature , where hc will sit as a membcr from the coul1ty. As the winter has been extremely mild the eight lonesonle democrats in the legislature will not cut much ice this seaon.-Shuuert Considerable excitement was created in town one day during thc week when itJ camc known that Amos Capps , thc late sm 11- pox victim of Falls City was il1 town. Constable Page telephoned - ed to Dr. Kerr of Falls City who attended the patient and he reported - ported that thc body and under- clothing of Capps had been thoroughly disid , cted but cou' < 1 not vouch for the suit uf cloths he wore. What ever steps the town board may take will be what they thin ! is best for thc health and safety of the community.- Dawson Newsboy. Farmers Institute at Humboldt. The Friday morning i session was dc\'otcd largely I to a iscus- sion of the problem of good roads , and this topic proved thc most interesting - teresting' of any proposed , the disb1ssiol1s being very animated at times. The institute took a decided stand against thc plans proposed at thc recent mass meeting - ing held } at Falls ! City to discuss and devise some method to improve - prove the roads and plan for need- cd legislation along this line. The following resolution was proposed and adopted without , any opposition : It is thc sense of the farmcrs' institute of Hum- boldt that no change be made in thc laws of thc state necessitating - ing' thc appointment of it county road eng'ineer. " The coutittee wInch was appointed to draft this resolution was also instructed to have the same forwarded to members of the legislature and senator from this district. It was also decided that a protest would bc sent against the . reduction lf the number of supervisors from four to two. In thc discussion of methods of caring for thc roads thc discussion brought out the fact that all who had tried the drag- g'ing' project proposed last by D. Ward King' .Maitland , 1\10. , were more than ever satisfied with t hc plan. Officers for thc . ensuing year were elected its follows : Guy Hummel , president ; Bernard Sterns , vice president ; Don Gridley secretary ; James . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Holman , treasurer ; Miss Clara Sterns , lady president tj ; Grace Jones , lady vice prcsident. The session is being held at thc opera douse and the speakers from abroad sent here by thc state society announces that the atten- dance and interest displayed at Humboldt is thc greatest of any point on the routc. The hall was well filled with displays of home cooking , dairying , fruits and cereals , upon which prcmiums were offered but which have not yet been passed upon. The session - sion will close with moving pic- tures displa-Lincoln News. farmers Undei'sta.nd AdvertiJing. There is no doubt about the fact that thc farmers as a class have collie to understand the principles of advertising almost as well as the town business ml.'n. Nearly every farmer who has had a successful public sale11 \ this county this fall or winter has had his sale bill printed entire in The \Vorld. It pays. Every farmer who has ! done so will tell you that hc has had a big salc. The World goes into manJ homes where it would bc itnpossible i to send bills. Three sale bills are printed in this issue of the paper alone.-lIiawatha . - - . ; , Big Cattle Feeder. Jacob Lichty , of Merrill , is one I 'of the best known 1 cattle feeder S in Northern Kansas. He purch- ascd this fall over 50n ) head of stockers and feeders to put out on his big farm to feed up. This winter he is going to postpone his feeding alld begin later in the spring' . Last year hc lK'g-all td I market his ! fat steers right : : after : i the holiday' ; , but ilt tbe present ! time he has. nl > cattle in his feed- Juts , ' -Ilia v itha \Yol:1d : , H ' 's Au r four Honey. Beware of tile kindly ! stranger \'ho wlitt'S that Y011 habet'n ' " ortunatc : enough' 1 to win a \'ababc : tree ' ' ' ' ill \ e pre or prcsent ) som ' p . L.t gu'ssiug or counting conll'\t. ilpd that "the preselit will b : promptly forwarded ! upon receipt of ninety-Ih'e cents , " or thereabouts , "to cover packing - chargcs. " -X. - - - - - - - - - How About Auburn Rule has come to the front again with another shooting' scrape. Were it not fur the frequent gun-plays that arc made in that town , thc rest of the I state would forget it was on the map.-Auburl1 Herald. - - - - - - - Rev. Hawley Narrowly Averted a. Cold Plunfe. ; Hc\ G. \V. Hawley had a thril- ling experience last Friday and narrowly averted a cold plunge into a cistern. He had } opened the trap door and had extended a ladder through the opening intending - tending to g'0 down and examine the pumping' appara tus. He sup- posed there was only a couple feet of water in th cistern and set thc ladder ording'ly. Rev. . , . . . . ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " ' - ' - - - ! " I , -P Hawley got on thc ladder and started down , The ladder also ' 1 began to go down and went about eight fcct leaving the Rcvcran clinging to thc boards auovc. By squirming about and feeling with his feet hc finally succccded in reaching a support from which he milnagcd to climb out.-Aub- , urn Republican. - - - - - - - - Collection Notice. AlI parties knowing themselves indebted to \V. H. Crook & Co. , will please call and settle the same on or before January 1,1905. I Legal Notice. III the District Court of Rlchanlsoll County ( Nebraska , , Rt..b : ) ' l\1CCarl ( ' . . . . . ' vs , Samlll 1 r\IcCarty \ 'r ltc defendant will take notice that 011 tlti , 2211I1 day of DI'cemlll'r , 19M , Ihl' plaintiff filed III thc IlIslrlcl court of Rlcharclsoll ( COllllty , Netiraslca a petition alCalllst you . the object . ' and prayer of which arelo oblalll acllvorce front ' YOII. for the reason and 011 the arollllds that your . , have grossly and wlllflllly allcl without ! ca II ! - I'.A. . . . fa Iird and refused to support plaintiff IhollICI ' of slIfiiclelll ability to cJu so 'l'he further prayer of the petition Is III give plaintiff the care allli custody of thc milllr children ZClllth amid KClIlLh. Tug arc required to answer this petition 011 or before lo'ebllrary , 2ilh. 11.0 ' ) . or the sallie will lit' taken ilK Irlle. RUBY l\icCAR'J'Y Rca vis & Reavis . Attorneys for plailltiff. 1--\ t I Legal N ) ticc. . ' III the District Court for Rlchilall-oll Cllllllly N.'hrasla. Edgar : vs gVilllR I Nellie _ Evans . ! \ Thc clerl'llIlanl WI'Itall" \ notice that , Oil the : l'th clay of 'c.'mhl'I' , 11-I. ( the plaintiff filed ' III the district court of Richardson Comity a ' petition against you the object and prayer of I which ( arc 10 ohtalll a divorce frolll you . for the , reason allll on the grounds that you have been j'l utility of adultery with divers amen III the city of SI JO-oI'lIh. ! Mo" , whose names Ire unknown 10 this IJlalntlff , and that you an' nosy acid have been for wrecks prior tll the filing of the 111'11. ' tion. an Mutate of the ( loose ! uf prostitution ill 1 Sl. Joseph 1'0. t YOIl are required to answer this petition onto or _ _ _ before February . 2lh , 1 t15. or the same will Ill'.c t taken a. ; trlle EDGAR I \ ' ANS , RI'\\'I R Reavis - , Attorneys for plaintiff. 1-4 4 ! ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l I -I t TIME TABLE , Path cty ; r\l'h. Lincoln : I Dcw- : : Omaha l1elfJ I . . , Chicago Butte St. .Ioseph I Sll it Lr.c : CJty . Kansas I City PGrtl ict ! x St. Louis md nil I Sail i-'zr.chco points cast and I and . rll Iuj..t . south. west. I 'rit.liNs : : Ig.'Ef. vOIrcm s : i'o 4 ? . 1'ortla1l(1 St. Ioui" Speci.ti . , St. ; , Joseph Kallsas City . St. I.rntistttci \ all poinl l'astandsul.tlt" " . 7.0 : : : p'1h ! - Xo 1,1 \'l'slihl1lcd express . / ft t daily , Denver and l all points } west : uul I " northwcst. . . , . . , . , . 1:3. ; a III. . < No. H. \'cstihulcd express , . : . , daily , St Joe , Kall- , : ' \ sas City , Ht. 1401115 ' ' . t and all } Joints cast . amid south , . . . , . . . . . :4J : H lit Xo. 15. Vcstibulcd express , . daily , Denver , and all points west and 1 northwest . . . . , . . . . 1:28 : II 111 No. 16.'estibuled l express " ' . daily , , S . : Joe , Ka l- -.4r. sas tity , St bout > . . . , Chicago anti points cast and south. . . . . 4:25J : } III No 20. Local express daily Atchison and points ' I south and west. . . . 4:35 : pili/ ' No. 41. St. . ouh-Port1alltl - - . , - - S1 pccialLincolnllc- i lena , 'l'acoma and Portland without JJ change . . . . . . . . . . , . lOO : pm' No. 115. Local accolllmoda- tion , daily c x- cept SulltlaySalcm , Ncmaha and Nebraska - , hraska ( ity. . , . " . . . 10:40 : p m , Sleeping , dining and cling' chair cars ( scats free ) on through trai ns. Tickets sold and baggage checked to soy point in thc States or Canada. For information , tithe tables , maps and tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart : : , Agent , Falls City , Ncb" , 01' J. L'ancis. G. P. .S ' 1' . A" , Omaha. i I J