The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 13, 1905, Image 1

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. ' . . . , . ' . , . . . . - . " t' , . . , , . ' . u . , . " . . . " . ' . . .
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: . ' . . \\101. 11. NO.2 FALLS CITY , , , , . Whole No .
\ e 13,1905. ! o. SI 1
_ . _ _ . . . . . _ _ . _ . - _ .
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Court Mouse News.
'l"hc county clerks' office is i a
, busy place again this week as
0" thc new board of supervisors arc
' in session having organized Tu-
csday January , 10 , at 7 1'.111.
_ John Hintun was unamiousl\
' - ' . " chosen chairman of the lIC\\ '
, as new
, . , . . . .
. . ' I Joar ( 1 . ' . , " . - . - . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _ _ ' _ , '
j ; . Their timc has been taken UIJ
, : principally with settlement with
hc' t various county omcers illld
. . . , other hUsillcss wuicu always
comes before the new board.
C'llari.I11i1t1 Baton ] has announced -
ced his committces for the folIo\\
year as follows : . _ _ . : " ' : : ; - ' - ' _ ; : ' ; ; ;
. Grounds and BuillinffS and ] cars ,
of poor-Sallto , Zocllcr and
. . - - Still lilcr.
. ' " . Heads and Bridges , ----McCray ,
. , Bowers and At wood.
Clailll , -Staldcr , Bowers and
. % ocUcr ,
. St1pp1ic . -DowersAtwootl and
. t.JcCray : ,
; . .Printillg" and Official Bond , - .
- Santo , Zoeller and Stalder.
. . - , Settlement with County off - ,
; . ' - . . . . . . . cers and Legal business , - Atwood -
\J. ,
wood , Bowers and . :
. ; .
. J cvcnue and 'l"axeR-toel1cr ; ,
. ; . . - ' . ? \lcCray and Stalder.
- - - - -
'I ' uc following , . list of graucl l
jlJpr " has been clratv11 fortheJan-
, : . ! : . drnwnforthcJan.-
, ' .uary tcrm. _
" J. E. Fry : Edward Kinzic'John
i. Mather , 1-I. D. Stit2cr Jim Tell'
llerlnan'ulf ; John YO 'scl , jr. .
'redhultz , ' . Luis liege , Otto
Stalh , S.tmucl II ayes , henry
. Nut:1I1an : : , Cco. \\"atkins ; , C. M.
. Sterns , Ii' . P. Page and Chas.
. , " . . . 'I'hc following ist list of thc
petit jurors for thc January terlll
! of court :
F ' . Samuel Lichty , James Fiedcl"
. . , mutt , B Si ulanton\\ . Siag-lc , ,
J. P. Moore , Norman Musseltuau ,
. ' \VarreIJ Hutchins , August Deck
p. inger , D. G. MullcnE. O. Lewis ,
, ' VI3. . Grush Daniel San'is ,
Albert ? \fam , John ' \ValkerGrant
. 'Windlc , Joel D. Babcock , Charles
Hosford , A. Donncckcr , J. F.
'k' \VhetHtinc , Ashford Edie , James
lJanlllan , Pat Bl1rk , B. F. King ,
- - -
. { JohllYol ( , I . . argo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ft ;
't / Alllla Dallltl1l'rt . ltnlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .w
l\IarrlctllJy Judge Wilhlt , . . MOllday. Jail.f 9.
. - - . . . 11'ranic J Flanigan White Clmlll , Jall. . . . . . . . 21
.r 4 I Cora I1arll'r. same . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
: . : l\Iarriell 11) Judge Wilhite Monday , Jail 9.
t .I ( Lloyd Morris. . S tl > 1I a , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
, j flvaJ.I.o1..all City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,21
.I David J. Gool.lIy. Fall City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
I Martha B. Smith "a me. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3t
'IIarrlelllJy Judge Wnhit" Wecluesday.Jan.11.
j Bert C. S\\'I"elCt , Weslcln . Kall. . . . . . . . . . . .26
I Grace 'IIcrlllllis. Dawsoll" . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
' . Married 11) Judge Wilhite , Wednesday Jall.l1.
Chas Lorcc is busy this week
, making up thc locket for thc
conning term of court.
. . ,
But two new cases have been
filed this wcck Anna M. Grant
_ . _ _ _ n. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
\ \Valter Grant. Daisy .l\IcKis-
sick \'s Jacoh McKissick divorce.
. County Assessor Jorn has ap-
pointcd thc following" deputy ass -
ssors for l'hJ5 , who have been
con linncl be the County . Board.
o L PorI' , Spiccr : O.g Zook ,
Humboldt ; PO Avey , Franklin ;
F'rank I Smith , Nemaha : Ucorg"c
Smith , ( rant ; I + 'rancis Wither ,
Porter ; C II IcDo\\'c1f'-Salcm ;
Vincent Arnold , Liberty ; O' 0
Marsh.Inldy ; 11 II Long Falls
City ; A C Steinbrink , Ohio ; G \V
Ducrfcldt , Bar ula ; Hcnry Ehel ,
Jefferson i Edward Yoesel.Ai ago ;
( ie01. Kirk , l ulo ; C. P. Dalb"y ,
City ' of Humboldt ; 'I' J \Vhita-
her : City of Falls Ci ly.
- . . . . . .
Dleu. l i .
lIrs Marv D. Darker lied at
thc home of her (1aughter , .Mrs.
J. T. . . Craver ; on Jan. Ith , 1')05at
the age of In years.
The funeral services were held
at the house on Jan. Sth conduct-
cd b\ Rev. Grimn of thc' Presbyterian
terian . Burch , assisted br Nev.
Mohlcr. Those that ttend'd
from a distance were .1. ' 1' . Barker -
cr of Niles , Mich. , son of the de-
ceasecl lI1d two ncices , ? \Ir ! , ; , J. M.
Limey of .t\tchison , and r.Irs
Laura hill ] of Hia\\at1iI. ]
i\lrs. [ larr Davis Barker v. as
born in the famous town of 1 C , n-
cord. Mass. , i11 thc rear ISI3 011
Nov 3rd. She was a twin. and
her sister Ih'edto be 83 years old.
Tier family were friends of I tner-
son , Dr. Lyman Beccher , Ii lel1l'Y
Thoreau , Senator Hoar's family
and thc l\onroe [ mini lv.
She was III arriel to a southern
gen tIeman , Joseph D. I Darker and
front that tulle until about nine
ago , when she saute to Fall City ,
she spent in tht sonth.
Mrs. Barker fell about four
years ago : and hurt herself and
since that ; time she ha ; never walk-
ecl. During ! the last year of her
life she rapidly failed ] and carl'
on Jan.lth she pas cd ] away at
the house of her daughter Mrs J.
T4. tlca'er of this ci ty.
'l'hrcc children survive hcr , .T .
' 1' . Barker of Niles , \li.h" , JI. .
Parker of Ka"h\'ill < " , 'P ] \ . ' nn. , and
t.Irs. J. : --1' Cleaver of this cit\
In her childhood sh ' became "
christian and has always been tin-
tii ] her dcclint1ing' years .111 active
church worker. She UCll\'cd in
much ging. Mrs. Darker was
a member of the Presbyterian
church of Falls City .
- - - - - - -
Vcrdon , Jan. ll-Sophia heeler ] -
cr was born in Union County
Pcnnsylvania , May 6th 1841.
When about 12 years of age
she with her widowed mothcr
moved to 111. where she . grcto
womanhood and on thc 18th of
July 1858. She was married to
Win Kcclcr to them were : born
four children two slaughters and
two sons all of whom survive hcr.
She occcptcd Christ as her Savior -
ior early in life uniting with thc
\L E. church and lived a dcvotcd'
christian life until called ho me.
They moved to Nebraska in
- - : : : : : = = : : = : = . : : " = ' = - = : = - ' : ' : : "
- - - - _ . . . . . - . . . - - . . . . . . . - - - - .
1870 and . setttcd on a farm scar
where the\ lived until four years
ago whcn they came to Vcrdon.
Text : 1 'l'hcss. 413 ; Rev. l Alton
preached the funeral 1 sermon aril
sue vas interred in Ycrdon Cemc- '
tcry. All her children . . were pres-
ent l'XC'pt Mrs. \cyen ! whose
home is in J'rmwlcm.Lrs.Kel'l -
er was. a noble womcn beloved by .
all who kncw hcr. Tier husband ! :
and , mini iIv have thc heartfelt
< yutpatlty of thc community il1
this their sad ) lour. .
- ' - - - -
Mts. : Conrad D.l1ucckcl' died
. Tl1l1rsdaJan , 5 at the home of
her son Oliver Donucckcr who rc-
sidcf north of ll1lo. 'l'I1C fuiter-
al was held at.thc Catholc church
at that place Saturday and the
bod\ was laid to rest in tnc Catholic -
, olic'C'm tcrt ' , Mrs. DOl1uecker
was among the earliest pioneers
of Richardson CountConl'ad
HCl'11er and wife of St : Joseph attended -
tended the funcral also 1\1. DOI -
ucc1 her and family of . Falls 1 City
Louis Packet died at his home
in Iulo'Phursday Jan. 5 after a
il1ne ; s. Thc fUJ1eral was held at
thc Catholic church there Fri-
day. 1 The deceased had lived in
that viciuity _ for man ) ' ycars.
. Married.
1\ very pretty wedding- occur-
red at thc home of \Ir. and Mrs ,
Da\'id Lowe on South J1ane street
its this city \Vednesday evening -
ing' at t o'lock : when thc irclaug-il-I
ter Miss h'a Lowe , was united in
thc holy botics ) of wedlock to ? \r.
Lloyd Morris of . Hcv. \ \ ' .
' 1' . Cline of thc :01. E. church of
this city performed the c remon ) ' .
Thc ceremony was performed
in the presence of about forty in-
dtcd guests Slid after thc congratulations -
tulttions : they partook of a very
sumptuous : ; \\'e < ldingsnp cr. Thc
young couple were thc recipients
of many handsome and useful
. prc < . ; en ts.
Thc' [ bride is thc oldest daug-h-
tcr of Mr. and Mrs. David Lowe
of this city , is a graduate of our
hig'h school and until thc Christ-
I mas vacation was a teacher of the
school l in Dist. No. 6 , near Stella ,
wizen she resigned to lake t this I
more import a 11 t tcp. She has :
always beat a socIal favorite :
with our people and has many
friends who join in wishing her
time best ( here is i ill her married
1i fc.
1'hc groom is he son of James
Morris , a prosperous farmer near
Stella , and has by his uprightness -
ness and industriousncss gained
thc respect and esteem of all who
know him.
Tue young people will make
their hOlite at Stella for thc present -
sent , and Tic Tribune , together
with a host of friends hasten to
extend congratulations and sin-
ccrcst best wishcs.
Card of Thanks.
' \ \ ' c wish most sincerely to thank
thank those who assisted us in
our sorrow.
\I : . and .Mrs , J. L. Cleaver and
- - - - - - - - . - wRY.ML.Y. - .
h _ _ _ _ . . .
The Division Again l .
Gem'ral IIHlIWg'l'1' Sullivan nl
the ? \l1sS0l11' I'aritic is con ih'r"
ing" the division pro1osition.
1'11l' matter is before hi1l1on tits
reports of alliinferiordcpartlll ( , ' h
each one of whidl has recotnlnt nc1-
cd the change to Palls City . . \
prominent railtoad oflicial told it
reporter yesterday ( 'I'ltuf.da I
that all thc railroad officials cx-
pec . ted the amiauulice merit 01 tIt c
change to this city within ,1 -
short t time. . - _ . - '
Cigar Factory.
Frank Deck last week solll out
both the retail and 'wholesl't' ] : ' cigar
gar facuon' , of which hc WH' , ,01 , e
owner , to ohcrt Kal1nl r , clue i'ur-
chascr taking" possession on ' ii it-
day 1I101'ningl'.II' . Uccl Ita. : belli
associated with this factory for
time past year : and has succ\'dnl
in Rtah1ishing- a good business. .
oIr. Kanal\ as a mall ; of ctbilill\ '
will sustain this prescnt high stan-
darcl I of thc factor.\
- - - - - - - -
Sunday night an \\'l'kjll1l'
visitor forced an entrance , hy
tearing off a part of thc iron .
s leetII1g- ' the ] ware 1'00111 , into -
Cleveland Bros' . store , securing 1
as fast as could hc ascertained I
twelve or fifteen dollars in cash
and a fur overcoat \tIl1ed at
twcnt\-I (101lus. 'the ! t"H'k ;
windo'w of The 'l'rihun ( ' office
and thc loot of Joe Geiger's shop ,
were also forced before thc burglar -
tar bectttuc aware of his Rurround-
in gs. _
gs.Parlners' Institute. .
'l'hc I. l armcr's institute will lw
hcld in the Falls City Court
house 0n January 27th and 21-3th.
State Superintendent Mc Bril'lI
has been secured for th ; evening
of the 28th. .
- - - - - -
Sol osit.
'l'ltc Sorosis club mc tat the
Episco ill rectory with Mrs.
Smith \Vcdlicsday ) afternoon
A large numbers of thc member
waR present , in spite of thc heavy
snow , which ilttestecl the interest
in the prcccding-s of this orgaui-
mtion. The program opened
with a ape1 upon "Dickens Impressions -
pressions of Amcrica" byIrs. ! .
J. C. Yutxy which was greatly
cnjoyed. . ' Mrs , A. \Vannc1' r-
vicwcd ; 1 tt'1'ie'Pale ] of ' 1 wo Cities"
in a way that lcd her hearers to
believe there was little about the
book and its author she did not
know. B" request of thc General -
cral Federation , an article upon
Civil Service cforcm was read
by .Ir , . C. ! ' . .I.Vilson. . A di < ; -
cussion upon agricultural pursuits -
suits was lead by Mrs. P. S. Hea-
cock ,
1'he current event topics were
upon thc late \'cntions , and
almost every mcmbcr had } reader
or clipped sonic article of inter-
cst upon this subject.
I\Irs. Smith assissted by Miss
Grace Maddox served elegant rc-
frcshments. ' 1 hc climb adjourned
to meet in two weeks with Mr < ; .
A. G. \Vanncr.