- . , - .h" - - " - - . . . . . . _ , , _ . , - . _ _ - _ . _ a , _ . _ _ IbM . - - - ' TIE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE . , , I _ , Published l ; very Friday at" F'ArJT4S l CITY , NE 13RA S1' \ } Jr " 'i Iby ' . 'TRIBUNE PUDLTST1ING CO f 0 ' . . gnlcred aR 1ccond-c1aSB ' matter , .Tanu- \0.1. J 7 ' ' ' ' ' - - , toy 12 , 1)3Iat ; the post ofliceat I.'allg . City . Neb" , tuldcrtic Act of Congress : ' . of Mnrch J , 18i9 ' I' . , , " ' - ' - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - \ . : ONE DOLLAR PEl YTATi I ; l'clcphonc No : : . 22(1. . _ - , , A GOOD RULE FOR 1905. : c \ ho char.Hh. . . . Giv& ' tit tiouittsontout : ur . l ; Igor ttroy uupropart'nncd ' thclIlIcht hl I act . 11 c thull C IIIl.1nl' . tilt 11) 1111 IIwans "II lTal' . , 'I ' he fr nIl . thou h:1..I. and their :11101111011 . , . . tried , ' w . . . . . nralJ'.I ; lIt'llI to thy Maul with imps flfIh'1 t , JIIII do oat clllll thy Imll1l with I'lIt'rtAltllllt'lIt pof l.\cll IICW hatch'I , 1I1111'chc',1 cUII radlIt'\\'an' ; , ' . of elltrllllC to a quarrel : : hut.h'ltllf In , I float ° 1 that the 1IIIIIO..t'11 may beware nf tllcl' . Giro every man thin" l'arbllt few thy ' voice : , I " 'L'ake 't ach 11\1111' \ " C'I1"lIrl' but reserve flay . I - JUdIf111I'tll.'o G08th' tlty habit all atone can : Litt , L'ut : trot c " qr \ ! b.q'd , ttf I fancy , rich not Iudn . . " " F'otthe66ppa're ] oft JJroclaimtl the I1mu ; 1"uititcr n burrower , nor R lond.'r bra , , IfotJoRU oft.10 < 4" 'u boottge1f ; 1 and friend ; A.lllt borNwhl- dnllql' ' edge of hUl'lbamll' 'ritixlbnve n.h-'ro tltnvlf be taw : , , . . \nd il tltU'II' ronou' , II" th . night ; tile day , . 'l'holl c9itst not tlll'lI 1 > 1' f.\l-1e to any man . " . I'Uloolous . ( to Lo : . rte , , , ' --MantleO ( ' , . . . . - - . . A STAT JS ORIME. , . . Not Long since hay S. Baker ; wrotc. an article in a magazine on : . . . hc trials and convictions of , "Cfi'l ' 'Powcrs fotmerly secretary , oLstatc of Keittilcky . It will be : . remlJ1l1b red that POWCI s has been f ' twice' triel for complicity in thc ' ' . ' ; . , , murder of Governor Gocble of . that state and each time con ' ct- h t . . \ : , . . . . ' cii . . Hc was sentenced in' trio . " : ; first case to imprisonment for lif : J'J-'whiclt jmlg-emcnt the supreme . . . ,1 . . . ' a . „ „ ( iburt set : mm I c. .1c. was retried , : and condctcd. This , timc bcillJr ' I ' sentenced to be plunged 'M\ \ ' , y . . . . " laler'relatcsl ) : he cir u m tlces \ ' 'of thc.Jri and thc character of the testimony adduced : against the icctis (1. - The 'ahic1e bore t the imprint of truth and was con- ; , ' -v1I1cinJ.of ; the fact that horrible " ' ' ' . . . wrong was being done Mr . Pow- . crs' and ; the state of Kentucky . was about to commit thc crime uf 1 I I - taking an innocent man's lifc. r I " " . . Mr. Powers was republican . , - "Go1't1oGocbel who \ ( \ was 50 , , . foully murdercd was a dcmocrat. , Vhcn thc judge and ; count : officers . ' i. t" acne to select a special jury to ' ' i' ; try.\Ir , POWNSthey sc1ccled a pan- 1 , j ' 1 ' el of one } hundred and thirty six . . , men , every one of whom was not r \ . onla : democrat but a personal t'.1 . . ' friend . of thc dead Govcrnor. : Dnnng th progress of thc I , , . ' f . " , ' trial . : every indignity was hcaped ( 1 I' I upon.Powers.by thc court and ' every favor upon the jail birds . ' . and inmates of the penitentiary I ' rt who were witnesses against hiui. , , . . Of course such a trial was cnm- inal , and such conduct lcd to the j ' conviction of the defendant with- . out dcla ) ' , . . . " Wcek before last the supreme court reversed this latter judg-c- went and again granted Mr. PO\\- . ers a new trial. In doing so thc . ' ' chief justice ea ( democrat ) writes 1 , one of the ablest opinions wc : . . . , - - - . - - - - - - ' " " ' , . - . - - . , . , . - have ever read He reviews \ thc proviflcc of a court 01 justice , and ! in unmcilsurc ( ! tcrms ' Cxcol latcs thc judg-c who pcrmittcl his prejudice aml.politics to displace his sense of right and justice in . the trial of time \ccuscc1. : ' \ It i'\ to II. be hoped that this opinion trill ii mm'e : a tcndcncy to , , restoic reason and deci'ncy to' the judiciary of , Kcntucl ) . 'l'ime murder of Caleb . Pow 'ers because oJ his political alliJialions would 1 be a crime front which thc tate of Kcntucky cc'otll(1 never fully recover The reading of this trial and time opinion of the supreme court con- vinces liS that thc tluem-tion of al1 elective judiciary as . :1g'ilin"t : an appointi\'c one is not so easy of solution as some scene to tlmink . - . . - . - . - . . . . FREE SPEE H. In lhc present state of civilization - ltion every liberty is bused to a \ greater or less extcnt. The libert of the press : and : ltlte right of f free speech arc sometimes prostitnt to base urposes. 1 At the time of the assasination of President McKinley it was I generally admitted that yellow journalism was in p lrt respons- ible for the tragedy , There is a man jim congress now who should never have beets ? permitted - mittccl to take iiis oath of office. . . That man is Coiigrlssillau : 11e11111 of Ala bama. . I In a speech at 'CuskogeeAla . , in the recent c\l11paig-J1 : \ in referr- ing- to lhc. occasion when Booker ' Viashil1g'ton ' was entertained at thc white } louse , he said : H'l"l1Crc they , sat , ooseYcll and t Looker , and if some Czolgosz or one of his kind had .thrown a Lomb under the table no great 'harm would have : been clone thc coul1try. " JI1 the same speech he mil referring to the lynching of negroes at Statesville , Gag that it was "thc sending off a fe.W" more republicans singing 'Nearcr 111) God to 'l'hec. " This was a bitttal illusion to the death of President McKinley who dicd with the words of this hymn 9n his ashen 1ips. 'l'hat such a man as this should be a part of this go\'crnmcnt is revolting . to every citizen worthy or the IJt1l1e. : Free speech has its evils when it permits all anarchist - archisl to bccomc a law ' maker - - - . - . . . . . . . . . , . . TELEPHONE. 'rhc letter from Mr. Randolph which appeared in thc last issue of The Tribune should convey a I warning , to the business interest in Falls City Hc says "we spcI.d many hundreds of dollars every year with your merchants. \Ve want , to continue trading at halls City but we have about reached the conclusion that Palls City don't want our trade , at any rate they don't treat us like they did. " Vhy should an ) ill feeling bc pcrtnittcd i to exist between these farmers Cud 1 this cityVhy _ _ _ _ wn.n - . . . - - . . . . . . . - - - - - - . . . . . - , , Begin ; the New Yeai' A.ds9 ht . . , By opening' an account y' ' th the ' Falls City State Bank . _ . .r-v"-- . . _ _ _ _ _ . . . . _ . . KAMMN _ . . . _ _ _ This institution is not restricted in the Scope of its patronage. Its patt'ons'arc : i1 J J. 1 the children and young' folks with their smdl . t . ' ' . " sa\'I11g's. ' 2.---The Breadwinncr , striving to accumulate a fund \ bJ Li In ochre a home , 01' com petcncy' for old ng'c. 3---'I ' Iii ell-tn-do , for the convenience affordedlhl \ the income 1)rovidel , , .1- \ Those with idle funds awaiting' other ) il1\'esl\11f'l1t \ ; . RenlcI11ber this bank receives deposits from 1 ti ; One Dollar and upwards and pays 3 per cent on Time Deposits and 4per cent on Children's t m Accoun ts. : 3 . . . _ . . . " " . . :1 - . . . _ t . . should our merchants lese valued customers to t no other end than \Vca\'cr and \lorchead ; shall ha' e a co'ntinuance of , f this telepliolle 1110nopoly. lvery l man ; nominated for a city office next spring should be rcquile(1 I to goo on record on the . telC'phone CJuc tiJn. \\Te know whereof wc spcak ; when we say that these fl1 : rumerm must be given the anlc rights in this city as the Bell people , the Inter State and Ilie local telephone - phone company have heen given J. or it will cost the mcrchants of this city several } Jt\11drl.cl dollars in the next : : ycar. Something lIIust be done and it must he done now. _ - - - - - Gracious , but it feels good to he a ycnr old and to have a legal I ' cstencc. . _ . - - - " The Lord loveth a cheerful giver , but what will thc grand jur } ' ' think about it. - , - 'rhc 'l'ribunc has ntule ; arral1 'e- mcnts for a weekly letter fr0111 the legislature during the present . sesslolm . rhc canning factory which cost the citizens of Falls City ten thousand doll a.\ \ ' ' : ; is to be tunic ( over to a hog powder concern. ITow the mighty have fallen. _ WW _ _ _ It is rumored that the grand i jury which will convene ( luring the present month will be called upon to pass on certain infrac- tions of the election laws luring thc past campaig - - - Thc political situation in thc state of Colorado is dcplorable. 'l'llc dcmocrats seem to have suc- cccded in stealing pat t of the offices and thc republicans arc trying to steal what is lcft. - - 'l.'hc decision of tl.c supreme court invalidating surety comp- any , bonds given by county officers has put in doubt the right of . about half thc officials of thc state to hold the offices now occupied - pied by thcm. But two of thc state officers have givl-it persona bOltds , Marsh and \ \ \ ' 1ton , a1 the others have given ' . , ti ret bonds 'l'hc law will dlubtll' ' bc amcllded hy'thc prr.tnt Il.g-i' mature 80 a. to pcrmit all oflki.\i i : to give surety bonds if th'irl , . . _ - , - E. I 0-L0vis -poslll1\ : , \ .ll'I' 111 1' . m. \Iartill : 'cx-county altoI'm' have organized a hog powdl Cu111tH1n\ . Vc have not a h Y answered thc questioll \\-11 shall we do with on r ex-pre' id,1t But Hichanlson con ii tl . Ii as foul a place for her ex-onic" holllt.t' r _ _ . . . . _ One of thc secrets of success ! to know what to do in an c nH r I cncy and then to do it."T ( ' l1'n of a boy last week who will sOl ! day be president 01' a high h lung in frenzied finance Ih' I wa dr ing { a load of hay which in so manner aught ; fire. I It bear fiercely in an instant. 'l'h" 1 without aecondsi01ay ( rn.11t the wagon , whipped up t horses , Upset thc hay nnd dl'f ( l to a safe distance with wag team , harness etc ; safe fr harm , and quietly / watched ht ) ' barn. : That kind of a bo , born and not m llIe. DON'T DO It don't pay ! Don't son away for : l'l1c1'Y Stock ! Time best trees , the fine fruits , thc best result a obtairc(1 ( by purchasing tre' of the FALLS CITY Nrl SlRY. A large stock choice honk grown trees ' select froll1. Low prices f High Grade Trees. \VM. nOliLER , Propri W. H. MADOG REAL ESTATE AGEf' Lands bought and s Hartford Fire Insura Houses in city for S' noney to 10 .a1 TeIephon , , , ' " " ' ' ' . : " " " " * rt : _