The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 06, 1905, Image 7
- . t ' . ' 1' . f . - - 'p ff oj Our Market Letter. : KANSAS CI'l'Y , Mo. , Monuay' I i . . Jan. 2 , 11)05. The supply here i I today is 5000 hcad , just about , right , but Chicago reports 37,000 : 'r. . . l cattle , altogether too many. Prices arc 10 lower today on Idll- . i , ing- cattle , hut stockers and feeders - . , ers arc nearly eady. 'rhc had market today will probably hold off receipts balance of the week , and markct should be as good as stcady ; during that timc. Top . beef steers last week sold at 85.50 , hut some orders for prime beeves were untillcd , as none of that kind . - \t- \ came , they would ha\ ' e sold a1'Ound $6.00. Monday and "rucs- ' . . day very few steers sold antler . . ' , , 84.25 , but last of the weep , many . . . . sales wcrc at$4.00 or lcss. Good heifers sold at 54.00 to S.L50 , fat hca ' y cows 53.50 to $1.25 , uteclium i she stuff at 82.40 to 83,25 , and . thc fair to g-uod sting closed thc week 10 to 20 cents hig-hcr. Vcals sold tip to 5.50 for choiccst. . . ' . Stock cattle and feeders ad\'ilnccd a quarter , hut so fcw of them ar- rived there was not much stir to thc trade. A few ; . oed heavy , feeders went to the country laic in the week at 83.75 to 5-4.25 , and range of prces : for stocker : , feeds - s ers and stock calves was 82.50 to f 84.25. JrVj According to all precedents in View of the light run , thc hog - market should have gained sharply - . ly last week , but it closed only 5 cents above close of previous , . vcck. Packers have not aban- doncd thc bear side of the lrg"U- 4 1I1cnt , and are still expecting to buy hogs around 8.1.00 thismonth. , Market is 5 to 10 cents lower to- day , with a top of 84.55 , hulk of sales 84.25 to S4.50. Pigs bring r S3.)5 to 53.1)0 , light hogs 84.10 10 :34.40 : , and packers weights $4.40 to S4.55-J. A. ichart , L. S. Corrcspol1dcn . Williamsville. I I I John Schut is suffering from an Hack of the grip. George Arnold spent Sunday with friends near Salc1l1. .Mr. 'orong"old : lost one of liis . , I valuable tarm horses last wcek. - Ira Dunn and family spent Fri- day evening at thc home of H. J. 1)unn. ' . . . Mary Ducrfcldt who has beets working for Irs. Arnold is now ' at homc. . l\Icssrs. Charles and : Joe Arnold r spent last Sunday with their + 'f- - uncle near Salcm. I Charles Arnold left for Dcs- Moines [ , Iowa , Tuesday to resume his school dutics. { . { Frank Butler and son Earl " marketed two loads of fat hogs to . Falls City Saturday. , Among thc shoppers who were in Falls City Saturday were . " . . . . : Frank Butler and son Earl , Nellie ' . . . Dunn , Irs. G. Ducf ch1t and ' . . daughters and Ehilcr Butler. . . Anna 1' einkc who is attcnding' school at thc convent at Nub spent thc holidays with her parents. \Ir. C. Steinbrink transactcd business in Falls City Thursday for 1)ist. 2.f of which he is trcas- urcr. 'i lte little laughter of ? Jr. I and \I I rs. Fred 1 l1a rtman who has been seriously ill has some what iulpro \ 'cd. ' " Vindlc Gerwick and l daughters Lousia and Katic pent New Year's E\'c at the home of \ Ir. \Yeisscntinc. The infant child of \ti . and Irs. George Schut is critically ill , but their many fricnds hope to hear of his recovery soon. Harley Butler , son of i\lr. and \Irs. Frank Butler who has been suffering from .In attack of 'ry- phoid fever is so much impt'o\'cd hat h cis playing with i his chnuts . agaIn. The school house In Dist. 20 : liurnt down 'rucsda\ owning to a defective stove 'it'ld , flue. New books and several other i111prO\'e- mcnts had been made which in all is a total loss as thc building was only assured for a small amount. Fargo. J. R. Krusors is on the sick list this wcck. The [ boys and girls are having quite a time over the telephonc these days. A dance \y.1S given at thc home of 1\11' . and \Irs. Duncan last Saturday c'cningA good time is rC.portcd. 'rhc in asgiterade ball which was to have been held at thc li'arg.o l hall December 26 , was postponed to January 4 on account of thc snow storm. 'hc [ Falls City 'l'clephonc Co. had better conic a1l get their poles which arc strung along thc road 1n this llcig"h borhood. Some of them arc getting . quite . rottcn. - - - - - Ohio Precinct. Emma IcCaJ1n visited at O. A. Burks Sunday. 1. J. Rhodes little child b 011 thc sick 1ist. Frank Peck visited with Ivan Keller , Sunlay. Willie Albers visited at Mr. Brewers , Sunda ) ' . Alice and Ncttie O' ! \ Iara went over to Arag'o , onday. [ A. E. Knisely spent New Years near Ham1in , Kas. Emma and Mande cCann entertained - tertained friends from Nebraska City during thc holidays. \Ym. Hucttncr killed a large jack rabbit while out hunting Ionday Dr. C. J-I. Shaffer of Merrill , Kas. , spent a few days with rela- tives in this y1cinlty last week. Mary Dodds returned to Peru Wednesday to take up her school work again after a two weeks vacation at homc. . _ . . _ . _ - - . . - - - - - - _ _ . . _ . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - . . . . . - . . . - . . -'BJN lJ 1111- -,1RIf , _ - . " ,1 : > . . . . - - - , Junk ! Junk ! . . . . . - , , - . - . . . - - - . . - " - - - - . . . . . . - - - - 1 will buy all the Junk .I you have and pay good prices for it. J1st J ) \ like ! finding money on your part. : A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Eal"ned. . I lerl' is whcre you can pick em up-dollars wc 111.ln. I now sort al i junk here instead of at Omaha and can therefore pay better priccs. I will buy retail or , wholesale lots and pay city prices , and at the sane time sa't you the freig'ht. ham n Office Between 1st s\ 2nd 011 Chase Street. Deal } with me and make mOI11. Y , Ring Phone No. . : ! 3Q and 1 will call on you , or drop me a card. Prices submitted on application. - . . , . , R-a. . , , _ _ _ _ u _ . - . - - . . . . _ _ _ _ . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . _ - - - - - . . _ Js FERER . I PROP. FALLS CITY JUNK HOUSE : ; , , . . . . \I I r. Dodd and wife arc enjoying - ing" a visit 11'01110 their neicc , IiSR Jones Washing-ton Co. Kas. Thc crowd that charh'aril'd Chas. Stump and : wife last wcd were treated to a feast of Oystl . . I ; \ ndi' : y 'night. F. S. Lichty and : gdg'cr Hark- ins arc batching- while their wives arcs away on it visit with rela th'cs. The three sons of \Irs. [ O'j\ara [ arc house again after spending thc holidays with their sister in l ulo. Eph. Peel shelled corn one day last wcck. Frank Schulcnberg- did thc work with his new gaso- line cng-inc. Al Doerncr stirred up considerable - able excitement among the local sports by stories of a wonderful jack rab\it he had seen near l ulo. Investigations however , proved thc animal Al had seen to be a muskrat. An Oversight. In thc "Educational Depart- ment" this weep , is a paper by Miss Carrie C. Boyd , but in set- ting it we forgot to give her thc credit for it. Auction Sale Monday January 9 At IllY farm nine miles north east of this city and 4 miles northwest of Rule At 10 o'clock a 111. 31 head high grade short horn cattle , 4 head horses. 32 head hogs and Farlll lllpleillents and house hold goods Lunch on Grounds John Iloepfel . i TIME TABLE "sf Ii ! Falls CityNcb. . Lincoln Dcnvcr Omaha Ilelcnn Clticaso Butte st. Joseph Snit Lake City Kansas City Portland 51. Louis and nil San Francisco , points east and ! and nil points sOl1th. wcst. ' 'l'1 INS J.J : " \'H AS 1:0JIO\\5 : No. 42. 'ol'l1allll St. Lori . pecial , St Joseph , Kansas City , St. Louis anti all points east antsouth , . . . . . 7:20 : l' III Xo. 1.1. Vestihuied express , daily , Denver and \ ! all points west anti northwest. . . . . . . . . . 1:35 : a 111 No. 1.t. Vestihuled express , daily , St. Joe , Kansas - sas City , Sl. Louis and all points cast and south. , . . . . . . , . 7:43 : a 111 No 15. Vestibuled express , daily , Denver , and : ' " all points west and : northwest , . . . . . . . . 1:28 : l' III No. 16. 1 Vestihuled express daily , S..i Joe , Kansas - sas city , St Louis Chicago and points east and south. . . . , 4:25 : p III No. 20. Local express daily Atchison and ! points south and west. . . . 4:35 : p III No. 41. St. r..ouis-Porl1alll Special , I..i I1coln , IIe- lena , 'l'ncollla and Portland without change . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:07 : l' III Xo. 115. Local accoll1lllolla- tion , d laity i C x- cept SIll ay , Sa lem , Ncmaha and Ne- raslm City. . . . . . . . 10:40 : p 111 Sleeping , lining and I reeling chair cars ( scats free ) 011 through trains. 1'ickets sold allll baggage checked to SI1Y point in thc States 01' Canada. 1 o'or i 11 fo rill a tion , tinme tables , nmaps and tickets , call on or write to G. Stewart Agent , I ails City , Neh. , or J. Francis , G. P. & ' 1' . A. , Omaha. REFRACTIONIST R.L.Baumont M. D. . . , . . , Sixth & FeIixSt.Joseph Formerly eye and ear specialist - ist now limited practice to Eye Glasses DH. \V. I4. KEN Y of St. Joseph EYE , EAR , NOSE and 'rI3ROA'r SPECIALIST will beat at Mercy Hospital January 10.