The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, January 06, 1905, Image 5
. _ . _ . . . . . - - - - - - t Shakcsperian Party. , A New car's eve Shakesper- tan part was given at the home . . of Mr. and Mrs. 'L' J. Gist Sat- urday e\'ening- Broken quotations from Hhake- ' . . . . ' ' . spcre were given the guests to CO \11- \ t' plete also quotationR \'llich the g'uests'ere to locate and give the 4 name of the character who altered " . . them , \ \ ' . A. Greenwald , g S. " Towle ) A. G. Wanl1er , J. l : . Cain : : and V. G. Lyford were among . the most successful dies guessers , ' while Mrs. I ) . D. H'a\'is , Irs. J. ' - C. i'utzy : , Mrs. \V. \ Abbey and . t Jt- r Mrs. .A e. \Vanner were the suc- \ cessful ladies. After delicious . r'frc8h111el1 , favors were given ' . ' each gucst. 'J'heswere \ wrapped . : " . ; . in large packages and each suc- . cessive package contained a name . , another guest with instructions - ' : to place the package il1 some out . . ' of the way place for the true , owner to lind This feature pro'ed'cry amusing before the savors which were New Years bells , found } their true oWl1et\ " . ' I _ Reas Gist favored those present , , . . - "with sc'cral'ery pretty vocal , . ' . " selections , 'l'he conihatiy ! dis- I 1) , _ ' pe.s . d just as the bells and guns 1 . , were announcing the advent of t 4 It)05. 1 A New Years Vvedding. . . . . . , ' 1I . ' " . ' ' Xew 'rhe Iii : . t wedding of theew . Ye .r in Fails City occured Jan u- , ' . ' ary ) 1st at the home ofIr. . and - \Irs. Gee S. Albright , when . " their daug-hter. Miss Claude , . ,1 .A11J\'ig1tl \ , was uniLd toIr. : , . . Hayden Prater At throe : o'dock t ' . ' 1:1 : the afternoon the words that ' , made them husband and wife \\'l re prol1ounced by Dr. F. Pougeon in the presence of many immedia relat ' \'cs. - These young people are well I ' known and popular in this city ; "t the bride bdl\lg' \ the daughter of , _ . , Mr George Albright , the popular miller in the Douglas Mills , and - I the groom being the son of Samuel Prater , one of Falls City's ! popular blacksmiths. The Tribune joins in i with their many friends in extending C0n- g'rarulatiol1s anel wishing them a long , prosperous : and happy journey on the sea of life and tritnony. . .i4. . . . An Oll1issiol1. V j , lieciLitse of lack of space wc omitted several tnteresting" inter- . views with local merchants last , week Among these was one , _ with Chas \L : vilson the grocer , ' \1. \ who from a small room has built \ up his trade until h.e now occu- pies the whole lower floor of the - SU1l1d-cr : : Imilding" Mr Wilson speaks of thc trade during 1904 as an improvement over the pre- vious year , especially so in the fil1e line of china which he carries. Charlie has learned that the best , - is always the cheapest and because - cause he has put his knowledge . ' into his business career he is to- . . o 4 --.d- . -r , . . . . . .w . . . . . . . . .wa a..n.rr. . . . a. . . + - - - - - - - - - . . - . ' + .en + + . . + . . . . . . - . + . a. . , a .m.awnrrr..w-ws r + wr. .r..a.-.ran. + r----S. . . . . - _ - . . - ' - - - - . - - . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - ' --JV- MARK1 A COMPLETE MARKET . ' V \ jI1EN we say a Complete Market we . ; mean that we keep on hand at all [ i times everything fOtttld in a complete meat Market and can supply you with tIle best itl season : III addition to our cool = plete stock of meats we have tile celebrated Heinz Pickles , Mustard , Etc. l'f you have I not been trading with lIS , try LIS once and , = yOU are sure to conic again . . The City lV1eat flarlet WESLEY 0ILL" , Propri : or. b , . . . . . " ' . " " . _ : : .r tn : ' ' : ' .d .I13 ( ' ' ' ' ' ' I da \ ' auiongtlie j first of Falls City" I business m'n in stock and volume i of business. Another omission was that of John Wi,1son the popular tailor. \ Ir.Vilson has now been csta b- lished here for se' oral year . and each season finds ! his business of greater prcceeding' one. Ill' says that 11)04 was his best year and that 11' his customers are as well satisfied as he there is no one left to find f'lult. \1 r. \Vilson docs not cOl1template ; iny chang'e in policy , being satisfied to contain business on his pClsonal quarter and "your money back if you are not satisfied" pol icy. ' Cungratuhtion. l\r. John II. Cullen , Editor of o the Garland , 'l'exas , News , has written a letter of congratulations to the manufacturcres of Chambr- lain's Cough Remedy \ , as follows : "Sixteen years ago wlieti 1 our first child was a baby he was sub- ject to croupy spells and we wou1d be very uneasy about him.Ve began using Cham berlain's Cough Remedy in 18Si , and finding it such a reliable remedy for colds and croup , we have never been without it in the house since that time. 'Ye have live children and have given it to all of them with I good resuHs. For sale by A. G. ! WT Lntier. - - - - - - - - - - - - - George Sperry , L\'fords delivery - livery l man wanted to talk to number 222 the other day. In response to the telephone girl's inCu } iry of number he replied two- twotwo.Vhats the matter asked the hello girl , do you want to play cars ; Earl Hofer of St. Joseph is the guest of Gen Cain. - Local and Personal. - Ea ; Sowlcs Cand r. For Sa1e-l\Iule ; colt , enquire at Heck's feed store. . a' Dr A. GaiSer , dentist over - - Pcicharlsoni county f . ba n k , Fresh hulk oysters direct fre m Baltimore It ; Coupe & ! : 'I' hioiii \ tons. Jno.V J , orrington ) was an Omaha visitor thc last of the wcek \Vhcn everything else fails go into the hog powder business. It IS easy mon ey. Grandfather Nolte is quite ill at the home of his son , Eel Nolte. ' 1\1' Xolte is 81 years of age _ Ot4. R.P. Robertsdentist over Kings Pharlnacy. Richard 1 King who has been at- tending" school in Omaha , is spending the holidays with his mothcr. G. J. Crook was present overseeing - seeing the organization of the legislature at Linc01n the first of the weck. Sick hcadache results from a ! disordered stomach and quickly cured by Chamberlains Stomach and Liver 1'ablets. For sale by A G. 'Vanner. This is the time of the rural route man's discontent. Imagine a twenty mile drive on Tuesday of hat 1 week. The farmers should show their gratittde to these faithful men in a substantial manner. A chicken , home made sausage , a few apes or potatoes will help settle the bread and butter question for them and augment their meager salaries considera bl ) ' . ' 1" } was the morning after Christmas , " 'rhc ccld gray dawn of the murning' after " tvi old man stood on the streets of 1 . 'alls City begging thc price of a drink He had been celebrating the anniversary - niversary of the birth of the child "JeslIs He was ill dad , his nerves were in shreds , there were little puffy places under his red eyes. lie had been having a good time the night before i.c said. "Christ- , mm comes but once a year you know. I wish you would give me the price of a bracer , I'm all in. " So he took the dime and got "the drink , " and unwittingly preach a powerful temperance lecture to those , who saw and heard him. G. ; n. Fallsteae } Mgr. So. 1)ist. for the GHIDIANIA I.n H INSUH- ANCJ : CO. of New York , has a plan of investment . accumu- 1ation and guaranteed income for the education of the child at any given age. 'L'hi plan embraces guaranteed results only found in what is known as Endowment Assurance. Parents will cIo well to investigate and receive infor- mation which we hope will be 01 interest to thcm. 2 Resolved that I win spend less than I earn , that I will be fair to myself and others , that r win deal gently with an of God's creatures - turcs and that I will not speak of one who is absent in a war that I would not speak were he prescn t , . Mr. \Vm.S. Crane , of California Md. , suffered for years from rheumatism and lumbago. lIc was finely advised to try Cham- berlain's Pain Balm , which he clicl and it effected a complete curc. For sale by A.G 'Vanncr.