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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1905)
. . . _ _ _ . . , . . . . . . _ , - . . . . . . . lr - . - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . , . - - - - = - : : : - ; : < ; \ : ' ; : : A MONEY SAVING SHOE SALE .E have reached the - now sea- WE son of the year when wc o always cut the prices on our Fall 4 = = ' and \Vinter Foott car.Ve have . no excuse to offer-we simply . want to convert the halance of this ! = ' ' " c'ti r'.I''y , ' ' season's stock into cash to get k n ready for Springy and Summer , . \ , Shoe 5. \Ve don't went < this ad to appear scmmtional or read like a _ . . . . . I 'fake.Ve want to impress sensible - Bible people as a truthful statement of a plain business Shoe proposition. And these cut prices offer you the best kind of a reason for buying all the Footwear you can use for some time to come. I _ _ _ - Ladies' Shoes Johnsol' Bros. Vici kid , light weight sole , . Regular price S2.50. Hate price _ _ . . . . $ t 50 Husika111p's vici kid , IcKay sale , regular $ t 50 price S2.50. Sate ptice.---------- - _ _ - - District i5 shoes in heavy sole , regular $ t 50 price S2 and $2.50. Hale price _ - . - . t 't'hese S2 and $2.50 values . : $ 1 50 , ' . ' ' Sale Pt ice---------------------------- , * : I , John A Cross shoes , Welt and \lcKay soles , in'iC ' kid , Regular I price $3.00 and $3.35 . . _ \ Sale price--- : : . - . _ - .o _ . _ _ _ _ . . $ 2.25 " JIusikal lp' Welt soles in vici kids , regular - : regu$2 25 . lOll' price $3 and $ : 3.2Snle price - _ . . - . These $3 and I $3.25 ' < ; Price l. - - - - _ values - - . - . : . _ _ _ . , _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . 25 , Armstrong shoes in patent leather , vici kid and heavy dongotain Welt , l\IcKa.y and turn soles $2 50 { regular price S350.S Sate price - - . . . . - Eddy S Webster shoes in vici kid , in turn soles , reg-II- , price$3.50andf Sale Price . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . $2.50 ! - 1 ' ' These $3.50 and $ f.Q0 vahlc $2 50 . 'i. Sale price----------------------------- , - - . ! " , ' . GEORGE B tiOLT , The Shoeman I l " . " . , . _ _ _ , . - . J - - - - " ( JGJi 5iilil"n ; , . Society . . . : . ' . : . Thc hohday rcccptlOn g'1\'cn at . , " ' ; . . . the National hotel Friday en , , t : \ . - - . ' lug , b\ 1 - ' thc popular proprietor O. , . , . " . Andrews , was very successful in I every dctail. 'l'hc dining room . , ideal ball room supper . . . being served in thc sample rooms. - - - - - . . Monday evening t ran's hall " " ' . was a time of gayety and plcas- . ; ure , a masquerade ball being in : : . ' . s . . . ; ii . . - progrcss. There were fifteen t ! " : : couple present and their costumes afforded much guess work as to 1 thc wcarcrs. - - - The Misses Lyford entertained 1 a ncmber of their friends last . Friday evening at their homc. r . Various games were thc order of , amusement while elegant refreshments - . ' . . 'r\ . mcnts added much to thc plcas- - . pleasure . J . ' , Georgia Beaulicau and Anita , . .ik. , ' 0. \Vilson entertained about thirt"- r' . . . six of their friends Tuesday cvcn- : " . lug at thc home of Mr. and Mrs. : : ' : Fred Bcaulieau. The evening was p1cascntly passed in dancing and card playing , while a dainty . , . luncheon was an enjoyable fca- : . " . turc. Both of thc hostess' arc # royal entertainers and thc guests . will long remember such a pleasantly - ' * . antly spent cvcning. # 4 .J ; , . . Mell's Shoes Husikamp 52.50 and $2.75 Shoes in vici kid and velour box calf. Sale Price - 51.1)0 Friedman Bros. 53 and 53.50 shoes , in \'ici Idd. patent leather - cr and box calfsalc price 52.(10 Florshcim $ 4.50 and 55 shoes in vici kid , box calf and patent calf. Sale price - 53.75 Hoyt's high top shoes , thc best shoe on thc markct for cold stormy weather , Regular price 53.50. Sale price - 82.(10 \Vc have a job lot of Mcn's Shoes in large sizes. Regular values 53 to S5 , your choice at this sale , per pair - 81.00 Ten per cent Discount on all liens and WOll1ens Felt Slipper and Warm Lined Shoes. - - - , - - - - - . . . . . . Sphinx Club. 'l'hc Peterson ! Sister' Concert Company which appeared at 'rhe Gelding last Alonday nig'ht , undcr the auspices of the Sphinx Club , was an excellent entertainment and well deserving , their imper- sonatur being exceptionally linc. - - - Friends In Council. Friday evening December 30th was Guest night of the Friends in Cuuucil with Miss Berry as hostess. .A most enjoyable pro- gram wrs rendered in thc interesting - esting' and able manner used by every mcmcber and at a late hour refreshments were served _ _ -0- _ _ _ _ Leap Year Dance. A farewell leap year ball was given by twelve young ladles' to their gentlemen friends last Sat- urday evening at Ryans Hall. It was a masquerade ! and much enjoyed - : joyed by those prcscn t. The J-I. S. 1\1. C. club entertained - cd their friends Satut day cvcning. Miss Anctta Cleveland being hos- tcss. The spacious home of 1\lr. and Mrs. F. W. Cleveland was very tastefully dccorated with holly. Cards and dancing made thc evening pass all too soon for those prcscnt. An elaborate twelve o'clock luncheon was served by the club girls : r1isses' and Clli1drell's Siloes. * Drennan & \Vhitc school shoes , regular 82 to 52.50 values. The best linc l + on thc markct. Sale Price - - - $1.75 200 pairs of childrcn's heavy school shoes , regular - ular 51.25 to 51. i5 value - $1.25 185 pairs of Misses school shoes. Regular 51.50 to 51. 75.ducs. . . Your choice at - $1.25 _ 150 pairs of children's sizes 5 ; to S , heavy don- Bola and box ca If. Sale price - , 90c 1 _ _ _ _ . . _ . - : ! Boy's S110eS. Boy's shoes in sizes from 816 to 11. Regular 51.25 to 81.75 value , Sale price - $1.00 In sizes from 11c ; to 20. Regular S1. 75 to S2. 25 valu s. Sale price - $1.50 These are Cash Prices Only. . _ - - - - Married. . , With Judg'c 'Vilhitc officiating" Miss Pauline Senncr of this city and Everct Hatficid of .Fair View Ncb. , were Joincd in thc holy tics of marriage Monday , January 2nd. 'l'hc bride has rcsided in this city for a number of years ! and has made a host of fricnds. 1'11\ ' groom is a young business man of Fair View and is highly rcspccted. The Tribune extends sincere congratulations. At the Gehling Harry Bcrcsford as "Our New Man" was certainly a grand suc- cess , being an actor of unusual ability From thc time thc cur- tain was raised in act 1 until it dropped at the close of the last scene his auditors were kept in continuous mirth. Of " a grotesque - que pet sonality his lines although simple were rendered in such a natural manner as to please thc most cxacting' The entire force is well deserving of the pen of CIHls ' 1' . Vincent being simblc and most delightfully divcrsificd. As a comedian Harry Bereslord has unlimited power and being supported by an able and carrolly selected company. Mr. Gchling is to bc congratulated upon thc pleasure hc gave to the thcatre- goers in this city. When in need of a prime roast beef or juicy steak call 74. GehlinsTh ea ire ONE NIGHT Thursday Jan. 12 Special Engagemcnt. Mr. Ua.r.ison J. Wolfe of L.ost Paradise" Fame and a Selected New Ydrk Cast , Pre- .ling thc Daniel Flohman ( Lyceum Theatre Success , "Tile Open Gate" , . By Author Sowing theVVind' Preceded by the onc-act comedietta , fly Uncles's Will as played ] by 1\11' and vlrs. KcndalL Prices 5 , 50 and i5 Falls City College Winter Term Opens January 9th , 905 At 9 a. n1. D. P. SMITH , President