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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1905)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . --J r-r" LESSON I.-JANUARY 1. GOLDEN 1'EX'I'-In him was life : and he life was thc light or mCII.-John 1:4. : 1. "In the heglnnlng. " Before ho I , world \ was mudo ( John 17 : 5) ) . At the beginning of created things the Word "wus. " Already existed. "TheVord. . " The Greelc Logos means "not only the spoken word , hut the thought expressed - pressed ) by the spoleen word ; It Is the spoken word expressive of thought. " It It "tho will of GIII manifested In personal uellon. " hence here It refers ' fel's to "tho Son of God existing from nil eternity , and manifested III space ) [ and lime In the person of Jesus ChrIHt. " 110 Is the living expression ) or the nature , purposes ) , und will of Gotl.-ProC. Plwnmer In Cambridge Blhle. 'fho Word "denotes the person' al revealer of God.-llIblical World. 'rho Word was with God. " 'fho Greek preposition expresses not mere- ly I being beside , hut a living union ullll com 111\111 Ion ; Implying the active notion - tion of Intercourse. 'rho divine Word not only abode with the Father from all eternity , but was In the living , ac- tivo relation of communion with him. " -\1. : n. Vlncenl.-"Tho Word was God. " There Is only one God , and this statement guards against the error which the phrase "with God" might suggest , that there Is more than ono. In unfolding this main proposition wo note : _ I. He Wus the Crelltor.-Vs. 2 , 3. 2. 'rho same was In the beginning. " The relation was not new with the corning of Christ. "Asic the sun Ir ever It were without its beams. Asl the fountain If ever It were without its streams. So God was never without . out his Son.-Arrowsmlth. 3. "All things were made by him. " Through him. Creation was his work , his ,10pal'll1lcnl. "And without him. " Apart from him. "Mado. " Brought Into being. All creation was a revela- tion of God and of his Son. II. Ho Is the Source of Llfe.-V. 4. Read. vs. 3 and 4 I as in margin of Am. n. , "Without him was not anything , mado. That which hath been made ! . was life In him. "In him was life. " Compare the Genesis account of creation - atlon , where the fIrst movement at life in dead matter came from the Spirit of God brooding upon the face of the waters , the unorganized ma- terial which thus became organized through lICe. III. Ho Was the Source of Light. 4. "And the life was the light of men. " Compare Genesis , And God said : ( Time Word ) "Lot there be light , and there was light. " 5. "And the light shlneth In dark- ness. " Sin is both death and dark- ness. .0\5 life destroyz : death , so light destroys darkness , moral darkness arising from absence of moral life , and the darkness of Ignorance of those things we most need to Imow. According - cording to the Expositor's Greek 'lost. , "darlmess was the expression naturally used by secular Greek writ- ers to describe the world's condition. Thus Lucian ( A. D. 120) 'Wo all seem like those wandering In darlmess. ' Compare Lucretius ( B. C. 55) ) 'In what darkness of lire , In how many dangers , this age Is passed. ' ' "And the darkness - ness comprehended ( R. V. , "appre- hended" ) It not. " Did not admit or receive the light so that the darkness would bo removed. This explains why the light has not seemed to shine as brightly as would bo expectoo from such a light. The sun was shining 'with all its glory , but the clouds intercepted - cepted it. Practical Concluslon.-Tho Son of God thus portrayed ) Is ! the only being perfectly adapted to bo the Saviour or the world , able to reveal the will or God , and the Infinite heart of his love ; with perfect knowledge of the Jaws or creation , and the nature of man ; with power to impart spiritual lICe and light. I. 1'he Witness Sent to Announce Ills Advent on Earth.-Vs. 6.8. 6. "There was ( came , appeared ) a man sent from God. " "An historical appearance - llea1'l\nce sent to fulfill a definite di- vino" pUI'Jose.-ExpO } ! Greek Test. How ho carne and was sent Is described In Luke and Matthew. lIe vms foretold In Mal. 3:1 : ; 4 : 5. John's name expresses this fact , as It means "tho grace (01' ( gracious girt ) of God. " 7. "Carne for It witness. " " 'rho whole oC this gospel is a citing of wit- nesses , but John comes first , and Is of most hUlJOrtance.-ExJosltor's } Greek 'resl. 'l'he word "witness" occurs . curs times in this gospel. " -We W. White. How John Bore Witness. (1) ) By I his testimony to a fact which hind ' been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit ( John 1 : 33 , 3.1) ) . (2) ( ) Dy show- ing from the Scriptures that Jesus was the 1\1esslah. (3) ( ) Dy fulfilling the prophecy that Elijah was to come before , Core the Messiah and prepare the way before him. (4) ( ) Dy awakening the re- lglous ! nature of men , and arousing their spiritual activities , leading them to feel their sins and needs , ho turned their eyes to the light which would help them. (5) ( lIe pointed out Jesus to the people. 'l'hat all men through him might believe. " This was his purpose , and . he was , In fact , the means of the gen- .oral belief In Jesus , which will finally be universal. 8. "He was not that I ght" ( the light ) . Said lest some should mistake his great message of law , conviction of sin , condemnation of wrong , to JO the gospel of the Messl\h. ! II. How the True Light Could De Known.-V. 9. "That was the true Light. " True , not as opposed to false , but to the symbolical or imperfect ; hence the real , the Ideal , the genuine light , the light of the world. "Which IIghteth every man. " The test of the true religion is that it Is adapted to all needs , all circumstances , all ages , all races , all degrees of inte1ligence. "That cometh into the world. " In the common version this is construed with "every man. " In the R. V. , with " " "Light. 111. How the True Light Was Re- coived.-VR. 1013. Rejected by Somo. Four strong reasons are given why he should be received. First Reason. He was the light for all men , needed by every one. Second Reason. 10. "Ho was in the world. " In all the last } ages , In every manifestation of God , In the his- tory of the chosen nation , but especial- 1) when he appeared as the man Christ Jesus , the Savior of the world. Thlnl Reason. "And the world was made by him. " All they possessed or enjoyed was his gift. They were his creatures , made In his image made to he like him In character and destiny , and under the deepest obligations : to him. "And ( yet ) the world ( the great body of men ) knew him not. " Did not recvgl1 R' him us their Saviour and King , and as the Light of the world , Fourth Reason. II. "He came unto his own. " Those in whom he had a I special ownership , his peculiar people , time Jews , whom he had created , whom ' ho had chosen from time rest of the world , whom ho had trained and cared for as his peculiar people , and who were his brethren according' to the flesh "And ( even ) his OWn received . him not. " The nation , as a whole , did not receive hIm as their promised Messiah their King , their Redeemer. They might to'day ho walking as kings and princes , the central power and glory of the world , had they only - received him. Compare the parable of the wicked bUBIJllndmen ( Matt. 21 : 33.4.f ) . Received by Others. 12. "Gavo he power. " R. V. and Am. R. , "tho right. " The original word combines the two ideas , both the right and the lower. } " ' 1'0 become the sons ( better "children" with both Revs. ) of God. " Sec Rom. 8 : 16 , , 17 , "the children and heirs or God , " heirs of his character his horne , his training his blessed- neRS. "The last and highest realiza- tion of this Ideal , a realization for the present fathomless , lies only In the fu- turo ummatlon.'Velss , Dlb. Theology , fi 150. "Even to them that believe on his name. " "And the Word was made l"lesh. " H. Became flesh , "human nature , as . a whole , under the aspect of Its present - I ont corporeal embodiment.-Exposl- , I tor's Greek Test. Through the Virgin I Mary and the miraculous conception , the worth Hud fitting way in ! which the Son of God should become flesh. See Luke 1 : 26,38 ; l\Iatt. 1 : 18-25. "And Dwelt among us. " "Taber- nacled" among us , dwelt as In a ten , a8 the Shelcluah , the glory , the divine Presence dwelt in the Tabernacle in the wlldel'l1ess. 'rnbernacled" ex. presses two thoughts : (1) ( That Christ really dwelt among us , and did not merely appear to some person , or come in a vision , us in time previous ages. (2) ( ) That his abode among us In this form ws temporary , only a few 'ears. "And we. " John , the dIsciples , and time people of Palestine , as the representatives . slmtaUves of man. There were num- berless witnesses. "lIis glor ' . " Not the physical glory which shone from God's presence in ! the tabernacle but throe real glory which that glory foreshadowed . shadowed and . . symbolized. "Glory as . . . of the only begotten of the Father. " Glory worthy of the eternal Son who was time express image of the Father. Il was the glory of goodness , of wis- dom , of love , of power controlled by these qualities. When Moses saw time glory of God , It was the goodness or God that passed ueforJ him ( Ex. 33 : 18 , 19) ) . "Full of Grace amid 1'ruth. " Overflowing . flowing with , able to bestow them without measme. "Grace" primarily means that which gives joy ; the beauty , loveliness , goodness , which bring delight ; then kindness , favor , good-will. Honee the gifts and favors which are the expression of good.will , and thence , still more fully , the free , lovIng bestowal oC this favor and these good gifts upon those who do not deserve them. "And truth. " "As being the perfect revelation of God the Father , combining in himself and manifesting an divine reality , whether in the being , the law , or time character of God. He embodies what men ought to know and believe or God : what they should do as children of God , and what they should he.-M. R. Vincent. The Witness of John at the Public Appearance of Jesus.-15. "John bare witness. " By pointing him out to the people ( Luke 3 : 15-18) ) ; to the rulers ( John 1 ; 19,27) ) ; to his disciples ( John 1 : 35 , 36) . "Cometh after me. " Jesus entered upon his mission sev- eral months later than John. "Is preferred - I ferred ( is become ) before me. " Superior - perior to me , in nature , In character , In worlt. The Witness of Christians. 16. John the apostle's words. "And ( for ) of , " as the source. "Have all we reo celved " John , and all Christians. The proof that Jesus is the Word , the true light , is found In what ho does for his disciples , the light and the life and the grace ho produces in them , I the fruits of the spirit ( Gal. 5 : 22 , 23) ) . "And grace for grace. " Either (1) ) grace corresponding to each grace in the Master" ; or (2) ) grace upon grace , cunmlatlve grace ( Beza ) . Time Witness of the Message of Jesus. 17. "For the law. " Moral and coremonial. "But grace and truth , " as described under Y. 14. These characterized - terized the message at Jesus , and his gospel at the kingdom of God. These characteristics were the witness that Jesus who brought them was the Son at God. . ContInuous Performance. Diggsby-Pocr old Meeker I I feel sorry for him. After his first wife died 110 married her dressmaker Waggsby-Thought bo would get : old of paying dressmaker bills , I supp pose. Dlggsby-Yes ; but the plan didn't WOI'lt. Ho not only has lo pay them j hut they are larger than ever ! - - , Good Boy ! Lady in the Coach-I wish you wouldn't smoleo in here. t Gentleman with Clgar-I suppose , you dislike the smell of tobacco ? Lady-I do decidedly. Gentleman-H'm ! I thought you were actuated by selfish motives in , . . your objection to smoklng.-Boston Transcript. . - : - ; ; . 1 Difficult Case. . .J . . . 1 . "You must avoid everything that . . . would excite or irritate 'ou. " . "An .thing else , doctor ? " "And drink only water ! " " 1m possible ! " 'Vhy ? " . ' 'fhl\t would irritate me more'n - any thing else ! " -Fliegende DIaetter. Feminine Amenities Visitor-Your governess seems very good natured. Lady of the House-Yes , poor thing , her father lost a lot of money , so 1 . . . teak her as governess for the children. Visitor-Poor , poor tbing. Isn't it terrible how unfortunate some people r are-London ! Punch. When Greek Meets Greek The Ouc-Suy , " wbat's your buss- li ness ? The Other-I'm a burglar ; wbat's yours ? . . The One-Samo line ; I'm a pick. 4 p clcet. The Other-Good ! Come on ; Jet'R take something. Worried About the Future. The Minister-My dear madam , let this thought console you for your bu . . . . . . band's death. Remember that other " and better men than be have gone the same way. Bereaved Widow-Thoy haven't all gone , have theyT-TIt-Bits. Difference Gunner-"So she has refused you : on account of your poverty ? " Guyer-"She has , indeed. " Gunner-"Perhaps there ts another 'n1chmond In the field. ' ' Guyer-"No , there 1s another rich man In the Held. " His Ambition. "How . (10 you like this social atmos , phere.t"1 " 'V ( > lI , " answered 1\11' Cumrox , after some hesitation , "to tell you the hon. est truth , I'd like to get back to a town where the ladies recognize only two kinds of society , sewing and lit- ernry.-Washington Star , . . . Yes , Verily ! , H -A man usually treats a woman right. She-Yes ; but there are exceptions to aU rules , you know. lie-What's the exception to this one ? She-lIe someUmls marries her. An Insinuation. 'fhe spiritual seance was In full blast. "The spirit at Deacon Skinner Is present , " said the medium "Hello , deacon , " exclaimed one at his ex-neighhors , "It Is hot enough for . . . . " . you : ?