J EdtlcationalDepartrnent
I Conducted bJ' CountJ'Supcrintcnclcnt Croclcr
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how To Keep Little Folks
Busy , Especially in
Country Schools
1'0 thc weary teacher who has
several gradeR on her hands hc t
pt'olJIl'm or "IIow to Keep Little
1'olls Hllsy' is all important ol1e.
The object of hils\ wort , is to
supply ! pupils with . cmploymcnl
: that wil1 occupy .hca < 1 and ( hands ;
1 to lead pupils to ohsc\\'c \ closely ;
to lead thcm to he in'cnt0 ; to
furnish \ them with Material for
1 thought ; and lo ct ( \ 'elop the chilI's (
powers exprcssing' his thollg'1I
'l'hl' scat work 1 she ld hc g'o\'erl1-
i l'd hy and closely related to the
class l'xercise. For this find the
Plan stool such a licit to mc in
\ preparing' by busy work for the
(1av. 1.01' I instance' while studying -
ing' birds , for scat work the child-
'l'n call la\ hinl houses , nestsc.tge
tree : where bird lip ' c with sticks
lI"ing' lentils for birds etc. 'l'hl'
'ett work being . ' . . ' . 'o\'ci'ncd ( by thc .
"lIhjl.'ct stlldh.l. Ill country
d1l101s much time is often con-
" 'U1nl'd in so called ' busy work" I
'put'pose uf 1\I.'epll1g'
for the t sale purpose \
them occupied while the higher
gr.ules \ IIrc being taug'ht. Thl'sc. .
few suggestions that 1 give \ \'ou.
will find arc not new to n great
ninny that 1 allliost hesitate to
give them. Strining' of straws
and pap'rs , stases and com or
other seeds , 'l'he e may bed
d ' or needle tht'l'ad-
strung by use a
; \,1 \ , nth ! thread or pHt : 7.t'phy ,
' ' ' ' ' colors like their
'l'hl'Y may string i
! d bllis. One color of paper and .
saute of straw are best ' to begin &
with. String alternately one
paper or one color , and straw an-
otlh'r. String two reds , two blues
, .
\'lC' uy twos. String \ using two
y 10r\l1HBqlHlt'es \ and circles. String
the "tandar\1 COIOlS The chains
matte can be H'icd to decorate
wil\lows \ , doors and for Clll' il-
\\l.l. \ \ trees. '
' ' teach them \ \
These occupations \
color , form , muscular \ \ control ntHI
e\ l' pcrc'ption. ' 1'hlc peg boards
amid sticks can bt used in many
\ \ ays. Have children make a
fence \ with two's of one color ,
thrl.\8 de. JIakc a , row of sold-
iers marching them by two's four's
I.'h. Those wearing red coats ,
blue oats 'te. The beads can be
used in a similar wa\ Shoe pegs :
may be used in a variety of ways.
11.\\1. children sort them os to
\rhen a new word is al'Ucd
w rite it in large script all their
desks and lay with stids After
they can write , the teacher may
place the word in script on the
bl.h.'kboard and the children make
it with their stick Draw different -
ent objects on blackboard IS
shares , circles , triangles , alngrles
et : . and let them \ be .copied. 1'0
\ art the \\'ork , they . can use corn . ,
. . .
split peas , tooth-pick1or ! seeds ! of
any kind Tickets sqllareround ,
diamond shaped , and heart shaped -
ed cut from cololed card board.
Give one ticket to each child and
let them snake ( lesignsvith it all
his slate. He plal'os he ticket t
on the r.latc1(1 : \ dra\\'s lines
around al1d ; t makes his ( desi-n : ,
simple or complicated as hc
As a treat , give two tickets or
even three all differcnt , of course
and this g' \ 'cs'ariet" . : l'hc best
work can be placed on black-
' < lledg'c and the slower child-
rel1 arc stimulated Mount pict-
turc on card board and girt cads
child One , asking him to write
the naml'S of everything he sees
in the pictll1'e. 'l'his is not hard l
brain . \ ' 01'1nlHl is very interesting -
ing' as each child tries to hate
the longest Jist. The misspelled
words can be incorporated into
ncxt spelling' lesson.
' Word charts containing all the
\rorls the children \ learn can be
used in ( Ii 11Ct'C'llt ways. Let them
wrile all the words containing a .
certain letter t , or write words according -
cording to the l111mber of letters
they contain , or containing certain -
ain sounds , or in alphabetical
order. 'l'his same method can lJe
ucd ! by using their books Words
may written from f their icson !
on time hlack-boarcl , tlte children
find 1 the sentences containing the
words and write them on their
t han charts containing thc
unities of the days of the weeks
nud the months with their ao-
brc\'i.ttions. They arc numbered
all time- words capitalized and 1 the
11'Ces8ary punctntation marls.
These charts render the child
familiar with \'Oirt'\'t f'rm The
words may be copied Qr they may
spelled with letter . cards upon the
desk. Colored yarnscnt in short
leng'hts can be used very nied ) ' .
Let the children ort them as to
color. Then ( again 1 draw \'erti-
car lines on d-boanl and we
call them straight o1c1iero : , the
horizontal hisses : nn 1..I1dier:3 : : lying
down inverted Y tents for soldiers
to lie children make them with
their colored yarns. 'I'hdot -
work is very good for formin ;
designs , and borders , use corn
acorns , pebbleslentils and shells :
Draw hc ohtliue on he black-
board for the children to make at
their scats also encourage : them
to b c r giunl. Write . the pupil's
names \ on slips of card baRrel ,
After they learn to write
their own unities let them learn
to write the names of each of
their school-mates. e.uory gems
can be written 011 black board
Have boxes of printed letters
[ large and small ) and let children -
dren make words of the spelling :
lesson , sentences aU the words
tile ) ' know containing certain
number of letters ) , or beginning
with a certain letter etc. Cut
small squares of paste'Joanl , upon
which write the capitals and
slllali letters of the alphabet many
limes. Give some to each child
to sepal'atl' the capitals from the
small letters anl place letters of
the same kind tOg'ether. The
idea ma ) ' be carried out with the
numerals and Roman I Ilia racters.
Cut live pointed stars out of (
colored paper and write a noun
in the center of the star. Ak !
the children to write a word in
each point of the star c1e.-cript
of the center word. If ' u..H1SC"
b' the center word they ma ) '
write \ ' 'large „ ' II white , " 'brick 1 , ' '
"wood , ' and "stonl' , " mil the
points. , Old calendars S luny be
cut up and the figures pasted on
cardboard \ squares ) . These arc
given to the children for soiling ,
copying and c(1Inbining'
minoes aO'o\l \ a fund ur work
for the ehildr0n. The forum of
the domIno may be drawn IIpon
paper and dots placed to repl'l'-
s'nllh spots Whel1 pupils : are
sufficiently advanced , the sl1m of
the dots may be fOllnd , Qt' the
less subtracted from the gl'eatl'r.
I have bn"cs [ amore boxes than
scholars ] con tam ttitig cut up pic-
tures Give to children and as
soon as one is put in correct 'posi-
tion , then another is given them.
Of course sonic have to ha\ ' very
simple ont's , while others enjoy
the puzzling' ones. Cut ll'a ' es.
11owers , birds , all orts ! uf g'come-
tric figures ant of cv10rec1 paper
. . . . . .
amud cover : witii words front I spc 1. 1"-
i.1g i le sons. ' .1'he children gro\r
tired of doing their work the
same wity : c\'cry clay so this gives
them it va riety. And let pupils
copy \1l1mber \ of times. At the
dose of a number lesson I sometimes -
times give the children a \11Ilfll 1
of corn and some inch stkks
\Vith these they wOlk out the
lesson that has h cn ( \"clllped. l .
the numbers being let \ t 011 the
board. 'l'hcgrains' corn designate -
lIatc the figures l ant the sbl\s :
the sigll. 'l'he exercise milbl'
varied by using ditTercn t kind o :
seeds : On cards about 2I. ' ! a1 ill
write combinations of figures ,
sentences as , One dog has - feet.
Four birds have - wings Distribute -
tribute among child 'cn and have
thl'm copy and finish the work
0\1 \ their slates , pieces : : of cardboard : l-
board or' paper may be used to
cxcellent advantage. As fast as
new words arc learned have them
written on several slips ant
placed ill a bus , cacti child having
his own box. . Write 0\1 \ durable
paper simple sentences ot" 'take
the lessons from some old rdcr ,
monnt on cardboard and separate
the cntences. into words , place
the words. in an envelope or box
with a slip containing sent-
cl1ce. . Give to each child and
have the words arranged to form
the \ . . . s Hit tcc. Qn slits of. . . paper
- .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . . _ _ _ 1 I
write the lIames of objects , give -
four oj' live ( of these to each child ,
? . ,
asking him to draw pictures of
thc objects which his slip" indi-
cates. 'l ime children arc always
pleased with t sewing' ca r < 1 . 'I'hcy
can easily he made by crnwing' !
the outline of sonic hjec't 01 ' _ _
cardboard and then picking thcl\1. \
These suggestions for busy work
are of such a nature that the
i . children can readily do it alone ,
I with just a few \.ord8 from the
teacher. \Ye all know there are
many other kinds or busy work
but 1 thought something' of this
kind would bc the ' most helpful j
to the country teacher.
' - - - . I j
A k ) risuner 'I Her Ow ; : lousc.
Mrs.V. . H. Lavha of ' 10U.1 . ' J
Agnes A.c. . . Kansas City. Mo , ' _ .
has for se \ 'oral years been trOl1.bl--
cd with severe hoarseness and a t t , oJ. . . .
times a hard cough , . . . _ whkl } she '
says , 'Vould keep mc in doors
for days. I was prescribed for by-
physican with no noticeable rc- .
suIts. A friend g'a1. mile \ part of
bottle or Chumh 1'lain's '
a ( : Cottg'
e1l1edy { with instructions to close-
ly follow thc directions and 1 :
wish to state that after the first I ,
day I could notice a decic1ecl j
change for the better , and at this i
time after ' it ' ' :
using for two weeks
have no hesitation in say img J. . . . :
realize that T am entirely en reti. " , -
'I'his 1''ll1cc1b . for sale bA . , G. .
Wnnl1Cr f' <
? Ir , and ilIrs. : P. UillLlkc ; and " . . j
their children arc visiting Mrs. ' - - - ; S
Dillake'a parents , ? lr. and 'In. "
Jesse l'orurtoll. .rrs. Hidlak was :
formerly ; Miss Stella Marten attics , .
has male her home in "Cle\'clal1d.
Ohio , for several years
hham ea\'is was in Atchi""q
on legal matters Saturday
; " Iwo '
1'hm qc Y . . I
t . ' l l' fj c _ " j .
. . .
' . - . \ " . . .
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' . . ' \ ' .
Your rioney' :
rioney'J. - , . .
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Sow e ano1e ! t
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l . . . \.t:2 .1 L 0 ,
. . - - - - . . . . . - - .