The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 30, 1904, Image 9

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, ,
. ' .
. . . . . . ' < \ ( ,
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Published ] \ " ( 'Ql Friday at
. * i , By
' 1'1\1 BUXE PtHLTSJ1I ; CO.
I tltcrct as OI\\.e\ns \ \ ; matter , .Tntlu-
- U'Y 13 , l-tal ( ) the } lO"t { ) t1i cat : 1" alls I
. . tinder thc Act of ' ' I
\ City. Xeb. \ ( Congress
. of Mnrth 3 , 1879.
. . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. 1.1' lc1 > hone \o. . 22(1.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Attorney General Prom is i in
favor of the creation of the outer'
of district attorney the duties of
. . . .
. " whlc 1 will be to assist the 1 several : 1
county attorneys in the distric :
.lodge Good has also given an
interview , indorsingthe plan.
.Tl1dg'c. Good says that many
criminals arc set free each year
because people persist in electing
ncxpcr1cncL'd i boys to hc office of
count- ) ' 'attorney' who arc unable
tn combat with the older and
more experienced lawyers who ( IC-
fend the criminal So far as
. this county concerned the office
J - . well have been'aCHnt
mig-ht ns \ ( : \ \ \'aCHnt
1 , for the ! past two years \Vha t
, - - - the next two years will produce (
no one ciin ay. The Tribune
hopes that Mr. [ Ja111e will prove
an ahle an fearless pro ccutr ,
'i'he next : : legislature 1 t should 1
either follow the advice : of f the
attorney general and create the
oftIce oi ( list net alt01'lhoramcncl 1
1 the laws SO as to pay the t county
- . . attorney enough ! mouc\ to IIHk. '
t the ofilce an induccmcnt for good
i lawyer .
_ _ _ _ _
As Ui1de Joe Cannon left the
white ) lOuse Oil the day before
Christ as he turned to a reporter -
er who had asked hilll ho v 10
have a : \lel'r ) ' Christmas and said :
"You'may . take oneIiilk I , hut
only OIC , Do nOl take any uwre.
, Don't drink ( these fancy things
they mix up 1,1' you must have
a < hint , take plain. : \ good , straight
. whisl 'y. Have : a nice turkey !
an(1 ( other things you fancy.
iring on the ' phut pudding with i 1
blazing : brandy , 'Pi It your clw ir
back null \ put \.0111' feet high up
and ( light your cig'al" Then dose
your eyes and think oi all the
pleasant things that ha\'c hap-
'I" 1Icned. , De so contented that yon
-i ' even forget to cuss the scoundrel
who wrote lit'S about you
- - - -
It is nut too early to plan for
J f -l ' ) . , the city ell'l.tion. Personally 'I'hie !
't' Tribune : favors . straight ! party I
IIOllllltatllln . Citizen tickets are
J ill : right in theory , hut eittin } fly as
J good results may he obtained by
patty n0ll1iuation8 A citi1.clIS
f. ticket is responsible to no enc
'j ' while partisan tickets have every
sdlish inducemcnt 'perforll1 the
Unties of l.m.micipal g-m'crnmcnt
well. \VithOl1t attempting to dic-
FN tate , what is i the matter with a
straight republican ticket next
tl'hc young lady who desires : to
. , . . .
, .
. ' . -
< -
- .
take adrntitage \ or IN' P ) Cl\t' will
. ,
" "
hare : to hurt'
Christmas without \ t snow is lake
turkey without g-1':1\ : .
'he [ ' 'iknt has found foe
president ! : : ; n
worthy of his st\'d. Ill' is lighting -
ing- the smoke it uisanec : in the
city of \Ya hinton. :
- . . -
.A great many people aee attributing -
bnting' oml' of the pnl'rot
faults to Thomas f4a"'Sln iu that
he talks \ 100-- - . " 111udl.
- -
i \an Palll'ronrrs : , Chadwick
and'\'homas \ Lawson have the
center of the stage to the e dus-
idn l1f Gencra1l \Vhips\y \ :111(1
his Japanese adversaries. : \ ( . .
" " ' - " " - -
Fal1 City tuerchait ts as I .t class :
did a record breaking holiday :
business. \ That 1 > 01't ion of the t
class which did < < not was of the
11Oad'ert isitig l'rowd.
_ L.
'L'hc Ne's conveys the information -
111ation that the \rartin 'hI\\ :
houg'htllntI t hog powder nn-
cern. It will now het : toss l1P as
to \ rliether'c will get a hog
powder prcmium with thc.1until t al
lH' a Journal preuliUtt , with the
hog 1\Owder.
- - . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
One can gather the eastern
idea of the westerner ! " by r \ : actitig
the Law ell inter\ ' cws. ISverv : \
man who has so far seen lit to
tiu eaten I411\\'IHl takes \ p\rtknlar. :
iiatns l > to sUIte : that I'It one time he
lived west. 1'1 e ; eridntIy : i I
think wc are all -l'rnppers.
" ' - -
Nan : Patterson , the New . . . York
soiled dove , who ruined ! one family.
distrove 1 : d it home broug-ht ; J4'dd f :
and ; disgrace 011 her gray : hait''ll. .
pitrcnts \ and who pl'oh.lhl took ,
the life of . Ceitser Vouitg went in-
to nervous \ pl'Ottl'ntion'h 11 a : I
jury of t wcl \1. . ' 1I1en refused to
Bite a verdict of I'Icql1itnl. Sooner -
I.'I' or later they all learn that the
of the ' is i ha1'lt.
way trait ; gressor
. - . - . . . . . . - - -
If Lawson could let up H1 hid i
grand stand inkrews lie would
prove more ( ' ! Tee t'l' . II is exposures -
posures in E'erybody''lag'I : inl"
,11'e hoiitif\'lug in he 1 cxtrCll1l" hut
he 1I1i1itate against their en'l'e-
ti\'eness by injecting l'I'\n-
ality into the mattl'1' He seems
to he looldng' f1':1 ( : personal en-
countcr and is fearful tllat sonic
Otte'iil 11't find it Ollt.
. . . .
- - - - -
: \larshal1 Fil'lel , the TCl1t Clti-
cage utl'n'hant hind a column of
advice : \ to young men in tlit' 1111.1'-
clntilc : business in the t ChiCago
Rccord Hcralcl last wel'k lie
stated that he could tell nothing
save that his own experience : hall
taught hilll. The two great factors -
tors in lily success , said \I r.
Field Ist--To advertise
( were : ( ( , especially -
pecially during the dnll sc'son : ,
hut 10 advertise all times. 2nd-
1'1..1 always tale adv.tnttpz"e ( : of , the
cash dhcountst . . ' ' if it
- ; , even itvgr4'
necessary to borrow the mOl1tW
to do so. Mr. Field is reputed to
hl' the richest merchant in the
world and he started as a clerk.
Could l'Ou l not follow his : ; advice
with lrolit )
. 4 "
i . .
. . . , . , _ } . . . . , . ' ' . ' ' ' , ' , ' ' ' ' , ' 'k' . . ' , J. . . . _ 4 _ , , : , _ . ,
' r ' -f " - - ' \ -
, " . 'Ii " : 1 : 1" . . , T ' "
' : . . " - ' . . , ' f " . "
. , . ) 'j . 'Ai. L ! Ii" "j" ,
. .
. t
' . . ' . t" \ ' i' . : ' 3 1 _ . t : . _
, . . . .
. _ u. . , . . . . . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - : - : - - - - : : - = : :
TheGood * l i
Old Quakeri ' i
, - . , - - I
n nn' saiti i i to t his hey :
, " : " .tit ban it is nnt what tlH'I' 1'C"'ad tltH ! nI..t'q ; ,
: t hel' smart : it is not what I ht't' t'al 1 hat mnkt .
fat : IH\ \ , what ; thet ( l'arn that l11ikethct' ! rich :
hut \ \ hal 1.1\l't' SA VE5. .
This saving ; Imhil. may'he' ; i : H.quil.t by fonn\\- '
ing' t iw St . 40Stit711s o11ert'tl by tltt
i 0" F ills City State : Bank r ,
I 1 Ibis hank ( 'I\l'nurlg''S : tlw HLittlc 1 'olks"
.Utti . the' "I3ig htIIS" tat I ' ( ' ( ' (1111e I1OIWa \ ; , \ ' .
l'P , 1):1110 \ \ fn . . 1 lu'r l''IH on t'hildrt\ ; -
l'nunts wd i lrl' l't'nt tn 'tilt' uldt:1 t PPtpt' ! c,1) , I
, ti'1h' ccrtiticttt's : nf dt'posit. 8
: ' . + wFfISy' 'bfr3" : tc dt '
: JC QUick
Not \ a minute \ should ' bt ltet t
when a t t:1I1tl : : shows \.1t1plon'\ ! ! t\j
rol1p. Clt inberlaiII's ! , CtJ1I ' 'h
c11lt"h' l \ ' : > 'i \'t'll as eott ) , II ! ' th C
chillbecatne , hml''se.l1r'C'11 after
the c rotipy cough npl'l'nl' will
PI'\'CIH the nltncl 1t I t ttt ' rt r
Inds and is 'i ph\SlIlIl \ : and safe to
ll1c. . Fo1' - : tl ' h\ t.Ci.Vaunt' ; .
. .
- - - - - - -
For Sa'e---Mule colt , l.'nquire it
lled ( ' .fl'cd store. \
I' Huw .l would 1')41 like ! to lit the
rural ! route l11til ?
nr A. ( iliiser ; ; " dentist over I
1\tcli.ardsoit l l'omh1l1l1 ! , I
- - . - . . . - . . - .
, : fiMt TliHL : TABLEt
t .
jj:4 ; ! tlnl : : : FlIlIs Clh' . . . NlJh ,
' :
. : .k. : : 'j.t.\ . ,
. ! uln. Denver
011I:11111 IIch.'lIn
ChCllhO ! Butte
st. , Iuscph Salt Lake City
1\tIlSI1S City Portland
St Louis \11(1 all j I San ii ' anCiSC41
points enlt lllltJ : \Iul:111 points
south. i \vc5t. :
'I'IL\l-S : I.H'I . \S 1tOl.l.0W8 :
No. .I : . 1'at ' tintti % ; ; 1. 1.\Iis \
' - : laceiul , tit. : .llIlIol'IIII , ,
Ratta. City . tit.
Louis II\I \ all ixtittts }
cast alUsOllth. \ . . , , . ; : :20 : p 1\1
: -u. 13.'l'st ihlllc(1'XIII'l' ' " .
Iaily , Ienrcr I > 111111
all poinls 'Wl'l > l allll
l'lll\'hl t. . . . , . . . . . . 'l : . 5'a,1I1
No. 11. \-c ilihlllcil ! l'xprl'sI' ,
ttl\lly , St..Joe. K\II- :
sits laity : ! . tit. I.nllis
. :111/1 : all ' poillts lIIst ! ' ,
alai ! SOli t II. . . . . . . . . 7113.1 : . In
\ o. I.i. \TCSlihlltcd \ cXI'I'I tis , . .
( l : tllj' ( , Dl'II\'lH" , IIIH1 ,
, . nil points west : nett , .
Itoi'ttt\rest : . . . . . . . . . lJ8p'ID : .
\'o . Ifi. I "t'stihllh-d cxprea4s : . , \
daily . . .1 : .Toe , KIIII- ' .
sns' City , St i.uttb . ' .
Chicago and Isni sits
" cast and ! > iOlll II. . . . . . 1:251 III
No . ; W. Local CXPl'l'-OH : dnily
4\tcliisniiaittl I point ) ! >
1oi01ll11 a allll Wl..1. . . . . 4.151' : III
-\0. 41. Sf. l.ollis-l'lIrllallll :
tipeciall.nuttbal ' { Ic-
Il'nu , 'l'acoma111 \
Portia lid without
cha)1ge . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:07 : 11 11\
Xo. Il. . I..Ojal : accomll\oda-
tion , d ail i 1 y c x-
etpt Sunday ; , Halcm.
N miaha and Nebraska -
lJrl1slm ( it.r. . . " . " . . 1040 ; IIII \ .
SI'ccpillgdining - and reeling chai , .1
cars ( neat free ) on through trainB.J ) ]
Tickets sold lead ; baggage dp" rlol lo :
SHY point in tile States or Calla a. ' For' !
information time llJks , map and I
tickets . call fill 01' write tu G. Stewart ;
Ag' ( lit. l" ails City , N'b. , or J. l"rancis ,
: 1. P \ ' : 't : \ . , dmaha
_ : 4 , , . '
. -
err I
± I ; t ' f
. . ;
i1 gY I i
\\"t , sell iii' 111.\ 1'1nod : PUT ( '
\nal. : TIH' cll'.1iwr ( ( lite I coni is
the 1111)1' I'n' ( ' hllrnin , . . ' . . it i"
Tht-I'u : . . , , 11\01' \ ( ' bNat tin 1t t.Qrl t ; 0 r
OUI' mill I 'tIH\n \ in any tithl' Con
we" know. Our coal's a ' litt1 ( . .
IwltC'r than nl.lH'r cotl : ! t ihCa113r
Wt' take ' mll\ 1' \ ( ' pains'hanrtling' ;
1'110'1 ( ' 3.9
DON'T 0 0 IT !
'It [ don't PIY ! Don't senti /
:1\\ : ' :1\ : ' for Nursery Stock t !
The best trees , the linobt f (
' frni.s . , tltti past ; r&uh ; : ; : Ire
I Obtaii'ed by purchn inK trees
SEKY. A large stock of I
choice home IrOWII tr"l' 10
select from. Low prier for
high Grade 1'rc's.
\VN\ nOli LEI , Proprietor I
Lands bought and sold r
I-Iartford I- 1 = ire Insurance
blouses in i city for sale
rtoncy to 10",11
. . , Telephone 18
. , ,
< "
Dr.R : P. Robert . . " ; , dentist .
> ' '
- ' \ - "
ha'prrCre ' " I/ 4' "
over King Pha " . ' '
" , ' , . , . " . . ' t < : ' , ; i3 , , ,