The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 30, 1904, Image 7
. . . ' . - " 'r . T c tt . , ( ' , - . _ . - What Others Suy. " - . . . To A Lltlc : Maid I Know. ' ! Little mall ! . little staid with time Joy In your . . " eyes , ' + And hair like H't"riall gold 1. \ JO ( = - . .1 , would gladly change places with you . IItth ! maid - " , And go back to the A If I' of < < ; 0111. \ " _ . Little staid elll you know .111 you know little , , . . . . " umahl . - . , " 'J'o UN all ill the days of youth - # 'l'h..Halllbuw of Joy from Iii glm h"\\11 corn down And covers the face of 'I'ruth' ? ' .tlut ] wl\'II-llttll' ilia 1 < 1--\\ ' , ' are grown . little - _ maid , - It goes hack 10 heaven again And there out IIf reach for n'r It tIO\t. \ . . . O'cr tilt weary ways of omen now I envy you now little nmaid little \ staid ! ! . XII words of mine may It'll . , . . . . ' , , lint when ill your eyes that , light i see \1) : heart 1\lllIwN-ah. too well \ ! , I'or once like you . little mal l. like ) "U- III the l'alllhlJlIlay" IIf 11111- I , 1. ! . too. ; vas a Queen of Happlll" And ! reign ' tl I tier the Realm of < ; old 1 ! . " ; , -Julia Elllla l\'ortlmley . . . , - , , ' Prof. , Charles M. Bracelen of Omaha is being mcntioncd as a . ' " ossible ! successor to Prof. 'Vu1f , . . IS principal of thc Lincoln high , school , alld his numerous friends . iii southeastern Nebraska hope . . ; . , the ! place may bc tendered him.- I . , llumboldt Leader. . - - - - - - ' , ' \Yonldn't yon like to be ahoy - - , ' : : I rain long enough to take part , ' / " lit , an uld fashioned Christlllas 1 cantata : Did ) you ever see a . . ; " play with a more exciting plot I , than the cantata whose climax Ii i was the entrance of the church ' ' \ , . . sexttmn disguised : as Santa Claus ? -Humboldt Enterprise. _ \1 \ } about forty of our progressive ' , , _ ' _ ' farmers listened ] to the lecture on 1 "pure : ' tierd ) "at Falls ] City Monday for whichJlthe Burlington prol f ltd ' free transpo.tatiol1. 'rhe Icc- ' titi'c : ' - with illustration ! , was very I ' 'iinterdtiilg ; . . ' , and will doubtless I ' ! irocll1cc noon ( u1rs.-Salem In- ' ' -il e . - - - - - - - - , : . , . . , . - , ' , 'rhe cotllmullit\ . was surprise , < 1 to learn that 'Yheeler Bros. had purchased a coal lumber ] business in University Place and will make their future home there. Mr.Vhceler ] came among us ten years ago from Table ] Rock an < is ranked among our succcssful progressive business men. Mrs. ] Wheeler came two years ago as pastor of the N. g. church which place she acceptably filled for a year then she married lr.\Vheci- - er 'l'heand the family will be missed in the1. ; E. church of f which they were active 1I1emh : and also in t hc social I life of the community. The best wishes of all will accompany them to their new homeS lem Index : - - - - - - - - It would be impossible to esti i- mate the value of a system of ; good roads cO'cringthe e'ntire county. 'phis added to a county system of mail delivery ] and the plcndid : rural telephone service would ] make country life in Richardson I - ardson county something fibre than ever to be desired.-Ilum- bold En terprise , - - - - Who Did 111 As thc seed corn special was returning - turning from Falls City ; Monday a window in one of the coahes : was broken and the. , train crew Saw two men alon ' side the track whom they supposed had thrown something throLg-h the glass. : Whcn the train reached the station - ion : larshall , Todd was t < , ' ] ephon- edforand'aked : ; to arrest the two 1I1en. lie investigated and found that the ' moil were telegraph - graph 1ine1l1ell and were iilntCent of any , viol J1c < . ' toward the special. Further investigations showed fragments of window glass beside the track ! alld mingled with tlH'm 1 . . fragmentsof a whiskey bottle It is now \ sUP ' 'Iosed that somebody ! on thc trait desired to ( discard 1 erupt bottle and through sonic mistake threw it through the window - Humholdt . 1llterprise - - - Chnnlfed Her Mind. A Iuscotah girl declared she would not marry until the young . man to whom she was engaged had $2,000 in the bank. She met him i\ few weeks afterward 1 and asked him how' he WitS g-ett- t ing along' "Ycry wel1" he re- ' plicd , "I have about $ H > ' sa \'ed. " "I g-uess" she answered faintly , "that is about near enou h.- Hiawatha World l\Irs. : Sue Windlc came up from Falls l City Saturday afternoon : and remained until Monday , the guest of D.V. ; GriflithH. Mrs. i \Vindle left on 'l'uesclay's train from Falls City for Okla homa.- Verdon Vedette , " - - e" The Fa11s ] City papers will ) ) raise the price of their advertising - ing- space the first of the year , at lcast is what two of them alt I , nouncc.-- V rdn V edet te. , . _ - - - - - - 1ert : Rl'a'is , a Falls City boy well known in Iiiawatha was married ! December 5 in 51. Louis to Miss Lena Katherine Stite. They 'sill make their home ill Falls 1 City-Hiawatha . - - , - 'I'he condit ion of Mrs. ' ( ' loos. TIu/T / , is somewhat improved , Lut t site is still in a nitica : cOl1dition. She is 83 years of age and mends very slowly. Her friends and relatives arc more hopeful of her recovery than a week ag'Q.-Shu- beet Citizcl1. - - - - Falls City seen.s to he in earn c'c 4 011 th , ' ' ! 'tfld ! 1fYH1" tuc ; tiol' i . , " . , Se\'enty-f represcntati\'c II1CI1 from till o\'CI' Richardson l county recently met there al1d discllssed how good : rou1s : could he secured folder the prescnt road law and ] what ; legislation 'is needed to make thc road laws hetter. One I' ' stlggestlot ) that lI1et with fm l\'OI' was thal ( all ; road ; tax bl' ) pai ( ; ( ] in cash and this amount spent for I work on the roads , the work to \ be given to the lowest bidding 1 cOlllractor.---Hiawatha Worl l. - - - - Boh lule l , a Fal1s 1 City man says he will'soon bring his fast i hounds here to catch the renown- feel cd jack rabbit , "Dan Patch , " t s which has been rtlnning- circles ' around salt : the chugs in Pnwhntan ; township the pnst two years-- IliawathaVorld. . . - - - - - - - - - - - Presents For The Boys. ' .l ' ilt' greatest ncwspapcl' in Ne- hraska today is the rincoln Sunday - day ( Star. .It . has special features k not found in any other new papcr. ; 'T ' he Sta r's COlllic Section iH lrinted ( ill colors anti is alwa's cntertaining 'P lie 1\1 1agtzliie : Section . with its beautiflll . . pictures ,111 colors I has I 110 etjull ; 1. in the wcst. Added to these arc the lIIany in- tCI'eSlil1gfl'atures that g'U to Make up a great daily ncwspaper. The Sunday Star has maclc a great hit , and is a tremendous t success. \ \ ( want ho' . sin ' ' ' ; W iln every tow in Nebraska to sell the Sunday Star. Other boys arc making good r money selling the Star. 'Yc start you in business ! frce. Prizes are offered each 1II0nth to the boys who sell the greatest nUIl1 her - er of Sunday " Stars. Write for particulars o"f this offer and work lip your list of ( 'II . tlIIerS ) before sOllie one gets Iwacl of YOll. Re- lIIemher we help you to start ill the husi11 < 'ss. No capitall'elflli'I'ed. Don't dea\ ] ' . \Yrite delay. toda\ ' . Address Star Pllb. Co. , rnl'oll . Neb. . Jto r COLDS THAT , HANG ON , . D ' So frequently settle on the lungs and result in Pneumonia or Consumption. Do not take chances on a cold wearing away or take something that only half cures it , leaving the seeds of serious throat and lung . trouble. . . . , IhUJclS ' . : < HONLYTAR1 : I . , Stops the Cough and heals the lungs and prevents - . - I Pneumonia and ConsumDtion I f , , , , : Consumption Threatened ate : C. Unger , 211 t t Maple St. , Champaign , Ill. , writes' , , "I was troubled with a hncling coujh for a year and . . ' I thought I had consumplion. I tried a great many " " " ' remedies and I was under the care of physicians for f " several months. I used one bottle of FOLEY'S ° i HONEY AND TAR. It cured me , and I have not been troubled since. " - Cured Hemorrhages of the Lungs A. M. Ake , Wood , Ind" , writes : "Several years , \ since my lungs were so badly affected that I had i. I many hemorrhages. I took treatment with several physicians without any bencfit. I then started to take FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR , and my lungs arc now as sound as a bullet 1 recommend it an advanced . vanced stages .f lung trouble. " II , j. . , . , I : CURES COUGHS AHD [ J COLDS d Three SIZGs-25c , tiOc , $1 . 00 ' The 50 ' cent slzo contaIns two and ono . nalr times as much as the small I J ! . size and . the $1.00'bottle almost sIx times as much. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. N f : SOLD AND RECOMMEDED [ ! BY I' DR. lVlcrI I LLANi ; ) - ie10r I /UTIacy.