. = . - . . . . . . Christmas At Churches . . - - - - 'l ' hc Christ.1Ias cntcrtain1l1cnt at thc Baptist church Saturday evening was in charge of Rev . \ " and Mrs. Sc1ingcr and consisted 'p- ; - of appropiatc recitations and . Ij musical sclcction A large r crowd was present and the treat of pop- . : oru and candy was cnjoy- ( ed by all. , - - - - - - A beautifully dccorated tree was thc principal object of inter- - - cst at the Brethren church last Saturday evening. The program { was in charge of Miss King , Myrtle Dowers and Birdie How- _ " . man. A generous treat was given - . en to those fortunate enough to be presen t. i I On Saturday evening the n1 < 'm- bel's of the Christian Sunday School rendered a very creditable program at the church. A tree was ladcned with presents and a treat for thc cholars : The cn- : tertainment was Incha rgeofIrs. . Nickolson lnd Miss Dottie Sage who are to be congratulated on thc 5 success of their elTorts. - - - - - Santa Claus held sway at Ryan's hall on Monday evening for the members of the Episcopal Sabbath School. The tree was exceptionally well decorated while the Christmas carols b\ ten singers were enjoyed hy all. The ' : \ . . . Holly and the Rag l time Christmas - mas selections being the hest. The generous treat and lovely gifts received due appreciatlOlI. . . t - Time Evangelical church was i tastpful1y dccorated for the r Christmas exercises ; held by the \ Sunday School children on Sat- urday e\'cning' The program as rendered deserves praise music being principal feature. . ' 1'l1ree trees lit by" wax tapers gave much pl.'asul'e and also the treat of a pre > l'nt and nuts , ill1dy and . oranges tu every \ scholar. " \ . . Time entertainments \ given hy the Ursuline Sisters arc always exceptionally good and those given - cn last Friday I and Saturday nights at the Convent were of their usual merit. The class in music gave a finely I rendered ( . umusical at the Convent on Friday X c'cningthe 23rd 1 and [ \ < an ( was quite a treat for music \ io\'ers. On Sat- i nrday e'eningthe children gave t 'a short prog-ra\11 \ in II1e1l1ory oft the Christ child born so long ago. A heautiful [ tIel' and a generous . . treat was appreciated h\ all. . \1' t , . . ' ; .r , , - The I Methodist church held Its t . . usual 1 Christmas services : 011 Sunday - _ day night i . Notwithstanding it i was : : a < lr 7.dy : night the church ! , . was packed to ca pad ty. 'l'hc program consisted of songs and recitations hy the little one , all of \\'llm ] acquitted themselves with credit and much to the t clelight of tile large alldielJl'e A Christmas tree laden with gifts for thc u school ars concluded thc evenings 1 , enjoymcllt. \ ' . U. Lyfon1.'mper- , . . . - ' - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - n - - - - - - . : -iii 'f - A COMPLETE MARKET k . . . WHEN we say a Complete Market we mean that ve keep oil 11and llt a tillles everything found ill i II COlllptete heat Market , ) and can supply you with tile best ill season Iii addition to our COlll = plete stock of meats we have the celebrated Heinz Pickles , Mustard , Etc If you , have not been trading with lIS , try . US once and ' A you are sure to come again . . is The City Meat f'Iarket : t WESLEY ! ! I LLER , Proprietor. Y _ _ _ . - = _ - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - . . . . . . . . . . - - - - intcndent and dirs. Ib C. i\l auger were in charge of the entertain- 111 en t. - - - - The Christmas program given 'aturday evening by the children of the Presbterian Sunday School was one of the best ever rendered in the church A temporary platform was built across the east end of the church for the con \ ' enience of several drills. I Clara Loose and \lrs. Smith had ' charge of the drills and recitations i\lrs. ( oh . ( e'J of the chorus and Eh'a Sears of the boys bri 1le. ! The recitations although short ' ' - and intcresti1Jif. were very bright ( Numbers : : of unsu.t ! intc\ ' , st were the dialogue ( by Ruth Bohrer and lIodg-ins Smith ; the quartette selection - Jt.ction by Misses : orehead [ and l\IC1\1i1:111' : , Frank Boosc and Prof. Smith ; military drill 1)tl. . . ' ) O\'S . brig-adejand ; the l11usicalselections by the choru' ; A large firc-place and a finch' decorated tree gave the children great delight. A generous treat of candy , nuts and oranges was enjoyed immulcrmsely while the < l'strioution of thc gifts created , a great deal of interest tv those present _ - - - - - - - - - - - Death of fIrs. Shaffer.I I After illness of nearlsc'en an \ seven months , l\lrs. Fe1ich E. Shaffer , wife of Dr. Chas. P. Shaffer , ex- IHred Saturday afternoon at five J o'c1ock at her home in Merrill Kansas The deceased was 38 years , 2 months and 1R clays of age at the time of her death. She was the eldest ChIld of ( l\lr. and Mrs. G. \1' . Peck , who live north of this ci ty. Besides her husband aiId parents she leaves surviving her three brothers end four sisters , I all of w1101\1 \ live l in this ! ' vicinity exceptIrs Maggie Miller ; 1 of Waterloo , Iowa and l\lrs. Loretta Humbarg-er of Oklahoma City. : \1 rs. ShalTer was horn in Somerset - erset County , PennsylvaJia. ! H'r parents 1\10\'ed \ to Ohio precinct , in l\Jarch 1871 1. where she grew \ . into voumartl100(1. She taught school for several years and was married to Chas. P. Shaffer on August 12 , UH ; ( . . 'l'hey spent several ! years on ! the farm , when i\lr. Shaffer de- cidcl to take up he t practice of mcdicine , mt I " \ ' hating from the St. Louis Medical college in t81)2. They [ imumecliately located at Merrill where they have since re- sided. Their weddcd life was a very happy one until death stoIc in and broke the earthly tic. Mrs. Shaffer was highly re- spccted and admired by those who knew her not only for the sweetness of her disposition but for the hospitality of her , home and her activity in the af- fairs 0'1' the church with which she was identified. Her life was in accord with the beliefs she held. Not only was she an example , to those who strove to do their Masters will j but throughout all her long months of sickness , she was an example of patience and resignation - tion to the will of her , Master. Death came to her asit does to all Ch ristians , not as a last and eternal sleep , but a birth into a new , a brighter and a better world. 1'0 her husband and relatives arc extended the sympathies of their many friends in this sad hour of their berea vcmcn t. - - - - - - _ . _ - - - - - - - - , ' - - . - - - - , The funeral services were lucid in the Brethrcn church ill Merrill att 1 o'clock p. m. l\londay. De- cemher 2 ( ( " , I04. } 'l'hc remains wre laid to rest in the Merrill r cemetery. A Siiiahl Wreck A collision between two freight trains on the Burling'ton tracks at Preston , blocked the tracks and smashed up considerable : rolling stock Sunday. All passenger trains wue compc11ed to IIse the : Missouri Pacific tracks from At- cl1 son to Falls City and were from 4 to ( , hours late , incon\'en- icncing- the holiday visitors to a great degree. ' .I'hc track was cleared in time for the night trains. No one was hurt in the wreck , one regular 1uld an extra being involved , nor can it bc learned who is responsible. Mrs. Alder who has been visit- ing' with Sister Ida rerurned to Beatrice the first of thc week. Merchants and Business Men \Vith hard accounts to collect , i should place them with John L. Cleaver JUSTICE of the PEACE FALLS CITY NEB For Collection or for Suit Small Com's on Collections No Attorney Fees on Suits. Defendant pays all Costs.