The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 30, 1904, Image 4

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Good Feed Rnck.
LaMt Htlring we 11\Ihllqh11 \ ) II Ill'fH.'I'IJI'
tint or IL fl'CIII1 ( ruck ! ! 10 he 11I1111 w\lh \
or wllhollt trough which plans were
flll'lllHhplI IIIi hr Il subscriber whose
patents 011 the inch hllll expirntl and
who hllll 110 flll'l hel' liMO for the Illall
1111' Ira I. Nixon Il prominent litocl
man of Dowltt ( county Till nols , writes
concerning this idiot lit follow ! :
"I have added a trough all around
Iho mele floored 10 the outside of
posts ' lord used pieces 1 % feet by S
1I1I'lll's IIllllell 011 out Hide of posts
which catch what : I woulll waste If the
ll'OlIgh'nH not Ihl'l'l' I hn\'e built
11I1110 of 3x : ! ; .I'H where thin maul used
2x . 1's for posts , whlt'h IIIlllws It very
st'ong. I have used oak lumber . and
I think I have the rack I ever !
SOW for shock corn , straw hay or ear
COI'II. IIH pal' corn 01' gl'olllld feed call
IIlI fl'lllIlI wound III the trough which .
IH forty two feet long 1111d large enough
to feed IL car load of clIllle. If built
with :1x-l'H : rOil will he COmlclled ) to l use
ono Inch longer J / hOltH Ihlln this man
haH III his rack ] where the aX.'A ! are
bolted I ogel hm' . My rack has 2xo\'s \
for the hot 10m bolted full wllllh of
melt and one 011 ellch end 10 hold the
floor. I have used ! lhx..lnch t stuff for
slats instead of lxii , lord placed them
eight Instollll of sIx inches IIPlll't.
"I am fOClIIIIg cotton seed m01l1 with
ground cob meal 111111 will give you my
results when cattle are shllllJel ! Ollt.
I lUll feeding 100 head and r never
saw ellltlo do hotter OJ' look nicer . "
Any changes III the original plan
will of course necessitate correspond
lug changes in the hill of IIIfltcrlal ,
hilt liS originally llnlllled ) find as
shown In the cut the follonlng lIIato'
rlllis are l'elIIIt'ed ) for the rack slxt non
1'e't long : Two pieces 2x8 : ! 1 Ii feet
long ; : l IIll'eps 2x11 . H feel ; . 1 pieces
: ix ! I , H feet ; : ! pieces 2x : ! , I , ] .I feet ; l
piece , 2x' I , 12 feet ; 2 llecJs ) 1 xli , 18
feel ; 2 Illeces l xli , 16 feel ; Ii pieces
lxii , U feet ; I J pieces ) 1x12 : ! . lG feet ; 1
piece 1x12 ) : ! , 11 feet ; fiG pieces 1x3 . . 1
fl'ptI ; 1 wood screws , S Inches long ; .1
bolts 111x9 ! ) Inches ; ' i holts % xi Inches ;
Iii bolts % xG Inches ; : :0 : holts % x.J
Inches ; 8 bolts % xJI-J : ! inches ; 3
1I001I1IIs S ' penny ) wire nails ; washers
tor ! all bolts ; .1 1 110lllllls ( 10 ' penny nails.
-11'alhtco's Farmer.
Gambling in Orecdlng.
The man that shuts hIs eyes and ,
breeds hit OJ' 11I111" with the t hope of
getting a good ) dairy cow : Is simply I
rambling ! In hreodln Some have tried
to cross shorthol'l1s with Jerseys .
Gl'CI'IlS0 'B , 1IolItolns and Ayrshires
knowing full well that the product
0111t1 not he In tLCCOrdance with any
known dairy confot ' nudion. They sat-
Islled their curiosity anti got an aui-
tutU Ihllt wn not IL special purpose
cow nor n general I purpose 'ow. Their
hOlIes of ohtalnlllg nn anllllal hat I was
good for both milk and beef wore
blast cd. Sonlethutes the calf obtained
grew ull Into a good milk producer )
and sOlllctimes Into n good beef producer '
ducer hut amore ottell It grew Ull Into
IIn animal that hall neither \'Irtuc.
They lord gambled and drawn a bll1l1lt.
SOlllcone has said that the general
purpose cow Is a llcolllatlon pore
IUIII sll1lple.
simple.Sheep - - -
' : : , Sheep Notes.
Fattening sheep should not hE ; allowed
lowed much' range to run 0\01' . hut be
kept I ) reasonably ! 'c1osolr 'coufined.
lie who produces an inferior commodity ,
modlt will always work cheap ! This
Is especially true of the sheep breeder
-allllllltllL' ' U ii
Wlnter.Grown Asparagus .
Asparagus 'tut he grown In the col.
gar III winter wherever
( \ ire ( owner
heatH his house hr means of 1fur ,
111100. 'J'he hit tttml l cOIlllltions in such
a collar 111' ( ' t'1l\'ol'lIhlo to the forcing ;
of asparagus , 1If the temperature at
night usually hovers around G/j / de.
glees HIIII III the qtly limo runs from
65 degrees to HO degrees , Wo do not
believe that lie ( amateur will fluid
l1Iuch profit ) In this , hilt some of the
\II'ofl'sslollnl \ gardeners do , and ( It IIIay
Illta ' eSt some of 0111' readers to try the
experiment ulIII have IL few messes
of tender 1151)11 ' ages III wlllll'r.
'J'o get the results named , roots are
( lag up III alto fall before time ground
Is too hard t'1'01.011 to 1I11llO digging ;
thong out IlOsslblo. If the roots have
been frozen , so much time bottoI' , as
they I then respond \ moro quickly to
the fOl'dlng process ) . They are placed \ !
In boxes In the cellar near : the ful"
IHlCTwo OJ' three inches of soil
should be under the ' 111111 five
; roots ( ) \ , six
OJ' more Inches of earth above as the
shoot need 10 he protected from e\'cn
the dim light that Is found In 11 cel-
1:1.1' : Light Is not needed to make the
roots produce shoots UH they produce
them from the substance Illld 1111 In
the roots hut tlo not take anytlting
from the 8011. Nevertheless , much
lIIolt.Jlul'O If needed ! . as the shoots cannot .
not develop without the helll of a
good deal l of watol' A neglect In sup.
plying moisture will soon render the
1'00to ullilrollllci iyo.
Roots should begin to produce
shoots In about wcnlyfi\'o I days after
being IIIacoII III the cellal' At some
of ho I stalibns roots placed In the
cellar about the first of December
have produced ) \ four 01' Ii t'o good en t-
tings before the mlllllio of February
Whell the roots are done producing ! )
they have to ho thrown away as the '
will thenceforth ho of no good for time
Iluvololllng of tops anll ( new root5.-
Fal'l11el"H HI'\'low.
The Potato of the Future.
A new potato is I being grown In
Uruguay ( In the \'alley of the Mercedes
1'101' It Is Il11l' In color
and Is said to lie so far superior to
the cOlllmon 1I'lsh" tuber in flavor
anrl In rlehl that It Is destined to
drive all other varieties from the
market-eventually. I Hot'licul lsts
say that alto ' other Is probably the 1'0
suit of a hOl'tlcl1lt111'1l1 accident. Claim
Is dude lint ( It Is Immllllo to the diseases ,
eases which ordinarily alllict potatoes ,
but whether 0\ \ not It can resist the
ollOrationH or the predatory potato bug
Is not Blalell. 'I'horo If vegetable
to the Il11pl'o\'ol11ont of which more
attention has been devoted than has
been bestowed pan the potato. It has
been mainly . however for Increasing
the size of the tuber and to augment
the 'Ielil. Flit01' has been almost
wholly ignored and as a consequence ,
the potatoes 4to'llny have less flavor .
\01' than these which our grand
fathers ate fifty years : ago Fllrthel'-
nmore all of the ml1l'lwt'nl'letll'H lElste
pretty much alike , whereas formerly
there were ) recognizable IIlfferences.-
Farm h'lazllle. '
- -
Potato Scab.
The potato ) tubers I ! ark often made .
IOIIIh and scabby by the growth of
alto disease all their tllII'faces. These
Injl1l'les'al'r from a rOllgh or russet-
PI1 allllearan o tn deep scabs 01' ulcers
' . the at
lint ( greatly injure appearance
the Ilotato. singularly enough scab
ill milord 'ol11l11on III the best potato soil
Ihan It.s \ In Iocllllties where tilee crop
15 111'0Cal'\0Ils. \ Shindy or gravelly 10111-1.
when first brought tinder cuIt \'atlon.
. elton give a large tier ) cent of scabby
' potatoes , but after one OJ' more- CI'OpS .
of alfalfa ' have been plowed under
this tendency \ partially ! correcte/l.- /
' ' ' ' .
'tichlgan Fa1'l1''l'
- .
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IV1 iss Rose I-I ennessy " , veIl known as
a poetess and elocutionist , of Lexington ,
Iy. , tells ] how she vas cured of uterine
inflammation and ovaritis by the use of
Lydia E Pinkham' Vegetable Compound.
"DIAn Mint. PJ lemma I-I have been so blessedly helped through the use
of Lydia E. Pinklrnni < 's Yc'ctahlc ; COlUltotuul that I feel it but just to . .p
aclcnow1cdge . . it , hoping that it rutty help some other woman suffering as I did.
For years I enjoyed thc best of health and thought that I would always
do RO. I attended parties and receptions thin1v clad anti would be suddenly
chilled , but 1 did not think of thc results. 1 caught n. bad cold eighteen
months ago while menstruating , awl this caused inflammation of the womb
My attention was called to your Vegetable COlUpound and the wonderful
cures it hud performed . , and I made up my mind to try it for two months and
see what it would do for me. Within one mouth I felt lUllch Letter , und
at the close of thc second I was entirely wcll.
"I have . advised a number of my lady friends to use it , and all express
themselves 115 troll satisfied with the results as I was. " -MISS RosE 'Non
IiaNNIssv , -110 S. Broadway , Lexington. Kjo.
Time experience find tcstinwnr : of some of the most noted
women of America go to prove hC'OJul n question that Lydia . ; E.
Piuliham's : Yt.'g-ctahlc COl1llHHIIUl correct all such trouble and
ut IICt' , 113. L'CIILOVlilg the causc , uIHl restoring' the organs to. a
normal mHL healthy condition.
"Dl-\t : l\Ins. Pr\1icA.I-About two years ago I consulted a physician
Rician about lilY health which had become HO wretched that I was no
longer able to 'bo about. I had severe haekache ' , hearing-down pains , ' (
pains across the abdomen , was Very nervous anll irritable , and this
trouble grew w erse each month. 1'110 physician prescribed tror mo , but
I soon disco\'ercrl that he was unable to help me , and I then decided to
try Lydiut . 1. Pinkham's VCg'otahlc Compound awl soon found that
it was doing me good. l\r. appetite was returning , the pains disappearing .
ing , and the general bone11ts were well marked. 1\ \
You cannot realize how pleased ' I was , and after taking the medicine - "
cine for only three months I found that I was completely cured of my
trouble , and have been well and hearty ever since , and no more fear the )
monthly period , as it now passes without pain to me. Yours very truly ,
MISS PCAItI ACI\EltS : , 327 North Summer : . . , liashville1'enn"
"Tht'n a. JUC'tlit'ille has been SUC ( ( 'ssfnl in restoring : : to health
1110re than a million women ron : cannot well say without trying it i
"I do not believe it will help mite " I t' you are ill , do not hesitate
to tet a bottle of l.ylia 7. . Pinkham's VEjg''tahlc Compound and i
write 1\Tr- : : Plulcham at Lynn. i\Iass. ; , for Iwcial ; ulvice. 1Icr at- .1
vice is free and hell'i ! ui. "rz'itu to-tiny. .Delay may hc fatal.
FO rl FE I T If " r9 cllnnot ( f-uthwlth protll1ce the orllhlAlletters and elsnfttllrea of
I $5 0 00 ubotCSUlUonlals , which will prove their . Ih ± olllttlI:6I1ulllcnl' : S.
I TWaf t v Lydla & : : : . l'lukl1llu llc.l. Co. . Lynn 11Iaee. I" i'
I We Buy Raw Furs of All Kinds i
( rnm all parts ' of the I ' liichest ' rash , prices
palJ.wegheyouprutnptretnrn ' . Write lurclrculRr.
. \IIlre' + .
S. B. Selre" . 610.610 ) W. Locust SI. . Des Moines Ja.
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Pi1pcr. I
W. N. U. , Olnaha. No. 53-190-1
SYRUP cures coughs and colds. .
cured to stay cured. 1'mlncnt . }
judges ministers , congressmen
I T8 and the medical press declare
F my cures perDll\ncnt. I cure
t- after others intl.VnIT1" TO-
s . . ' rs..e. _ nAY'on lo'mm nooKI.I
J A t1rcss. Dr. W Town. . Fond du Lac , \Y1a.
tt Imitated I with ' water
sore eyes . use } Thompson's Eye
nest Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Une _
In tl io. Seta by druvgists.