The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 30, 1904, Image 20

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    . . . . , ' , . - . 1 J. . . . . . - , - , - Y .
. . .
Local and Personal.
How docs cold turkey taste hy
this time ?
Joe Norris of Lincoln is visit-
ing' with his parents in this city.
Agnes Moran spent a couple of
( lays in Kansas City last wcek.
Joe Culp delivered new five
inch ice to his customers .l'ucs-
ca ) ' .
Lillian Lewis visited with her
mother in tltiscity the first of the
Sarah Kachelrics of Alma ; , Ne-
braska is visiting with her sister ,
\J rs. Will Crook. '
O. Wilkenson of Liberty , Mo. ,
spent the holidays with O. J.
McNal1 and family.
Mrs. Anna 11er.el1 : and children -
ren of Auburn am the guests of
relatives in this citro
Clyde Johnson and wife arc
spending the week with his moth-
CI' in Superior.
Clarence Burchard is visiting .
with his parents , Dr. Uurchard
and wife.
How would you like to be a cat
to lie around thc house all day
and be put out at uig'ht.
Ethel and Florence Parchcn
, are visiting with their aunt , Mrs.
'ri'unfelter ) ; in Vcrdon.
Lulu Blakeslce and Rachel
Combs of Lincoln arc spending
the week at thc home of W. H.
I addox , the guest of Miss Maude
addox. I
W. \V. Abbey attended thc fu-
neral of Charles Cole in Humboldt
'l'lwsda1'he wives of Mr. Ah-
, he . v and < < Mr. Cole were siskrs.
f' ; ' , guy . ' Spencer , theV rld Her-
ald\ cartoonist and one of the
best in the business spent Chrict-
nuts with relatives in this city.
A 1' ails City girl washed all
the Christmas dishes and insisted
on mother sitting in the parlor
and entertaining her stl'ady.
H the statement in the Grin-
stead letter in this issue , that
lying is a ymptom of small-pox ,
is true , we know a few local res-
itlents that should he quarantined -
ed without delay.
At the Presbyterian church
next Sunday l11ori1ing- the pastor
wilt preach the funeral of 1')04 ) ,
'Standing between he cradle : } )
: (1)lthc g-ra\'e. " The l11en arc
especially in\ ' ted. .
'l'he sma ll-pox patient t i has 'n-
tir recovered and thc inten-
tions were to remove thc quaran-
tine yesterday.
How many mothers spent the
day in the day in the kitchen and
went to bed 'at night worn out
and all in ? She said ( } she did of
course , but do you really think
she had a merry Christmas ?
George Shields has moved his
lunch room from the rear of the
Derby into the Harlow building
10 doors east of this ot1ice , whel' :
he has opened up a first class cafe
and will serve meals at all times , !
night or day.
C. L. Mart , wife and little son
and S. g. 1 ! : Martz : , wife and two
children and g Mrtz [ and wife
spent Christmas with their par-
cuts Mr. ' and 1\lrs. Martz of Falls
City Ncbr.
:1\1r. : and Mrs. John Crook entertained -
tertainell about twenty-six of
their friends Tuesday evening in
honor of Sarah Kachelries of
F' Alma , Nebr. . A most enjoyable
" evening W:15 spent br those pres-
t n t.
. - - - - -
The Sorosis Club met with
Mrs. C. 14Heavis \Vedncsrlay. .
After a short business session , a
pleasant half hour was spent emi
a Dicken's prog'ram. Mrs. E. P.
Steele and Mrs. ' 1' . J. Gist read
selections which were very ; acceptably -
ceptably rendered , l\In Charles
IIarg'nLve had an excellent review -
view of " 't ' he Crossing- as the
most popular book of the \ car.
\ll's. ; Heas then served refl'l'sh-
IIIcnts. Guests of thc club wcrc
Ml'sV. . \V. Abbey . and Mrs. B. I.
l ca vis.
An operation for adnoicls was
preformed upon Lee the nine year
old son of John1Jcnschoter at the
Mercy hospital Saturday of last
weck. Dr. Kccncy of St. Joseph
assisted by Dr. Wiser performed
the operation which was successful -
ful in every dctai1. 'l'hc patient i
was removed to his fathers home
and is gaining rapidly
Ne1\e \ Snyder entertained bout
thirty-six 01 her friends on \Ted-
nesday evening at whist. It was
a most enjoyable affair and after
several hours spent in that interesting -
csting past time thc guests were
served with delicious refrcsh-
men ts.
Hal Sowlcs who is employed as
assistant teller in thc German-
Amcrican Bank of St. Joseph
spent three days of last week
with his parents , 1\1r. and Mrs.
D. W. Sowles in this city.
'l'ommGlines and Jake Derr
the lucky : ones ii1 thc raffle of
Jake Norris's diamond ring' The
boys were in partnership on numn-
ber tcn. They realized : about
two hundrcd dollars : on their in-
\'estment of ten cel1ts.
Hcv. Manshart left Tuesday
morning for St. Joseph where he
was met by his son from Bern ,
Kas. From St. Joseph the two
went toChicag'o. In a three weeks
trip they wilt visit in Chicago ,
Buffalo and New York.
Levi 'luberick sold his home in
this city to 1\1r. Conrad Brccht
who will lmo\'c to this city about
March 1st. Consideration S3000
the deal hcing- transacted hy 1' .
. \Vhitakcl' .
Special New Years services at
the Baptist church Suuday. Sub-
ject in the morning , 'The strenuous -
uous life in religion. " the evening -
inlr 'Ueo'inninO'--H. . . SeHno'cr.
'Ve arc under obl gatioims to
1ewtVcrt . for - of
\Vcrt : a goose splendid -
did proportion and : unexcelled
fla\'or. May his ( not the goose's )
shadow never grow lcss.
Mr. and Mrs George Boone of
St. Joseph visited this week with
D. W. Sowles and wife.
:1\frs. : George C. Jennings has i
heen visiting relatives in Salcm.I I
'I. ' llc Falls.City Poultry Butter
& Egg Co. , is paying 7 ccnts.for
G. E. Hall wits a business visitor -
itor in Superior thc first of the
Falls City College
Winter Term Opens
January 9th , 1905
At 9 a. 111.
- - r - -
D. P. SMITH , President
, .
. . - . - - . . . . . " . _ _ . -
. . , _ . _ - _ .
. . . _ - - ' -
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_ . . . . _ " - - - . . . . . . .
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: : T 'T -
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Homeseekres and Investors
Will Please take Notice of
Whitaker Brothers Land Excursion ron
" "
on January 3rd , 1905 '
. , . - ' .f i , I ;
J f the weather is favorable \rtwill I'aFalls Cit
over the 1'1. 1' . R. R. 1 Tuesday morning at 3\ : ' January . -
ary 3rd , for Dickinson , Saline and LincCln counties ,
Kas. , where we can sell you as line 5.4 section as ) uu
ever saw. No buildings except a fine granary 24X30 ( t .
with a driveway , drop siding and shingle roof , line well
of as g'ood soft water as you ever drank , and some other -
er cheap buildings , 160a in cultivation the other Ii is
the finest blue stem grass will make '
you ever saw , 3'
tons to the < acre , well fenced on three sides , not a foot
of waste : land on the 4 section , 2 miles from Na\'arr. a
railroad town. 1"Iade from I5 to iS ) bu. of wheat and
40 to 50' bu. of corn this year per a. icon in wheat , f
that was put in good and looks well , only $ :26 : per acre ,
1 4 cash , baI. 5 to 10 i years at 6 per cent. I f you don't
belive that this is a bargain ask Christ Horn or Martin
Zook , as Mr. Zook bought ' / , half mile south and' half
section one-half mile north of this. ' ; 'hisyas not on the .
market when he have good well improved
So' for $2,000 , and good improved : quarters for from :
2,500 to $4oou , on the best of term They have had i
3 snows clnd , Sonic rain this fall , and \'heat looks fine. I.
If the weather is bad on the 3rd. we will go with you
any time and will make yon the same rate as excursion
rates , viz ; one fare plus $2 for the rOllnd trip , which is
only $9 to Abilene amid return , good 2-1 I days. I } on't
. forget the date. Call at our office and see a sample of
the products of these lands ] and get a nice list with map .r
A good well improved / \ \ : ell located near R. R.
town in Brown Co. . I < as. . good rich land only $65 per
acre , rents for $650 cash , on good easy terms.
Also a good well improved quarter well located
near R. R t ) \'n in Riclntr : ken ) C ) . . for SS } per acre
on good easy terms. s
If J you are in need of a farm loan see us as wc
have 5 per cent money.
Office on Ground Floor of State Bank Bldg. .
Falls City - - Nebraska
- .
- " "
. Y
'c:1I1lr ) 10 WOIllI'1I urea : With UH.\I : : I : Y-n's : VITA S\'I'1'I\I ;
, ' \ \ 0.10 lI11t nAk ' rOil 10 Inlo ; our . Ullrmpl1Irt ti I " Vnrtii' will . re.i'r "
'oll to J. ! utt.Cut'rttitvtt-I ' 111 y ' 1I1'UWII . JucuU : ) . HU.U ; I'Y.n. ' ; . . fill'
. , . , . .
. tl1'111'II ! " 1'l'\ F \TBU tpe'dily 1"11' ' " ' PII' m.r 11I'1'1' t " ' " a ( -I. , . . . :1
' t "ltHell ! lIcllra"1n . Ct . . - w\taunt \ knife ; 01' pale. It Is 1 iIpfl \ ) ! ' tilt
, l ! C"'Pllt rroll1l1.I 'thllll\.I..e lItlllI' the Fun . L. . ent : fo.iti'.ety 111 < 1'111-
11'14" . rdlllhl. . , itJ\I,11 and Il'fwth'u IH 111'1'(1\ r 1a I , .t in.n , tn
Woutnukinti 111'1:11 , styled 1Iy mnllY 11-1 tIll' ; \It'III'IIll ! iUI'I'Un It
I. L. MUr.R . doc ' , not IIIl'rl'lr t ' fro time t"h'e 111111'8. .' 'I III , our Iciik .
A. . . M. o. 11tt 1'.11"\\-1 tHllTl'rl'r" frlllll TlIlIl/lrS , CUllc'r4 unci IlIllIurulIi FI It.
. . ru\\"ths , Ilhnut the of . IHllfl' . .
oHC.r .Hra- Fro ! \ ti \ usn (
ClAN , . ' . . . .rltl' n 110..1 tUIIII , ' . SltnIly say . 8,111' " your , FIU.g,1IOK. ; :
12 IiiiPa . R l't'mllul' , toVUWPl. . It SIIll\ll \ he read 1 by all Snrering'o111en. .
( Sent only \\'atncu. . ) Alliin' " s
THE VITA COMPANY , Hiawatha , Kansas , U. S. A.
"Ti11 Alexander of Dawson , one
ot thc county's stalwart republicans -
cans , was a business visitor Sat-
. Walter Boyle of Omaha visited
with his ' 1other , Mrs Dr. J. C.
'Yuty over the holidays.
Nora Poteet left Wednesday
evening for Leavitt , Ncb. , where
she will spend the winter with
her sister , Mrs. Otto 'Yartcnslab = . '
cn.A. . G. 'Vainer was on thc sick ;
list the fore part of thc wcck. . .