The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 30, 1904, Image 2

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Silk Waist of Pale Blue Loulalne-
Ecru Crepe de Chine for the Thea- I
ter-Newest Caprice In Trlmmlng-
Recipe for Paprika Snltzel.
Caprice In Trimming.
Those who arc always on the loole.
out for new trimmings Hholllll learn 10
malco "crotCH. " To Ulalw u crete take
u trill of silk and scallop ) flout edgei
Now shirr It a little way from the edge ,
unlll the frill IH moderately ! full , and !
Jet It upon the HIIII'1.
This will make the edgeR stand olll
like narrow ruffles , each Hide of n full
And there arc different ways of malting -
Ing CI'IteH. ! They take sllle and cut It
In strips and double It. Both edges
are now pinked or frilled , frayed , or
scalloped 'rho frill IH now shirred
over n narrow cordIng and ! the cord
la pulled unlll the frill Is just \ : full
cnoufh. It IR 8ewlJd on the skirt or
mho waist upside down , HO that the
edgeR will stand out In the smartest
Imaginable flt1hlon.
LIght Blue Silk Waist.
Blouse of pale blue 101lishw , the
front and back forming II plastron
ornamented ! with
fngotlnK. The col-
IIII' find narrow
chcmlRlto fire or " .
guipure , bordered
with a shaped band
or silk and a } ) llIlt-
InK ot motHllellne I .
do Role or lace ,
which Is wider
around the neck ,
forming 11 sort of
collar. A knot of 4 Ii ,
velvet ornulllellll
the front.
The sleeves are plaited al the tOil
and again on the olllside al the bot-
tom where they arc finished with
flaring fagoled cuffs ! and 1)lultings of
moussellno de sole or lace.
Thai girdle of the silk Is ornamented
In front with knots of volvet.
Paprika Snltzel.
Cut two pounds of thick velll steak
Into small pieces , roll In seasoned
flour , fry brown In salt pork fat. lte
move the meat from the pan , add two
tahleRpoonfllls of flour to he I remaIn-
InK fut , brown lightly , and pour In
gradually the strained liquor from a
pint can of tomatoes AIIII a slice
of onion and carrot , three bay leaves
and n hit or mace , then return the
meat 10 the saueElr " cover closely and
simmer three.quarters or an hour.
When done , remove the meat , add a
little more salt If necessary to the
sauce , a largo pinch of paprika and
strain on the platter. ( The pork fat
helps to season It. )
In Light Taffeta.
Blouse of light gra-blue taffeta
plaited at the top , where It Is trim-
med with embrolll-
erect squares bor-
dered with bias
bands or taffeta
t fastened with fan-
cy buttons The
ii' front or the louse
iiJ ' ; " . } Is trimmed In the
I11I i same way , and the
yoke , or gulmlw , Is
of gill pure ,
The sleeves are
plaited fit the lop
and again below to form two puffs ,
and are finished with cuffs trimmed
with embroidered squares , bands and '
buttons. The wrist l'l1111es fire of lace
or Sulpure.
A New Dessert
What a boon to the housekeeper a
new dessert Is ! Here Is ono which 1
am sure you have not tried , and once
tried you : fire sure to have It again.
It Is c8llcd chocolate pears and Is
made by paring four pears , cut In
tours , and saute in butter until
IJI'o\\'ned Arrange In serving . dish ,
pour ewer the following sauce and
chili thOJ'uughly. Cook two ounces of
sweet chocolate , one teaspoon sugar ,
one and a quarter cups of milk \ , In
double holler five minutes , then add a
teaspoon ) arrowroot , mixed with a
quarter CUll of cream and 11 pinch of
Halt , cook ten mlnulcs. Melt one and
n half tablespoonfuls ) of butter , add
fOil tablespoons powdered sugar und
rook stirring constantly until well
caramelized. Add to first mixture ,
add hal a teaspoon vanilla \ , allli strain
over pears.-Montreal lIel'ahl.
Pretty Theater Waist.
Blouse of light ecru crepe de chine
or poau do c'gne , forming 11 sort of
holorol ) gathered (
at time bottom 10
form a little rullle ,
which IR headed
by a puffed hand
or time material ,
through w hie I h
golden brown velvet - 1 IP
vet rlhholl ( Is I'UII ,
time latter knot led
III front i
The bolero Is also Mfr
gathered at ute top ' 1
where It Is trim-
lIIell with nuffed bands of the
mitt erial and \ -hands of lace Insertion.
'I'ho puffed- hands border the fronts
forming scrolls ! over the blouse , which
Is of ecru IIICO , IIH Is also he I ) 'olee ,
The sleeves are made and trimmed to
' ' '
- - -
Dress Wrinkle.
The newest wdnlle In dress 15 the
Sleeveless jal'llCl. It would be n bolero -
11'1'0 If It were of a little different
5hnl)0. It Is made exactly like a little
tight fitting coat , except that It has
no Hleo\'eH Its immaterial It something ,
pretty , usually a brocaded silk , find It
Is I abundantly trimmed , making a gar-
lIIent of n great deal of elegance.
Frolll the bolero to the sleeveless
jacket Is , indeed only a step Tile bo .
lero in all its forms Is well Imown
And the sleeveless jacket will soon
he It opens lip fIIlch a fine possibility
for pretty ) vogues that modlstcs are -
rushing , Into It headlong \ and are
spending , a great deal of money upon
II. It has taken the fashionable world
quite 1)y stO\'III.
The skirt 10 wear ' with such a coal
liS this must match the waist and thus
a very handsome costlllllO Is made , a
dressy thing for any occuslon
Fancy Shirt Waist
Blouse of light weight wool shirred
along the shoulders
and made with
box plaits , the lat-
ter trimmed with
HOlllache and mo-
Ilfs of passemen-
( , E lel'le.
The full sleeves
( have deep cliffs
trimmed with the
sOlltacho and motifs -
tlfs and finished
f 6t with lace and
wrist 1'11111es. The standing collar Is
or lace.
For Travel or Drawing.
In describing coats the field Is so
wide that It Is not possible to cover
the whole grollnd. One style seems
to he almost indispensable , and that
Is a long fl1l".Jlned tweed or cloth
coat. Such a coat Is a wrap par excellence -
cellence for driving , motoring 01' railway -
way travel The mode has no rival
so far liS comfortable Imocle.auout and
comprehensive wear Is concerned One
example of a coat of this description
Is made of light gray tweed , and Is I
lined throughout with squirrel lock
handsome ! adorned exteriorly with !
a huge roll collar and revers of gray
Persian lamu
For Runaway Horses
Safety reins for runaway horses is
an Austrian's Invention. Two small
rollers can by means of the reins be
made to press against the horse's
windpIpe whEn desired. The .animal
must stop at once for want of bruth.
- . . . . . ,
Widening Radius of Action.
Dy time Del PJ'OlIosto system for the
propulsion of ships , It Is claimed all
the result or recent trials that the
wolght and cost of machinery wllJ he
\'educed one.fifth on nn engine of 1,000
Indicated horse power , and the weight
of the fuel will be 14 to 15 per cent
less , 01' , with un equal weight , the radius .
dim of action of the ship may ho imi-
creased from 25 to 27 per cent. 111
this system the power Is generated
by internal combustion engine driving
a generator , and an electric motor Is
arranged In the same line as the
shafting IInd also the screw propeller.
FOI' ' the
ordhllll'Y speeds to avoid
losses of electro , nmechanical transtnis .
lion , the screw Is driven direct by the
engine , the whole system being interconnected -
connected by means of electromagnetic -
netic clutches. When slow speed or
reversing Iii required the clutches are
disconnected uIIII the screw worked hy !
motor supplied with current from the
- - - - -
Helps the Fruit Gatherer.
The harvesting of the fruit of the
tree OJ' vine Is an exceedingly delicate
performance , for the reason that the
man engaged hI this occupation must
have several things on his mind at
the same time during the perform-
ance. Fll'st of all , he must have a
care 10 his own safety . as ho moves
among ho I loaded boughs of the tree ,
und next he must see that the fruit
IH not damaged In the process of picking -
Ing by rough handling / OJ' by failing
Fruit } which has been damaged In this
manner falls to command anything ;
like the price which may ue secured
for the more perfect specimens , when
It comes to disposing of the product
at marleel.
The little device which hall just
been brought out with the view of assisting . I
slstlng the fruit picker Is shown herewith .
with and any one who has had any
experience on the farm will readily
recognize the value of some such der
vice With this Ills Impossible 10 per.
mat the fruit 10 slip from one's hand ,
t" ,
' : ; ; ' 1f ii.
and at the same time it is possible to
gather n greater amount or fruit than
could be. done otherwise
The apparatus Is exceedingly simple -
Ille and consists mainly of a pair of
blades working much like the familiar
grass shears , except that they are
smaller and more suited for cutting
a tough stem than the longer shears
would be. The outer edges of the
blades ' carry a bag which Is designed
to hanK below the metal , and as the
stem is severed the fruit will drop
Into the bag without any possibility of
damago. This enables the picking to
be conducted with one hand while the
other miry uo used for hanging on to
IImhs. and It wlll be readily seeD that
the field of labor or the fruit picker
is greatly extended.
"He made fast time with that new
auto didn't he ? "
"Why , yes . Two weeks after l
bou ; 'ht it he landed in jail " _ . . . . .
, .
. ,
. ,
- . ,
- -
Harriman and Senator Clark Having
a Wonderland txplored. : : 4
Mint Is probably ] the outlet of ana
of the lost tJl" disappearing river ill
eastern Nevada III n hugh cave neat
the line of the CIrland : 1lllrrlmal1
Salt Lake and Los Angeles road ,
which 11 , L. 1\lugrllllor , of Sioux City , . .Jt.
Iowa is I > > exploring fet g 11. lIarl'hl1l1tl
und Senator W. A. Clark , of Monta1\l1
lie Is sOlin to maleo a report on the
subject to them , the latter having he-
come greatly interested III the subter
I'Itnean chamber for meager reports . J
ports already given their 'l'he place
Is shout sixty miles west of . CuI- J !
ietites r\O\ i
It Is said the beauty \ of the cave'R I
stalactites and stalagmites Is some-
thing wondl'ous , Time latter rise from
the floor In the shape ) of Iroes. Some
of hem I are thirty feet high The stu-
thlics are represented as forming all
sorts of beautiful designs Magruder
has gone into the rave a distance of
2,400 feet UJIII found six OJ' seven magnificent
nificent crystallized chambers. Sev- 411I .
eral or thcm are of great size and .
height. At the ( end of the cavern there '
Is un abyss far down In which can uo 'I
heard the roar and splash or running „
waters An attempt will be made by 1
Magruder to find the depth of this ; ;
abyss and try to trace the source or .
the hidden river i
Matinee Hats.
In Paris It Is customary for the
feminine theater going public to at-
I tend the play and even the opera , In
hats 'fhls practice Is causing a rev-
elution In the form of headgear made
fashionable for the pUl'lmse
'l'he bold plunge or discarding the
theater hat altogether Is not con-
templated The position or affairs Is
only to create new work for the mil- ,
The Illustrated specimen or this ( as.
. . . .
- . /
1t L . - -
. . _ . -
C . - - - ( 1 *
clnallng pursuit in the cause or oth .
er peollo's vision of he I stage Is made
of time newest and most modish lace '
there IR , all or stiffened gold , und a
little moonlight white tissue that glistens -
lens like sliver and forms the apology
of a framework the cap possesses , :
Add to this a paradise plume , the air-
lest and lightest form or feather there
is . made of silver : ! Illlli gold with a
dash of pink and rose red in It , and
the whole delightful arrangement Is
Quackery in Toklo.
A feature of low street life ill Tolclo
Is the "Imlsha , " or "moxa" doctor , who
applies small pads mate ! of certain
dried herbs to tliq slln These ho sets
afire , the ensuing blisters being sup'
posed to ho most effective as a cure
for various aliments. Among the doer
tor's remedies are rhinoceros pills ,
warmuted a sure cure far lightness of
the chest , gnashing of time teeth and
depression of spirits.
- -
Urged to Watch for News
Addressing the men's club of Trinity -
ity church , Hartford , Conn" , E. 1\1.
Camp 1\ New York business roan ,
urged the members to form an expert ' ti
band of men who know news when
they see it , and see that It reaches the
n. , , ' papers.