. - . 1iIf : ODD . CORNfn : ! . @e ; " ' - - " - . " The ! Chumj I IIc'll turned late ; her Interbicb + Carrie to him 11I(1' 1\ 8hoclc I " } JUI'1t ye . young maul I Are yoU tlwate . It's almost twelve Clack t ' " 1 . eM. 811' . nu t-t hll IM-YOII ICC- . Rhe' now 1111 hour 0SO " ' nCCII yltling UII lilY lilt I , and I- I tenlly coulllll't go " . . "And arc rOil champ \ ( ' houg h ) to gel F - Your hut In such IIII:1hIlJI ? hereafter hung It III till' hall ; I1 Don't k.p,1 , It III your la\l. " t -Jll ; Mott In New Yotlc SIIII. f r I Minister Challenged Congregation. The Hev. WIlliam 1'ihbs of the r Mount Rose Baptist church , colored , of . , Homestead , Pa. , has announced that he a' will no longer serve the congregutlon. The pastor resigned , but the congregation . gation forestalled him by discharging him before his resignation was 1I1ade. I There has been trouble between a , " ' ' . faction in the congregation aud the r , . ' pastor for about a month , and one night , after prayer , meeting , a memo r " , her of the flock arose and moved that the services of salaried men be dis- t , pensed with. The salaried men arc the minister and the janitor. The motion . tion carried amid much talk. The pastor became excited and , , springing to his feet , resigned This ; , not attracting any attention , he peeled ! oft his coat and announced that he was ready for all comers , no weight , harred. As the pastor resembles , Jim I .1etrrles in build , the congregation t. . _ _ . . fought it out among themselves , and the minister retired from active service . ice with colors flying Will Walt as Did Jacob James Jones of Broadland , arrested nt Salem , S. D. , a day or two ago on a warrant charging him with eloping ) , with the 14. 'ear-ohl daughter of 1\11' and Mrs. Gorsuch , was before Judge. Geddis for examinallon. After n conference of the parents p with the accused , and on the representation . j ) sentatlon that the two were desperately . j Jy In love and would marry In "spite I at lock and bars and the objection of " . stern parents , " the father of the child : j said iC Jones would walt two years he t could have her ; that Jones Is "a good man-honest and industrious , and is . all right , but too old for Ella. " She -1 is [ 14 and Jones Is 28. Mr. Gorsuch asked to have the action . tlon dismissed at his cost which was done , and Jones was released Cram custody and the girl returned home with her parents. 18.rent. /With . : _ . " Stood Still for Six Hours. r/ : " Ralph Leslie , an actor , who said his home is in Marion , Ohio , bet commercial . ciaJ travelers in the lobby oC the Erie . hotel in Dunlelrle , N. Y. , $ . \0 \ that he ' , could stand without moving n muscle : fA until 6 o'clock the next morning The bet was taken , and It was agreed that If anyone shoved him 01' otherwise . disturbed him he was to take the mone ' . It was 10:25 o'clock when the Let was made. Leslie struck 11 position In [ the middle of the corridor and stayed there motionless until : :10 : a. m. , when one oC the travelers , playflllly scuffling . _ with another , struck one of the silent - poser's feet , moving It. Leslie forthwith . with the 14-year-old daughter of 1\11' with quit and took the money. Witnesses . . , l\ , nesses declare he had not visibly 1 , ' moved a muscle for six hours and five minutes. , . Lover of 75 Is a Sprinter. The angry father of Luella Lantz , a - pretty Darbour county ( W. Va ) girl , 16 years old , drove forty miles In put- - suit or his daughter and Thomas Heather ! , .15 years old , her lover , who eloped from their home and drove to Grafton. The Rev. G. W. Dent oC Sl. . Panl's 1\1. E. church Grafton , married . thew while they were seated In the I. ' buggy ; , and as soon as the ceremony was completed : they started on their return home , The patent of the girl cf. . . . bride arrived only n few minutes too Into to stol the ceremony. They started - ed 011 their fort.ml1o honeymoon without the blessing or Mr Lantz , the aged , groom driving with ono arm as they BtrtrlUlt homeward - - - bled from Excess of Joy Death tram shoe \ caused by too lively It satisfaction befell M Alexis Guilloflt one of the assistants to the . ma'ol' ' of Dotlrt ' oil , In the environs ot 'ontalnchlcall ; , France ; , where ! ho wits indulging ill his favorite sport of shooting , the other dnr. Two hares started tlnlllltaneo\lsly ! und 1\1 , Oul1. lorlt discharged his two barrels as , quicle as lightning and had the delight of seeing the two animals drop. nut he fell himself at the same moment He had been subject to n heart affec- lion for 1\ long time past , anti the ! violence of his emotion had been too much for him. Every effort was made to restore animation , but . In vain. IIe had died or joy- - - - Sample of English Fog When ; a very dense fog settled over the Thames valley 1\ few Sundays ago , and most densely over London , It im posed a complete silence on animal life. London was Itself as silent us the grave , for all traffic was stopped , and as on Sunday traffic t of any kind is reduced to a minimum , the great city- was almost as still as a country village at midnight. The streets and even the river were almost without a sOllnd , for not a single tug was moving on the 1'hames. In the country no IIII'd uttered a sOllnd ; they all sat still , silent anll moping. Rescued Exhausted Deer. A 11 leer attempted to swim across Pennpseenas&ee lalee. a body of water near the village of Norway , Me. . but encountered ice of considerable thickness . ness when 100 yards from the shore. The animal broke the ice before him for another 100 yards before he became . came exhausted. Persons on the shore seeing his predicament rowed to his rescue dragging him Into the boat In such a helpless condition that he made absolutely no resistance. - - Divining Rod Was Right. Patrick nohbln , who is said to be able to locate water veins from the surface : of I he earth by means of the famous dlvlnlll rOIl , marked a spot for a I1il1dale , N. H" man as a favorable . able place to dig a well. Imagine the surprise ) of the owner when six feet below the surface he found the wall of an old well which had beell filled. No one In Hinsdale Is able to recall that a well ever existed , at the point in question. ' - - - Derrick Is Immense , With the putting ) up of th © last of the eight great pillars ) In the cathe dral ] of St. .John the Divine , New York will lose one of its wonders. Of the hundreds who have seen the derrick which has lifted the huge stone columns . limns , few know that it is probably the largest ever erected The two sticks of Oregon lIne ) composing It are 98 feet tall , and the bottom of the "head" of the derrick is 9G feet from the grolllllJ' . - - - Horses Were Well Trained. A pair of horses showed remarkable training at Meriden , Conn. , Saturdar. They wern being driven along a wood road , when the driver was suddenly taken ill and fell from his spat : Ho was killed by the fall , and the reins received a sudden jerk which hrOlight the horses to a standst111 The man's body was found twelve hours later he- tween the wheels , but the horse had not moved ( luring that entire time. His Imagination Too Vivid A workman on the Siberian rallwa ; ' was accidentally locked Into a refrigerator . eratoI' car and was afterward found dead. Imagining that. he was being slowly frozen to death , he had recorded . ed his sufferings with a piece oC chant on the floor. The refrigerating appa- ratus , however ! , was out of order , and the temperature in the car bad not fallen below 50 degroul Fahrenh911. throughout the journey . . , . . I Eager Enough Mr , Tlmmld-"I don't think thero' any use In my offering mf hand to Miss Coy ; sho's so indifferent " Mr. Wise = 'Indifferent ? IIavo you said anything to her ? M.r. Tlmmhl-No , why ? Mr. Wlse-"l'1l bet 'ou'll find her hlllftrerenco Is on n par with that of the convivial gent who says : 'I don't care It I do ' " . . Lacked a Lawyer's Facility. Lawyer to wltness-Nevcr mind what you think , we want facts here. 'l'ell liS where ) 011 first met this man. man.Woman Woman wltJwsR-Cnn't anSWer It. It the court duesn't care to hear what 1 tlinle there's 110 use questioning me , for 1 am not 1\ lawyer and can't tan without thll1llng.-lIoston llulletin - - - - Very Essential. . II,4 ' , ; , _ % 1 ' hl ron l Mamle-'Taln't thel' clothes what males timer man , Jlmm ' . Jlmm ' -What ! Say , did youa ever have yer \ clothes swiped when yous was 111 swimmln' ? A Changed Woman. . " \'ell , well , " said the returned traveler . eler "nnd so you are married now. It seems ollly yesterday since you left . school. How time does fly ! " "Yes , " replied 1\1rs. YOllngey , "only a short time ago I never clipped any thing from the papers but poems , and now I clip nothing hilt recipes. " - - - A Puzzler. Uncle .10sh-Did you notice that fel IeI' with side whiskers I1n' n monocle ? : Aunt lIettYes , I s'pose he jest wears It becllz it's fashionable. Uncle JOMh-Yes , but I was jest I wonderin' why they never made It fashionahle to wear side whiskers jest , on one side. ' - - - Too Bad. , "Hello , Ragsey ! ' said the first newsboy . boy , sarcastically , "L didn't see yer at de Astorbllt weddin' last night. " "No , " replied the other. "I wuz all ready to go , hut mo hloomln' valet didn't show up In time to mallnycure mo fingernais.-Philadellhlll ! ) Press . - - - Too Much to Expect. "See here , landlord , must I lilt here forever before I get the half chicken that I have ordered ? " , "Oh , no , sir ! I'm only waiting tilt IOmebody ; comes and orders the other lalf. or course , 1 can't kill a haIr a chicken ! " -J. liegendc maetter. - - Those Hind Feet First Farmer-Thet's not the way to ride a mule ; why don't yer set farther front ? . Second Farmer-Sa , don't J know which end of this here mule 1 want tel' keep on ther ground ? -Philadcl. phla Telegraph. Not All Accounted for. Gerald-"Therc's a fool born every minute. " . Geraldlne-"But that would b. onl1 sixty an hour . _ , .r-A SMOKEHOUSE IN A BARREL - - Homemade Contrivance That Will Give Good' Result , M. ] W. 'r.-PlonR Jlttbllah It 11Mcr\1" \ Ion t of 1l sutall , CtUh11) Bmfllcc1IO\IH ! . lIltnhlc for farmer to smoke 1& nw earns , etc. A large cask 01' barrel may he IIsOIi ( P for smol\lllg sll1nll quantity or moat. 1'0 make thlH effective , n small JIll should be dug , and n lint stone or 1\ brick llnc'll across It , upon which the edge or the cask wilt rest , Halt the lIlt Is helleat the barrel and haIr Is outside . The head and bottom \ mny be removed , 0n \ hole colt he cut In the bottom n little larger than the portion ) or the pit beneath the cnak The head or cover IR removed while he t hams are belllg hllllg upon ) cross sticks , I1S shown In the IIhlRtmtlon The cross sticks rest upon ) two cross . nrR made to ImRII through holes bored III the sll1es of thin cask , The hood 19 then laid upon ) the cash and covered with moist sacks to confine the smolo. Live coals are pill Into the pit outside oC the cask , and the tire IR fell with damp corn cobs , hal'llWoo chi VB , 01' ; l I' ' c . s ' 1'r r , Q Barrel Smoke House fine hrllsh. The lIlt iR covered with a fiat stone by which the fire nutty bo reglllntcd , and It Is removcd when necessary to add more fllcl.-Montrcal Herald Quackl Grass. . . N.-Can you tell me how to kill out quack gmSH. I wa ! told how to kill out quack grass. I was told that hllclewheat wOllld do' It , hut It don't Some Hay flax will. Please let 11I0 Imow what you think The growing of buckwheat or flax on land infested with quack grass certainly . tainly will not kill out this perslstont weed unless other Steps are taken. The first thing to do with such land Is to plow ) it shallow in hot weather. h arrow or cultivate once or twice more before the end or the season to drag lip as much aH possible oC the need , RO that It may ' bo dried ollt. The next year the land may he sown to bucie'vheat or any other close grow Ing crop which will crowd out and pre vent the vigorous dovelppment of the weed , but I thing it would be prefer' able to use a root crop ) on the land and trust to the thorough cultivation which the roots should receive , to des troy the quack grass , It any showed IIp.-J. F. A Foundation That Cracked. F. .1. II-A stone foundation or a house standing In heavy clay lifted and cracked last winter 'rho : .ills : are built from solid rock lip. How can a repetition of this be provented. r By the description ) you give of your foundation the cause or the lifting and I cracking must he for the want of drainage. It the wall sits on solid ' rock It wOllld not heave by the frost unless the water Is allowed to stand In the foundation and freeze. It the wall wel'o properly drained it should not craclc. By laying n tile drain around the outside oC the wall and at the holtom , It should remove all the standIng water and prevent the walls ! : from being lifted ( by the frost. Criticism First Hog-It Is singular that those young lam ubs have so little rense. Second Hog-Very. It Is shocking to see them wastin > i : time In Idle trh' ollty when It might be devoted to eat' lng . . " " h _