The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 30, 1904, Image 18

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    1904 With the Palls City
'he ( Merchants of halls City
arc recognized as ; Wlong' thc most
progressive of their class 'l'ra\-
ling' alcll11en have often re-
lIlarlced in tile hearing of thc
writer that 1 i'a11s ; City is thc best
town of its size ! i in the state. That (
this 18 true iH largely clue to the
l harader of its 'msincss I11cn A
reporter interviewed a number of
the local merchants relative to
their business during PJ04 The
following is a sUl11ary of the interviews -
terviews :
I ' red Clc'elal.dJo.f ] hifi ] ; been
thi' t hest year ever \1) ! sales for
the year show more than 20 per
cut increase over J03 ] , I in tenl
to materially increase Ill\ stock ,
in fact I will do so to the Inuit of
my store roOI11S
Johnston tL Sons ' speak of their
i90'l I { ) trade as exceedingly satis-
factory 'l'heil' business show-
ing" a steady increase thc longer
they remain here
George : Clcveland--M business
luring 190.4 ] ! was fully up to 111)
best year I al11 getting a con-
tantly increasing' patronag-e on
china and /fueCnSWa1'C You may
say ! for tue that 1 ain very well
l'a\'is. ( . tL Ahhe\-'l'rade during
wet spring was somewhat dull ,
during thc late summer and fall
increased greatly. Our business
in 11)04 greatly exceeds in volume
the business of lJ03. ) Thc huli-
day trade was in excess of any
\ car since we have been in husf-
ness.Ve intend to put in a more
varied line uf goods at once and
increase our advcl'tising Yes
you tIIay say we are satisfied / with
190 1 } { ) -L
i Samuel \Vahl. The year 1904 ]
has been a very good YC'lr. Of
course how match , better than 1)03 ] )
wc cannot say until wc mlil-UiCC ,
hut Wl arc safe : in saying it is
hettel' Our h01l1ay business was
heavier than lIsual.
.I\lcNall---lJ)4 ( ) is all right ,
better 1903. The last : four weeks
have been a tough proposition ,
hut trade now is satisfactory.
Miss Ual'ryThc millinery
trade of 1)04 ] equals that of 'J03 ]
which ' satisfact ' ' . In
was very satisfactory.
fact so touch so that I intent to
keep up the past reC01'1 ! .
Coupe & Thorn ton - a reliable
firm always gamins , a11(1 1 the longer
we arc in business thc better our
trade bc omes. Year 1904 } shows
an increase in business over last
year , the Christmas trade being
es1 ] c ially hea \'y.
ll'rank Ueck--An excell l1t year
for business Cigars , as is usual
nf a good 1 bran 1 , went up In
-inlOw. : ]
John Gchli ng'-- 'I'he yea 1)03 ]
was a good year a11(1 1 904 ] equals
it. Om Cltrbtul trade was im- i
Hclen Brebcck -Thc fall sea-
son fel1' short of thc spring tralle ,
which was very hea n' .
V. GL'ford--Althou : I have
been in business in this city for a
number of years and haying \ a
prosperous } trade all the time still
the year 11)04 has been the best
so far 1'0 the excellent stock
no\ ' carried we will add a great
, deal in the near fut ure ,
A. E aquct---'hc ( trade )1'
1904 has been .10 fcr cent better
than that of thc previous year ,
thc holida trade being exceptionally -
ionalh' hean' . Let 1905 be as
good :18 : this year
I-Iargrivc ; & Fin rgraye-\Ve
ha\'e nothing to co.uplain and 1
. .
- - - - -
something to be proud of that
is thc advanccd trade of 11)04
We witI be ( ; t thc sam old stand
for your tradc in J05.
Dr \ IcIillanBeing a new
comer in this city I am not able
to give a comparison but the
trade has fulfilled my expections
and I am well please 1
'V 11. Crook & Co.'rhe'car
11)04 was at least 33per ! cent
better than ' 03 which showing
puts it as a leader.
A F. 1IeyersThe trade W1S :
exceptionally good 1 for a new
comer and satisfaction reig'ns.
- HolL-'rhis ' increase
George - year an -
crease of 10 per cent over 1903 ] is
a good business recot cl. 1 expect
to carry thc same reliable line in i
the future as I have in the past
one which gives perfect sa tis-
faction. Our increased business
shows how we guarantee your
solc. I say-it was a good yeai'
. ' '
State lJank-'I'here was a
healthy increase in business this
year of \vhich WC are justly proud.
A. Diesner--Busin cqual to
that of 1'J03. Always bc thank-
ful if it falls not below your past
Uamclt i\lilIinery Co.-Spring'
trine rushing but fall tralie not
quite so larg'c. A change in location -
cation b i contcmplatl.
'Wirth & Winterbultom-'Ve
have had the largest Renting con-
tracts both at home and abroad
thane have \'er ( 'njo ) ' 'd.
Bode & Sons -This . year shows
an increase of at least .25 per cent
and our Christmas trade was
douhlc that of last \'car.
'L' J. WRitaker--'Ihe ' investment -
mcnt in land is going farther
west owing to the cheapness of
t land 1 an(1 I am sc Iii 11 g' a
great deal of stich.
A. SeIT - -'l'he sales of 1904 arc
from 30 ( to 35 per cent bettl.'r than
those of list : Year. The bllsincss
this fall WitS the { largest ever since
I ha."e bc'n hcn'
Ball & IreetiyaldWe have
had a nice increase in husiness
this year and expect to k\'cp lip
the pace this coining year.
King" Pharmacy'l'his ; year's
sales have bcen of a decided in-
crease over 1)03. ] The holida\ '
trade was fast and furiolls. Keep )
a comin' ' lJ05.
Whitaker Bros.A good busi-
thi'ear and ' . . '
ness \ car store so than
'U3.'e are selling a great teal
of Kansas soil.
Jacob Daeschner--A good
thriving business which needs no
other Coin ment.
Bruce Dixon -1 have sold a deal
lilore harness this year than last.
\laust ! I1ros---1904 has kept
even with lJ03 ] in this busincss.
No complaints.
George ; Dietl.'h--'l'hc last two
years are about on an equal and
wc had a moving Chri : : > tmas trrd ; ( ' .
So much so that wc \\111 move
live doors south of our present location -
cation at the first of the rear.
Wesley MilIer--\Ve have
' \ \ tra ns-
aCte(1 more business since we have
started than has been in the same
place for the past two \'ears. We
believe in fair dealing and in so
doing are rapidly going on. Let
the good work g"0 on.
iosimanVernerlIJU4 [ : has
been a fair business year and if
I)05 } ) will put up as good a showing -
ing" "we shall be satislied "
i\rs. [ C. 'Y Brcithaupt reports
a heavy spring trade and a good
fall trade. She is well pleased
with the year 11)04.
W. White-Our holiday
trade was a great deal ! better than
that of 1903. ] \Yc expect to be at
- - - - -
thc same stand for the coming
D. W. Sowles -Uusiness was
better this year than it has been
for two years People g' : nerally
arc now buying better candy
'I ' lle Christmas trade was linc
The only change will he a new
engine in the spring ( .
II C. Smith-llJ04 kept up an
equal average with the good busi-
ness of 1903. 1 No complaint.
\V. n. \ laddoxiIhusiness
has increased over that 01 1)0:1 ] :
which shows a proslcrouS YUlr.
Tanner & : Co-'l'radc has been
at least 25 per cent better than
last year ; and leaves a record \ \ ' \ . '
are proud 0 r.
W. H , Kerr-Our Christmas
trade was the bl'st this year we
nave ever el1jo.\'l'd sincc' being in
the business. 'I'his year is a de' :
cided iiliproyemcnt. i I
Chas , Ilofflnaii-When a person - !
son has all extensive trade he is
well satisfied with the year and
thus it is with us for 1f)4. ( )
A G , Wanner-Wl' are haying
nothing to cumplain of concerning -
ing our trade in 11) ) ( ) . 4 and our
holiday business WilS fine. Let
1)05 ] do itS \\'ell.
Al Burchard-UlIsil1 , wasn't
rushing in 11)04.
No 282 - drew the - watch
given away by Roberts "the
je\veler The numbs r must
he brought in by .Jan. 7 ,
or another drawing will
be had.
Collection Notice.
The Chi : ago Lumber & Coal
Co. requests all parties owing
them to kindly settle their accounts -
counts JilI1Uln' 15 , 905.-1" ] " .
\V. \iiciiel , Local i\lanag'C'r
Marriage Record.
. 1 1 > .1111 ' 1 II. Smith. SI1I11I1I1'P , \1" : . . . . . . . . . 2b :
, Stella S. t'an"I" la ; + I''r. \ . . ir. . . . . . . . . . , . . 2n
\ Loui.i'oltz. 1:11111. . . . . . . , ' . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
- , \1111111. : Huss ! . Rulu . , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 ;
1 floury ) ) 1' I : . 11"111'1' . SIl'lIa. . : -'lIra"I.I. : . . . . . . . : ! . .
, JO..JlhIlH.Ia. : . llr ! ; , \.1'11011. . " . , . . . . . , . , . . . . . .1"
\\'llIlalll 1 ( an' ; ,1 ihl/ , . 1.'all Ci)5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
" I ! \Ilna \ \ ' oUf. Fall. City'q ! :
\l'llarl" 1 Sunup . Jo'all"Cily. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2u
, -\.1111. 1.11'11..11.1,11 : > 0 Cll' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'1
1 IIo'II'n Kruu'r. S.I1..a. . . . ' . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . 2'J
, xe11i. ' Short , nro iirtlch.\rk. . , . . . . . , . " . . 31
. I Ivaae'i'urnauc ! li.llluolIll10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2m : ! o
i l'llra Clt istousrn. Rays\'III , ' . \111 , . . . . . . . . . .2.3
\ Chary s ! . , Arnold 'hill' Cloud , KII1" . . . . . 22 :
l\IInllla"'iOIl \ " ! , Hllh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
- -
At the Epi"copal 1 rectory at 7:30 :
o'clock Saturday evening He\
Smith performed the cerclt10ny
which joinl'd together Miss Anna
Wolf and William Cools ; ! > \ ' of
this city. ' 1'lteyelling wu a
\'cry quiet ' aJTiar , only ill1lt1l'diate
parties being prescnt. 'rite
brule who is thc eldest daughter
of n. W. Wo1/I I / has been cmploy-
cd in the 'Vahl Department Store
for the past four years and is well
known in Falls City social circles.
The groom is the son of A , R
Goolsby of this city timid is highly -
ly respected Loth in social and
Lusincs spheres. i\lr , anti tlrf.
Goolsby have gone to housekeeping -
ing' eli l'th : ; anti Morton Streets.
In Lincoln on Monday Edward
g 1 , Burris and Emma Felkner
were joined hy the : matrimunial '
ties. Miss I"elkner lived at De-
\Vilt , Neb\ aka , where she held
an excellent position as instructor -
or in the high School. Edward
llurris is a Falls City product
hang been in the drug business
for a number of years is well
known to till.Ir. . and Mrs. Bur-
ris returned to this city Wednesday -
day afternoon and will make this
city their home.
- - - - -
On the evening of Dec.ember 24
at Hiawatha , .1\as. : , occured the
wedding of W. I-I " = DeWald 1 and
--I-uI-up- ,
- - - - - - . . . . - - - - . - . - . . . . . , _ . . . . . . . . " - " ,
- - - ,
\ Irs. Fannie Miller , hotl. \\l.1l t
knuwn and l highly respecte l .J
people of Falls City. The groom ,
haying lived in or near Falls City < 4
. . . f !
for a number ) of yc..r , '
On Christmrs < lay at the home ,
of \Vm. Yeach ( time g'l'Oom's sister I
an < l hrothl'r.il1-law ) live Holes '
northwcst of Falls City \vi tii other / . j
in\ ' tl'll guests an elegant : < linl1qr .
was preparel for tltel11 which all fI
enjo'd \'en' m11l.h. : Some . very . . . . . . .Jf , .
useful prCSl'n were reccit ' ed. f
'I'hcwill make their hOI1H. iii i
14' a Is C it\ ' . ii '
"re . wish thcm a long . : an(1 ( . .
1 life. _ _ 'I
happy ! 1 e. . , I
- J
Two. ' " 1
' # i
Good 1
Thinss C
- - . . . . " ' . . - - . - - . . . . . . . . ,
VOL ! ! . floney
Sovvles Ca1dy J
_ . . , - -t- t1
LET tJ 3
SWAF-3 . ) , .
- ; 1
n 1 ! ! i
D.W 01 F :
v. \1\ \ . V V ILJU _ , .
- 1J.
I \ onday January2
The Sphinx Club
Offers as the tith ilU111
per of their Lecture course
the celebrated
Peterson Sisters '
Concert Co.
This is one of the best
numbers of the Course.
Everybody COllle.
Prices = -25 , 35 and 50c
Auction Sale
Monday January 9
At nlY farm nine miles
north cast of this city and
4 miles northwest of Rule ,
At 10 o'clock a In. . (
31 I head high grade
short horn cattle , 4 head
horses. 32 head hogs and
Farm implements and
house hold goods
. .
Lunch on Grounds
John Iloepfel .