The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 30, 1904, Image 14

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    , - - -
Local und Personal.
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Eat Sowles Candy.
Ella Miller is in the city this
I' l ' . P. Page of Dawson was in
. . .
this ] city J 4 r1e ] IIY.
DI' 1. L. Meyer of Hiawatha
in the city .rollclay.
Thicken pox isprc\'alcnt among
the small fry of Falls ] City.
Fred ] " Cain cause ill fromVyom -
ing' the first of the wcek. '
iny Gould ] of Olllaha is the
guest of Bessie Heacock.
Despite the holiday s l . 'al1s City
is unusually quiet socially.
Alice Valentine is visiting with
relatives -WYlllore. .
. . .
Fresh hulk oysters direct frolll
Baltilllore at Coupe tC ; The 1'11 tons ,
. .
1.V. . Miller and son I ritz
L'ame down frolll Lincoln Satur-
I phraimVitltee of Stella
Spllll Chrisllllm with friends in
this dly.
Elta Loose of I'.incoli r ; is visiting - .
illg- with her parents , 'Ym. Loose
alld ' wife.
1)r. Cal1isoll of Stella ate
( 'Iiristntas dinner with his sister ,
Mi rs. 1. M. \ Houstoll.
cuah : ] Greellwad ] is spending
the ! vacation at the hOlllc of her
mother ill this city.
tcorgc ; Jaejtlel came home \
from \ school ] in Chicago to spend .
the holidays at hOlllc. ,
Chas. Banks of Uceatur , II 1. ,
spent Christmas with his wife
amid daughter ill this city.
TheodoreYca'l'r and wife of
Stella spent Christmas at the
Monte of Sheriff Tros < ; ack.
ElIIcr ] 11 anna , who has been
working Iowa , returnee ] to his
home in this city , Sunc1 , ' ) ' .
Georgia ; Hauman of Nebraska
City was in this city the latter
pant : of last week on business.
Mrs. g. H. \'owe \ ] who has
been quite ) ill for the past week
. is i repotted as reco\'ering'
A missionary tea will he given
at he home of 1\lrs. W m. Maddox - i
lox this ( li'riday ) afte1'l10on.
\Irs. Piltock and SOil Harry
went to Salem Friday where they
: .111 , , 'bit with the former : > SIi Lt.
: ' , .fissabel Lyfonl is hOllle
from her school ] work at Jacksonville ) -
\'il1e , II1. , to remain luring the
holiday "acation. ,
Earl Hofer came up from Kan-
gas City to spend thc holidays
with friends and relatives in this
ci ty.
Mrs. \Vilson of New Mexico
arrived in the city last week to
spend hc t winter with her son ,
Chas. \ \Yilson. .
1)r. Hcnckcr has f tt dup his
ofiicc in the most approved stylc.
A reporter ' was shown through
his rooms last week and found as
complete and well equipped office
as one could wish to sec.
- - - - - - - - -
A IInmuolet ] teacher gave out
this problem to her clasR- "If
four gallons of becr will fill 32
pint bottles ) , how many pill t-aiid-
a half bottles will mimic gallons
fill ? " One little ] boy took the
problem home to work and the
next c1ay brought a note to the
teacher from his 'falher which
said.Vc trice ] to work the example -
ample but I c1on't kilo' whether
we got it right or not. I got the
beer and ' we filled the bottles a mid
it made ninelecn. \Ve spilled
sonic of the beer and this answer
ilia ) ' be wrong. Next time make
i t water , beer costs ton much.
Query - Li\ ' ing in J [ umbolc1t
where c1id he get the heel'
\Ir. A. R. Kane , a prominent
druggist of Uaxtcr ; Springs , Kansas -
sas , says : "C1.ambcrlain's Stom-
ach and Liver Tablets are , in my
judg-cmcnt , the lijOst superior
Preparation of anything in use today
clay for constipatIOn. 'Plicy arc
sure in action ani ; with no tendency -
c1cncy tQ nauseate 01' g'ripe. " For
sale hy A. G Wanner.
Joseph Coupe son of Mr . and
Mrs. [ lxicharc1 Coupe who was recently -
cently operated on for :11)penc1i- :
icitis at the Gardner hospital is :
iiliproying i i I'a pic1h' .
The ladies of the Methodist
church have abandoned their l'X-
clnng'e for the winter months ,
much to the regret of their pa-
Miss Anna Taylor who has
taught in the Atchison , Kansas ,
public schools for the past live
year . is spending the holiclays
with her parents in this city.
\I Ir. and \Irs. W. C. Sloan and
little son , Neal spent Christmas
in this city tlC ! guest : of Irs.
Sloans parents , Sheriff -1ossack
and wife.
\Vrit. F. Doty , wife amid son of
Sheminloah , Iowa spent Christ-
mas , \ 'itliL s. Doty's parents ,
; \ 11' . and Mrs. J. A. 1\fcCormck. ;
Miss Jennie Fleming , who has
been visiting friends ill this city ,
returned to her home in i 1\ic11-
moiil I , ne1. . , 1\onlay.
Miss lIattie L. Bruce left 1'lo'n-
clay for Morrison [ , Oklahoma. The
'I'd bune will keep her posted on
Richardson county affairs.
Allan D. May cause down front
Humboldt Saturday evening to
spend Christmas with relative ]
and friends in this city.
Mrs. : Rhodes of \t. Pleasant
Iowa , is visiting with her ( laughter - ,
tel' , Mn W. \Y. Atbcy luring
the ho1 e.tys. ]
Gertrude Mohler returned to
Lincoln Monday after a three
days visit with her parents iu
this city.
liss McDonald and niece , Eva ,
spent this week visiting \ with
friends in Lincoln , Bennett and
Colonel Barton was a n. & ; ; " 1.
passenger Monlay afternoon to
\Vashing'ton , Kansas.
. .
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Cahn.W.mpodGtCO' PS. ! . ;
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. - - - _ . _
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. . ,
. '
- .
: ; ; ' : : . : :
Our Closing I . . ,
Out t Sale i . , . ref r
of Overcca is ' - ( , :
r s still going on andI ill
continuc until the p1'l's'nt ' t
, stock is exhauste 'l'hev f.
arc going fast and you : ! r
had better come in right K .
away if you want tu take f
advantage , of the e\treme- . I
_ . _
Iy low prices we are mak-
ing' as they Wont last ,
. , \J \
long. Colic \ in no\\ ' i '
while there is a food as- , - ,
sortinent to select .IJ
t. , . : :
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
, = t
Peters Shoe Co's. "Diar ' \ d Brad d" '
i II l las 1)een ( \\'ard'cl the Crand Prize at the St. Louis"t
lxpositi The award l of the Grand Prize was made
i'I '
. hy nternational"J r , ury compos J of experts from . the ! .
. United States and foreign countries and : \ "as'on in 'Ii f' 1
competition it ilh the whole world. \\'c sell thrall. : J I
, Come : in and get a pair. . , ri I t
- .
r , - J : jVa i : ; ! e } /.211d "
lJ' 1 Fal1..s Ciiy ] Vebrt..sfa - , . . . .L -
- . ! J' " " " " " ' : ; ; "
, Donald McCoy came up from
S1. Joseph the latter part of last
Prof Pillsbury gent to Lincoln
Ashburnhant Ontario , Testifies to
the Goo Qu\\.litic of' Chambcrll\lI1's
Cough Hcmdy.
ASIIBUH'KIIA\T , Ont. , April 18 ,
l'03.I think it is only right
that J should tell you what a
woneil'rful effect
Cough el11ec1y has proc1uced.
1'he clay before Easter 1 was so
( list ressed with a cold and cough
that I did not think to be able to
take any ' ( Ititics the next lay , as
my \'oice..wHs almost choked by
tlic 'coug'h. The sime clay I re-
cei 'e(1 an order from you for a
bottle of your Cough He111cd I
at once produced a sample bottle
and took about three loses of the
' ' - relief
medicine. 1'0 my great
the cough and cold .had complete-
ly disappeard and 1 was able to
preach three times on Easter Da
I know 'that this rapid and effcc-
th'e cure was due to Cough l em-
C(13' I make this testimonial ]
. without soHcitatioll , being thank- ,
ful to have found ' such a God-
semt(1 rcmedy. Respectfully yours ,
. E. A. Laigfeldt : . A. ,
Rector of St.Luke'sChurch. !
'Phis remedy is for sale ] bA. ' .
\Vanrer. .
. .
A fifteen dollar dressing case " " .l
given away at City Pharmacy. A' . . "
chance with every dullar's vorth /
tJf goods houg-ht. . ,
. . , . . . .
" - - - - - - - - - - -.u " " "
Face ; . - . to If ( lee i . .
Look your watch square in , the
face and ask yourself if you arc
, treating this old friend right ill allowing -
t lowing il to tick its life away for
l1ecd of ti mel ) ' tcnlion. .
Perchance a drop of oil 110W , a '
little grit 01' lust brushed a.cay will
prolong its period of tilllclil1CiS for
titany : days
\ \ 'c clean , repair and put in order
timers of all kinds from the costliest : .
cst chrono1l1l' . to te chcahJlI
' . ' , kris The Jeweler ! . .
_ . _ _ . . , . . . . . _ . . . _ . _ _ . , _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . , n.u.itad
. . , ,
- - - - - - Y T ; -
F or Sale :
- -
\Vm.--Cade has in this
city the following property
for sale : 1
"Block 98 = 24 Lots . ,
. ( \Vell Improved )
In Block 95 = 5 Lots
This proDerty is centrally
located and just what yOU
need. l\lust'be sold by the
first of l\'larch. Apply to II
OWl1er ,