p , b - - cnlol1. 1\1rs. Batcman was down from Stella to a ; lttencl thc funeral of 1\1rs , H. N.'Timulcrriian . ' Hay Arnold 1 , Roy I flhld ( harry l.Jum and Jcssie GrimtlH , returned house from Crete where they have heen aUcnding' schoo1. 1\lr8. Tum of Superior Nehl' . , cause In last Saturday to visit her Son \errit. [ \ Wm , Kinsey was over from Salem thc fore part of the week W. H. Stowell and son I rank returned to their home in Au- hurt ! Monday. Miss Nellie lIossack is tip Iron I' ' dIs Cit \ . spcnding' this week with her sister , i\IrH. 1 Pl'art Sloan. NuthVhcatley I went to Nebraska - ka City Sunday to visit fricnds i\ln Buckley's mother , father t and sister camc ; lip from Iliawa- ha t to spcIHI Christmas. 'l'he high school and g'rannar rooms gate a small progTam and ended with a dehatc. Mr. I Swan of Stella was down visiting i his sister , i\Ir8. A. C. I'etty the fore part of the week M 1'8. I.owma : ; nephew from Horton , Kansas is helping her in the store this week. Harlan Homstelt [ : of Hiawatha carte up 1\Ionday to visit Ray- mend Kinsey. i\lr Leder was in Nebraska City Tuesday. Each of the churches had a Christmas tree and a psog-ram. 'I'hl'trees were \ all loaded with presents al1l1 ca.lI1ics. \ln Belle Webster and daughter / - h.'r arrived Sunday from gmporia for a short visit , with friends and relati\'es. \V. 'V , Kclty I has been visiting / with J. ) . Nussbaum and family the past \yeek. J. S. Parsons made a husin ( ' s trip to Falls City Saturda\ \V. S. Bowersox and family spent Christmas with relat \ . s and fric.lIt1' : ! -at 1xcsen'c. Bert Swise/ood / of 'Vescal1. Kansas spent Christmas with his . brothers and ( sjster Chas. Hcndersou and wife left Monday for halo to'isit with their son for several da 's. Shube rt. Pn'd Lunday was a Stella visitor - tor last week Miss ' Nell Ilarper is spel1ding- her Christmas vacation at home this week. Mrs. C. 11. lIclI < ler ell and Mrs. Yl't'11" Taylor [ were Stella visitors \ one < lay last weck. Mrs. Louie Bsb ' spent SU11- dav with Gertrude \\'eddle. The [ Christmas entertainment given at the Christian and ; " [ ctl.- odist ( churches w'rc'n' well attended - tended t , both churches being / crowded. EIt11pr - Ham spent Christmas with Will Palmer at Stella. Miss Miner of Auburn spent several days : \ with the Misses Pal- mer last week . ' Frank and Charlotte Imler came home Saturday from Nel- son , Neb : , to spend . a week with their parents. \Vill Leslie cause down from Fremont to spend Christmas with friends and relative-s. Maud [ Sap ! of Stella spent Sun- clay with her mother of this city. Pearl Culp and Bessie lIetHler- [ - - - - - - . - - . - - . - roil came clown from Peru to spend Christmas at homc. Jim Palmer retlll'nc1 _ ! to his home in Colorado 1\lollllay after a short visit with relatives hcre. Will i a 111 S V i II c Hey Dunn , who has been at- tcnding' Business College at Grand Island returned 'l'hursday to spelld the holidays vi'tii his parents and friells. ( He will re- turn Januarr ; 8. Among those from this COI1\- unity . who attended the iii \ 111 as- clueracle at the Harada ; hall Sat- tl\lay \ ! ; eight were boy DUlin , sister - tel' 1Ia.d : al1d gmma Sil1\ering- \ A large / crowd g.athered at the Cl'1'I1t:1l1 ; : Luthc1'l1 church Ch1' st- 111:18 : I.'c to listen to the num er- ou' wcll prep'lred rcdtal oIIs. Nellic Dunn , teacher in Iist. I > 24 and pupils gays ashort Christmas - mas programs I ' rid ay ftct'11ool1. Quite a number of visitors were present and ; were wll : pleased with the little folks en'orts. 1\lrs. l . J. Dunn and daughter / hazel : were ill Falls City 'l'hurs- da\ boy i 1Julln and sister Hazel : ' were in Bari\da \ Friday ( e\'enillg- As the voting 'ople 1 of \lessrs IIuuster and .lert : were going to the Iirthdar partrat the h011le of \I : r. nel''ich Silllday evening and were riving a young team belonging Mr. llerbstC'I" one of the boys tired a gun / from the rig causing time team to run away , No one was hurt which I was fortunate hut thc boys had : thc pleasure \ of hunting the team the remainder of the e\'l'11il1/ / I A large number of Miss Lena Gerwich gathered at her home Sunday evening in honor of her birthelay. Charles : Arnold who has been attending school in Dc s\loil1es.lil. , . .returned F1' date spend ! \ the holidays with his parents. Ed I Schutz and famil\ spent Christmas at the home \f .1\11" \ eisseng-er. Miss Marie Croth' , teacher in Dist. 21 will have : i short Christmas - mas vacation. Ohio , ( ; olllie Yocum spent a few clays with her sister this week. Mrs. O' lara and ; ather went to Beatrice : Friday to spend the holidays with i\lrs. Duncan , sis- ter of the former. number of the relative , of Mrs. Shaffer attended her funeral 1 in Merrill , . . \onda [ ) " . \lan' \ Dodds came home from Peru last : week to spend the holi- days .vith her fol ks. ' John Iccn ! and family and his mother of Fortes cue , Mo. , ate dimc : ; ' :1t : : . Peck : : . John locum and family spent Christmas with their dang-hter. C. B. Peck drove up from Merrill : [ - rill last week and spent a few I clays : among rdati\'cs. Chas. Stump and ! Nettc : Bart- lett were married at the home of thc bride parents Dec. 25. Ou te a number of friends w 're present to witness this CClem011\ . The\ will make Falls City their hem ferry Shaffl'r carne down from Nebraska City to spend a fews days with relatives and attend the funeral of lrs. Shaffer at . . Merrill Kas. There ( was a Christmas tree at thc Maple Grove church . . last Sat- I mday e'eninfor / the Sunday - - - - - - - . - - - . - - IL - . . " , , _ _ _ "C" , , = oru _ . q 1 . --.of II W.atch . - - . . . - - - - . - This . - - . . . . Space _ _ _ _ , v . . . . . . . Next _ _ _ t' For ; - Week - - . . . _ - i I BAR G A I 1'1 S , - - . . . _ . . . - - - - . . > . . ' r ! . ; - . GEORGE B . HOLT' ; 1 : , . . . . . . - . . . .SI . ! , .tt : ii. : ! : I < ' : HchuoI schola rs. 'j'hehad - very appropiatl'l'xl'I'cises.A treat cf ; nuts and Gaudy was given to all the rhildrel1. Died. Vnck Charles Cole. ail old and honored resldel1 of Richardson county ' died at .the t residence of . his daughter , \1rs ; : . Tauics Lig-g-ett .01' Humboldt , i'lorlday eveni.g : , December 2i. \Ir ; [ , Col < was for ' rileinUer of the many rears a ml'm cr county board i of this , hunty' and hag Many friends arid' acquain- tances in this city who will re- gret to hear of his dcath. The funeral was- held in Humboldt Tuesday afternoon. Jacob Leper died at his home in Verdon on Snturdav ! December 24 , : ifter a long illness at the age / of 77 rear Jacob flier was barn \ in i Yirg-.inia on October 25. 1537. He had been a section boss on the Missouri Pacific rail " road at crelon for bout I ten Years. He was twice married and ( leaves 1 surviving / him a wife and nine childrcn. The funeral was held at the Evangelical church in \'cre10n and the 'le- mains were laid to rest in the Y ceme tcr ' . Farmers Institute. Arrang-emen have been completed - pleted for holding ,1 farmers in- ' 'tituce ! at thc court house in this city on Friday and Saturday Jan- nary 27 and 28 , l/J05. A number uf gum1 ; speakers - wiii be in at- tendancc. Collection Notice. All persons indebted i to the Star Livery Barn are urged to call alad settle their accounts at once. G. 11. Fallstead Mgr. [ So. Dist. for the GHlC\I\XI.\ I.IFI : . lXSUI \1'Cl ; Cu. of 1eYork , has a plan of investment as an acc\t1nu- lation. and guaranteed income for thc education of thc child at any ' given a/e. / This i plan embraces : guaranteed results only found in what is known as Endowment Assurancc. Parents will do well to investigate and receive infor- mation which we hope will be 01 interest to them 2 i IVlissouri i Pacific Raihvay I Timc Table , ' = alls City , Nci , . : -01\1'11 Xo. I Omaha and ! Lillcolll - Ixlirc „ : . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 2:2 : : : : a , Ill XO.I O ) Oinahaand \ Lincoln _ _ 8:351\ : \ tit _ Xo. R 011snha and f.illcolll ! , ' , pasclIg-er- . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . A :2 : : 18 JlIII Xo. :233 : Local I'reightAn- . hurll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 1:11 : ! pill 50U'1'1I - . . . . . . .1.0..ansa ! > ( , - ItiltH ! St. h Lour aiul ! Denver . . . . . . . A 3:47 : a m I Xo. 55Ka11zas City mud : : t. Louis and DCII\c . . . . . . , A . : . 1Sni No. SO worlds : li'airscciaL 1 _ H:45 : l' 1 111 No. 232 Local. Atchison. . . 10:30 : ( ) a III Xo. :220 : tock Frcig-ht. IIi- a Iwatha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:5211 : 11\ , \ . Dapy B. Da1y ; t'xcel't $ tutdav. J. B. \.xzi < , Ag-cllt. " REFRACTIONIST R.L.ilaumont9 M. D. , Sixth & FelixSt.Josepl1 Formerly eve and ear special- , ist now limited practice to . i Eye Glasses j " ' - Union Meetings. Time Ministerial Association of . Falls City is planning / a series of meetings for the week of prayer. 'rhe meetings \ \ ill be nonsectarian - . arian in character and the Methodist - odist church has been chosen as the place of meeting because of its central location and spacious accomodation for thc large / congregations . . ! g-regahons that arc expecte 1 Meetings will hc held each evening - ing- next week , beg-inning' Mon- day , Jan. 2nd at 7:30 : p.tu. Song / J. Service led by large chorus c1.lOir. ' . Preaching each c'eninby / He\ - P. D. Smith , president of Falls City Business College. 'Vc invite ! the public most cordially to at- d tend these ccs.-lI.Seling-er , Pastor Baptist ; E. E. Haskins , Pastor Brethren ; \1. Ianshardt , I Pastor German E\'ang-ellcaI ; 1 , . \V. Cline , Methodist ; S.V. . Griffin , . , 1 ' Pastor Presb\'terian. 'ft1 . . . ,