The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 23, 1904, Image 6

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    . _ , " r t . . . . , 1' , . P'l' : r , ' , w .
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- -
Ingenious Device Which Can Do the !
Work In Two Mlnutt.\
' ' '
The labor required for the purpose )
of operating ) the hand.c1l111lera ! hy
mho harbor II ! nol great . but In these
timeR nil unneosar' y labor 18 regarded .
cd nR lost labor , and Iln improvement
haH been recently made In this humble
implement wllh the idea of further
simplifying Iw t device and for greatly
facilitating the hair nrnputating pro.
COSH This hnln'ovonuml Is nothing
more than a combination of the clip. ) )
porn and a spring ! motor The shape
of the tool , whIch is I : more or less far
mlllnr to all , has been slightly nl
tore ! } to effect this union but the 1m.
. . .
. ,
proved apparatus Is not unwieldy for
-tho reason that the mechanical end
or the combination Is disposed of In
'what. might ho called the handle
The spring ! ) ) la contalnellln the large
circular barrel , and Is wound \lp hy
a crank attachment not large enough
to he In the way of the harbor while
. pusHing the utter \ over the head of
his patron The device IH supplied
with the proper ) ) arrangements for ad-
Dusting the action of the reciprocating
. blades , the means of starling Ilnd
stopping \ and controlling their speed
being , a Ion ! which is . located at a
point at what might bo call d the
waist of the device where It Is convenient .
, yenhmt to lima thumb of the olwrator
This comhillatloll emanated from
the , fertile brain of IIn Inventive
genius : hailing front n Pennsylvania
ttlwn' hearing ! the euphonious name of
Nan ! ) ' Glo He claims with the aid of
this dcvlco the barber can go over
the head of a client In two minutes
without \ mlRsh\g a hair and with avery
very small part of the labor heretofore .
fore required for the olOratloll.
- - - - - -
Prairie Dog't\ Home.
i I I I llll
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I t t l I ill i !
i j I t II i1 II II H
, . , , , , ' ,
I I' ' iii Pilli' f
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'fhe diagram shows details or the
burrow In which the prairie dog lives
- - - - -
. Largest Three.Year.Old Filly.
Oregon Queen Is reputed to he the
largest 3.'car.old filly In time world. !
She Is 19 hands high weighs 2.2GO
. pounds , Is perfectly formed , a chestnut '
nut sorrel with silver mane and tall
She was bred and raised by Sol King
of Cornva1li , Ore . and way 3 years
old on May 20 last. '
Humiliated by Accident , Collie Aban
cloned All Religion.
At lilt disruption In 18,1 : ; the hull of
the shepherds Joined the Free KIt'I
Butt one collie held ) by tlw EHtahllHhed
1II'lnel"I , ' , flllIl refused ! to "come on t. ! "
Every I Sahhath he went nlOlH' to the
l' 1 Illlhllshi.d ! : ( cmurch here ho had
hl't.11 wont to accompany ) his muster
Ills master I refused to coerce hllll
" : -:11 ' : , lIa , " he Hald , "he' : ! It wlst dowg ;
I'll 110 meddle ( wi' his conviction "
The collie's adherence to tht' EStai
IIshment had , however . a disastrous I
olld. 110 wa accustomed to lie dill"i i
Ing the sel'lIIon on the pulpit ) ) stairs , no '
doubt better 10 hear the dlscOlll'HO
Below hllll WOI'O placed : the long ! sto\'o'
IIll1e hats of the olll t's. On one umfor-
tunnto day he fell asleep , rolled off
his step IIlId managed to get his head
firmly fixed inside one of the hnts
Blttol'l mortified , the dog fled front
the Ith'lnnd ever afterward , ns his
IIIIlHtt'r said , "had nUt' trollugs wi'
rt'II'gloll.The Sped ator
. .
- - - - - - - - -
Vatican Bible.
. . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . -
lID UtcrOfTO rorTu On
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Facfll11l1e of a page ) of the famous
vatican Blhle-the oldest III existence
- - - - - - - - -
Played His Own Dirge.
A student name1 Anton Czel'llevlcs
recently shot himself In dl'l1l11allc
fashion after playing he I piano ) at a
stl1l1ent's concert at 'fomes\'a ! , Iiun-
gar ) ' ,
f'zernevirs who waR a fine I11I1HI.
c\an \ , hllll been In the best of humors
aA the evening , and hall played \ a
piece ) which was I11l1ch applauded ,
when he sllllllenl turned to the instrument '
mellt again and began playing ) the
Dead 1\lal''h In "Salll "
The audience , amuso1 at time freak ,
allowed limn 10 play ) lo the end , when
ho rose and declared ! that he had been
ahnndoll ) by his sweetheart , and life
wan no longer worth living.
: \lonntlng It chair , he then showo1'el1 (
a hanl1flll of geld coins among time
students , and , begging them to accept )
the money as , n memento of himself ,
quickly ) produced a revolver and slot
himself dend
- -
Says the Stork.
d .
/t' . -
Ir I
'l7IEY TA.X AB v7 4A-e- Jt/ICYDE -
1JT'RKJ AI.l.Y't4 / ( /1J/Ck
Ir JT'/UrJ JrC/L/ ) . / ST NAJTR/t'E
! 7HfYJ : HAV.-J'NL-CAV3t" ro KICI (
" y/ 4 .h . . . j
Bear " 'Cached" Dead Deer.
\"at'dt'll Durgin reports that he rail
acroSS the tracks of a big bear III the
snow up near the 1 < 'OI'ltsIe : , Follow-
lag them up he found where he hall
killed 1 a bnck deer , having probably
crept upon the deer while It was lying
down. He had eaten all he wanted
and had buried the rest of the carcass ,
by covering It with leaves and snow
Peculiar Happening Followed Washing
Away of Bridge.
Last : \tll1'c)1 ) ; occurred the highest and
most dallgt'l'OIlH floods of water containing '
tallling ice , snow tumid wreckage all
the various rivers ! : of the milidlo west
that hils hUPllt'lIed within the , nieniory
ur the oillost Inhllbltant. It was ewing
to the IIIllIsl1ulI , long , and severe winter '
tOl' , which hl'Oughl unisery and sulTOI"
Ing to tho1l8111111H throughout the \'url.
OilS celllml IlII1I northern states and In
the spring brought havoc und hanger
to the people along the river bottoms
' ' \ river ill Ohio crossed
'I'hehmlllel ( ! . . CI'OSSO
by the Detroit and Cincinnati line at
Wntol'vllle , III that state , some six
lllli's south of the town of ltl1lmoc ,
S . . '
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was a scene of unprecedented destruction '
tlon , the swift rlllllllllg stream carrying .
Ing nil before It , oven the strong Iron
bridge of time most mortcm pattern
\ which makes four spans across the
water lUll over which , with the poles
strongly secured to the Iron structure
itself , run forty strands of No S
copper wlrc Antlcipatlllg that the
bridge would go down , a wrecking
part was sent with cable ready to 1'0-
pail' the break , hut great was time surprise -
prlso of all interested III the phenome-
ion when time crash linally came and
the ponderous ) weight of trout swept
clown as if l11udc of ) 'ello111r.e ; the
huge , polt's , dragging at the forty wires
above and ! drawing tons on tons as the
hl'llIgo washed away , suddenly snapped
-folll' ' ' wire
- them-leaving every
Intact and the tipper \ stumps .suspend-
e1 In midair
- - - - -
Use for Wornout Banners.
The political hallners , which have
now disappeared from the streets will
not he recognized next summer In the
handsome : ; netting they I ; make on the
lawn tennis grounds for what they
One ) wore ' 1'0 such ! ' uses some will
( descend Some will \ also serve as netting .
ting for catching fif > h , That Is all
there Is In the way of salvage from
the hallners The bright Jointed ) parts ) :
arc a dead 10m : ! The host of these
big notllll ; banners cost not a 1itlle
That which the Republican national
cOIIHnlttcl strung across Twenty-
third street cost $500. : ; The amount
or painting ) regulates the ) Irlce , Flag
banners arc less costly , and those
which swung so plentifully this fall
will \ he found In the decorations of
halls and oC clubs '
- - - - - - - - -
Plus 19
, ,
In the six spaces Into which every
ray of the star Is divided put numbers .
bel's whose sum In every ray when
added to the number 19 In the center
will give Invariably the result 130. I
All the numbers must be different I
. . '
. . '
- ,
. ,
, -
Purchase of Ostriches Always Preceded -
ed by a Race
\In'o \ you ever seen an ostrIch
furlll' ! " the sailor ! uslwd
' {
" : -:0 ' : , " said the Irugglsl.
"Thou , of course , S'o11've never seen
all ostrich snit" I'll tell you u strnr # ; e
thIng about thaI. Wheu a denIer , . .Jr
com/4 / to buy 1111 ostrich he always has \
two 01' three birds ho likes best run
a rncc
" 'lime ostriches are rnngel1 In a line.
A bunch of figs Is shown to thom The
. flail with the lilts willis away about
It quarter ofI mile Then the on-
! trlches arc let off.
"I tell your the big birds rlln Those
long , hon ) ' legs of theirs I put the '
ground hehlud thelll In It war that Is
; aslo11n < 1ln' . In the race I saw there
I were three ostriches and one left the
othel' far hehhlll' him , As he mn ho
kept 1001"n' behind hllll , like ! a human 1
racer 1111(1Vlien ho Haw that there t
was no chance for the others , he
economized hIs strength br slowln'
clown und lit' reached the figs on a . , '
\\'u1\ \ lie , helll' the winner , was , of
course , the bird that time dealer
ho a gh t. " ,
" \Vh ' arc these I birds always raced
and the fastest one pUl'chasod ? " said .
the drllg lst.
"lleca11He , " replied the sailor , "the '
fastest js always the 8tl'ongest' and
aHhicsl.-Chlcagu Chronicle
The Antarctic Expedition.
The wato1'-color drawings and photographs ,
graphs ; of time Autal'ctic expedition are
drawing a lame 1I111J1hol' of visitors to
time Bruton galleries , says the Liver.
pool ( Eng. ) Mercury. 'The Nnnsen ox-
hlbltioll had nothing like such an at-
traction In the graphic arls Its interest .
tel'cst was largely \ that of a museum
This hm been slIhordlnated In the
present show , and the ,100 pictures )
have as they deserve , first lllace.
CaP I seon" \ ;
StcrcH ' fI , '
# 'I.I\G.
m , I G/ANT
, , 1j Er4e
rJ i
/rs / 1
' 11A , 1/1. ! i4A J I .
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1SwT 'i
, ( N G a _
The Antarctic Exhibition
The objects collected for exhibition ,
th6 photographs ) by Lieutenant-EngI-
neeI' Sitellon , time drawings , hardly less
accurate , and not less careful , hy Dr.
Edward Wilson , or course possess se-
t'ntlnc'nlno ; but one can Hiders them
as well as the many things lent by .
members or llw crew , tl'Ol11 their pictorial . "
tOl'lLlI standpoint 01' from the point ot
mere human intel'est. The paintings
are brllllnnt III color as well as accurate .
rate In detail , while the photographs * ' I
provide charming studies of sunlight ; )
and shallow on snow , of seals , pen.
gains , alhatrossC'E' , clogs and all ,
- - -
'Ceon Will Not Hibernate.
A well.mown ) 'coon hunter ] of LM-
: mInster asserts that while 'coons tutu- 'i
ally itibermmte during the winter .
months , lie has had one as a pet for
twelve years and hc has never shown
any tendency to do so All sorts ot
experiments have been tried to in'
duce him to go Into this sleep even to
keeping l food from him , but all efforts
have been fruitless