. . " . , . r . . $1 . ; ; -l . \ We Wish a Merry Christmas ; - And a. Happy New Year j , To Thee and Thine If we are allowed one more wish it shall be for a continuance of your patronage , which I we assure you we appreciate. Our earnest endeavor in the future as in the past , shall be to give you value received , fair and honest 4 treatment , prompt and courteous service. King I Pharmacy Falls City , Neb. ' flfW , . 11 s 11880 I A 5 119041 ' - I T1-1 E 24th . year of our business career i's drawing Lo close .and : during : which time wc have tried and succceded in making ISOWLES I _ CANDIES POPULAR I 6s I \Ve wish to thank our many t CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS for their liberal patronage and we solicit a continuance of the same. , \\fishing you a ' MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A Happy Prosperous d New Year K ONE AND ALL r Very respectfully , 4t D. W. ' , SOW les - Mrs. U. Huber and } . [ rs. 'Vm. Harnack returned Monday from Omaha where they have been visiting - iting- with friends for the past : : . wcek. 1 4 . John Martin went th Tecumseh - seh the fore part of the week. County Assessor Joni was a welcome visitor at this office Tuesday. . , I Market Report. KANSAS CI'l'\Mo. , : Monday , Dec. 19 , 1904.-'l'hc total cattle supply last week was 42,000 head , not much different from previous ] wecl Packers claimcd their coolers were full of mcdium class beef , whilc the demand was al- most entirely for stuff that would c1dSS as HCll1 istnias. i " Very little really toppy stuff came in , one or two loads of yearlings at $ ( , .25 , and a Iew loads of prime heavy steers at $5.85 to 8.30 , besides a few individual steers at $ ( ) .50 to $7.50.tl'hese were fully stc'dy , but the mass of beet steers sold at 84.00 to S5. 25 , and were called , 20 to 30 cents lowcr. Good heavy ' cows sold nearly steady , but other cows and canners lost 25 to 30 ccnts. Cows ranged from $2.25 to $3.50 and good to choice heif- ers 84 to 85. Veals were firm , 85.75 to $ ( ) .50 for choice light oncs. Conditions in fat steer market were against feeder prices but demand was enough to take the limited supply at steady prices. Stockers also hold steady and prices ranged from $3.00 to $3.85 for most of the stockers and fccders. Cattle run today , ,000 head , market steady to 10 cents higher applying to all gradc ! With moderate supply market should hold balance of wcck. Hogs hung around thc 84.60 mark all last week , for tops , with medium weight hogs,190 lbs tam 2501b , at 84.45 to 84.55. Market was higher Saturday , and opened this morning 5 cents higher , with a top today.of 84.70 , bulk of sales $4.45 to $4.65. Receipts dropped off some last week , and should they continue light , prices will no doubt advance , but just now , and for a time , at least , the market - et will depend almost entirely on the volume of the 5uppl A short time ago the supply did not cut any figure , it was simply that the packers wanted to ham- mer priccs.-J. A. Hickart , Live Stock Correspondent. Judge Baker Exonerated. Mention was made in this paper last week that Judge Benj. F. Baker formerly of Omaha had been sumarily removed as supreme , justice of New Mexico. Judge Baker laid his case personally be- fore the President who ordered it reopened and upon the final hearing rescinded his order of re- moval. Consequently Judge Baker - er will continue until the end of his term. It seems that the charges against Baker were the : result of the malice of a political encmy. Of course that kind of a fellow would not last long before President Roosevelt when his true nature was known. Immediately after his re-instate- ment Judge Baker tendered his resignation , saying that the fact- ional fight had destroyed his use- fulness as a Judge. It is under- stood that he will return to Omaha - aha to practice law. . , . ' a k.s L. " . George Wertz 111. . Nerd has been received that George 'Vert is dangerously ill . at Alliance . , Netir , with Pncu- 11mollia No particulars of his illness can be obtaincd at this dung. . . . . - - - - . Preston Mutual Wins , A contract was entered into between the i'armers Mutual 'rel ; cphone company of Preston and thc Hulo company Monday by which thc mutual company is given free long distance connection - tion with Rulo. It will he remembered - membcrcd that the city of Ruin passed an ordinance jutting a franchise taof $500 in order that the local company might have 'l'hc suhscri'J- \ a monopoly. - crs of the mutual company ] im- mcdiately withdrew their trade from the merchants of the town. Both Rube and the Mutual I com- pan are to be congratulated on the happy cnding of this trouble and the mutual subscribers should x" now reHume the friendly relations ' with the city which were hitherto - to cnjoycd. , , State Apportionment 'rhc county superintendent has rcccived the December apportion- mcnt of school money and distributed - uted it as follows : 1 $2 ( , 'X ) 2H : : -t7 8) ! 54 $40 10 1010 $30 7S 2 26 35 7J 34 ( ,0 55 ; 31 30 1011 34 \IS \ $ , 3 411 'XI ) 30 51 liS 5l , Sli7 ' 111 HZ JJ S41 4 31 30 31 23 W 57 27'45 H3 24 IS 5 23 ( , ( ) 32 1014 10 SIi 30 211 ' 114 26 ' 111 6 24 15 JJ 32 40 5' 130 115 115 31 Jj ) 7 14I / H : 3680 60 35 IS Rl 335' / ) 101 27 45 35 30 20 61 27 45 H7 30 75 ( ' 9 31 30 34 23 05 ( .2 34 05 III $ ! 34 05 10 24 'XI 37 2IJZ 911 63 oil 75 1019 35 711 11 43 1)5 3H 25 IiO h4 ( 31 30 'H ) 31 Jjl 12 24 35 3' 24 70 ( .S 2'1 10 1)1 ) 23 05 13 20 30 40 27 45 66 3J 50 I )2 2'1 65 ; . 14 35 15 41 39 00 m 3.1 IiO 1)3 2M 00 15 23 ( ,0 42 45 05 ( .II 37 35 )4 37 3.r ; 16 31 30 ( 43 H : W 69 45 ( , ( ) ' )5 120 1)5 17 30 75 44 31 30 70 24 15 96 2.no 0 r 1101 36 25 45 29 65 71 44 51)7 II ! (15 19 SIiII / 46 32 1)5 72 26 35 9H I 20 311 211 43 1)5 47 3J'Q .13 51 10 ' 1) 54 411 ) 21 50 00 ( 4H 2 ( , ' 10 ) 74 37 3.r ; 1110 20 30 23 13 10 49 26 ' 10 ) 75 40 (15 1111 1111 24' 31 311 543 1)5 76 109 411 ) 102 90 15 25 34 w 51 ( ,4 115 77 32 1)5 103' II ! 10 26 47 110 52 217 75 111 30 20 104 21 411 27 39 00 53 37 90 79' 25 110 105 24 15 . Redemption of Marsh. Hon. G. W. Marsh , at present secretary of state , quits that office on January 1 , and will resume - sume newspaper work. For many years he was celebrated as an able and versatile newspaper man. Carried away by political enthusiasm and youthful emotion he consented to run for secretary of state , and was elected. In that office he was a distinguished success , but his friends rejoice to know that he will turn over a new leaf on January 1 , and mould some more public opinion. It is better to be the editor of a moral paper than to be the con- querer of a city.-Saturday Sum- mary. Harpers Bazar $1.00 1 per year ; Good housekeeping - . ing $1.00 per year ; House Beautiful $2.00 per year ; The Tribune $ . .00 per year. Total $5.00. We ; will send all four to your address one year for$3.00. On Saturday of this week Mrs. l W. P. Long will leave for Ottawa , Kas. to visit her brother and aged mother who is stoppir.g there for the winter she being . in her 84 " year and her second husband in his 98 ycar. . " ' . .