The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 23, 1904, Image 4

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    _ _ _ _ M. _
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falls City Tribune
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DIM , It Iii believed , coulll manage , : ;
his JUice now with both hands tied be.
hind him ,
A Chicago girl has just died of tight
lacillg. That was one sinner who died
happy ( anywu
The atmosphere ( of New York Is said
to IJO "llnmdfully foul. " Moral atmosphere .
Ilh'I'e , of course
- -
Aug Belmont hUH lost a $1,000 poodle '
dlo peg Next thing , harry Lehr will
ho losing ; his 111111(1
A New York fruit miser has evolved
II caroleRs apple ( It will never become
IIH popular 1111 the ilium.
- - - - -
Queen Alexandra confesses to being
liU ( yearn ohl. ' 1'lIa1's what she gets
for having such big / gJ'Undchllllrell
- - - - -
It 18 susceptible of mathomatlcal
proof lint ( all of the WOOO : lawyers of
New York city Cllllllot belong to the
You notice that your uncle Russell
Sage Is not In the list of these who
have money coming from 1\1rs. Chad-
E\'onlng paper says "A shot fell
' ' ' ' ' '
lowed a woman's 'No. Those that
have followed her "Yes" clln't bo
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
'I'ho thief who stole IIn elegantly
chased silver goblet worth $ fiO and
sold It for fifty cents ought to take a
course III art.
- - - -
Two western train robbers compelled .
0(1 ( even the car porters to dlsgorgo.
Now the latter will ulldorstulll how
the rest of U8 fool.
Speaking of the dirigible airships ,
lie ( steorlllg committee of the house
lie Represenltutives uuglll to know
something about 'om.
The comic papers are right somo- .
tlmos. A New York man hud to sum-
mon the police ) to holll him discharge
the cook the other day.
A Chicago man who could quote
Plato and Schopenhauor committed
suicide lie probably telt that the
town was no place for him.
Another girl has been burned to
Ileath-this time In IJroolI 'n-fl'Om
stepping on 'n match. Use only ! the
kind that light only on the box
The people ) of this country are
anxiously waiting to hall the hero who
will overcome the lone bandit while
he is I proceeding ) to hold up a train.
Seventeen mules are now attached
to the rear guard of the Panama army. ]
Another Instance In which the rear '
Is more dangerous by tar than the
' ' ' of Boston finds
Thomas " . Lawson
It possible to bear the stock market
hy using the advertising columns.
'hore's ] nothing like II1'lntor's Inl , .
Try It.
Now a doctor has discovered that
you can take the gold cure for pneumonia '
mania If your batting average Is so
low you do not require the cure for I I
anything else.
The ChIcago husband who has .
asked the courts to Issue an injunction
to restrain his wife from talking will
know more later on-llI1rtlcularlr if
he listens carefuU
New York Is to have n bank that
will keep open day and night. They
don't find 1l necessary , however , to
open up many at the churches In that
town except on Sunda 's.
. , " -
- - - - . - - - - " - - - - - - - - -
. .
- - - - - - - -
FWy.elgh students from Cass
county Ill : ' attending the State university .
slty in Lincoln. -
'rho Lutherans In and about Sutherland .
erland are about to organize and arrange .
range for a pastor.
Thomas Davis , colored , was bound
over to district court In the sum of
$500 on the charge of daylight burglary .
glary .
The loss on the Masonic temple
building at Fremont , which was ballly
damaged u.r fire , has been adjusted
at $10,000 The building will ue repaired '
paired as soon as losslble )
The Beatrice Independent Telephone
company Is making plans to build another -
other telephone line southwest of
lllno Springs as soon Ill possible.
1\1aynarll Splnle , president or the
Northwestern Business college of
Beatrice , has issued un order prohibiting .
Illg students of the college visititms ;
billiard 01' pool rooms without the
cement of their parents.
Captain W. P. Wyatt , 1polnoer
resident of Beatrice , who has been III
failing health for some time , was injured .
jurod hy failing down stairs ot his
home His Injuries arc not considered
serlt1s ,
A number of the Sisters of Charity
from Leavenworth , Kan. , who have
purchased the Nebraska City hospital
were In that city malting arro1ge- !
monts for a number or Improvements
to the hospital
Ernest Linn of Bellmont. Lancaster
county , mlssod the tin can balanced
on the head of g.year-old Sylvan Do-
Iota and the charge from his shot gun
tore the brains from the skull of the
boy , killing him instantly.
Miss Lottie Oagood , a daughter of
MrR. J. 1\T. Osgood , residing six miles
northeast of Elk Creole , has been adjudged .
judged insane and taken to the asylum .
hIm at Lincoln. The young ladY has
not been well for number of y < , ars.
A third operation ) was found lteces-
sary on Camllo Niemann or Grand
Island , a young man who was shot In
the arm about month ago , the bullet
lodging firmly ! In the bone Nlomann
states that ho wag held Ull and when
he attempted to resist was shot.
Milton Cline , one of the most prom- !
neat farmers In the vicinity of Ver
don , died from Injuries. One week ago
1\11' Cline was attacked uy an angry
bull , which knocked him down and
stamped on . him. On Friday an oper-
atlon was perfol'l110d. 'rho doctors
found that the intestines had been
separated In five places.
William Prluno , n young man ,
came dashing into Grand Island from
the country , and rushed Into police
court for protection from the Winter
brothers , who were not haIr a mile
behind him , chasing Pl'lunow hotly ,
and who was charged by the Winter
brothers with a very serious crime
against Miss Mary Mohr. The girl has
filed a complaint against him and his
case will come up In court.
Thieves entered the barn of Lawrence .
ronco Vohland prosperous German
farmer living six miles southwest of
Shelton , and stole a valuable team of
horses , a new set of harness and
hitched thom to one of Mr. Vohland's
wagons and left In an easterly direc-
tion. The team was a heavy pair of
draft horses and was quito valuaulo.
1\11' Vohland has been offered $ .tfiO for
them and refused it
1\11' Jones , living a mile north of
Huntley , in Harlan county , found in
his corn field , near the public highway .
way , a valise , which contained 1\ complete .
Ileto set of burglar tools , consisting
of false taco , drills , hits , brace , dynamite .
mite , fuse , skeleton keys , a complete
set of tools to break off the locks on
safes , and a number of other tools
and instruments used uy burglars to
enter houses ! , open safes and explode
BIG CONCERNS LOSE MONEY. of Leading Fire Insurance
Companies Reported with Deficit.
l..INCOI.A revelation was received -
colved at the office of Insurance Deputy .
puty Pierce In the way of Insurance
statistics. The statistics were prepared .
pared for the Journal of Insurance
Economics and show that forty-one of
the biggest fire insurance companies
now doing business made altogether
during the last five years only $122
000 Out of the total of forty.ono companies .
panles , twenty-three of them come out
loser at the end of the five years , I
leaving only eighteen that made a' '
- - -
profit during that length of time. Two .
companies made enormous profits duro
lag the five 'ears. 'rho Aetna cleared
,573,000 and the Continental cleared .
od $1,174,000. 'rho Hartford was the
greatest loser , coming out behind for
the five yeal's' business 1total of
But for all this , the statstlcs show
the insurance business has come up
wonderfully during the last two years ,
and for 1902 and 1903 the profits were
enormous , matting It scorn unnecessary .
san' for an Increase In rates at this
tlmo Last year these same companies
cleared 1\ total of $12,794,000 , while
the year before that they cleared
$5,193,000. 'rhe' throe years previous
the losses amounted to over $17,000"
000. dlvhV.d as follows : 1899 , $7,693-
000 ; In 1900 , $3,09,000 ; Li 1 1901 , $7"
163,000. Each of the fort ' -ono companies -
punles made profits last year , while
only six or them came out behind the
year uefore.
What Various Counties are Owing for
Insane I Patients.
For keeping insane patients the
various counties owe the state a total
or $112,047.37. 'Some of this money
has long been due and it Is needed uy
Peter Mortensen for various reasons
and unless it is paid there may be
something doing uy the auditor
through the attorney general. Each
county Is invited to send in a check
for the amount opposite Its name. _
_ nn _ _ .
. .
Adams . . . . . $ Ujj.49 ) Logan . . . . . . 946.i
Boone' . . . . . 5,772..ii Madison . . . . 70122.
Box Butte. . 2.003,3 : ; Icrrlck . . . . Sffi2,2 ,
Burl . . . . . . . 4,925G8 uckolls . . . 282,31
Butler . . . . 6GS4,22 ( Puwnee . . . . 2,278.JJ
l'ellar . . . . . . -161.20 Phelps ! . . . . . . 28,2 :
Cheyenne . . 4-Il . ' ' . . . . , . 2,842.7f
L'olfnx . . . . . 4,554.32 folk . . . . . . .e. 239.16
Daltolt\ . . . . 1,532.6Slltichardon. 4,586,25
Dawes . . . . . 161,318ar1lY . . . . . . . 337.79
Gr./o . . . . . . . 3,95,79 : \ Saunders . . . 10,837,03
G ' oeley . . . . 871.3 : S. 131ufr. . . . . 381.26
1'.ai'.s . . . . . . 1OOS.89 Stanton . . . . 2,213IG :
lost \ . . . . . . . . 3415.22 + Thomas . . . : 35,03
Jolntson . . . . 12,466.22 \ Wa'nc . . . . . . 725.25
Keith . . . . . . 1,77.86 : ; Webster . . . 3,3Si.50
Lincoln . . . . 8,803,4GI
Total ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . $112,1).17,31 )
State Institutions Report.
Nearly If not all of the state institutions .
tutions have made their biennial reports .
ports to the governor , hut they are
not accessible to the public , as has
been the custom , for the reason that
In the office of the governor It is
thotiglmt time wiser plan would be to
walt till all are In , compiled and corn-
pared with the reports of former
hlennhmur and then the entire list reports -
ports In a complete table uo puu.
lIshed. l
Money Into Treasury
LINCQLN-County treasurers are
dally sending remittances to State
Treasurer : \Iortonsen. Many at these
remittances Include Items of old delinquent .
IInquent taxes , showing that the laggards
gards are being awakened uy the
scavenger law. The state treasurer
has issued,1\ call for the retirement or
fiOOOO In general fund warrants , to
uo effective December 19. A second
call , effective after December 25 , will
ue Issued In a few days for the retirement -
ment of about $50,000 or $60,000 more
, - - - - - - . -
I. .
- - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Attraction of Aftlnrtles.
People who believe In "amnilles" argue -
gue that It Is impossible that U'3 per- .
sons akin to one another should never I
meet. Their lheor ' 1 which no one can I I
deny to ue pretty , Is that the power of 9
thought must bring such persons to- 1 . !
gether. Thoughts , they say , wander , . . j
. - I
through space , like electric messages , - - >
and It wo think about a person we .
shall ! affect that person In some way. ,
By our thoughts wo will attract our t
Looked Like a Framed Painting.
He had been standing for five nun-
lutes In the lobby of one of the large 't
hotels looking at the pretty cashier
through her little office window. Finally .
ally he turned to a man near by and i
said , : "Gosh , zat.'s alma pretty picture
Wisht I cud paint like zat. Thought .
I saw th' head move , but things alle :
move when I'vo had too mitch , " Then
he walked slowly away.-Kansas City
Power In the Wifely Smile.
'rhe mon who finds hIs wife smiling .
happily when he comes home at night
will ue likely to stay there It he
shQuld go out the mnemory of her smile
will make him feel that she doesn't
care , and ho will soon find himself
wanting to go back home and makQ
her care.
Doing Great Work.
Florlsant , Mo. , Dec. 19th-Speclal ( ) !
-That Dodd's Kidney Pills are doing
a great work In curing the more tel" I
rlbl forms of Kidney Disease , such as j
Bright's Disease , Dropsy and Diabetes , I
everybody knows. But It must also
ue noted that they are doing n still
greater work In wiping out thousands
ot cases ot the earlier stages of Kidney .
ney Disease. Take for Instance , Mrs.
Peter Barteau ot this place. She : : :
: -
" -I have been subject to pains In my
back and knees for about three years ,
but since I have been taking Dodd's
Kidney Pills I have been entirely I , or
cured. " " / ,
Others here tell similar stories In
fact , In this part ot Missouri there are
scores at people who have cured the 1
early symptoms ot Kidney Disease
with Dodd's Kidney Pills. The use of
the Great American Kidney Remedy
thus saved Dot only the lives of Kidney .
ney Disease victims , but thousands of
other Americans from years of suffer-
It Is not strange that the man who i
makes his faith depend on his knowledge - j
edge frequently exhibits Innocence at j
Every housekeeper should know .
that tr they will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for laundry use they
will save not only time , because It . -
never sticks to the iron , but because teach
each package contains 16 oz.-one fun
pound-while all other Cold Water
Starches are put up In % .pound pack-
ages , and the price is the same. 10 f
cents. Then again because Defiance h
Starch Is free from an injurious chem-
Icals. It your grocer tries to sell you a
12oz. package it Is because he has
a stock on hand which ho wishes to . !
dispose ) of before ho puts in Defiance .
He knows that Defiance Starch has 's
printed on every package In large let-
ters amid figures " 16 ozs. " Demand
Defiance and save much time and
money and the annoyance of the iron Jt ;
sticltlnr Defiance never sticks. R-
A woman Is apt to mistake her mar- .11 4
rialto certificate for a lecture license. , '
Important to Mother.
Examine carefully every bottle ot CABTORIA , . )
a late and lure remedy for infanta and children ,
and lee that It }
Dears the
511:1latnr ot 1 t :
lD U. For Over 30 YCllrll.
The KInd You Have Always Bought
The best way to be grateful is to
give another occasion for gratitude.
Itching , IIIlnd , lIlecdluK or Protruding 1'lIea. / Your
drultGht will refuud atone y ' It l'AZO OINTMENT
raU. LO cure you In 6.0 U dRY. we.
But few men have the aulllty to
combine business with pleasure. i