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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1904)
. . . . . . 0 I la , , , ) , ) r ' , , l ' < : ! , ----H - - ' ' ' ; 1 A teleiTa' : was sent from Ver- , . : ' don on ' tl'uesda calling Clara Bcller from Oregon and one (0 Rc\ \ . C , 14' , Bcller at Fullcrlun , Neb. , to. the bedside of their . . . aged father who is not expected . . ' , + 1 ' to hvc. " ; , - . Christmas services at thc nilp- " tilt church Sunday School ex- 1 crciscs , Saturday 7:30 : , spl'ial Christmas ' services , all day HlIn- ' day. tropics : 10:45 : a. m. " \Yhat Kind of Christmas Gifts ? : " :30 : p. t11 , "Childrcn Once Iorc. " \ICS- , day 7:30 : p. m. lecture under the uspkcs : of the Ladies Aid Society CICty "Stwcetcst Days in Gcrm- : iny. " Admission 10 cents. All arc cordially invited to all scr- \ . ' ccs. - - - . Died. . Jane Luckct was born in the rear 1851 and in lS7 she was married to Nelson Timmerman moved ' torerlon where they r 111anag-cd a hot < ' . 1. lifter this , \I It r. : Timmcrman cng-a'cd : : in the hard- ware business with which hc has been connected ever sincc. In 1 ISS' ) \Irs . 'l'il11mcrl11an joined the Christian church of Verdon and I has ever been a faithful and con- " scicnlious christian worker. ! this On \ lonelay c'eningof this week ' she was taken seriously ill I andon'I'ucsday murning- at four o'clockhcr spirit , followed thc call of her Maker , lea \ ' ing : to mourn her loss a husbandd . and one dan- g-h1t'r , Mrs. Jay Parsons of Vcr- . don. Futmeral 1 services were con- ducted front 11.l' Christian church by Rev , Henn' at 1:30 : yesterday afternoon , interment ill Yerdoil } ccmetcry. Surprised. 'I 'hat surprises arc always in order again ' last Sun- was ( proven - . clay when forty five of the friends , , and neighbors : of \Ir. : and lrs. Jacob Bloom , led hlrs . , L .1 1. Hitchcock took the Castle Bloom by storm. Thc surprise was planned for that day because it was thc fourteenth anniversary of fheir wedding- a\'o ' The crowd \ l brought ; their din- ners with them and at thc noon hour enjoyed a repast fit for the g"ods. Mr and lrs. Bloom were presented - sented with 'a silver set and other tokens of lo'ingregard from hc in \ ' ad e rs' , . Toward evening leave taking ( was in order and the party voted the affair a glorious one and expressed - pressed the hopes of many glorious - ous rcttn1S ; of thc day. The Tribune also extends congratulations - , g-ratulations II I I At the Theatre. Marie Wainwright , as Viola in in Twelfth Night : played at the Gehling' last Monday night , sustained - taincd her excellent reputations t as an actress of ability and being sl1pp01'ted by a good company the play was of thc usual interest of class literature. The members of the Sphinx Club are to be congratulated up- on securing such a rare treat for t , th people of this city in having { \Irs. : William Calvin Chilton at ' 1'he Gehltng- last Thursday even- IT ingAs a mono logist she gives complete satisfaction and those who did not attend the recital missed a good opportunity to spend an enjoyable c'ening. . - T . , - , . - - - . . . - - - . - - - - " - - - - - - . - -'I' ; : ; ; o. - - - - - - 9r. The Christmas Drug Store 1 I , , , r/ ' ! T R 1 COll1e here for your CI114istnluS Presents and fOJ-1 r all ' Otii' stock of your holiday Drug Store Shopping I . vas never ill better condition to )11eet the reqttire.- . ' , of tile Seasoll. We have gifts for every member tIle Family : from tile baby tip 1"0 tile grandparents & OUR PRICES ARE RnGIRT . S'J"'U , ' = _ . : oi. ; j : - : ' - -i , - . . . . ; : ; = - .c. . . , . . . . ' . We Think . Comes but once a year , you can't Our Gifts are Exceptionally . Fine t Afford to miss our Fine Display. This Yeal" Come and see what ; , Early Selections aloe apt to be more you think about thenl. You will hc K Choice. ' delighted as all the others are. F t I \-Ve Await the Pleasure of Seeing you I AGXWANNER . , TJ:1e Christ111as Drug Store . . _ _ _ _ , . , f&1X - - - - - " .m'Dm & ) pwr ! ; " ' 'fYJJ----h There will be Christmas ser- vices with sermons appropriate for thl occassion at he Presbyterian - terian church next Sabbath both morning and c\'cning" Sabbath School entertainment Saturday e''cningg'ery ; body most cordi- ally invited-S. E. Grif 1n , pastor. Mrs. J. H. Gallreath and daughter Lola of 2caring- , Iowa , and W. 0 Judd anel wife of Wichita K'lS" , visited with County - ty Superintendent Crocker and famih' Xmas P'rfuncs at City Pham- acv. : ' acv.W. W. H' MADDOX REAL ESTATE AGENCY Lands bought and sold Hartford Fire Insurance Houses in city for sale honey to loan Telephone 18 - - - - - Merchants and Busifiess Men , With hard accounts to collect , should place them with I - John L. Cleaver JUSTICE of the PEACE ' : FALLS CITY NEB For Collection or for Suit . . , - - - - - Small Com's on Collections No Attorney Fees on Suits. Defendant pays all Costs. " " ' ! ! & - ' ' ' ' ' - . - " . . . . . . . . . r"'tiiiiri&W , SKATES ! . . _ , t Jj.- ! - , I 'Te have } a full Line 1- O.f Popular - . Uln.f Prices. Call and See Them at MEYERS - HARDWARE . . . . . . . . _ - - - . _ .J 0 Gehlit1g Theatre One Night llttrsday : Dec. 29 - - - - J. J. Coleman presents "That Funny Fello\ Harry Beresford In a Continuous Laugh Our New Mall A Spasm of Laughter Pure Wholesome Fun ! ! 1 - - - PRICES : S1.00 , 75 , 50 , and 35 cents , 1\ fifteen dollar dressing case given away at City Pharmacy A chance with every dollar's worth of goods bought. 1 McNa. 's GROCERY \Ve have all kinds Christmas Can . dies Just ask for what you \vant. " f Phone 40 .