_ A . . . . . 'U ' .1. " , , . . - ' ' " ' r' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " " , , Local und Personal. .1 . Fat Sowles CalHl r , Toys , Toys . , Toys aJ City Pharmacy. For Sale-Mule colt , cnquire al Jlcc1c' feed tore. Gus Neitzel returned 'l'uesda from lUg-h land , Kas. Santa Claus headquarters at. City Pharmacy. W. S. f4eyda was an Auburn Visitor Monday. "Brick" 14j'nll of Humboldt was ill this city l\IOllday. G. 11. Fal1stead transacted husincss in 1liawatha 'l'uesday. J. C. -'Iorehead was Verdon visitor the fore part of the weck. Dr. R.P. Robertsdentist over Kings Pharanacy. Call on , V. 11. Crook and Co. for guns and .uutm1unItioii. . 1)r leming- ) went to Dakota 'I'ucsday aftet'uoon'ia the 1\1. P. \V. A. 'Vhitalccr transacted business in Preston thc first of thc wcelc. H. g. I Lowe of Omaha reg-istcr- I cd at the Union House on Mon- , day. day.Wm. \Vm. W interbottoin. made a bush - , IICSS h trip to Stella Monday aftcr- I nOOIl Clarence Simons and James Cronin came up from ' Rube Monlay. Fresh l hulk oysters direct frolll Baltimore at Coupe & 'l'horntons. ' 1\lrs. JI'tr : 1 Harlow was a L' . & : ; \I , passenger to Rub Tuesday [ afternoon. Mrs : Ruby Jackson of Rule is visiting with her parents Mr. and \Irs. Richard Jones in this citj' See Coupe , & : ' [ 'hornlon for your Cht'istntls : dinner meats. Elizaheth and Katherine Hea- rock arc spending the holidays - with theil' parents in this city. Dt' A. Gaiser , dentist over Richardson county hank. \Irs. Robert Nortot and mother - er , l\Irs. Custcr of Colorado arc visiting with Harry Cuter and wife. wife.Mr. l\lt' 'Varncck returned Tuesday to Hutchison , Kas. . after a brief visit with his nephew , Martin Gchling- ; . DR. \V C K1NNY ! of St. Joseph 1YE ! : , EAR , NOSE and ' [ 'II ROA' ! ' SPgCIALIS'l' will be at Mercy Ilsptal ! January 10. \ Irs.V. . -1\1. Long returned1 . ' Sunday evening after a four ( lays visit with her daughter , Mrs. W. T. Shildncck of Salem. NelleVeaver rcturncl 'fucs- , lay from S1. Joseph an(1 1 will . spend her vacation with her " mother \'erdon. . 1rs. 1IcCarlle [ who has been . . visiting for thc past two months with her daughterlrs. . Juhn Gelding , retul'I1cd to her home in l\Ii1waukcc ' aftcmoon. : ' , You can buy nice clean chicken . " ! feathers for five cents a pound ; i' and Duck ] and Goose feathers at I 40 cents a pound at the Falls City Poultry , Butter & Egg Co w % Qunib" Hossaclc , Guy rook , f. ; George Lyons and Roy Hcacock . : Caine down from hc L\ncoln \ University } 'ersityYcdncsda c\'cning' to . ' spend their vacation at their u various homes in this city. . \ . . Chas. Lcckins , manager of thc . "Bridge at night" Company is spending the week in this city . .S- > . M- . . . , . , . . . . . . . - - , - - - - Dressed in a blue costume with white ribbon bows profusely distributed - trihuted thereon , with her golden hair hangingdown her back a pretty young girl walked from thc court house down street Wed- ncsday acconipanicd by a sturdy young man holding one hand a marriage certificate and wi th ' - thc the other holding' tightly hand of the g'irt. They were neither akward nor cmbarrasscd. 'rhcy were oblivious to thc curi- ous stares of the pcople. They were marricd and didn't care who kl.cw it. Their } little romance had ended in the good old fash- ioned way. May they , whoso- ever they were , live l happily ever aftcrwards. \Ir. A. H. Bane , a prominent druggist of Baxter Springs , Kansas - sas , says : "Chamberlain's Stom- ach and Li ver'Cililet1 [ are , in my judg'cmcnt , the most superior preparation of anything in use to day for constipatIOn. They arc sore in action and with no tcn- ( le11cy to nauseate or g-ripc. " For sale by A. G \Vailner. tlarper's magazine pub- lishet"s price four dollars per year and The Tribune for one year for$4.35. This may he taken by any old subscriber who viii pay a year in advance. Tsham Reavis was in Beatrice the early part of the week trying the case of ' [ 'hc State Bank of lI1m'oldt5. [ . McGrcw. 'l'his case has : been in the courts for several ycars. Judg'c Kelligar took under ah'isement. 1\lrs. 'Vindle after a three wcck's visit with her son , Grant ; 'Vindle and family returned to her homc Wanlwmi , Olda- homa , thc first of thc u eck. He\ Seling'C'r attended the Missionar\ Comm ference ' [ 'u < 'sday and \Vedil\'Ilay in the Hapti church at Pawnee City. I4ucilcIettz came up from St. Joseph to spcnd Christmas at homc. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ohio. Etta Stoudcr left Saturday for Dunlapp , Kas. Clcon Peck and sister Edith Sundaycl in Straussl1e Sunday. S. ] 1. I'Znisely and wife visited with Grandpa Peck Sunday. \Irs . Sarg'cnt who has been vis- iting' with her sister the past two weeks left for her biome in Dun- lap , Kansls Satmda ) ' . M. 1 : . Peck and sisters were guests at their uncles Sunday. Born , to John 1' l ekhick and wife Dec. 9th a boy. Fred Fink had a , l1ooting- match last Friday. Born , to Prcd StcinLrink amid ! wife Dec. 15 , a daug'htcr. Nettie and Alice O' \lara drove to Rule } Monday to visit rclatin's George Peck and wife returned home last week after a fcw days stay with their sick laughter in I Merrill who is not any bettcr. l\Ir. Hasldns and family has lIIo\'cd in with his brother-iu-law F. S. Lichty for this wintcr so the writer of this is formcd. N. I ) . Burnworth and wife spent Tuesday in Fails City at Sol. l\lart Lena Brecht \'isitcd with i\laude lcCann , SUlHlay. A. E. Knisch''isited . at N. Pcck's Sunday. - \J - - - - - , ' /t - ) , I , , , Ple&siiig 1 Christmas Gifts , ? , . ' . . . , . . . . . . . . I T1IAT I will be dearly prized by the recipient arc I the kind found at ) Jaquet' The" arc all of a I . t permanent character and combine the lIseflll with the t ornamental. The designs are nc\\ and the prices f. popular. \ V e have nothing offer but articles of I established merit-the kind Volt do not hesitate to II g"ivI \Ve engrave free of charge all gifts selected , from our stock. _ - _ . . . . , . , - - - - - . . . . . . _ - _ . . ' - > - - . . . - , , . , , . . - - - - - - - - - Ac E. JAQUET , ( , , The Old Reliable JeweieK' ' ' , ; . . . . . : : , : ; = ; . , ' . . . , ' . . - II"Jo . " " ' . . . . . 5 : : : r.1 . : M"JI.l . _ . . . I.2 : .Jtr ; } Q".dJ'l ; i DO YOU WANT TO GET WELL . . j MRS. ED NOL TE , Magnetic Healer wl I . . has ' in Falls 1 and 'icinitfor lire . K practiced City \ \ \ ( years I and her success has long been established. She has effected cures in many instances where thc paticnts had been given up to die. J1laKlldir leafillg" is a Sciellce-one that reql.ires t - , . , a perfect knowlcdg'e of the human anatomy. Its appli- : S cation is logical and its cures are certain and 1)er1)lallellt. 1 } r It is not a myth , hut is founded on common sense and appeals to the , judgment ! of every unprejudiced persn. . : :1 - ' 1. \Iag"nel1c : SCience is becoming so popular that , like 11 ' other g'ooc1 things , unscrupulous people . who . know J - nothing of the Science , are imposing upon the public. 11 . i ! This , however , is no fault of the Science. Beware of ; j such peoplf who not only impose upon 1 Oll , but who an , doing the profession a great : injury. . _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " _ _ _ - _ I . Mrs. Ed Nolte , Magnetic Healer l\Iy Office is at itiv Residence , Three Blocks East of LiLrar\ . ' . . - _ _ . _ .1.- 81-- . - - m- Y I " " " " ' r -ffiE" " " 1 I : HOLIDAY ! t CHINA { ty . - . - : II X- ! dI . The finest and largest line in the city. All , kinds and all prices. See the 5c tOe 15c and 25 cent tables , everything a bargain. Fine Jardi = _ neers See the Indian Basket. New , Dinner Ware c0l11ing. I-Iaviland China 100 piece dinner ! . sets , Special price $25.00. Examine our stock r\ , before buying your Christmas presents. . . . . :1 _ _ - , " , ' ( _ " - - .T " 'oI tl.z. " 'iw : J Ch . .s. M. Wilson - . - - - - - . - - ' - 0 _ -.j.t . . ; I Mrs. Allen Mar and SOil Edgar came clown from IIuinboldtVed - ncdar. r \Irs. Ed Hammond and - Ralph of Stella ' SOil \ . . " " arc visiting with Si ' A. Norris au(1 r amil ) " . I