The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 23, 1904, Image 17
. , . . . . . . . . . I r- r t , ,1 .z 1 1 I p r ya . Many women are denied the happiness of cliihiren through derangement of the generative organs. Mrs. Beyer advises women to use Lydia E. Pinka ham's Vegetable Compound. II Th An ) 'fns. P1a-E1A t : - I fm1.t''d with to1U\ch complaint for : rear $ . I got w bad that 1 could 1ht. carrr : my children but five months , then would hate a miscarringe. Th last time I became IH'crnmt : , my husband got me to take . .ytltll . P'tnklm1\\ Vt' C- t.nblo nIHHlUc1. . \ tcr king the first bottle 1 was rt'HcTc of t.heick. . I.1CSS of stomach , and hn to feel better . tel" in c - cry was 1 continued its \1M end wr.s enabled to earry mr : baby to maturity. 1 . he nice ; : . . m \ 110" : \ e a baby girl , anc\ can work better than r cacr could Lef ( ) e . lun like new om\n. " -MRS. F12A1 : Zil tU , 22 Sod St , Meriden , Coin.15000 f rftt If bruins ) tI/ "lo I't Itttr prozPlnp C'l'l7uj'nt'II'U cumtJt be proc'ucP , FEtE 1'iIEDICAL ' : ADVICE TO wo MAX. Don't ltcs\it to wrU to : : : \ trrs. Ptuklmm. She will tlttdarstlnl3 -onrensc perfectly : n.nd will treat " yon with kinc1nc s. her ad\'ica I" free , and the address = is I 'lm , 1\rn. \ . s. \o woman ever regretted hn"in wrlth'.n her , null silo has hC1lCll tllottsan(1s. : . : ' UJ Save j on Drugs ; " tlJ : write rw our 100.\1"0 cat\I gU' 1howlnj + 10atJ { . , rHch\I elll prices Ci \ A'1'1nmH'I \ l' ? , nt'Bm : 0(01)8. ' 'I'S. t u. StlRMANi & MCCON ! [ a DRUG ( O. . Cor. 16th and 1)odco. Omaha , Nob. : Railroad Through Cemetery. The Chinese of An.S\ng recently . .old . to the last China railroad the franchise for running a branch of their railroad through the city cemetery , m almost \mh\rd. : thing , as the Chi nes\ have believed it the worst sacrl , s It'Ke to permit a railroad near the r burying ! places of their iead. . - - - - - - - - - - - How's This ? We offer One Ihmdro.'llano np.-am tAt Any . .e At ( 'A\.I.nll that 1.1\110' be cured br n..II' ' 0 Catarrh Cure. F , r. Cm\hr & CO. , Tole1A , O. We , the undntal : ned hate \ ; \ 10111"1F , J. Cheney tot the last U years , anti \ I"UI0 \ him l'tftpcn hon. Y arable In an l"alnp , tran.actlo"A and tlIHn.I"Ur able w un ) out any o\ln" attone . made . II" blA firm. W.u.t\Io.c\ . ' ) . , . . ' , . . R MAtU ' ' . 1 . , . Whnlc..I/\ ) nt11 , :101'01. . . " . , 0 , x , f Rail' , Catarrh ( 'nrc talon Inu , " , I\nl \ 2 y naafi. ( ( iw ; Intcrnany.atlta , . . ltrcM ° , u'Mr the t"O ! t. d T UC < " ttteC" LCC.rt the system fieattmonlala ! pent tl''O. l'l1'cccu. . . . par b " " 'tit oJ.tlr all nrugRlata ' Tale 1ian'a ramity 1'11I. for CInhttpAUon. - - - - - - - - ° Love is i the evidence of haYing learned of Him. Sensible iiousAeepers ; will have Defiance Starch , not alone because : they get , methlt'mol" " for the same 1r.'ncut also because or aupt rlor QUaHI - - - " - - " ' A m\n' prospects } do not depend \ } on his lreteI1Uons. - - - - - - - - - TO cmu . \ . COLD IX U\1 : DAY Tale Laxative 1\Nmo Quinine T"bie'11 11t11g. F1ata refund the money If It T12a to cure . E. W. ONU" aiguature Ie 01\ each bo ) . . 2c. - - - - - - - It often ( takes a great hurricane to blow us n little war toward Hca\'en a ) ( I'C' . Winslnw ' a ' ' oothInSyrup. . For children teHblna , potlena the grime , 1't'dO'CA m- , . Qammaton . .Uay' paIn , curci w1u < 1 coli. . . 2o a wt.tlil. A stingy lUau's gifts always have strings ! on them. 4 . Defiance Starch Is put up 16 ounces In 0. package 10 cents , One -thud more starch for he same mone ) ' . , , . . . . Elevating One's Lift' . I know of 110 more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of n mm : to elevate his \ life by a conscious j 1.11Ii'n'or. 1l Is something to be able to paint n particular picture or to I ( 'ara statue And so' make n few objects 1IcmtH'\II : ; hut It is far mON I glorious to carve and paint the very atmosphere and medium through which wo look . which morally we can do.-Thort'Ru. - - - - - - Some Don'ts for \'au. no not he afraid of giving something . I I thing of yourself , or letting yourself out n little ; and do not fear that your , heart will run away with your he\l1. ! no not confound sentiment with sen. I timentalism and do not hesitate to praise a thins or an Mt If It Is really worth It. You need to do this for your j own sake ns wen RS for the sake of making others happy.-1xchange. l : I , Marriage of Birds. It cannot really be t'ouhtt'that there arc various species of birds whose marriages extend over n far j greater period than that merely of thc I nesting seR on , Long ; before the nest- j I lug season bclns one sacs the goldfinches . finches In pairs ; long after it has ended . ! II I I cd one sees the blue titmice In lalrs. 1 -1.\.11t\ : and \ Wat r , . j , . . President Arthur Extravagant The most extravagant president was 1 Arthur , who not infrequently gave , dinners costing ns much as S5OOOj When he went Into thc white house 1 ho was worth 3robah1) half a 111Ullon. I His predecessor , Garfield died n poor 1 man- The people raised 300OOO for Mrs. ' Garfield anti congress voted her 1 a pension of Hi.OMmn1l1 : ' . 1 I I Sure Sign of Old Aoe. j A man may know that ho Is approaching ' I preaching oM ag when he ceases to struggle to he among the first to leave a railroad \ ear " hen he is In no par titular hurr . , -Phl1ndoll\hl\ : Ledger Try One Package. It 1)"fial1' t\1'ch" does not please ; you return it to your ; ! , 'enll'rr it docs you : getone-Ulfrd morl' fr the same 1110\11' ) ' . 1\ wl11 \ give you \\1- : faction , and will not stick h' the Iron. Divine favor makes a feast : or a barren board. I " " " G.r. T " , . . . .r- . . . ar.n tvew . eu.c + I FREE" . . ' 10 ' t.-i KNNIOV' , ) . . . . . . . . . . $ . . . . , "VORITE tOO' . . : J : F. ' - R I : hi ! 9 \ " /II . w . . . . . . . , . , . iE : . ) . Lnr'a , .op : r. < Io.T:1' : . : t. , - - - - - - The growth of a church does nog h'p'nd on Its graft. - - . . . . . .Grantllsldntl Route. . , - - - - - - - . .Double Daily SCr\'kc. . with new SO.foot Acetylene Gas- IhhtclPul1mnl1 \ Chair CArs ( seats : free ) on night , train and Pullman'l seat Coaches on dar trains between Knnsns City and St , .loseph Mo. ; Hiawatha - wat.ha , Seneca 'nrrs'Hh" , lan , ; Fair lllr ' , rttirfiebi . Hastings and Grand island 1 ' \ . Neb , Connections made at Kansas City for all points last , South anti West. ! ' ; t M Grand island direct connections - nl''ton ! are made with \'nlon Pacific fast t trains for California . nia and the Pacific XorthwcsL S.1. : . ADSIT General Passenger Agent , St. Jocelh . Mo. W. N. U. , Onlaha No. 52-1904 ' Many who fornierfy'Sr3 sed1O : Cigars noistAbno I LEWIS.SINGLE BINDER j STRAIGHTS CIGAR Tour Jobber or direct from Factory : I l'corla , 111. . . . . . SPECIAL NOTICE , U 'DOHA flair Tonic \ will lend to 'onr hair that soft ! " fluffy ' appearance appreciated t b3' people of good taste ' anti NfinNl1\l1t. Ask Your Barber , Sc'ntiI your name for free treat- m'nt. THI % UNDOMA ' COMPANY ' Omaha - - - - - - - - - - - A woman Is I always : ' willing to acknowledge ' - knowledge a m\n's superorit.yvhcn . she has n lend pencil to sharpen ) , - - - - - - - - - - - Piso'S l"'t1t'C' is the 1).tnlrtn : , a ' e " "ct11" ! " tor "n I\r.Ntlonl : or the throat and lungs.v 1t. . . O. ItIol.1t'r111111'1"11. ! . InPI' \ ) , 10 , \ 'I\ ) ' - I . " 1 < \ orgetting the things bl'1tln" Is no reason for Ingratitude. . - - - - - - - - - - - - FITS perr " anenily . . . t'n1'Nl. "ttT' : eer. , : ' n.neaa at te' itr , t"daT'a tiP" tor "I' . ) ( \lhP' \\"t'nl Ioo\i..t i r- a " 'I' . Pend for l't\ ltt. : . 2.00 Lila ) bottle and trean.A lint 11. . U. Klnlt .M. . Wa Arch Street , " , l"Mlo..1"lphSa. , , 1' a . . - - - - - - - - - - - - Truth will come fully where ron let It com (1'1.1) , . - - - - - - - When You Buy Starch buy Defiance and get the \t , 16 offer for 10 cents. Once used , altaays 1 Ut'ti _ : This life would be' Impossible without . out the possibility of another life . . , _ r a , .1 The Best Results In StarchIng can be obtained , m1r by using ie ; I.i fiance Starch , bl'\Ut\ getting 4 os . T more for thc saute : . . . rotonC-lh cooking t ' cqult'Cd i , The lnol1'r' life Is the mt or his 1rl'AChlng , - - . . - . - . , , - - j 00 our Clothes Look Yellow : , ' 1"h'l11Ft' lcfianee Starch . It wilt keep the-lit" hUt' 16 oz for 10 C\'nt\ , 4 ; I ; wT , . TIT1 i l ! I iI tI- I I e I It fins o. olds \ , ( \1 h- . core ThrOAt Croup Influenza , Wh'1MII"h , Hront'hllRlII \ \ , . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , I \l1m/l. A ! " " ! ' \ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " fir" ' t ; 1 rtagesnnda.urerc.ufinn.houeelt.ta : ( , ile A\ once 1 en a ill M'C the \1111\ client otter inking the flr-,1 doer ' sold 1' ' , ' ( 'lIhrN'rry' : i a hero , Large bottle , , ' . cent anti ro ( ' ( 'nls , HAVE YOU A HORSEP WOULD YOU LIKE US TO ? SAD D LE . . SEND YOU A BEAUTIFUL , rap THE 1II0ST . \I'QNDE'U'UL ' ! 'oADDU : err . : R I"E Nr.ARD : : QI" . . " .fttt tlr ahicS a"t. . " . can Sale \11' nicest aa.dle ' . I" ilia nalrhbetSeed . cut ehl ad , ,1"hot .end . 1'n np and , on aril ' 1'N"'p ear Sew . . . . III' aed Ih'.ull'ul . special lallGI. Calaleaue. i , . ; latvo , , har".m t > ha.hlo IUmtrdllr.a of all Linda of W I ? i Mon'R , Womcn's , Boys' and Girls' Saddles , Stock Saddles , Ranch and Range SRdrlloG , SMALL . NCDIU , AND LAr PLAIN AND FANCY SADDLES. i 4 cn.R\ IMAGINE ILL MND AND STY L E AND SHAPIZ : Of' SADDLe. } OUR PRICES WILL ASTOMISH AND PLEASE YOU. ' ieu , , ' 11I act cur a'ety Latest and . Nest Aatent.Mnty . , LlM-tAl . on" , Son .111 I . . . . . , , . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , , , . , , . ' ' j1'1 . our SC 'I'rNo TrI..1 . Tian , t ot . 8111 . reretre . . a M1141" .11'1' that erety hors . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , , ' . . . Aa .71'r"I.lml. ' hare at n.-e. 't .ilO o..n a hot-en , don'ttafl ell"olthl ad out and N'hotI ua tM43- and P'f' ' a hAt AU 3'nll get b 3 1' * , .lrn Tna1 , fro , 1".t..1.1. . j I p ' + ADDRESS SEARS , ROEBUCK & COs CIHCAGO. , NOW 001V'T i FORGET I I I I I i Don't forget 'vhen you . order starch to get the best. Get DEFIANCE. No more Uyello\v" looking clothes. no more cracking or breaking. It- j doesn't stick to the iron. It gives satisfaction . - faction or you get your money back. The cost is 10 cents for 16 ounces 01' the best I starch mnde Of other starches you gel I but 12 ounces. NOW don't forget. a'S OJ I your grocers. r nAt'wr-ACiURED ' n\ THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO. , OMAHA , NEB. PUTNAM : FADELESS OYES II rotor mote goods brighter and faster colon than any other dye. One toe package colors silk ' wool and cotton equall " . . well 'd" guaranteed to gtve perfect results \lk ' lea ler or we will send post paid altOc a pac ge. Write for free booklet-How to Ore Bleach and Mix Color. JUO..ltflJo : : InU ( } CO. . t , "IIlumllle , Huau" I When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. BEGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds. IJ . . ' 'UH H H All lS All . Seat ( % ou114 Hyntp. 'pastes otxt. UFe In rims tiAld by ANR lots.