. . - . . . . . . 1 - , . . _ . - - Shubert Mrs. Verne Taylor and Mrs Brisby were Stella visitors Mon- day. ] . Blanchc and Ella I..iytlc left Tuesday for a visit to the tcrri- tory. tory.Mr. Mr. Grant from Howe was visiting relatives Mr. Burson visited at Auburn over Sunday . 'f\he Sunday School entertainment - mcnt given at 1\IcGcchic's hall Saturday evening was very well attended . Mrs. l Michels was a Stella visitor - or 'f\ucslay. ( A surprise party was given Saturday evening in honor of I bred Lunday at his home east of the ' city , thc following persons ! being present : Misses Ella Berg , Neil lfarpcr , Ella Ham , , Pearl Pearson , 1\lamic Palmer , Lulu llanika , Grace Palmer , Lillie Pcarson , Bcrtha Palmer , Gertrude Pearson , Ol1ic Hanil\ l , l\lessrs. Clydc Harper , ] f rank Grant , Roy ' Pearson , Slut " \Vedllc. Lawrence Banika , Oliver Teeter , George ' ' Will ' Dan Fisher Rig'g'Vi11 Krug' , , Wilson Else and Chester Logan. Joe Spickler who has been very sick is improving' . laud Sapp went over to Stella last wcek. , Nell Harper spent Sunday with relatives here Miss Colglazier from Stella spent several days here last wcck. verdol1. 1\11' . and1\lrs. C. G. Humphrcy will spend Christmas at Clifton , Kansas with thc formers parents. It has been plannc ; l' to have a family reunion inchHling Miss Grace H umphrcy of Champaign. U1. , Fred Humphrcy of Cripple - pic Creek , Colo- , a.11d Grant lImn- phrc of Lincoln Islam Hull went to halls City 'l'uesday in interest of thc Vcr- don Roller mills 11. N. 'l'immcrman and wife and Mrs Joe Parsons dined with Mrs M. J. Sailor on Sunday. Meetings at thc Christian church closed Thursday n.ight. J. A. Hcinzclman purchased a bill of furniture on Tuesday to furnish his new house hc expects td move in next wcck. Clare Coleman WCI1t to Omaha . o.n Monday to buy cattle to fectl this winter , 1\Irs. Patterson was called to Chari tan , Iowa last week on ac- cQunt of thc serious illness of her mothcr. Lowell Watkins returned to his home in Auburn after spending somc time doing carpenter work. ' I. E. gwing ? was in Lincoln on 'l'ucsday. Mrs \VIll. Keclcr is 0 : : the sick " list Ad Harris oft , 1\fcCandlass attended - tended thc surprise at thc home 1 . I h " - f / I i . ' . " . . . . . > . _ . . , . _ 1. _ ' " , . , . . - - . . . - - - - - of Jake 13100111 Sunday. Married , at the home of the bride' parents on last \Vcdnes- day evening Halph ; E. Dunkcn of laybern' , Ncb and Anna Fisher of this city. They arc spending a couple weeks near 'l'ablc Rock before going to their home in Oltiahouta Mrs Rudolph Fishel is enjoying - ing" a visit from her sister whose home is in Chicago Mrs Reichc of Chester , Ncb is visiting her brother J.JSchrader . Died Mrs. .Tulin A. Benedict ill her home on Friday nig"ht. She has been a suffcrcr for months with drops She was born in Germany Oct ? 6 , 1847 and mar- ried to John A. Benedict , , March 18,5. Funeral services Sunday morning at the Christian church interment at ; Salem , she leaves a husband and son besides other relatives to mourn her loss. Will i a 111 s V i lie Henry Mcllag-e who has spent several weeks with his uncle near Beatrice returned home Sunday. Among those who were at thc Schulcnburg hall last Monday night were Lonna , Albert and Katie Gerwick 1-1. Sintering jr , and family and B. Ducrfcldt Mary Ducrfc\dt \ spent Saturday night and Sunday with her par- c n ts. ts.H.uth Ruth and Walter Hosc and Bertha Abel arc boarding at thc homc'ol l\lrs. Luhn so as to attend conlirming choo1. Mrs. " \Vcisscng-cr who has been on thc sick for some time has nu- pro\'C(1. George Duerfcldt purchased one t3f \Vcisscng"cr line farm tcam George will fh m his father's place thc coming ycar. Henry Luhn has rented thc Moore place and is i moving his farming machinery thcre. H. J. Dunn who is teaching thc thc Darada school will hoard thc reutaider of the term in Harada instead of driving from his homc. A number of our farl11\rs were in Falls City thc past week. N. J. Dunn purchased ( } four head or the line cattle sold at , Mr C. Prichard's salc. N J. Dunn's line black colt received - ceived a bad wire cut while run- ning in thc corn stock field on Monday Joe Arnold is still helping Mr. Mack with his work DON'T DO IT ! It dun't pay ! Don't send away for Nursery Stock ! The best trees , thc finest fruits , thc best results are obtained by purchasing trees of the FALLS CITY NUI SERY. A large stock of choice home grown trees to select front Low prices for High Grade 'l'recs. \VM.l OI1LER , Proprietor i a - \ , BIG CLOSING , ' OUT SALE > . ' 1 ' . I' . . . . , Having I [ t.lccided I I to go out of business I am gOing to sell Wholesale my complete stock of goods con- sisting of : . ' . Diamonds , - - Watches - . " . , , Clocks - , Jewelry - . - . . . . , - Sivcr- . - . , ! _ . . . - Ware - - - , Cut Glass . . . . . , . . . Silk . . . . - - Umbrellas - . - - - , \ , . Silver - - - - . Novelties . . . . . - - , - - Toilet - . . . . . . . . . Sets , Etc , Etc. - - - I And in fact includes everything to be found in a first ' class Jewelry store. Furniture and Fixtures For Sale This Sale will continue until the Entire Stock is gone. Come early while our assort went is yet corn pletc. Now is your chance to Buy Christmas presents at Wholesale prices. I \ , . . DAN SARGENT ' Jeweler and Optician - J - - - ' - - " - TIME TABLE l JIB rails City. Neb. L w f 4 Lincoln Denver Omaha Helena Chicago Butte St. Joseph SnIt Lake City Kansas City Portland 51. Louis : tilll all San Francisco points cast and and all points south. west. 'l'1\IXS T.HA'It AS 1101.1.0\\5 : Xo. 42. Portland St. Louis 5pccial , St. Joseph , Kansas City , St. Louis and all points cast and south. . . . . 7:20 : p niNe No . 13. Vestihulcd express , daily , Denver and all points west and northwest. . . . . . . . . . 1:35 : a m Xo. 14. Vcstihulcd express , daily , St. Joe , Kansas - sas City , St. Louis and all points cast and south. . . . . . . . . 7:43alll : Xo. 15. Yestihulcd express , daily , Dcnvcr , and all points west and northwcst . . . . . . . . . 1:28 : p III Xo. 16. Vcstihul express daily , S.i Joe , Kansas - sas City , St Louis Chicago amI points cast and south. . . . . 4:2511111 : Xo. 20. Local express daily Atchison and points south and west. . . . 4:35 : 1) 111 No. 41 . St. T40uis-Portland SpccialLincolnHc- lena l , Tacoma and Portland without change . . . . . . . . . . . 10:07 : p III No 115. Local accolllmoda- tion , daily a x- ccpt SundaySalclll , "xcnmha and Nebraska - \Jraska City. . . . . . . . 10:40 : p III Sleeping , dining and recling- chair cars ( scats free ) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to say point ill the States or Canada. For information , tithe tables , maps and tickets , call 011 or write to G. Stewart , Agent , Falls City , Neb. , or J. Francis , G. P. & 'r. A. , Omaha. ' . ' " . " , . " -J PLENTYJ { PLENTY { , ( OFFi , . : t tj ! . i , A4" qtR . - ° r ' ' . t \V c sell plenty of good pure coal. The cleaner the coal is the more free btirnino' it is. 10 There's more heat in a ton of ollr coal t11i1n,1n a111' - other ton - ' . we know. Our coal's a little better than other coal because , we take more pains handling it . MAUST BROS. , ! 'Phone :58 t 4 Be Quick. I. . Not a minute should bc lost ' : . ' ' , when a child shows symptons ot , . ; J croup. , Chamberlain's Cough , j Remedy given as soon as the child bccomcs hoarscor cycn after ' : the croupy cough appears , will i prevent the attack. It never . I fails , and is pleasant and safe tq t takc. For sale by A.G. \Vanncr. . . . YI ;