The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 23, 1904, Image 10

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    o '
. . .n.- . afw..ww - . - . . - . - - - . . . . , . . - . . .
. o Peace , Eternal
, -
When winds ! nre raging o'cr the upper
. And ! 1IIII0wII wild contend with angry
roar ,
'Tilt Hold , far down beneath the wild
commollon ,
That peaceful 1llIncss tellnolh evert
rnor e.
I nr , far honelllh ) , the noise or tcmpcMIII
tlllJl .
Anti /llIycr waver chime ever pence-
fully ,
Am ! no rude ] ator" , how fierce Bou'er It
IIlrlh ,
nlsllll'hll the Sabbnlh or that deeper
So to tire heart lint ImowlI thy love , 0
I'urext I !
There III Il temple ] Imcl'ctl evernlore .
And nil the hobble ur IIro'l4 angry VICf'
Die III hushed sllllns Ilt Ita peaceful I
tloo . ,
Far , far away , the roar or pns1IIon IHclh
And ] loving thoughts I'Ite : : cairn ttnd !
peacefully .
And 110 rude storm , how fierce soc'or It
Illel ,
DIKlllrh the soul that dwells , 0 Lord ,
, hi 'l'IH/ !
o rest or r01ll'H ! 0 pcncl' Aereric , eternal !
'J'holl ever llvext nllll lion cillUlIClIl
never :
And III the secret or Thy presence .1wclt.
Fuinclis or Joy , forever and forever !
-Ilarriet JJcccwr - ] 810wr.
A Pupil of Spurzheim'
( Copyright : , 901 bylJally tllJry 1111.1:0 : )
'rho hook , " mildly objected 1\IIHs
Moll ) " ' Caldwell. "The book says
' '
. "I 1 can't helll what the 11001 says , "
retorted her COll1l1UlllolI , tailor fashion '
on tine floor with Ilhrellologlcal
chart In her lall. "I Hay hum lis-and
Il la much the best word , too 11)0 I ,
Move he haH seen hostH-ho has the
ghost ' seer's hump over his forehead.
And hUI1lPH do cOUllt. 1.oolc at that
hump or firmness 011 top or his head
IBnt' ho the hardest , headed man you
know And that bUlllp of Ideality
over the temple H ho hadn't hall
Ideality to burn do you suppose he
could ever have fallen In love with
Sarah Saunders ? "
"Mury , 111) dear-- "
"Dut It hi true Aunt \loll ' . "
"How do you Imow' ! "
\Vhr , ho was asleep In the ham
mock and my window was OpOll IiI 1
I hud put out my hand 1 could have
touched his head. "
Miss Molly accepted the change of
+ 1811UOII. "Alld you did It , " she said
with grim concluslvencRs
"I [ didn't , either 1 could sec. Cnn't L
you see that bump 011 top or his
head ? "
"I know hoary Stothers Is hard
headed without looking ut his buJUps
, and"Of
"Of course. And I'm trying to find i
out what , else he Is"-she mused over
her chart "Wit joins Ideallt ' . Now
I )
jj r7IFcI' 4'JI
- -
> FI f--1
L. .
r '
, . .
t '
"I say bumps. "
ho has a perfect ridge along the ed g0
of his temple , but-do you consid ° t
him witty ? "
"Really , Diary , if you believed a
man to have an atom of brains wool d
you accuse him of having fallen i n
- . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . - , - . - . - - . . - - - " . . . . . . . , . . . .
love with a spinster years older than
himself ? A man of his age ? "
"Why . Aunt ! \Jo11r. But t don.t
mean wits WIt ! have you heard
hlll1 say anything witty ? You hall along
long their with hlll1 'etterlIny. ; Please
thin 1 , . "
Miss Molly passed that nlenlorslhlc
vcrRlIlIon In'gloomy ' ' '
con gloomy I'evlew The
good natured indolence ! with which he
had laughed down the 1"'OIJosltion she
had schooled h'I'selC tu suggest :
"DcaI' lady , I'm n dozen years too old
for your little girl. " Vary looked up
dreamily Cram her chart : "Benevo
lel1'e. "
"He has IL hole thC're. "
"Olt no I1c has the kindest heart
III the wOl'II1.Vh ' , he opened the
gale yesterday for Ho'o when somebody .
body fad ! shut the poor fellow out
Arid then his falling / In love with poor
old Sarah Sallnders- "
"You have IIlrellll used that to
prove his Illco.lIlr "
1\1 1nry slgh11. "r do wish I could
get hold of somebody's head to Ceel "
'Vhr not feel your own ? "
"It duesn't do any good. r\o : matter
where I find a bump I Imagine right
away 1'111 that. I believe I'll ask 'III' ;
Stothers IC he has ' ' .
ever seen It ghmll.
Lnng-uugc Ah , hu And he hasn't
gal prominent e 'es. " I
"r should say nol. He has deep-
set eyes-ntHI very tine oncs. "
"Of course he has . 'l'hat's the
reason he threw down my volume of
German poetry and called It gutteral
, ,
con u nd rums , "
Miss Moll } laughed In spite oC that
C\'C.present ! sense of uneasiness "I
confess , : Mary you and your SIHlrz-
helm are too many for me. "
"nut It Is so fine to see It nIl work
right out I'll bet he has seen ghosts
011. Aunt Molly ; . please let me feel
your Iwnd-just It 'minute. " '
" : \t11 rr , have nuorcy on mr hair. "
"Just your fOlehend. : Oh , you are
so good. See If It don.t work out.
Bump over the corner of the eye ? Or.
del' And look lit this homc Of
course , order. Just above the nose ?
Indlvllluallt Didn't I tell YOII Just
above Individuality ? That's-oh , yes :
eventuality , good memory Cur events
Do you remember events , Aunt
holly ? "
"There Is the dinner bell , Mary , and
your hair is sta'rtllng Hun 1l10ng. "
"But you do , don't you ! "
"Yes , yes. Hun along " Hem ember
cents ! If she lUll 1 not been of I
fueled with that bump of eventuality ' I
she would long ago have been a busy I
wile and mother Instead of 0. weary - :
hearted old maid No wonder she' '
was Interested In getting Henry
StothCl'S marl'lel1. As long as he remained -
mained single how could she hope
to forget the chain oC events that
had cume so tear to binding them together -
gether for lire or that other even t
that had come like a cold chisel to
cut the cllllln ? H she could have
forgotten-but she could not forget
And now he was home again on the
old farm that was half his from his
mother . and haIr hers from her lath
er. Home again after a dozen year s
or travel , with his bump or stubborn
ness bigger than ever Heading and
sleeping In the halU1\10cl Just I1S he
used to do when ho was a bo-a
dear , hard-head boy : calling her
Molly , und guying her just as he use d
to do before the dancing brook of
their boy and girl friendship brolw
through Into deeper waters. Well , but
that was over and } done with So
done with , she hall found It ulmust
easy to comment upon hlsl ' single
state , pointing out that If he intends i .
cd to marry he should not postpone
it much langei' Mary . at fresh Iii .
teen , hud seemed to her exactly wbat
would take the eye of mature thlrt Y .
five. And Stothers had laughed o.t
her : Very much as he had laughed
once when she proposed tu use perch
hooks for trout. Well ! But , of
course , he must marr ) ' , And sure ! y
Mary was much more attractive than
that-thnt Sarah Saunders Why , she
had been a grown girl when they were
children. But Il was no use tandng
to him. , He would do whatever he
tools It Into his hard head to do ,
and- "
. .
. . . _ . . . . _ . . , . . . . . . . . _ . . _ y- . . . . _ _ . , - . . ' , ' .r. _ _
"Auntie , 1\Ir Stothers says won't
your dreams walt until after dessert ? "
"Dream ! Z I'm not dreaming ! "
"Not hy a million. You never
IIream. Why , you werC'n't dreaming
the time you Hat UI > In the apple tree
unto the wind blew you out "
"Auntie , did ( that ever happen to
you \ ? "
"Oh , yes : when J was quite a small
chillI. About twenty years ago. "
1'went-Oh , Mr. Stothers , you
must have al good ; memory for
' events as Aunt Molly has. "
"Your' Aunt Molly has no memory
for events , little girl. "
"Why- yes ; she has Look what a
bump of eventuality she ! bas-at leasH
; -v .J '
H ? t0
. . . ' . ' ' : ; ' "
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- "
- . - " = , I "
"If it hadn't been for Spurzheim's little .
tie pupil. "
you have to feel for It-but It is right
where SpuI'zhelm says It should be--
and , besides , she remembers every-
thing. "
"gver'thlng : ? "
"Everything that has happened to
her I mean. "
"Oh , no , she doesn't , little lady
Why , she can forget ten things where
I cannot forget one If that bump
on her brow meant eventuality , there
would be a regular rhlnocerus horn
in ! the middle of my forehead. "
"Out Spurzhelm says that Is what
It mean : and she so. ' - "
"Somo people } will tell you that
Spurzhelm was a frnud "
"i [ Imo\\ But line wasn't Because
he says that hump on top of the head
means firmness , and you have- "
She stopped confused and StotbCl'S
covered her confusion with ho.lf.ab-
sent 1lndness
"So Sptu \ : aneitn has passed judg-
merit on my head as well as on Aunt
1\IollY'H ? 'rhus far I admit his pleas-
urements , PrithOe pupil of that prince
of llhronuloglsts , what other humps
have you placed to my credit ? "
Mary sahCI' opening " 1\fr
Stothers , did ron ever see aghast' ! "
And Stothers , also , saw an openll1g-
one that he had been seeking through
many lonely yearr.
"Ghosts . ? have J a ghost-seeing
hump ? "
"Yes sir ' "
: please don't jolw
.101ce. " Stothers pushed aside his
dessert and fell to Drumming calie :
A sudden uneasiness had fallen upon
his long fingers "I could not joke
about my . ghost , " he said gravel ' .
"Then you have seen one ? "
"Almost every night for twelve
'ears , "
, "Dldu't I tell you , Aunt Molly ?
Right above the foreheacl. Oh please
\Ir : Stuthors , Is It always the same
ghost ? "
"Always the snme A young girl
In a white dress She comes down a
moonbeam tearing a red rose to
pleees Always tearing It to pieces. "
" 'Vh ) ' , auntie. "
"It Is too close tn here for '
. you : ,
tollr You tool : white Come In the
garden with mc while I smolce Co'tl1e
on. " Ills hand closed over her arm
with nn authoritative pressure , but
through her sleeve she could feel how
cold , his fingers were.
"Plense '
don't sa } ' anything , " she
pleaded Incoherently
"There Is nothing to say dear , ox
, . - . . .
' - . . . - . . - .
- - -
_ . . _ . _ - . - - . _ _ . _ . . . , - . . - - . - - - - - - , -
cept that we have lost twelve years '
through } my top.lmot ] and the Lord .
alone knows how many more tire
, \"ould have lost If It hadn't been for
Spurzholm's little pupll. God bless
her. l1ul11I01l "
Boston Young Man Proved Poor Guide , '
for Friend.
Edward Farmer of Boston sat In an
electric car the other day behind two
y 'oung men. One of the young men
writs a Bostonian and the other was a
\'Isltor from the West. The former
was showing the city to the latter.
As the cay glided past CopIer'
square , the Bostonian pointed out the
plain and massive building ot the pub.
IIc library to his friend
As most of the world knows , the
Ileolle ) of Boston , when they bunt this
library out of the municipal funds , resolved -
solved tu maim It the show place of
New ngland They carried out their
resolution well , and the beautiful ,
costly building , with Its excellent ar' ,
'hltccture and Its decorations by Sar- I I
gent Puvls de Chnvanl1es and Abbey ,
is ! studied and admIred by visitors
from all parts of the globe
"There , " said the young Bostonian ,
"Is the public lIbrar ) ' . I guess you've
often heard at that. "
The other looked at the library and
nodded his head In approbl\tlon.
1"I11e , " he said "Did Carnegie give
It ? "
The Bostonian hesitated. I
"I don't know , " ho said "I'm not
quite sure whether Carnegie gave It
01' not. Come to thlnlc at it . though ,
I believe hc dll1. Yes , ho did. Carr
negle gave It , " '
1'011' Farmer smiled , but said nothing :
Interruption That Put Stop to Fun 0' f
Hazing Party.
, Jesse Lynch Williams , who has writ-
ten some delightful stories of student
lICe at Princeton and who has lived ,
there since his graduation from the a , '
university , is a very youthful looking
man , with a frank , boyIsh face and
slender figure that do not betray the
dignified paternity of three fine boys '
. . . . . .
Early In the autumn , just after college . .
had opened , he was crossing the camPus . ,
Pus one nlominB , when a party ot (
sophomores suddenly surrounded him. ,
"Sto ' ! " commanded one.
1\11' Willlnms stopped. ,
"Tale off that hat ! " said another.
The hat came off. ; ,
"What do you mean by wearing a
slit hat here ? " demanded another.
"Put It down. "
The hat was laid aside
"Now wall over to that tree and
stand there till we tell you to- "
But the hazing got no further , tor
\11 older student came along just then 'J. .
and recognized 1\11' WIl1Iams
"What the deuce do you fellows
mean ? " he asIted. "Don't you know
an old grad when you see one ? " and
the wise sophs melted among the trees
In the heat of their woeful apologies.
-New York 'l'lmps
Her Defective Memory.
1\lrs Ferguson had just returned , I
from an entertainment , and was 10
ecstasies over a young woman elocutionist -
tionist who had taken part In It.
"She hind on a trained gown ot dark
purple velvet , " she said , " " . . ! tit bodice
trimmed in deep collar at real Irish . . . . j ,
lace and lace cutIs She wore her hair
pouspadour arid had a diamond cluster
at her throat. . i
"What did she recite ? " asked Mr.
Ferguson \
"Something about a little girl whose )
mother lost her In the park , or some-
where I've forgotten the name or It.
You know well enough what a wretched .
cd memory I ha\'e. But It was aWfully .
pathetic What are you grinning !
about , I'd 1Il\C to know '
- - -
King's Life Insured for Millions.
Don Carlos , Icing of Portugal , has
life Insurance amounting to about i S ;
000,000 In American money. His majesty .
jest Is continually at war with his
weight which , by dint or a vigorous
outdoor life , he has reduced from over
300 hounds to about 225.