The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 16, 1904, Image 9

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    ! r :
, ,
, . . December 16 , 1904 . THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE ,
. Willian1sville
1. A. Dunn marketed a load of
fat hogs to Falls City Tuesday
for R. J. Dunn.
Geo. Crocker , Co. Supt. visited
our school Thursday afternoon .
. \ >
y Byron and hazel Dunn attcnd-
c thc play at the Barada hall
Monday night.
Miss Grace Bennett who has
been teaching music in this community -
. munity finished her work last
, wcck.
Henry Butcr's ] cousins gathered -
cd at his home Friday evening in
honor , of his thirteenth birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Dunn spent
Sunday with Coon Pdchard and
t 1. A. Dunn and sons Jesse and
Eugene were in Barada Satur < lay.
Ida Leccy and Katie cinke
spent several days last week with
their p < lrcnts.
. .
" Mrs. Omara visited in Rule
last week with relativcs.
Eph Peck and wife drove down
to Merrill Friday.
\Irs. B. F. Slagle called at N.
. Pecks Sunday.
t Mr. Dcffenbaugh of Illinois vis-
itcd with his nephew , Geo. Diltz
last wcck.
Sarah Schultz was entertained
. at Fred li'inch's Sunday.
" 'i .J \ .v1llrnrlt h,111 .nrn
, . . . . " \ . . . . - . . . . - . - . . . . . _ . . _ . . . . .
for Fred \Vhitrock. Friday.
Kniscly's young folks spent
Sunday .at E. Pccks.
Guy and Albert Burk'isitc l at
' \Vm. Hutchison's Satunlay :
orge Dilts ' purchased thc
Samuel Dcffcnbaugh 80 acre farm
consideration S6OOO.
: Rc\ Stoudcr went to Western
Nebraska to look up a Jocation.
Noah Peck was a visitor at
Jacob Bloom's Saturday.
t '
I ' . Chester visited with rela-
tives in Falls City over Sund y.
Art Shubcrt went to St. Joe
[ onday .
; Mr. atdlrs. . George Lewis
spent several days at the fruit
farm this week.
Guy Harper returned from
Oregon Sunday.
Irs. Slagle and her Slaughter
Grace has beets visiting with
friends and relatives here for thc
.past wp.ek.
The five cent social given by
I.J , the Methodist church Saturday
\1 \ night was very well attended ,
clearing 53.85.
Mrs. Bergsma who has been
visiting in Falls City returned
home Monday.
Nora and Grace Burson were
visitors at thc Fruit farm over
The "merry go seeking" crowd
went over to "bowl" Friday -
, joying one of the best times of
their 1i ves.
Mrs. Hoff who has been very
sick for the past week is reported
better at this writing'
One of \Vatter Lcwis' child-
ren is quite sick this weck.
The Christian Sunday school
arc going to give all entertainment -
ment at thc hall Saturday night
for the benefit of the Christmas
Walt Shubcrt came up from thc
territory f to visit a few days with
friends and rclativcs.
Jim Palmer came up from Okla-
homa Sunday to spend a few
months with \ his rclat \'cs.
Mr.S.A.McGechic who has been
very sick is reported no better at
this writing-
Cora Hcnderson spent Sunday
with her parents of this city.
.Mr. and M-s. . Will Lunay and
family were shoping in Falls
City Saturd y.
Mrs. Oathout spent 'l'uesday
with Mrs. Dolph Krug '
Will Palmer cause over from
Stella Monday .
Mrs. John M. Evans of Shu-
bert was in halls City \Vednesda
\V. H. Morrow of Shubert attended -
tended the Good Road meeting
at halls City 1.'ucsday.
1-'j ' Falls City. Neb.
Lincoln Denver
Omaha Helena
Chicago Butte
St. Joseph Salt Lake City
Kansas City Portland
St. Louis and all San Francisco
points cast and and all points
south. west.
TRAINS LEAVE AS 1/01,1,0\\'S :
No. 41. Portland St. Louis
Special , S1. Joseph ,
Kansas City , St.
Louis and all points
cast and south. . . . . 7:20 : p 111
Xo. 13. Vestibuled express , '
daily , Denver and
all points west and
northwest. . . . . . . . . . 1:35 : a 111
No. 14. Vestibuled express ,
daily , Ht. Joe , Kan-
sas City , St. Louis
and all points cast
and south.- . 7:43 : a 111
No. 15. Vestibuled express ,
daily , Denver , and
all points west and
northwest . . . . . . . . 1:28 : p 111
No. 16. Vestibulcd express
daily , S. ; Joe , Kan-
sas City , St Louis
Chicago and points
east and south. . . . . 4:25 p m
No. 20. Local express daily
Atchison and points
south and west.1:35 p m
Xo. 41. . St. I.ouis-Portland
lena , Tacoma and
Portland without
change . . . . . . . . . . . 10:07 : p m
Xo. 115. Local accommodation -
tion , daily i except -
ccpt SundaySalcl11 ,
Nemaha and Nebraska -
braska ( 'it ) ' . . . . . . . . 10:40 : p m
Sleeping , dining and reeling chair
cars ( scats free ) 011 through trains.
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
sny point in the States or Canada. For
information , time tables , maps and
tickets , call 011 or write to G. Stewart ,
Agent , Falls City , Neb. , or J. Francis.
G. P. R ' 1' . A. , Omaha. '
> -
Havingdecided to go out of business I am g'oin
to sell \Vholesale my complete stock of goods con-
sisting of :
Diamonds , Watches , Clocks , Jewelry , Silver-
Ware , Cut Glass , Silk Umbrellas ,
Silver Novelties , Toilet
Sets , Etc l , Etc.
And in fact includes everything to be found in a first rp
class Jewelry .
Furniture and Fixtures For Sale ,
This Sale will continue until the Entire
Stock is gone. Conic early while our assortment .
Inent is yet conlpletc. Now is your chance to
Buy Christmas presents at Wholesale prices
Jeweler acid Optician
= = =
. . . .
- - ; '
The finest and largest line in the city. All
kinds and all prices. See the 5c lOc 15c and 25
cent tables , everything a bargain. Fine Jardi-
neers. See the Indian Basket. New Dinner
Ware cOining. Haviland China 100 piece dinner
sets , Special price 2500. Examine our stock
before buying your Christmas presents.
Ch&.s = M. Wilson
The Twelfth Night.
The most interesting of the sca-
son's evdnhs will be the : appear-
ance at the Gchling Theatre of
Miss Marie Wainwright as Viola
in her splendid production of
Shakespearc's "Twelfth Night , "
on Monday December 19. The
host of star parts in this comedy
makes its interpretation by a tar
cast a necessity , and such is this
scason's support of Miss \Vain-
wright. This act res sunites to a
high degree two qualities rarely
possessed in an equal manner by
the same artists - refinement and
- „
streng-tho Possessed of a warm ,
emotional temperament and avery
very sympathetic ) voice her com-
edy is as piquant as her feeling is ti
profound. By this means she y
makes it easy to understand why " 1
the gentle Viola , transformed into -
to Ccsario , should become the
duke's favorite pag-c. The stag-
ing of this comedy has been made
a great featurc. Scenically con-
sidcrcd it is a series of glorious
pictures , a kaleidoscopic spectacle
of color and light.
r ,