The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 16, 1904, Image 6

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. . . -
It Will Bc Discussed In the Upper
House With n Vote on Frlday.-
House Will Give Consideration to
Pension 011111.
. .
WASIIINC'I'ON'l'ho 1 I principal
event scheduled for the senate the
present week 11:1 : the taking or the vote
on the Phllllplno ( civil hill which Is
sot down for next l.'rhlarlt :1 : o'clocl
Under the agreement ! to vote , the hili
rClllnlns the IInf1nlshed hushwab' or .tho
senate until that date and It will have
preference over nil other questions
each day after 2 o'clocl Many democratic ,
oratle senators are opposed \ \ lo the hill ,
hilt the best Information otlmllla\le \ Is
that t there will ho 110 debate on the
Philippine IIl'itlon They will Ilevol
their efforts to securing a modification < <
of Homo of the Ill'O\'lslolIs of the hill
nil especially ! obnoxious , giving sllednl
attention lo the bond 1 and Chinese 1m.
IIIlgmtion clnllse After the vote on the
Philippine hill Friday the senate will
adjourn until the following Monday \
nnd It la considered ( doubtful whether
. much more business of general 1\11-
Iortanco ( will he then undertaken until !
after Chrlllllllllll : , liS mallY senators
have announced ! their intention of leaving .
Ing for home immediately after the
vote on the Philippine \ qllosllon. It hall
been the original Intention to press )
for adjollrnlllonl as early as the 1.Jlh !
InNt. , hill there IH now manifest a Us-
position to allow the house ! to have Its
way In fixing Iw ) lute for the 2)st ) ,
oven though hn I senate 1'l'l1Ialns
technically In session , as will ho the
case accordlnc : to the nreseut olll1001\
. .
It IH the intention not to transact i
mIlch buslnocss other than the Philippine ' I
pine legislation dtn'Ing the present I
weele. Senator 1I0\lhlll'n \ on Monday ; )
will make an effort to secure consideration .
\lUon of the pure food hill , hilt If he
succeeds III golllnlt It before the 8l'n.
ate It wOllld not hi' seriously proceeded ) .
CII with before the hulltla'H It Is be-
Hoved that the statehood hili will not
bo reported \ ! front committee before the
The house will \ begin the second
weele of the session with consideration
ot Irlvatelonslon \ hills , Monday ; having . ,
ing been n1l\ll' pension day.
On 'I'uesda the resolution reported
by the judiciary committee to impeach )
Charles Swayne , judge of the northern -
ern district of Florida , COIIICS before
the house as special order , Its consideration ,
lIderntion having been deferred < < 1 hy
resollltlon nt the last session to that
day , and authority given the judiciary
committee to take further testltnon
All the evidence taken , including ( that
heard since the last session , has been
printed for the use of members of the
house. A supplemental ) report ) has been
„ submitted ! to the house by the ; udi-
cll\ry committee advising the house of
additional ) testlmon It Is probable
that the appropriations committee
may report a short urgent deficiency
bill during the week , and it is barely
possible ; lint ( hue Piollrit'l of Columbia
appropriation ) ( bill \ may be reported by
the end of the week.
Serious Accident at Mine.
JOLll , III.-A terrible accident 0-
C\lrrcd at mine No. . 1 , In South Wilmington -
mington Engineer Paul Leslie failed
to control the cage In which ten men
were being lo\\'r < > d , The cage shot
to the top of the tower and the men
were thrown high In the all' An Italian .
Inn miner was caught itnd crushed : to
dQath Another miner , ,10hn Kucera ,
was fatally hurl. Six others were In-
jured. The men thought Leslie had
been careless and wore prepared ) ) to
lynch the engineer , when officers arrive
- . . - . _ - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - . . .
Secretary Hay Recommends Increase
In Salarlcs.
WASIlINGTON.-In the estimates
for the dlllomatlc ) and consular service .
Ice forwarded to congress lIy Secretary
IIny through the treasury department
reCOlIIlIIl'llllnt Is made for increasing .
Ing the salaries of a large number or
olllcl'l's In' the lIervlce. It Is recolI\
mended that ArgenUIIIL ho increased
$2,000 , hilt t or the IIIlnlHter resident 10
Liberia \ $ : IIiOO , and that provision be
nllulo for IL minister to Roumnnln and
Sorvln and one for Greece nnd Montenegro .
negro and for a consular ) agent at
BlIlglllla Increased salaries are recommended .
omn1l'lIdell for the secretaries or lega-
Ion t 10 Turkey and Swltzerlnnd. ' A
third secretary Is proposed \ for the
legations 10 IUar and Austria nnd new
consulates ) nt the following places at
the salaries ) named :
Alt xandria ° _ QO ' Servia
, $ ,500 : Belgrade , S
:1,000 : : Bucharest , TLHlmallln : , $3,000 ;
l'nrlshnd , utsrlll , $2,000 : Snndol\l\n ,
British North Borneo , :1,000 : ; mill a
ClIllfllllnto general . at Teheran , Persia
at . $3,000. : ( }
An Increased allowance of $2,000 for
bringing home criminals Is asked ,
also IiOOOO for carrying on the work )
or delimiting Iho boundary ) line between .
tween the United Stales and Cannda
Increases were recommended < < l In the
salaries ) of a. large number ot consul-
ales. Increases of $20,000 In the aggregate .
gregalo In allowances for clerk hire
Is recommelllied for thlrt.lIlno consular .
slIluolllces ,
Scouts Who Served at World's Fair
S'I' LOUIS , 1\lo.-On orders received -
celveel fl'ol1tho wair department at
Wnshlllgton , the following officers ,
who have been on duty at the Louisiana .
ana Purchase exposition , are relieved
and ordered ( ) to their proper stnttons
_ _ _ _ _ _ . _ .n _ _ . . . . _ . , . _ . _ . . . . . _ . . . . .
First Lieutenant FrankV. , Howell ,
Eleventh ' ' First L
\ infantry : eutonnnt
Kirwin 'I' . Smith , Sixth Infantry ; Sec-
end Lieutenant James A. Higgins ,
Thirtieth Infantrr.
ny direction of the president and
under provisions of IL congressional
enactment the Fourth , Twenty-fourth ,
'l'hh'lIeth std Fort.sovenlh cotn-
iiutinei ) or Phllllllno ) scouts are organized .
ganlzell into a battalion , with the following .
lowing olllcers : One major , one first
lieutenant , battalion adjutant to bO
selected from the officers of the Philippine .
Iplno ) scouts one second lieutenant
to ho battalion quartermaster and
commissary , to bo selected In the
same manner , and one battalion sergeant -
geant majol' Captain ) William 11.
.Jonhnston. Sixteenth United l States
infantry , has been detailed ns major
of the Philippine scouts allll assigned
to the command oC the hattallon.
A Green Goods Man.
NE\V YORK-Grover L Collins , I
known to the police as the "Lono
Green Goods Man : , " was arrested < < br a
postolllce inspector ) , though ho was
supposed ) to have been IIIIed In 1\
Canadian train wreck several months
ago , He Is wanted hr federal officers
in New Jerser. Collins' method was
to advertise In western newspapers.
Correspondents received front him
green goods circulars and also paler )
with silken threads in It similar to
government paperIone ) ' sent to
him for samples he pocketed.
ALLE.JO , Cn1.-Tho government
tug Unadilln left Mare Island navy
yard today with n part of expert elec-
tricians and n complete wireless tele
graph outfit , which Is to be Installed
on one of the Farallono islands.
'tlasttd : Electrician Hanscom who Is
in charge or the work , said that ho
expected to establish communication
with the Goat Island station by Satur-
111The battleship Ohio will probably .
ably soon go to the Farallones to
male tests t or the wireless system
which it Is proposed to extend : to
. . _ _ _ ' 0 . . . . _ _ _
Details of the Capture of Meter H 111-
Mikado's Men Unable to Understand
Why the Russians Do Not Fight.
LONDON-According to the Morning .
Ing PObt's Shanghai dispatches , the
Port Arthur forces , with the exception )
of these manning the forts , have already -
ready retreated to Luole mountain.
Details cbnUnuo to IIIter In of the
capture of 203.\1eter : hili. The Daily
'I'ol < ; gl'llph's correspondent explains
that the capture ) was due to a strong
and sustained .Japanese feint against
the eastern fortlllcallons on the night
or December fi , and the position ) of
2Ja.letl'r hill , being an onlllnding one ,
forced the Russians t.o evacuate with-
out IL contest , a parallel ) line of semi-
permanent ) fortillcatons ! extending cast
and west and Irregularly over the
slope half IL mile west of Etse mouu-
tnln. 'I'he Japanese ) casualties at 20J. ;
Meter hill alone exeeell the total or
the battle oC Nan Shan , according to
the Dally \Iail's ; 1'01,10 dispatches
At 2 o'clocl in the afternoon or November .
vomher 29 ! J a. 'I'oma'sll detachment ,
with a latlallon 1 of infantr and a company .
11I1I1Y of engineers , received orders that
they must capture Oa-\Ielel' ; hill ,
while IL Yosld detachment or the same
strength had similar orders to capture
Almb'ulm hill. On November 30 It became .
came necessary to reinforce the attackers -
tacltCrs with n detachment under
Major ; Shlzuta During the operation
the cold was so intense that many of
the men were frost-bitten , as It was
necessary to pass the night without
'hl'llel' The Japanese after the } -
& , Cal-
. . . _ . . . . , 'u . . .
tore of 203-\Ieter : ! : ! hill \ , anticipated a
terrible bombardment from the Hus-
sian forts und made preparations accordingly -
cordlnglr , but the Russians remained
strangely quiet.
The Daily Telegraph's Tlen 'rsln
correspondent ) reports that General
Olm , after n three dars' artillery engagement -
gagement , drove the Russians 'on
; 'I'hursday out of the small lofty Island
or Gushan , In the river , ten miles
north or Line Yang. The Russians , it
Is added , abandoned 11. Quantity of supplies -
plies and several guns and retired to n
position eight miles northwest , whence
they heavily bombarded the .Japanese ,
setting tIre on Tuesday to kerosene
depots and causing a great conflagra-
tion whleh dill not cease until \\'ed-
nesdnr , The Japanese are still gal-
lantly holding the island ) with a handful .
ful or n1'n. 'rheh' casualties , it Is alleged -
leged , number ,000.
LONDON-A dispatch to the .Japan-
ese legation front ' 1'0)\10 ) , dated today ,
says :
'I'ho naval staff at Port Arthur reports -
ports that on Thursday evening the
Pallada was set on fire and heeed ) to
port with its stern sunl Eleven shots !
hit the Gilialt ( gunboat ) , The lJaran :
took fire at 11:30 : and Is still ablaze at
, i:15 I : 11. m. The Amlll' ( transport ) was
hit fourteen times and sunl Many
shots greatly damaged the warehouses
and other buildings near Peivu mountain .
taln and ( lie arsenal.
Both of His Sons Have Been Killed
In Battle.
Headquarters of the Third Japanese
Army , via l"usan.-On the morning of
December 2 , the Russian granted permission -
mission to the Japanese to gather their
dead and wOlllHled from the eastern
fort on account at the night fight or
November 2G
Yesterday the same concession was
asked for br the Russian concerning
203 Meter : hili. The request was
granted , but the privilege was withdrawn .
drawn today.
. .
. . .
. . - 0 ' ' - , . . .
Purpose of the Government to Punish
Guilty Parties. .
WASIIING'l'ON.-An 01I1clal state-
ment was given out by the Interior de-
I II\I'tlllent ) announcing the gov'rn-
1I10nt's ptn ' pose ) to prosecute every
guilty man In the public ) land frauds to \
the full extent of the law turd regard- \ '
less oC position In life. The statement
follows : , .
"Tho conviction In Portland , Ore. , .r
, yesterday of five persons ) for land \
frauds , which will bo followed next
week hr the trial t of several others indicted -
dicted for the sallie offense , Is but another .
other stol ) towards the consummation
oC the policy entered upon ) by the sec-
retary or the interior , when it became
known , nearly ) three years ago , that
frauds were being perpetrated ) \ in con-
nectlon with the public \ lands , to run
down and prosecute the guilty ones to
the full extent oC the law , without re-
gard to theIr position in life. The department -
)1I\\'lment ) lists encountered many obsta-
eles while engaged in this work , but
has moved steadily onward timid has
had the hearty operation \ oC the Department .
lIIrtlllent ) of .Justlco In bringing . these
land criminals to jllstlce.
1'heso latH ) fralllls have been far
more extensive than the public realize . \
Ize , and the work of securing the necessary .
essary proofs has been IL difficult one.
hilt there Is no abatement of the intend
tlon to secure the conviction of the
land thieves. No one will be shielded ,
whether high or low , and the work ot
prosecution will bo vigorously carried
on "
Matter That Gives Roosevelt Much
Concern {
WASIIINGTON-Presillent Roosevelt +
volt Is conferlng daily with members
of both the senate and the house of
representatives ) \ on the subject of
tariff revision and how the work shall
ho accomplished lie has found that
strong opposition exists to consldera- Y ;
tlon of the subject by congress at an
extraordinary session to be held next
spring and it can be said that the Idea
of calling an extraordinary session for
next spring practically has been abandoned -
doned It has been pointed out to the
president that It would be nearly impossible -
possible for the committee of congress
to prepare IL tariff measure for pro-
sentatlon to the house before July I ,
next t
Representative Watson ( lnd. ) had a l > X13
conference with the llresldent. While 0 (
no decision yet bas been reached re- , ,
g-ardlng the revision of the tariff , it is
pretty well understood now that it .
revision should be decided upon an f
extraordinary session of congress will
be called , to meet next fall
The subject will he taken up at , .Jf
that session and Its consIderation
probably ho taken up and concluded
at the regular session next December . .
This arrangement , It is i believed , will
enable congress to dispose of the
tariff question at a cOlllparatively .
early date in the regular sessloll.
Big Horse Breeding Scheme , l i
DE VER-John W Springer , ex-
president of the National ) Live Stock . ,
association , is at the head at a pro-
ject to establish near thIs city what '
is believed will be lie largest colony
In America for breeding fine horseH.
Each breeder will he n specialist In '
his line The colony will include
nearly ten thousand acres or land , and '
within the boundaries will be raised
American conch horses , Belgian heavy ,
draft horses , heavy harness colts , thoroughbred . t
oughbred Kentucky saddlers and trot-
Notifying Formos
WASm-GTON-\lr. : Griscom , the
American minister at 'I'oklo , has
cabled the state department that Mr.
Fisher , the American vice counsel at
Nagasaki : , reports that all shipping
has been warned to keep twenty miles
away front scall.-.res , an island ort
the west coast of Formosa and that
it is said fortif1C'.1UoIIS are being con- .r
ctructed at Seoul