The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 16, 1904, Image 3

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7 . .
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December , .
' , De ember 16 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE , i
: . ' . , ' " - . ' " . .
- - - - -
t a HOLI.
, . For the Holidays the MissourI Picific viii make
. a rate of one fare plus 50 cents for the round trip.
t . J. B. VARNER
r ' GehlingTheatre
, f : Monday , Dec. 19t.h
. \ i Jules Presents hurry
. Marie Wainwright
As Viola in Shakespcar's
I owelft-h , lVight
. ; ; t' '
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' In i\\lf \ \
I ( . /1ARIf. IlA / WRIGHT
. '
t . Eminently Cast and Superbly
. .
. . Mount 1. Carrying thc Entire
. r Scenic Production including Su-
1.1 " . . pcrb clcctrical . . . . . - - . . cfTect . /
Special AnnouncementS
I. S " . Owing to thc . interest already
' . taken in : Miss .Wainwright's cn-
v 5
. I g'ag'cmcnt it is suggested to thc
: , ; patrons to procure their scats as
\ ) , . early as possible. 1 _
" _ _ _
1/ I 't. i PRICES :
Ii It'irst ' 3 rows Parquet S1.50j ; Balance
i Parquet and 1st 2 rows ill Dress Circle
, . 81.00j ; Balallce Dress Circle 75cBalcony
. 50 CClltS.
" .
- -
C -
i Market Report.
t , Corn . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
I + 'Yhcat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( )2
I Oats . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00
11 . f "
, { Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4.25
J Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
r\arrirge Record
Alfred D. Goobhy , Verdon------ . . _ 52
Sarah M. Shoemaker , Verdoll. . _ _ _ _ ,1b
IIiJ'tuall W. NayIltttnboldt--------21
Nina RohertsonlIuntbohlt-------.19
Ralph r ; . DUllkclI , Mayberry-------
Atlllie E. fisher Vcrdoll. . _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ 3
Lloyd S , Giilllttilli : , Falls City _ _ _ _ _ . . : : n
laizabetlt N. Neal,1 . ' alls CitYu _ _ _ _ _ _ 21
Alvin GingriekIfumboldt---------.2G
cllllic Sta nderfordILttnbohlt-------25
Bruce W. WestStella------------ . . .2.1
Mary 'l'owlIlcy , Stcl1au _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . . . .19
: Married hy Judge wilhite Dec. 13
John Rathl < cOplc , Kas. . _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ . -21)
Nettic SchmidtOple.IiaS.----------.23
The Sorosis Club met with l\frs.
A. E. Hill \Vcdncsday. . Six-
teen m mnbers responded to roll
call. A short business session
was thc first thing in order It
WitS decidcd that an art exhibition
should bc given the children of
town at thc city library on Friday -
day December 30. Committees
were appointed to collect thc
pictures and do thc work incident
to thc c..hibit. A committee
was also appoittcd in response to
an appeal from thc wOlllen of
Oklahoma , who arc striving to
have thc word six , striker from
thc state hood bill now pending
before United States , senatorial
committec. The opening numb-
cr of thc afternoons literary
program was a paper cn ti tIed.
, . . . .
" ' . ' " "
"The 1 Pre-RatplmaciiteMovem11ett . ) 1 ,
by l\Irs. W. 1V. Jen tie. Evcry
member of thc club enjoyed this
as Mrs. Jen11c hall given the
work very careful and tlmorourll
prClJilrltion. ! Mrs. \ . E. I hill
gave an equally interesting paper
on "Con tcmporancous . Artists of
America . " . A nuulberof pictures
were displayed and explained by
members of thc club. 1\Irs. Hill
then served dainty rdreshmcnts.
Club adjourned to meet Dcccmbcr
28 with l\Irs. C. P. Hca vis.
n. W. A. Election. .
There was a large and enthus- .
iastic crowd in attendance at thc
meeting of Falls Camp 343 M.'V.
A. . last Tuesday cvcning' After
thc usual opening ceremonies , thc
camp then procceded to hc t clec-
tion of olTic'n for the ensuimtg !
year , and the following is i the result -
m1t ! : Julius Kleber 1 , V. C. ; J. 1\1.
Dew..llY. . A.j ; C. 1\1. ZVilsott , B :
OlhoYachtcl , clerk ; g 1 , E.
CoatlH.r , ' Escort ; John boss
\ i . ; Jack Windlc , S. ; 1.'crdinanl l (
Poug'con.CI1 Forester ; tad Drill
aster ; bred Hl at\1ieat\\f \ \ : al1ag'l l'
.3 years ; Physicians , 11rs. Wiser ,
Houston and P. rsell. A ftCI' the
elections , spcl'chcswcrc in order ,
and sonic of th'nl Wl'l'cruret\'l'ats .
to say thc least. : It wm IIl1ani- i
n10usly agreed that this t canal
hell a joint installation with the
Royal Neighbors the I first IlIl'l'til1g'
night in January , and it is to bc
hoped that every mcmher of the
Camp will endeavor to bc prC'scn t
upon that occas on. H b to be
regretted 1 that the prescnt Camp
Clerk Fred IJeaul lean , has fuund 1
it IIccccssary to refuse the sam
office for thc coming' rear.
Mr. Beaulieau has iillcd this
office for the pa.t Jive j years with
credit to thc order and hilllsc1I' ,
and in losing / him front 1 that
ollicc thc camp loses a royal ,
eflicient workman.
nether loss was'sustained ; hy
a refusal on the pill t of Otl1o
Wachtcl to acccpt the reelection I
to the office of Venerable Consul
The Camp is in a prospcrous
condition and The Tribune loons
before it in hen and 1 .
up JH'auty an < splend
= = ; ! ; " "
( '
. Mcril
a iih" " , ; . . . " , ! ! SSi ? ; EF : '
We have nil kinds
Christmas C a 11 dies . ( .
Just ask for what you
. . . . . . . . , . . . . ' . - ; - " ' " . " " " . . =
Phone 40
. , _ . . . .
J ii-o " : t.'f. < I. ' Y.1r
Missouri Pacific Railway
Time Table , Falls f Cay , Neb.
No , I Omaha and Lincoln
Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 2:2 a III
No 9 Omaha and 14incolr8:35 : a III
No. 8 Omaha and Lincoln .
passenger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 2:48 : p III
No. 233 I.ocalFreight , Au-
hurll . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . .i\ 1:10 p III
No. 2 hartsas City 1111(1 St.
Louis and Dcner . . . . . . . A 3:47 : a III
No. 58Kalls. . . I .1 , ; rand 8t.
Louis amI Ikl" " C . . . . . . . A 2:48p : III
No. 50 'Vor : ' , , I' 1 ' ' ' ' ' 'I caL : 8:45 : p III
No. 232 1..0' : " . , \ . ' , . rrt , . . 10:30 : a III
No. 220 tock : F ' , . . . . . . Ui-
il Iwatha . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . A 1):52 : p III
A. Daily. n. Daily except SUllday.
J. n. VAHN1K , Agent.
- -
apparatus ppl1cd to IJtcnml'i111v
Whhh ! Is Doth Propeller and Rud-
dor-Only ; for Small DoRts.
Unlike the ordinary \ steamship ,
the hall forces itself through thi
watel' : alum IlltPl'S its . COUI'flfI :
h.r 11IeallH ; of t Itt' tWIIW organ , the
tnil. HeYl'I'lIl iuV'iiIors , though ) ,
have II'i(1 ( 10 11l'I'fol'll1 hot ( h fu nc .
tiolls wit It Ott pi ! ( ' ( ' < , of a1)la11I1IH. ] } ) 1
'Plte Iil'Ht aplrlitmtI ion of the ic1l'U' -
III ll'usl of late n'al'H-WIlR 11111110 ( j
to Uw HUhlllt1'jlH0111e : ; 11'I'l'lI'h
bOllts of Ihlll mitts hove hN'lI pi ' o- i
"id'd ( with n p'c'alitr ) ( : joint ill tlw (
PI'oPt'III'I' Shaft just outside the
Stern , HO that t lw ( HI'I'CW itself can i ,
he ! HWUIIg' from Hille ( to side. B.y
rhanging.tltt' HIIg'I at t which nIP
1hl'ust : is mildI' ( against tltp wntl' , It
the bolt I iH stpI'pd ( ; and 1'lHldcl'ti
111'1' made \ ( 1I1111CI''HHIII'J' .
PI'OIllIl sl\J'1 \ I''pol't made to 11(0 t ( is
deParintc'nl 1 of 01111111' ( ' at. " 'stslt
illg-tOIl from the ( IIH.'I'icHlI (0ll5nl ]
lit I 1111 ' mnimlghain , il would appear ] :
that t t iht' I Satnr SySleut t has 1)1\ ) \
Il'ipl1 / Oil bolds whirls al'p 111'an1 to
jl'lIw 1 el 1 01\ \ nw f 5urfac'r / \ enl , ' , JikC'
naphlhst la n nrhr5. AnI ' 1\g'JiRh \
firm ili inlroinriug ( ( lime im'plItioll ,
bul hp t 1111 I IpI' l is of li'I't'lIeh origin.
The "pI'oJlIlsOI' ] . " as it. iA 'all'll ,
( 'a 11 hI' applied } } 1'0 an } ' hotalrradS / \ (
ill cxiHtCIH'C , if it iH not too lark' \ : : .
now thr t ( ' ( lIJ1'I ! ions m'e madp 1:4 i :
, not xpIHil1ed , hut the consular
: 'pOI't Hays that. it Iii IsHihlp to
dhpenHc wit hUll' n'cPsHit.r f of
boring a : t hole thl'oug-h the SII'11
} losl' ) 1 , and of SUIlpl.'il1g' a JlI'I'Bllln'
I ( ' 11 t lI'Op'I'I' ) ] sJIII ft' ancl HtuOlng
hox. It' ( ' 11 n he attached to II boa t
I and I'cmoY1l front the Allnw wit11
out 1I\litieution : \ ( ( / of the boat
I it lie If. AI1.roIlP faking t.his 8h''I"
ingln'opnlSOr"foltlakerivet' i 1 orfltc' 1
seaHile ( mllJ' all a'll it : 10 any hont
h ] ( ' finds t here t Ita t is Within I it y
range of pea ' c'r. AR the propeller
CHII he crrtplelt'ly , IIII'JI(1 ( al'onnd ,
a reverse ail iou is giv'n. The
Autol110101' . '
.ToIII'nul states flint u :
given nlllllh'I' of Ilwse f ) transferable -
able JH'opnlAoJ'S Jut VP been adopt
cll ( bY lIw f nuviPH ! of France ) , HUHsin
! lJHl .1UpUII : , and Ihat. It J2.hol's
power PI'OHliHOI' ) illls Itcen I HueeC'SH
fully applied io a launch , whirls
towed a : WO.ton mini barge with
Q. load of HiD ( ) tom of snnd.
i A Remnrknhlc ompetlt on. j
One of the most extraordinary \
competitions which have ever tak-
PI1 Place ! was aUelllpted : the other
week in BalUlIlol'\ \ , Six ullhnppy ; :
creatures ! WCI'C placed on a platform -
form , each of j hem opposite a
grand pinno , and a pl'ize was given a f
to the pc'lforttter ) who > lnyed the ;
longest at a I'ptch. It wits not
IIPl'C'Hsal'Y : 1 ha the six PPl'fOI'IlH'I'J !
should give thl' 811UW music' ; AO "
long as Ihey rendered what the I
II'ogl'amme ) calls "intelligent mu.
sic" it was considered satisfao
lorJ' . The winner played 50
hOlll's. Ife lost four pounds In
weight and had to be attended by J. t
several doctors at the conclusion
of the pm'fol'lmmce. The most
striking fact IR that five members !
of the audience Bat it out