The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 16, 1904, Image 2

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I Oath According to the Koran.
1 !
All ! AchmCl , nn Arab , was a witness
I In the Now York court ot special SCB'
lions recently . Ho refused to take
the Christian oath , saying ! ho would
swear nil becomes n member ot his
race and faith. 110 was allowed to do
FO , and thlll was the oath be took : "I 1
swear by ho I beard or the prophet , by
the kasba hy the black stone and hy
my harem to tell the truth , all the
truth , and only the trllth. "
. . . .
- - - - - - -
Boat Made From a Pearl.
A jeweler III Turin has made n tiny
boat ot n single penrl. The hull Is
finely ahl111C < < t and aright serve nil a
model for n racing sloop , the Rail Is
. or beaten gold , studded with dIamonds
and the binnacle light 114 n. perfect )
ruby An emerald serves I1S Its rudder .
.ter , and its IIlnllll Is a slab of Ivory.
Its weight Is less than one ounce , and
it Is said to have cost $5,000.
: Singing Insects of Japan.
I Among the nnlllral curiosities flt
I + .1npl1l1 arc its Hlllging insects , The
most Ilrl7.ftI / ! of these tiny musicians Is
p Ii black beetle named "slIlumIlHhl , "
which means "Ins'ct bell , " The sound
that it emits resembles that of n little
sliver hell or the sweetest and most
delicate tone
Reads Like a Miracle.
Moravia , N. Y. , Dec. 12th-Spe' (
clnl-Bonlerln ) on the miraclllous 1\ :
the case of Mrs , HOllj. Wilson of this
plnco. Suffering from Sugar Diabetes ,
she wasted away till from weighing
2nD Ills , she barely tipped Ow scales
nt 130 IIIR nodd'R Kidney ' Pills cured
her. Speaking or her cure her husband -
band 1I1t 'II- :
" : \1) ' wife suffered everything from
Sugar DlallelNl She was sick four
years ; : and doctored with two doctors ,
but received no honont. She had so
much pain nil over her that she could
not rest day or night. 'rho doctor said
that she could not lIvo.
1'hon Iln advertisement led mo to
try 1)011ll's Kidney Pills and . they ; : help-
ed her right from the first. Five
boxes ot theta cured hl'l' Dodd's Kid-
ney ; : Pills were n God . Sent remedy to
us and wo recommend them to nil suffering '
fcrlng from Kidney Dlseru "
Dodd' Kidney Pills cure all Kidney
DlseaRcs including ( bight's Disease ,
and nil kidney aches , Including i heu .
mat isnl.
It Is very easy to get mad with
somebody for doing what It would he
, ' unreasonable for . ' to
very ; anybody ; : bet
mad over If you ; : did It ,
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
with ' LOCAL AI'PIIC.TJONB they cannot rearb
the seat ' IIf the dl oale. Catarrh II a blood or constitutional '
i tutloliRI disease , end Inorltr to cure it you must tats
In\erna'rllllll\lIll's. ' \ lIaU'a Catarrh Cure II taken hi'
tcrnally and acts , directly the hloud aDd mucous
lurfaCI' lIall's Catarrh Cure II not II quack medl'
CillO It was preserlbod lIy one uf Iha bt'1lh'llclalll ,
In fur yean and II rl'Klilar"tlon /
It . 10 composed the best tunics known , cumblnl' !
with the host blood purine" , acting directly on the
11I11011\11 IlIrtl\Ce8 The perfect 'olubllll\UOn of the
two Inltrl'dll'lI Is what produces such wouda'ful reo
.ul\l In curing catanh. HI'I1tor 1l'lIlmo"al' , free.
} ' . J. CIIY.N'P.\ & CO"l'ropI. , Toledo , 0
Bold bT Jlrul'KhtA price 75c ,
Tllko llall' , Family 1'11I' for cOD.llpalloD
lIe that satin wife amid children bath
given hostages to fortune , for they are
Impediments to great enterprises ,
either or virtue or mlschler-Frallcls
All Housekeepers
use Defiance Cold Water Starch , be
cause It I Is better , and 4 0:1 : more or It
for same mOIlCY.
"I understand that you went to
Dl1'gglns to borrow mone ' . "
"Yes , " answered the amiable but
impecunious mnn
"What's the trouble ? Have I ever
rcfmwd you anything ; : ? "
"No "
'I'hen why ; : didn't you ; : come to m'e ? '
"W'II. the truth ' ' '
. Is , 'oll'rc so easy
that thero's no sport In it. "
Declared His Intentions.
Mrs Rusher-Bas 'III' : Goldcoln ,
'with whom you have been dancing all
flue evening at last declared his inten'
rions Mabel ?
lllhel-Ycs , aunt.
\In : Rushor-I am eo Ill1dt ; ; And
\'hat did ho say ?
Mahol---l1e : declared ! h , would ulwcr
wll.l'r : , -Qlraf t3ltH'lo
_ .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
falls City Tribune
' . . . .
, , . . .
- ' - - - - - - ' - "
A man In New Jersey says he has
nol slept : a wlllit for ten 'e.ars , Mosquitoes '
'lulloel : ! ?
Suit hal : ! been brought against the
window glass (1001. ( That ought to he
easy to break
A Bnltlmore doctor wants to know : I
"whnt we shall do with our old mell. "
Try Itlndlless on thelll.
- -
A pathetic ( dispatch from New York
says Standard Oil dividends for this
year will amount lo only 3d : ! per coul
Sir Edwin Clllrlt III11n't invent tile
abbreviation : "Usoua " SOIiio crank
over here did that two 01' three years
The young Bostoll mlllt who married
his hl'othel"H divorced wife believes
In keeping thc family skeleton at
home ,
- - - - - - -
The tiny ! prince of Plelllllollt haH
Seventeen cmeileH hilt ' 'aJ
, even a royal
hall ' cannot occupy them all at one
- - - - -
When the West Poillt and ( Annapolis -
ells cadets meet 011 the fooillall field ,
hcl'D I Is where the patriotic American
ran't lose
A divorced duke Is to marry a prln.
ceSH This Saves some American hell"
oss from bringing a suit for divorce
lu a few 'enrs. ; :
- - - -
It Is' presumed that the Chicago ! girl
who killed 11 deer wits thaulflll : hat
It would hl' interesting to hear from
the deer's fa mll.o. ; :
- - - - - -
After six thousand roars the first
henpecked hll8bllll < < 1 has a champion.
A New York minister raises 'hIlIl1PIIIII'1
III hfJhlllf of Adam.
'I'ho expensiveness : of social life in
'VaHhillglon Is 1I'ohahly responsible
for Ow impression ttlnt t a poor ) mall ill
the cabinet IH in a hox.
- - - - - -
A 1IIall leaped from a four-stOl' I
bn ildin'r iii Pn..ll1nlt,1 In nun. . . . . . . . . t . . . I
. . . . . .u. . . „ . . , . " . . . . . . . . . .oL .u escapt , p " y.
III s a poll lllx of $1. Ills relnttites i
will pay his undertaker's hill. i
- - - - - - - -
'rhe dowager 'IIIIH'OSH of China has I
alrendr spent nearly .1,0011,000 tine her I
own nWllulIIPIII-hut , then , shp expects I
I'ds ! tospelH1 It long lillle under ! It. :
( ' , c n. Andre , FI'IIch minister of
war has been succeeeled by II stock ) i
hl'olwl' A milliner Is pressing his I
claims for the French nnval portfolio. I ,
, T. rlOl'lJOllt Morgan haH IHIII his I
latest. photograph \ copyrighted \ ! to pl \ event '
vent Its jJllhll'uUon It ISII't stated
that he does this from motives 01'11I011. .
11I011.\ \
The relentless DI' Wiler now announces ' .
nounces that pate de folo Bras is
made of veal. Now settle back and
walt till he ells I what the veal lfi
made or.
New York has noR public hath , I
with accommodations for about Ijij f
persons. The population \ or New : fork
clt.o ; : according to the census of HIOO ,
was 3,43702 : : ! I
- II
A New York man writes to The Sun j I I
or that cityy to sar that he knows "a I
number of llsonlnlls" who object to
being called Americans. 1'0 dOllbt I
they ; : are " ! ' \ eYawlohs : ' I
Music : may he a cure for nervous
troubles , but In the case of compost- j
tlons like "Hiawatha" and edella" ;
the opinion111 prevail that the remedy . i
dy 1\1 \ worse than the dlcyaecl ,
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Are Never Without Fe-ru-na in the Nome for
Catarrhal Diseases. I
. .ij )
If , y . i4i iThnborna
, _ .
, _
_ 1i 1 I
, i '
, ' : rf ' ' ,
Independence , .
Cures ' . ' : : . ' t'c .
- ua.
. . . y . c-ru -uu. -
Under ! date of , Januar ) ' 10 , 1597 ! , Dr.
Hartman received the following letter .
ter :
"My' wife has been a sufferer from
n complication of diseases : ! for thc past
ttvelll .tl"e years . tier case has har-
lied the skill of some of the most
noted physlclun8. One or her worst
troubles was chronic constipation of
several years' stnndln She was also
pusHing through that most critical
period In the life of a 'woman-change
of \Ire. \
"In Tune , 1 SfH , I wrote to you about
her case Yon advised a course of
Pel'lllla and 1\lanalln , which we at
once commenced , and have to say It
comilleteir cured her
"Abollt the HnnH' time I wrote you
about mr OWII case : of catarrh , which
hud been of t'veutyfve 'eurs' stand-
. At times I vas almost past ) going ,
I commenced to use Pcruna according
to your instructions and continued Its
rise for about 8 year . and it has com-
pletely cured me. } 'our remedies do
all that you claim for them , and cven
more.- " .John O. At/einson.
III n letter I dated January ; : 1 , 1900 ,
1\11' AlIIIIRan says , after five 'ears'
experience with Pc.'I'una ;
. "I will ever continue to speak a good
word for Pei-nun. I nm still cured of
catarrh. " -/ol1n 0 Atkinson , Inde-
pendence , Ala. , Box 272.
Ask your Druggist for II free Perunll Almanac for 1905. .
. : '
, 1
111 sheets oC PURE ANILINE BLUE. No : otUcs Kopul1111cR , Kowl1 tc. Gives the same
arnouut of bluuing water cacti wash-day. Ask your grocer for it or send llle for a book of 25 leaves.
The Handy Blueing Book Co. : : 87c E. : Lake Sts ; : : Chicago , ci III. , : J
Colors of Varying Warmth.
Certain blind persons ) can tell time
color of 1\ flower by laying ! It against
their clieel , . Actual experiment
shows that blossoms oC certain colors
are In reality warmer than those ot
other tints.
Quarrels of women seldom last very ; :
long. 'rhe ) ; : ' understand the art ot
maling lip.
- - - - -
Mother Cray's SWCAt Powders for Children.
Successfully used by Mother Gray , nurse
In the Chlldrcn's HOlUb .t New York , cure
Constipation , Feverishness Bad Stomach ,
Teething Disordcrs , move and regulate the
Bowels and Destroy " 'orms , O\'Ot' :30,000 : t03-
tlmolllal At all Druggists : , 25c. : ! Sample
FREE. Address A : : SDlmatcd , L < tHoyN Y.
The well earned reputation und increas-
lug populaJ'tof \ the Lowlu' "Stnjlo :
Binder , " straight 5c cigar , is duo to the
maintained high ! quality and appreciation
ot the smoker. Lewis' \actol'Y , Peoria , IlL
Nothing destroys the memory or a
man like doing him a favor.
Why It 16 the Best
( ? because made bo' Itn ent1nl differ
emit 511'0011118 , rcnl\nc Starch IIIIn. .
like any other , bettor raid unf.UdrtJ
murc fur 1.P csazt ; .
Mrs , Alln Schwanclt , Sanborn , Minn" ] , 1
writes :
sq have been troubled with rheuma-
tism and catarrh fortwenty-five years. . ,
Could not slep day or night. After ,
having used Perunlt I can sleep and ,
nothing bothers me now , If I ever Bm
affected with any kind of sickness .
PeruDB will be tile medicine I shall ,
IIse. My son was cured of catarrh 01
the larynx by PerunB. " -Alrs. Ails
Why Old People are Especially Liable
to Systemic Catarrh. j
When old age comes on , catnrrhal' I
diseases comes also Systemic ca-
tarrh is almost universal In old people. I
Thais explains why Peruna has become -
come so Indispensable to old people. . . . .
Pel'lma Is their safegunrd Peruna Is Y ; (
the only remedy yet ; : devised that entirely -
tirol- meets these cases Nothing but , J
mill effective systemic remedy can cure
them . . .
A reward 0" $10,000 bas been deposited -
posited in the Market Exchange Bank ,
Columbus , Ohio , as n guarantee that .
the above testimonials are genuine ; till .
that we hold In our possession aulhen- . .
tic letters cortlf ' to the ,
certifying same Dur-
Ing many years' advertising we have t
never used In part or In whole , a single . ,
gle spurious testimonial. Every one I
of our testimonials are genuine and
In the words of the one whose name
Is appended
Censure Is the lax a man pays to the
public for belllg emlnent.-Jonathan
Who arc a little wine the best fools
lIe.-John Donne.
0 ! fA , I
. .
iI i I
. '
f ,
t y
i i '
: '
, It Cures Colds , Coughs . Sore Thro t , Croup ,
I Influenza , Whooping Cough , Bronchitis and
, . \ootbma. ! A certain cure for Consumption In first :
stages , anti a sure relict In advanced stoges U > e
I at once. You will see the ext , Aleut clTect after
I taking \ th" lirst dOSt' Sold by d'nlcr evcry-
where Lange bottles : cents and 50 CCutb
I SYRUP 'W-&i coughs and calfiw '
/ ,