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Both In Horses.
The veterInarians have not ns yet
y ! been able to discover any method of
dislodging buts after they have once
succeeded in attaching themselves to
the walls of a 'horse's stomach. Any
treatment which will dislodge the
bats will Injure the horse. An Aus
trallan veterinarian , however , says
the following 'will assist In reducing
the number of bets : "Sulphate of
iron , one ounce ; sulphate of copper ,
one ounce ; tartar emetic , one and
one.ha ) ounces : arsenic , one dram.
This compound should be divided iii .
to twelve powders and one given in
a mash of bran and chaff twice dally.
On the fourteenth day , after the animal .
mal has been prepared with mashes ,
, an aloetic physic bull of seven drams
for a draft horse will require to he'
administered. Nourishing food should
be given after the physic has acted
and the animal's condition improved
as much as possible.
During autumn , or the latter part
of summer , when the hot fly lays Its
/ eggs on the chest jaws , and lmees
of horses , a careful examination of
_ ' all horses should be made , and If any
of the white eggs are found adhering
to the animal they should be clipped
off , or removed by means of a solution .
tlon of kerosene , hot water and soap ,
or an ointment of kerosene and lard I
, rubbed on to the parts. 'l'he usual life I
of the bat In Its parasitical I stage , ,
which is passed within the alimentary
canal , is about six months , when it
; } then passes out , and In due course
' develops Into the fly . "
- - - _ -
t. Salt for Fattening Steers.
, The value of salt in fattening steers
r bas been studied and experimented I
1 with. It appears that it Is needed for I .
J . , nlmnls of this class as In the case of
"j' ! : ' . . dairy cows. Only what will be understood .
stood as a reasonable supply ought
, to be given. It is remarked on this
: ti subject that "the heavy use of salt
leads to a heavy consumption of
I water , thereby increasing the flow of
- . urine-a result not desirable. An investigator .
J vestlgator along this line recommends
one ounce of salt per day for a steer
. weighing 1,000 pounds at the begin.
nlng of the fattening period , and one
and one.thlrd of an ounce at the mid-
( lie . and one and two-thirds at the
f close. The form of salt , granular or
rock , Is a matter of convenience with
the 8toclm1an.
Money In Sheep Culture.
To stock a farm with sheep does
. not require a large amount of money ,
and the risk Is small , as with proper ]
care very few ; ' If any , will die. Sheep
on the farm will make the land more
, ' productive and profitable , with less
labor and expenditure , than any other
domestic animal. During the grazing
season their droppings are more evenly .
ly distributed over the fields than
keeping their yards and sheds thoroughly -
oughly well littered a large quantity
ot the best fertilizing materIal can
be obtained. Again , sheep are excel.
lent weed exterminators , and they
eat with a relish many varieties of
3 weeds other animals will not touch.
t Every farmer should own a flock of
. . . sheep.
- -
. . Cow Talk.
d , There is a great deal of loose Ian-
, .ti guage afloat on this cow question
{ y 'Some men say , "pay no attention to
breed : what we are after is actual
performance In the cow. " This Is
foolish talk , because n large problem
in the cow question consists of a
study how to breed-in other words
r -produce It good cow , says Hoard's
Dairyman. The man who says pay
1 , no attention to breed Is simply asking
us to ignore all the thought and study
and expense and effort that has been
expended in the last thousand years ,
f to breed a good cow.
I Jreedaoodc.
I jQPT U 1J t
\ . '
Spray Mixture for San Jose Scale.
The students of the third district.
state normal school at Cape Glmr-
deau , 1\(0" , under the iltslrucllon of
Professor n. W. Clothier have begun
a war of extermination upon the San
.Iose scale which abounds upon the
fruit trees or that city and vicinity.
The method used ! Is a modification ! of
the one used by the United States
Department of Agriculture undo many
of the eXIHl'lment stations in which
It preparation of lime , sulphur ntltl
salt Is used as the destroying solu-
tlon. 'l'he solution used at the normal .
mal school is prepared as follows :
Heat 15 to 20 gallons of water to
boiling. Weigh out 20 pounds of suer
phur and stir UI to a paste with
about 2 gallons of hot watel' There
should ! be no lumps of dry sulphur
left floating In the water. Weigh out
40 lollndlof good quick lime and
place in a 50.gallon barrel. Pour over
this as quickly aa possible about 15
gallons'of the 'boiling watel' Immediately .
mediately add the sulphur. Then at
once sprinkle ] In about five pounds of
crude caustic soda , 80 per cent to 90
per cent pure. Use gloves to lyolect
the hands , and stir as much as pose .
sible with a hoe. The reaction Is
very violent and some times the mix.
tune bolls over the top of the harrol.
Should this occur , 01' should the mixture .
ture solidify during the reaction , adrl l
more water. When the boiling ceases
fill the barrel with either hot 01' cold
water , strain through a brass or iron
strainer and spray upon the trees
when in a dormant condition. 'rhis '
solution was sprayed upon 200 trees
In March badly Infected with scale
with the result of complete extermination .
atlon of the scale. Peach trees hair
In bloom were sprayed with this mixture . .
ture without Injury to blossom or
Foil Wooly Aphlc.
The orchardlstH of Sollth Africa
have a way of douhlewol'l\lng apple
trees as a means of preventing the
ravages of wooly aphis. It seems that
seeds of Northern Spy apples or of
some other so.called aphls.proof variety .
rlety are planted to secure roots.
Upon these are grafted scions of the
same variety to give a stem unsc. A
single selected bud Is allowed to develop .
velop and after It I has grown one
year the desired variety is grafted on
the stem produced by It. Some of
our growers may be disposed to experiment
periment with this theory. It Is to
be remembered that the Northern Spy
apple tree produced by our method
has In Its roots an element of weak.
ness from the standpoint of the be.
lIevm' in aphis ' proof varieties and It
seems quite likely that we might profit .
It by experimenting In this 11ne.
- - -
Keeping and Shipping Apples.
A series of experiments conducted
at the Ontario , Canada , Agricultural
college tend to confirm the conclusions .
slons reached by the United States
Department of Agriculture that apples .
pIes can be kept In better condition
at a temperature of thlrty.one der
'grees , Fahrenheit , than ' at a higher
temperature. Both agree that a great
advantage Is gained hy wrapping each
apple In paper and carefully packing
them In shallow one.bushel boxes.
- - - -
Damage from Insects.
The damage done by Insects in the
orchard can never he figured out , for
the realn ! ! that we are many times
unable to tell just what It is that
lellled a tree. That the damage from
borers , caterpillars and other Insects
Is very large there Is no doubt. Like.
wise the man that wages successful
war on borers and their allies can
never know how much damage to his
orchard he has prevented.
Chemical analysis docs not dlscJose
any great amount of nutritive value
Possessed by the artichoke ns an nr-
tlcle of food for swine 'rho fact
however , that lhLy will go the full
length of their nose after them Is instinctive .
stlnetlve Iwldenco that the hog lmuws
hiM Imslness very netu'ly as well Itt
his friend , the chmnlst A great point
In favor of artichokes over nuuiy other .
er roots Is lie ( cheallllesl nllll ease
with which they can bll growlI They
will grow anywhere and everywhere
that lIlher vegetation will grow , and \
when cultivated 111 good land will make
nn enormous yield of tubers per UCI'C.
And it Is a mlstalo not to cultivate
them for while their laps will grow
all right and make a dense growth ,
there will he 110 tubers nnrl the plants
at once become no more than a weed
without some cultivation , The roots
can be planted In full or 'earl ' spring ,
us with potatoes , and' ( cnltlvuted In
thE > SlIm way : and along III August
and Septmnbm' the , hogs should he
turned In qll them to do their own
harvesting at will. A secollll crop
can bo grown Oil the same ground
the next year without seeding , ns sufficient .
ficlent roots will remain \ III the ground
to seed the secoIIIl croll. And if you
have a lIttle bottom field or sandy
loalll con\'cnlent lo turn In OIl , It can
be kept In artichokes permanently by
cultivating each year and plowing up
all the volunteer plllnts ( , between
rows , In cultivating the crop
- - - - -
Destroying Plant Lice.
One of our rcaders'ln 13Cl'esford. S.
D. , writes : "I lun having considera
ble trouble with plant lice among my
house plants. how can 1 get rid of
them ? "
A good may t.o kill lice on plants Is
to apply It tobacco : wash In the form
of a spray lo the IJlants. 'l'nlw a
pound lof tobacco stems , and steep In
five gallons of water until time water
Ink ! ! ! ; on the color of strong tQa ,
Strain and apply liquid lo the upper
and under sides of the leaves with a
hand sYI'lnge. It may also he used
as IL preventive before the plant lice
Another good plan Is to syringe the
plants with cold water , and while the
foliage Is wet sprinkle the plant alt
VOl' with tobacco dust purchased
from any tobacco store at a slight ex
IJense.-F'armcI's' 'Cr ' ibune.
Value of Barnyard Manure.
Barnyard manure not only supplleD
food for plants , hut It enables the
soil to retain more moisture. 'I'his
IH often a very important quality , and
is never estimated by the chemist In
comparing It with commercial for
tillzer. It also seems that , while keep
ing ' time surface soil more moist , to
also decrease the water deeper down ,
thus making the best possible condi
tion for pluut gl'owth. Of COllrISO ,
when rough manure Is plowed under
Ithe first effect II ! to dry out the sur
face , but this does not last long ,
When it Is once thoroughly wet nnd
settled this effect disappears. 'rho
first food of wen.manul'e land l1lay
hold eighteen to twenty tons more
of water per acre than the same soil
Hardy Alfalfa.
Explorers of the Department of Ag'
rlculture have discovered In the
Egyptian desert a. hardy alfalfa which m
It Is believed will prove drouth resistant
slstant and stunl ) ' . The plant vms
found In the ruins of the ancient col ,
onr of Lambessa within the walls of f
the villa of Aescul.aplus . the famous
healer , and enough seed ' was thresh ,
ed out to start comprehensive expert ,
ments In the United States.
poulLIJxl ?
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. Rhode Island Reds.
According to shut Sl'oms to ho roll-
able ! tesllmon , the variety of fowls
now commonly I'alled diode Islnnd
Hells originated meurly fifty years ago.
The into William 'l'l'IIJJ ! of Little
Compton Is uccrotilloll with having
Ill'cII the foundtition Ht\'l ; :
Several Intl'I'cstlng IJlnta ) ( are stat-
ell III Il letter by 1\11' George ' 1' . Ilow-
Ill'll of Lillie COllllltoll , who writes liS
follows : 'l'ho HhOllo Ilnllll ! ! t Hecla
origin atoll on limo rlu'm'of Wlllll\m
1'l'lpll ( now l1eceused ( ) . This man
raised hem for a good mllllY years ,
and after n time other 1I0oiliu nround
town got thom , 'l'hoy were called
the 'Bill 1'1'1)1\1' ) \ fd \ 'II.'llllllly someone
from out of toWn \ ; 1 thlnlt , came
\ I' . . .
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through the town \ , bought ! \Ill soma ot
the best of them , amid took thom to
Home poultry show mid called thorn
Rhode Island He ( ls. I think they are
a very good fowl for this clilllate , timid '
am raising them altogether at pres.
en I. "
1\11' P. II. WlllJolll' , son of Isaac C.
\Vilbotu I' , who was one of the vet ruu
poultry raisers and ( 111\1111101'8 of Llttlo (
Compton , writes : "A few years ago
Miss Hnhpl"l"ll. dunglitor ! ( of 'V\1IlulI1 \
Tripp , InfOl'mod mo that a cel.tuln
Dr. Aldrich came there and bought 0.
few pullets ! and cockerels 110 exhibited .
itod them , calling them Hhodo Island
Reds , and this IIi time first Intlmatloll .
that she had of time lII\1l1e ( U. I. I Heds ) .
Dr. AldrIch Is a Fall River wan. To
the best or Illy knowledge 1111(1 I belief
the present HhOllo Island Heds have
existed about twenty 01' twenlY-fivo
years , and for Ilt least ten years or
that period wel'e confined to 1\11'
1'I'IIIP'S farm and the farms of such
of his neighbors as obtained eggs or
fowls from him , among the earliest of
whom wus my father who for several
years hundled the bulk of 1\11' 'fl'IIIP'S
eggs and chickens , wo setting a great
many of the eggs and raising the } ) ul.
lets. "
- -
Poultry Notc .
One ration of corn a day docs very
- well for laying heml ,
Sell off the old hens and surpluE
The good layers arc active and gen ,
erally on the move.
Time sooner the hens pass the moult. El
tug season the sooner they : will' ' ho .
gin laying ,
Nests lined with tobacco leaves , prevent .
vent nil the trouble with IIco : '
Fowls compelled to hunt for a lie t
too often hide their H '
ring eggs from {
their owner.
The man who begins poultry l.eell' 4
ing hy mul.lng . big ( sllread almost
always comes 10 grief f
There Is emIr one way to make pullets
lets mature early , and that Is to keep t
them growIng.
If rOil want the poultry to he tender
i and juicy let It hI fattened Itulckly.
Eggs for hnlchhlg should nol hoover
over two weeks old nor subject to a
temperature colder than 50 egrees.