December ] 9 1904 - THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE 1 . Edacailona ! Depart ment Conducted by : u'n : : ! I . - - - - . One needs only to step into Pioneer School , TJist. No.5 , to know that thc teacher , Miss [ Cora 1 : . IIig'g'ins , has given her pupils the best recipe for order , and Icatnessj ; ie. , ue orderly and neat. Everything in that room has its place , and everything is in its The - of place Program , Map Hichmlson : County , November Calcnder and \Vood Chart were up. The room was beautifully decora tcd. Pictures of authors , artists , statcmcn , musicans and scenery were grouped about the windows. 1 liked the opening cxercises. The singingwas g-ood. You ought to have heard thcm sing "Dairy Maids. " The teach- cr read a short Bible Story and offered a beautiful prayer , asking - God's blessings on her school , and prayed that she might exercise - crcisc good judgmcnt in all hcr work. Each child bowed his head unit seemed in full sympathy - thy with the tcachcr. As work began , the teacher took thc pan of water and passed around ) thc room for pupils to wet their slat rag-so Beautifully cup paper is pasted on window lights of thc lower sashes and at a distance looks like lace curtains. They have ISO books in thc library a . . . new book case and a good case of lI1aps. 'l'he enrollmcnt is I' ' ) . All were prcscnt. ' . ' his is , in many respects : the best school I h.L\'c visited this year. , Miss l\.a Lowe is teaching No. ( . . 'I'hi school . gave a pro- g-ram 'l'hanksgivingSomc of thc numbers were repeated for closing - exercises , they were good and the boys took part in thc singingL'he room is nicely decorated - orated with fine art pictures. Sonic good maps of thc Ncw England - land States were drawn Wedncs- day afternoon About three o'clock the windows were raised and the pupils stood in position and took a series of physical exercises - crcises , skillfully directed by thc tcachcr. The school has a new and complete set of thc Recom- mcnded 'l'ext-uooks and a library of 60 volumes. Thursday morning I visited Dist. No. 10' ' ; , . Miss Carrie Dietrich - trich is teaching her first school and is doing splendid work. Here also , thc uoas well as thc girls took ill the - - part sing-ing- After thc singing each pupil g-a\'c quotations from our popular auth- ors. This is splcndid ( work. I wish each teacher would take a little time each day for teaching quotations. After this e.xcrcisc each pupil gave a help thought. One little girl arose and said , "I hope every' little girl in this county is able to go to school to - . _ _ _ _ h _ day. " Another pupil said "I hope all thc boys in this county arc well amid happy today. ( " At the beginning of thc school they called ) ) these "IO\'e thoughts , " but later dccidcd to call them "help thoughts. " The cnrollmcnt is only seven , but thc teacher works and takcs. as much pains with these as she possibly could with 40. L'hc walls are beautifully dccori ed. On time front wall arc large pictures taken from the "SchoolVorld. . " Sonic black- boards on thc sides were old , and thc teacher covered the space with black cloth on which she pirated pictures of native fruit. ' ' . 'hey have free books and a library of 28 volumcs , 'l'hc school house in Dist. No. 84 is down in a hollow , close to " the railroad track. The grounds ! are small ) ) and this is perhaps the poorest school house in the coun- ty. But the tachcr , IissBlanchc Lytic , was bcautifull dcmon- I strafing that it is not the school house that makes the school. A . good teacher with earnest pupils and a few educational tools with . which to work , makes thc good ; school. The room was nicely f decorated , thc interest vas good " nuel T nr.e moll n10:1(1 1 mutt time n _ _ . . _ " " 0 < . . _ u . . _ . . ' _ _ _ . . _ u , _ . . _ . : tcacher's work . Two of the pupils took mc home for din tier and showed mc how to raise cel- cry. Their fattier , Mr.Vilds , has two long rows of celery , still fresh and growing niccly. It was much more tCI1lcr than that we get from the markct. , Celery is easily grown and I wonder that more people do not raise it. Write to Miss ? Blanche Lytic , Shubert , and her pupils will write you a composition , telling all about how to raise celery. I reached Dist. No.88 just as they were dismissing for thc last rcccss , and taught thc boys how to play rotation. \Ve had a good gamc. : 'he pupils are all little ladies and gcntlcmcn. 'fwenty one were prcscnt. 'l'hcy are jolly boys and girls and eager to learn. 'T ' he teacher , Miss Fran- ccs Kelly , was nicely drcssed and wore the white apron mentioned in Common Sense Didactics . Chapter - ter : . Here ag-ain. thc personal appearance of the teacher exerted a potent influcnce over the school. The school is well supplied with the Recommended 'rext. books and has a nice little library start- ed. I was 13 miles from home at 5 o'clock , it looked liked storm , I had a bad cold and no o\'crshoes. \Yc started for homc. Joe , my saddlc-horsc , made a mile about every 10 minutes. \Ye soon pass- cd Dist. , No. 47 , amid swept through . 4- . 1 . . - - - . - - . . Christmas Slipper . . uggestions . v an , What to Give an Old Lady Slippers What to Give a Young Lady Sfpers - - What to Give an Old Man . Shers ! . . . . - - - - - - - WI\a.t to Give a Young Man SiB perS . . - . . . - - . Come Get Your Assortment , 60 cents to $2.00J fij ; ! 1 I GEORGE B. HOLT : y I . The Shoe nan. , ' , I . J . = = . . : ; ; - : r. ' ' 'P ! ' "F ? : ? : : lr. l i VI : ; illJ'd'XlY ! ' ; I : ' Strausdllcj ; it was . 7:15 : when wc swung into the electric light and I whistled our coming to Ethel and the ua by. But wc must ' not mention only the g-oocl-there are always many thorns among thc roscs. All ad- verse criticisms are given direct i to the teacher , but the following items have been suggested to mc while visiting teachers and observing - \.ing- their work this fall. Call you lied thc item that applies to yowl One teacher complained that site did not have a globe , and admitted that luring thc three months of school she had not used the nice case of maps hanging on the front waH. An- other teacher didn't know that his school had a globe until I found it for him. One teacher that visited the latter ' part of a week said that hc had not swept thc floor that week and they were just seeing how long they could go without sweep lug it. 'f'he following is true of too many reading , classcs. Time class is callcd-J amcs read the first \'erSCj ; Susie read the second and so on-take the next lesson-no comment on ycstcrday's lesson , today's lesson or tomorrows lcs- son. ( Continued in next Issue ) 'l'he best furnaces on earth for sale uyV. . H. Crook and' Co. . . _ ' What . to Give a. Boy Slip , , rs , - . . . . . . - , H -I What to Give a " . Girl . - - - - - - _ SliVP ! ! , ' ' r - - - - - - What to Give a i Kid . , SHe . . ' 1 \1iI What to Give' ' : 1 Everybody j I' t . SIiP ! tt ! ! : 1 _ - . . . . . . . . . . . .11 . . , . . " I PLENTY 1 . . ! ' ! ( i , I t OFT : ' ' . ' 'J _ t : Ii - . . : \ " I 1 1 t " , , r 2 vVe sell plenty of good pure coal. The cleaner the coal is , the more free burning . it is. a ' ' 1'1' more 1. in a ton of f tour f our coal than in any other ton ' , we know - Our coal's a little' better than other coal becaus ' ' , f. we take more pains handling' 1 it. . t , . . MAUST BROS. hone :58 ' REFRACTIONIST , .7 R.L.Baumont , M.D. Sixth & FeIixSt.Joseph Formerly eye and ear specialist - . . ' ist now limited practice to . Eye Glasses ; , ' . " , : : . " .