The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 16, 1904, Image 17

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ATALE 0 ' ! 1I CUM1 'WAR '
y Copyright , 159 , by p Tennyson Neely.
Just at this time 0. messenger brings
t note for him. What luck ! In another -
other moment he must have missed II.
and upon such . little mutters great
events hinge.
"Meet me at the Tron steeple In the
Trongate , without delar 1 have astonishing -
tonlshlng news "
There Is no nnme. Hc lobs not rec-
, ognlze the wrltln . Certainly It Is
not the same chirography ns that of
the note that come to him in London ,
and to which .Juanitn confessed ,
Still , he sees no reason to donut the
identity of the writer , and believes it
Is Smithers who sends this startling
. A few words to Ah Sin sends the
Chinaman direct to the steamer with
directions to walt for him at the ban
plank Meanwhile , Jack hastens to
the Trongdte
The Trongate has figured In both
history and romance. It derives Is {
name from the public weigh-house having -
ing once been situated thero. At the
corner of High street formerly stood
the Old Tolbooth , or ancient jail , In
front of which criminals were pub-
licly executed. Sir Walter Scott men-
tions the meeting of his famous Highland -
land chieftain , Rob Roy , and some of
the others characters In his novel b '
tore this Scottish basWe.
Reaching the place , 'rra vcrs looks
sharply about for his agent. On the
" ' 0" I , , , , , 1no . .n" " . , " " . . . , o " "r . . " " . . .1.,1 _
. . PoJ . . . " un" " "c , , b'I , . VUn"-'VU"-
Ing men talking at the corners , anti
although they arc doubtless law.nbid'
lug citizens , something In their appearance -
pearance strikes him as odd.
Tram cars pass , and people are mO\-
\ Ing. It would hardly appear to be the
# place one who had evil designs would
select In order to carry them Into
. Jack grows uneasr. Minutes are
passing , and a suspicion is bring
shaped In his mind that perhaps this
Is but a trick at the senor to beguile !
him until the hour for the sailing of
the steamer has passed.
He has about come to the conclusion
his best plan Is to stop the next empt
cab that comes along and make for the
landing stage regardless of the start-
, ling information which the writer or
the note had promised , when his attention -
tention Is attracted toward 0. man > ; d.
vanclng along the street , who appears
1 ,
c c
c v
, I iJ
. , ' , . I. . I
"Meet me at the Tron steeple. "
to be looking to the right and left as
It In search of some one.
. "Ah ! " mutters Jack : "doubtless my
roan : but It Smithers , then he Is sailing -
Ing under other colors Jove ! he uns
cut err a foot from his stature. At
any rate , I'll wait for him , and pre-
pare to receive boarders. "
The short man notices him standing
. . , - "Are ye Mr. Prayers " ? " he asls.
Copyright , 1599 , by Street nnt Smith ,
, Jack replies that he usually answers
I to that name when Ilt home.
I 1111\0 you a message for me ? " lie
I The fellow glances around cautious-
ly. ) r-o one appears to be neal'-a tact
'l'I'I1\'ers has noticed , and deems so
sgnlficnnt ! that he keeps his eyes fastened -
cnell keenly on the other , suspecting
trench cry.
" 1 have , sir. Come 0. bitty Cl08 1' .
Time lady told mo to be \ 'ery'cr "
careful , " Is the answer ho receives
only it Is In broad Scotch.
Jack ) Is thrown n trifle ofT his guard
by the mention of n lady In the cnsc.
Then thIs message comes from Juanl
tn , pel'haps-oh , rnpture-from ! Jcsslt
lie docs not suspect that this has
been artfully brought Into play for
the especial purpose or disconcerting
him.The Glasgow man has taken something -
thing from his pocket , and Jack , lecen.
ly l on the alert , bends forward to see
what It may be. ' Thus ho hears not
a light footfall behind , because of the
rumble made by a vanishing tram car
A peculiar hissing sound causes him
to turn his head , but ere he can fully !
accomplish this design , a. heavy object
descends , and it seems to Jack as
though the heavens had fallen , since
he sees 0. myriad of stars.
He falls to the ground , helpless. A : ;
In 0. dream , he realizes that two men
11111)Ort him and tell a nasserby ho IR
- -
a boon companion unfortunate enough
to have partaken too freely , yet all thin
while Jack's vocal organs , as well 8B
his muscular powers , stem paral 'zt > d.
Then he feels them lifting him up
mind placing him in . a vehicle : he hears
the driver shout to his horse , and with
the motion of the cab , all consciousness -
ness leaves him , for some one has
kindly placed t1. handkerchief saturat-
ed with chloroform axel' his breathing
When Travers opens his eyes ho is
in a dense fog with regard to his
Jove ! bo must be out on the plains
agaIn , and all these strange Incidents
but the fancies of 11. disordered mind
The night air Is cold , and Jack , with a
shiver , involuntarily reaches out for
his blnnl\Ol. Then he discovers he
has none. What are those sounds ?
Surely such as never greet the car up
on the borders of the lonely Staked
Plains-the ringing of hells , and the
shrill screech of motors switching the
! eight \'ans.
Amazed , Jack lifts his h'ad. Then
he gives a grunt , for the movement
causes him pain.
His surprise grows : many lights flash
before his 'es-why , It is as though
he gazes from a height upon come
great slumbering city , and the odor at
smoke In the air Is very familiar , too
H he was astonished before , it Is as
nothln to his sensation when he discovers -
covert hiM surroundings as the moon
creeps forth.
Gleaming white stones are on the
right and left , tall monuments rear
themselves above , while close hy he
can see all manner of singular vaults
In the terraces , some ot them guardej
by Iron railings in front.
Really Jack can be excused for staggering -
erlng to his feet with a low cry bubbling .
bllng from his lips. The bravest of
men might feel a commingling ot awe
and alarm under similar circum"
ftances. ;
It Is not a very pleasant sensation
for one to open his eyes and suddenly
discover himself lying 1 In the city ot
the dead.
Fortunately Jack's nerve Is equal to
even this , and he pulls himself together
gether as ho endeavors to figure how
he comes to be in the Necropolis of
Glasgow before his time.
Jack forgets all about his headache ,
, .
though he will have a tender rocollec-
Lion of that blow for days to como.
To leave this Necropolis is I his first
thought , and when ho r.llompts this
the greater Is his marvel how , without -
out the comJlllclt of the gate keeper
III the Bl'ldgo ot' Sighs , they ever cnl'
red his Senseless ! forum over the wa1lR
WhcII a man of dash and energy tin-
del'tnlws to accomplish n certain feat
he cnn usually get there , amid such au
agile fellow I as 1'rl\\'e1'8 could not long ;
bo daunted by 1wall even twice at !
high as that which confronts him.
So ho Is soon over und making lets
way down the steep street that lellls :
from the crown of the hill
It ] Is desert nt tills hour , of course
Anxious Ilhout. the passage of time.
, , Jncl endeavors to find his watch , hut
docs not. seem greatly surprised \ \ to dis
1/ " \ -
- '
1I .
I , is Q
i I
. ; ; . . . . '
"A heavy obcjct de&cends. "
- - - - - - . . , . . . . - . .
I , cover 1l 111lssmg : nor IS there a sau .
ling in any ot his poc\Cts ) He smiles
grimly as he rem om hers how , like : t
\vlee traveler , he had the forethollrilt
to sew certain flank of England note
in the lining of his coat : so that he i. I
all right tlnanclall
The position of the moon cause :
him some uneasiness. He fears that
he must already bo too late to sail 011
the Anchorla , and ! that the Spaniard
has wall the lI'lcle.
It Is only when ho reaches Argyl c
sit eet , after Il long walk , that he run y
across &l nlght.haw ) cabby , whom he
engages at once to carry him with :111 : 1
speed to the landing stage.
They reach lie landing stnge. One
glance tells Travers the steamer i es
no longer where he saw her. The how
forr sailing has passed , and while ho
lay unconscious In the beautiful Necropolis .
cropolls at the western capital the
Anchorln was steaming down the
CI'de to the ocean , doubtless hearIng
those with whom he feels his destiny
Is ! Interwo\'en
Who Is this standing : ! I\C a state
a : the end of the no longer } used gang
plank. Ah Sin , to bo sure-faithful 1
Ah Sin !
A few questions draw out all UI0
Celestial l\11ows.
Those they seek have really gone on
the Anchorla.
There has been no news from Smith
er a.
Jack and his henchman return alai
10 the hotel to discover what can 11 c '
done. II 01'0'the ' find a note iron
Smithers which came too afo-o. ) not
that tells Jack to meet him at ti he
landing stage by eleven , as he is sure
the parties intend tu 81111.
What then ? Where IR Smithers ?
Failing to find his employer ut the run
dez\'ous , has the watchdog ] from f cot
land Yard given up the whole bust
ness , or , with shrewd foresight , take
passage on the steamer ? Jack told 1
him to spare no expense , and he has
Now ae to his own course.
'rhe clerk IR deeply Interested In his
case , and explains how by taking a
train ho could reach 'VomYRs bay ,
some distance down the Ch'de , before
the steamer , and board her thero. Un
fortunately , there Is not train until I
morning , and then It will be too late
A special ? Well , that could be r on e
at heavy expense : , llro'ldlngtbo road
wnA elenr.
On his part } , ho advised that they
take time first morning train to Liver-
pool , and arrive in time to go on board
time first ' 1'l'Iltonlo or the White Star
line , which lUlll l'cn delayed hy SOlllO
accident , unit WIll hlllell to sail on thin
following day I1t tlu eo.
luck } jumps lit the chance , and has
strong hopes of being In New York to
see Senor Hohhlllo : ltd his patty dill-
em1lI11'I So In the morning they humid
south , nnd dash OI' Scottish moors ,
with Lh'CI'pool nR their objective 1101nt.
- - - -
- - - -
The Race Across the Ocean.
'rhel'o Is delay Oil the road , and (
when the tl'llin III'IIW8 ' '
a\vs nonm Liverpool ?
1I1l hour yet for the sailing of the
'I'entonlo II ! past : hnt. .raclt RllIl1m
grimlyJnclcvho } Imows that. Il Into
mail from London will \ reach Holy-
head , across the Irish sea tn Dublin ,
null arrive nt. Qn\ ' ll town In lIIIIo ( to
connect with the ocean groy hound the
followln morning , tumid It is his Inten-
ion to he In the same irish : cannon-
ball train.
Having several hours to spare In
Liverpool ) , 'l'I'I1\'l'\'R \ clues , Ill1rC'hllses 1\
watch to tnlto the place of the fine
chronometer which feB Into the hands
of the Trongate 1'nfl1l1ilH , and purchases
11 neat little article In the way of a
111'elll'II1 , which , judging t'rom appearances -
anceR , ought to render decent 3C-
cellnt of itself ) In line of nce\ ( \
Once more , in a hurry , .tnck and
his factotulII arrive at the Welsh terminus - 4
minus of the rnllroad , hoard the steam-
\1' , mind pays over to the Irish capital ,
where In the night another train must
bo taken for Quoenstown ' "
When they arrive It Is broad day- 8i ±
'Time Teutonic Iii anchorll In the
harbor , waiting for the mail and late
nnsson or , Ao tlun' 1m out on Slllall
tender to join her Jack boliovoll he has i-
never looked upon n mare lovely pic-
lure than III spread like 11 reen' pano-
rams around him .
Off nt last !
It Is noon when Qucenstown Is left
behind and Daunt's Hock sighted ,
Will ther overcome the lellli of the
Anchor line stetuner sailing frolll Glall-
bOw ?
On the fourth dar out IJ1Ilolto Is seen
to time nortlwlril , amid they gradually
draw abreast of It. The steamer cannot -
not bo plainly seen , oven with the
glass ) : , hut Jack learns that the first
officer Inclines to the opinion that It !
Is un Anchor line hoat.
( 1'0 ho continued. )
Enormous Opportunities Which of Late
Have Attracted Attention
'rhe vast opportunities offered for
the extension or foreign trade In the
great empire of China are already havIng -
tug their effect on the Imagination ot
those Interested Estimates of the
\'nluc of orders thnt China Is now In '
a position to give put It nt fabulous
sums , but us 0. matter of fact one part
of China , the southeast , with nn areA
oC 4,000,000 square unites , woulll de-
mand a railroad : network ) of 186,41
miles , of which Germanr Lnglnn , + . ,
France , Belgium Illlll hum United States
would construct 37,282 miles each , ' m
work . worth $1,428OOOOOU would fall
to each of these countries.
'rhtre would lie a demand for at
least fiOOOOOGO tons ot steel and Iron ,
\11 order large enough , when properly
divided , to aid In keeping the worlj'
Iron and steel industries profitably em-
plo 'ed for fifty pmrR Jt Is hardly a
necessary to also the trouble to prove
estimates of this 1nd. l For even It
one makes allowances for overeat ! "
mates there IR still enough to \ \ nr-
rant hopeR expressed. Railroads art
not the only works that give promb" "
There arc other great transportation
systems , such nB telegraph wires rind
poles , to he erected , bridges to ho
built , rivers to ho regulated , bars ill
rivers and harbors to ho removed and
hundreds of puhUc works that will
need foreign material , many or
which cnn never be carried out unless
by the aid at foreign machinery '