. NEARLY FOUR CENTt'RIES OLD. - - - St. Augustine , Fla. , Has Oldest House In Amerlct The oldest house In America Is In St. Augustine , Fin. This building , by winter resort. ho- " \ ' " . - comparison ? with the - 1L- ' tell in that town , Is not pretentious - structure , but when It was built It I was undoubtedly one or the principal . . structures of the town. , " It Is built of coquina rock . a mixture ; : ; ' . ; or sand and shell , which Is the same I material used In the building of the f , Ponce de Leon hotel and the Alcl\mr ; t , It Is not known In what rear this t. t building Was put up , but It was short t I I I , I , I' 1 j Oldest House In America. 1) I ' after the landing of the Spanish which was on the 8th or September , . , . 1665. The building Is In a fairly good J state of preser\'atlon. The Interior Is beautifully finished in highly polished wood. , , : - It was occupied by the Spanish emI - dials during the time Florida was a I Spanish colony and was later the home of the attorney general during the English possession. It Is not now Inhabited. - - - - - J. Cravats of Wood Pulp. " A syndicate or English capitalists ' : ; : , ' Is engaged In an endeavor to promote . I ' a market ! In this country for tie sills made chiefly from wood pulp This product Is principally obtained In \ 'i 4 I South America , Paraguay furnishing n " " ' , - , large sUPP } ) ' . The vegetable silk has .1. , Its origin In trees and Is readily adapt- , b able to native looms. 'rhe woven , threads are sdpercalendered which . . - process presents a sllly finish resem- ' " .1- " " bllns mercerized goods. For several " 5 , - - , , : ' ; , years past this gloss material has : ; , : : a . . . ' : been sold In piece lengths to the upholstery . " " ' \-.y \ holstery trade , by which It Is utilized II ) for filling purposes The selling test of artificial slllt for cravats Is anxious- h' awaited by local manufacturers. A Thanksgiving Srenad , , " , \ : , J / . - . " . , if' : syr SID 711 ' . . : . , . j CVNNfNq . M . j. ( rOX 70 : ' { TH UI.lY . , " , "n- : , Tl/RK.- \ . ' iF-YOU WILL " .1 I'1ARRY , n ; r h.lE. Al.YAY.s .llV - AS CIV2. ' rY /1Y .Dl'AR. pOR lZ SAT . . ' - . " . . . . . . g UP , , t yoU . . .5 : ' o ' I Collecting Bird Statistics. .1 The bird club at Bellows Falls , Vt. , } \ bad been divided Into two sides with rr the object before them of seeing : I . which side should see and name the , largest number or birds during tho' ' season of 190,1. One side saw 89 different . ferent varieties and the other 83. Six varieties not seen bye the winning side I but seen by the others makes the total number of birds named by the club 95 - - - - - - - Ignorance 1i1 Coal Region. A student of the population of the "a r--t" r \nthraclte region of Pennsylvania reports - o ports that there are 630,000 people inhabiting that section , of which 430- 000 are foreign born. Of this number over 50,000 cannot read or wrIte. " . . " BIRD ' LIGHTED Sn1EET LAMP. I - I ; Simple SollltJo of Incident That Puzzled Authorities. In 0. suburban town , where the streets ar' lIghted by gus lalllps , 11 carious thing happened A guntlll' , lIlun nulictHI ( that for su\"l'1I1 nights the gas was not lighted In front of his hOllso antI reported the matter to the ' . The ' wIll gas ComIJlIl1 lal1lll-lIghto1' ) had the street In charge was sure that he had lighted It each night. Later the gentleman noticed that the lamp was often lighted through the dar and decided that some mischievous boy was responsible for It. Keeping 1\ , close watch for the offender , he was ' astonished to see the light Hush up when not a soul was near It. Ho placed a ladder against the pORt allli climbed UII to investigate the matter. lIe found that the two chains which turned the light ! on and off moved so easily that the slightest touch was su- Hclent to send them up 01' down. But they cOllld not move uf their own weight nor by the wind. Still more puzzlei the man returned to his watch at a discreet distance and was soon rewarded br seeing a wren fly to the lamp , perch Itself on the ring at the encl of the chain , and , give It a pull which lighted the gas He then remembered that u wren hud reared 11 brood In the lamp that year. -1. _ _ _ _ Newest Style of Lighthouse. The Hum Island ( ledge ( Maine ) light- house , now practical ! finished , will , } . f + y. l f Jt k ; m ' ' , ; , K , . ? t. . j ' 'ri t "aft " 4 , . i vbt $ y } , , .Y "t f.ty att. ; ? ; ! t''Jt , ; ( it. A ) Y.i . . ijs . . : tx S M , _ Ram Island Ledge Lighthouse. it Is claimed , he the best In the world of Its class. The appropriation was $1f HOOO. The tower Is of hewn stone , and the exterior Is nearly as smooth as marble. It Is lined with white enamel tiling , and the interior Is finished In quartered oak of the finest quallt The glass is diamond Ihaped. The lantern Is of bronze , cost $10,000 , and the salt air will have no effect upon It , Tile $7,000 lens for the lamp was made In Paris The photograph shows the tower as it looked just before the staging was removed. Seven ! men are at work on the in- terior. 'rhe light will he of the third order und will he a flash. The lighthouse Is as firm as the great rock on which It stancil It will ho of the greatest } 101- ; sable advantage to all masters of ves- sels entering OJ' leaving Portland. , Wood Cut During Coal Strike. The last of the wood that the city cut several years ago around Woodward - ward pond and hauled Into Keene , N. H" , at the time of the coal strike , Is now being burned at the fire station and at city hall. Potatoes. . . . . . . . . . .0' . . . . . . . t . , , S TriTt New York , Wisconsin , Michigan and Pennsylvania lead all states In the production ot notatoes. Diagram shows relative production in millions of bu hcls. . - NEITHER DIALS NOR HANDS. .1 . . Novelty In tile Clod : Line That Has I Some Adv. . ntages. 'rho latest development In the clock line has resulted In the elimination of dials and honds. 'l'lw result Is n timepiece - piece that serves l admirably for cor- lain purposes , hut will hardly prove 0. formhla rival to the familiar clock LfiH E = _ . 7 r ao.rs _ s- vita ! Its dial and hands 'rho special claim made for this now tlmepluce Is that the correct ! time Is always ex- pos d ( In hours and minutes and In Arabic figures. As 11 novelty this dial- less clock Is certain to win 11 certain amount of favor but there Is \ , an undeniable - deniable charm about the ohl-fash- loned timepiece that Insures Its pres. ervatlon ns un essential adjunct of household decoration und equipment , despite In:1Ovations. : - - - - - - Street Shaving In China. The topsy-t'III'v metholls of China are curiously ! Illustrated In the case 0 : the Pelln barber who , Instead of waiting for customers goes out to seek them. He carries his shaving apparatus and 11 stool with burn , and rings a bell to attract the attention or likely : customerH 'I'he man who wishes to he shaved halls the barber , who places his stool on the ground for ' the customer's use , puts II howl ,1f water on the little stove he carries , and having lathered hlH [ brush sets to worlThe charge Is not high. For a sum equivalent to a cent ho shaves the customer's head and sl1looths out his eyebrows. Palace of a King. Tire palace of Alexander the Great was an Imposing structure In Its time , and the wonder Is that any vestige of It stands to-day. It was built In a manner much more substantial than . t . . ti D1 I + W aY that of today , though advocates of steel construction claim that the mod- ern structure will defy time flS long as any of those built by the ancients. 1'Ime alone will dptormlne how much truth there Is'ln this contention. On the Asiatic plain are the massive rem- nants of an ancient gateway Cringed with weeds , und , vaguely knowing who he was , the natives tell that this Is all that Is left of the palace of Aloxander. - - - - Cigars for Russian Soldiers. A Prussian firm has received an order - der from the Russian government for 4,000,000 cigars for the army In Man- churill. They are to cost $1.20 per 100 , . - ODD INCIDENT OF WRECK. [ Collision of Such Force That Two Cars Are Made One. In :110 ) recent railroad accident 01\ the Wca ) castor , Nashua & Portlatul division or the Boston & 1\lalno at gllf\t : Bal'l'lIlton ( , N. I I" , when liS extra II'l'h.h train fl"OlII " lashuit crashed hUlldon Into nn extra freight from Portlllud that was wlIllIng there to meet It , a Boston & 1\llIlno car on the train slanliing still disappeared and for hours limo efforts of the railroad ' lIIon to find It were una\'al1lng. 'rho accident OCCIII'I'od 1\ little after mldnlghl. From that time until daylight - light the railroad telegraph operators along the line 1'1'011I time scene of the wreck to Portlllnd ( i mallo the wires hot In their efforts to trace time JIIlsalns car , liS It was thought that It might have HOt. IIIH'JuIJJc.11 IInd ) jumlJlJlI front thc tmln , OJ' hud been left at Homo + sta tic III. 1'111 mystery or the lost cur was solved It ! dawn when the car was 1 , found driven cOllllllotely Into a car of the Pcnnsyh'anla I'll II rolld , 'rho cars had been telescoped In such 11 way that hy lantern light tlmey t looked lllto one wholu CIII' , and had thus om cHpod ) Ft t notice. The telescoping these cars was regarded as roumarltnble , Inasmuch as they were In time train Hlallcllngstill. . So ' tremendous was the shock that the engine of the stationary train was forced lIuclt ) agahst the HOHlon & 1\1alno car powerfully mlllligh to 1101111 ( It through t time [ 'cnasylvluiia 1 CIU'-JOll' lOll Glohe. - - - - - - Long Finger Nallo. VJA j1 , , . I id ° ' . ' x ' 1 . i..IrlY A { ' y nt They belong to a wealthy native or Annum , who prides himself on their length as proof that he doesn't wOJ'le. Reported Meteoric Display. John 1\1. Snofleld : , a clerIc In the steamship ofllce at Bath , Me" , whoso .I , duties required him to rise shortly after midnight reports ) that at 3 o'clocl on a recent morning ho was I law : led by a meteoric display In the . norlheast In the form of an object about the size of a harrel. It was straight UI ) and down and illuminated I the entire sly with 11 brilliant light , I lasting several Heconds. Time sumo flash was reported hy time officers : and = : men on various craft along the coast. ' 1 : . . . :11C : Frame from Historic Wood. Capt. C. A. JIoCfnaglo recently pre- , ! ent11 the Seth Warner : : ( chapter , i Daughters of the American Hevolll' Lion , at Vorgennes , Vt. . with a frame for Its charter. 'fhe frame waR made by Capt. Hotfnaglu from wood taken from one of the boats of Arnolcl'g fleet which was sunk ' in Arnolcls hay , a few miles from Vergennes , Oct. 11 , 1776. Record of Missouri Church. Antioch Presbyterian church . Jal1a. . s way county cast , of Mexico , MI'J" , has n. 'remarlmlJlo record. During trio elghty.five years of Its existence It has never been without a pastor more than a month at a time , and In all that time it bas had only three pllS' tors.-Boston Globe. \ , 4