I I , , l S ( S f- ill , 1 { i , . . . ' . , , ' i i 'I. .r 1 IS I 'J/ ' r , i 4,1 " . I \ \ . " ht al1n atit atrihttitt ' i ! . ! ! . . 1 _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .n' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ - - . ' _ . .h' - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - . . - . , . . VOLUME ' I t FALLS CITY , NEBRASKA _ u _ _ _ _ , . FRIDAY _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ , _ _ . _ DEC _ _ _ _ _ 1IiBLR _ ? _ _ _ _ _ _ - - . . 16 , - - 1904. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . - - NUMBER - - - - - - - - - . 50 - . p - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - , . - - - - - . - - - - - - - The Good Roads Mass , Meetingeid _ 1f\iCS&a.y A good roads mass meetitig was . "hcld in thc court house Tuesday . afternoon. At two o'clock the meeting was called to order by \V. A. Grecnwald , after which hc meeting proceeded to elect a chairman and secretary. 1\11' Jack Walsh 'of Ht1tnboldt wa elected to the office of chairman . and . John Martin " was chosen sec- rdary. 1'.11' Grccnwald then procccdel . to state the nature of thc meeting anti in a hr.iertl1al1l1cr stated farts about certain existing conditions not posscssitH natural tendencies toward elevating the prestige of Richardson county a 11(1 its roads in the timation of thc people Coin pel ed to travel over thl'l11. Hc then read and placed in the hands of the chairman elect , a list of topics for consideration and discussion at the hands of the body assembled. The following ' > is the list : ' , . 11'0 . . " : . secure the best results - under our present road law. l 2 Needed ; legislation in our general road law . 3 Needed legislation to pro- . / I. . Y' _ \ . \ vide adequate } means with which Ito build . permanent roads. . . . . . . . . , " . 4 The asnsabillty of forming a permanent good roads organi- . nation with view pf following up prospective legislation the coming session of the legislature etc etc. \ I1 ! presenting these topics , thc committee creating them suggested - ted ' that these subjects bc dis- cussed topically in the order named ; bclieving' thc best results . might be obtained by discussing each topic sl'parately. . These topics were handled in a somewhat masterly way by not a few ; and it was clearly ! demon , ii"rttNl : ; t\1.lt \ many minds have been busy along thc lines of the necessity of good roads and the proper way to secure them. The Falls City Commercial club has . been \\'r st1ing with the g.ioll roads problem for many months , and realizing as they evidently - \ dellt1y did , the magnitude of the subject under consideration , they have appealed to the people of f thc county in general to asscmble themselves in a maSH mceting and arrange for a proper mode oj operation along the line of secur ing proper legislation ] for good 1 ; . 'roads. . . That their cry was heard wm 1 plainly evinced by the large crowd I . I assembled ] in the the court room ' ' : ' After thc Tuesday tfte1'l10on. , - disctlssion of the above mcntion- Honcd topics , thc meeting instructed - stmcted the chairman to appoint a committee to act in conjunction with the legislator from this county toward securing the pas- sage of a bill that would lrO\'c beneficial in securing ala w where by the condition now existing night bc bettered. 'l'his com- mittec was ! afterward chosen as the executive committee of a permanent - . . . manent orgal11 atIon. This I om- mi , tee is comprised of the following - ing members : \V. A. Green tvald G. T. CrookJ. B. Babcockl E. Grinstcad and G A. Abbott. It was suggested that this com- mittcc instruct thc I eg'islator to secure thc abolishment of road ovcreer. At this juncture a motion was made and carried , that a perman- cnt good roads .organization : bc affected Consequently the body proceeded to elect permanent , officers - ccr ! , and J. B. Babcock was elected - cd president and -J. C. Null .was elected to the office of sccretar ) ' . 'l'hc1 ! ? ' \nen with thc committee previously organized , form thc present officials of thc Richardson - son county good roads organi a- tlOn. There was 110 questions in the minds of any present as to time results : of this mass mcetng : , it an have but one result and that is thc securing the better roads for Richardson county. The con- ditionf. alTairs . in existence for the past twenty five years in this county , prove beyond a doubt that there is need of a change along certain lines. Vast sums of money have been collected in Richardson County by toatioin for thc purpose of keeping ] the roads in good con- dition , but these sums have been unwisely expended , and thc re- suIt is , that the roads arc still . in a poor condition. One thing in particular was sprung on the convention ; it was : assert d that it would bc imposs- iblc for these eastern cOlllicils to " secure the desired legislation because - cause thc western counties , who . enjoy thc blessing of a level f r country and consequently . good roads , would fight any attempt I at changing the present laws. 'T ' hat they are in thc majority ; and arc able to frustrate our I plans is i seemingly true ; but we can overcome their oppositIOn putting thc counties on thc same basis with township lH'g'alli at- ions. 't ' here is a law which pro- vides for township organizations : , which a' ; county tmmty ; 01' play not adopt as it ph i1se ! > . A road law ; could hc passed and it could bc optional with the individual - di\ ' dual counties as to whcthcr / it should apply to th\111 or IIOt. Br aduptilll such a niodc ( of ) > 1'0- ' ccedurc , the western rcprcscn ta- lives could bc persuaded to assist because it would not affect their counties unless the voters 'should so ilHI ( cate.Vc hope that thc executive committee will adopt the above idea for wc believe it to b the really proper cause to pursuc. Altogethcr the mccting- \ \ ' as a good one in every respect , and we well pleasedvith time outcomc. This meeting , was but a step to- ward bringing about a condition not beneficial to the farmer alone but to thc business man ill town as wel } ' In thc large crowd assembled wc noticed not a few of our prom- incnt men , some of them being J oht. Cain , jr of' Stella , Charles Atwood , Supervisor elect , IIlIIn- boldt , L Hellon ( chairman of thc bridge committc Dawson ; Mr. KniHly , Ohio precinct ; Mr. Bantz postmaster , Humbold , Geo. lore Verdon ; I 1. D. 'Wcllcr , Stella ; U. Ii' . Miles and \r. Eddie , Dawson. Nhu4ried. s'rl'r1s-1.EAV1s. Burton 1. Hcavis and Lena K. Stitcs were marricd at the honk of thc bridc's mother \1rs. Kil- gO\'C , 1333 Bayard Avenue , St. Louis , Mo. , Moncla imiorning Dcc- cmber12 th , 1 ( )04 , at eleven o'clock. The ceremony was pcrfOlmcd by Rev. Moore , an old friend all ] neighbor 01 the bridc. In a few simple and impressive words hc united this worthy young couple and pronounced them man and wife. Following the ceremony and after thc congratulations of the assembled relatives and friends an elaborate wedding luncheon - cheon was sCl'\'cd. The bride was attired in a handsome and becoming gown of white ] crepe de chenl and lace , and carried brides roscs. : Mr. and Mrs. Reavis took thc afternoon train to Kansas City where they will visit for a few days , being at home to their friends on West G th street , Falls City , after January J st , 1905. Burton 1. Reavis or Burt as he is familiarly known is a Palls City product having been born in this city and living here all of his lifc. Hc is known to everybody as a ) 'ollngIn an of ability and promise : He is connccted with the HCH\.is & A.bhey furniture store.- Miss Stites enjoys a large ac- . lwintallcc } : ; herc , having hecII connected with l\Iiss Bany's millinery - linery estabJishmcnt for two yean ; . She is a ; young lady of culture and rcfincmcllt and will ] ] be a wclcomc addition to li'ah : ] City's sl1cial life .1'ho 'l'l'ibunc joins tiie mlany fdcnds of Mr and , \ 1\lrs. Rcavis in wishing them their full ] ] share of lifc's jo's. ) _ _ _ _ _ NItA1.-G1 ANNINI. ] At thc Baptist pa rsonagc , M on- day evening , Lloyl S. Claim nini and Miss Eli i\bcth \ N. Neal 1\11' Giannini is the , soim of l\T. Giannini , thc popular proprietor of thc hotel bus linc. ' Miss Neal is the : daughter of hc t late Dr. Neal 1 , and is one of Falls City's 1)opularyottngladies. : Mr. and 1'.lrs. Giannini will halls City their future homc , and The Tribune joins in with their hosts of friends in wishing them a anti ] and prosperous journey 011 thc 4011 of matrimony. . Hcy. Selinger was the officiating l- ing clergyman. - - - - - - PItA HSON -KJO.HH. At Nevada , Mo. , Saturday Dec 10 , Miss Bessie J-I. Pearson , niece of 1)r. and Mrs. \Vooson of 81. Tn < Hh ; \Tn U' t5 " , , ; tfl in hoh , U ' , " ' . ' -t.- . " , . , . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . " 'J mimatrirmiony to 1\11' \ . li'rcd Eel her , son of 01' anl ( Mrs. A. Keller of this city. ' .I ' lie young people will snake halls City their home. ' 1'he 'l'ril.Hlnc unitcs with their many friends in extending con- gt'a tul ation s. Runaway Accident. 'l'hursda morning , Oscar Lit- tle , employed br Jim Ilauck a farmer living l southcast of town . ' was daily erously ] hurt by a run- away team which hc was drivin . It seems that he wa . engaged in loading ] . clogs in the wagon to which thc team was hitched , when one of the hog managed to jump out of the front end of the wagon amid } in so doing 'land- ed on the horses. Becoming frightened they ran away and Mr. Little was thrown tinder thc Wagon in such a man- ncr as to have several of his ribs broken and to suffer several other scvere bruises. \ Dr. A. Keller of this city was called to attend the injured man and informs us that hc will re- cover. Clarence Peabody of St. Joseph . was the guest of Miss Pearl Prat- er last Friday : _ ' . . . . - t' fIf tit F F Ii itA it A 1 I , . .