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About The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1904)
- - - , - - , , , g I > ! ' ( Y J r . t ] t Mrs. L. C. Glover , Vicc . Pres . ident Milwaukee , 'Vis. , Business Woman's Association , is another one of the million women who have been restored to health by using Lydia E. Pinldtam's Vegetable . table Compound. DRAft lnR. PIsrcnAM : : - I owns married . rled for several years nllli 110 children bleRsed my home. 'rho doctor said I had n. compliealiou oC emalo trollhles and I cOlllll not have any children un- leRR I could he eurcd. tic tried to euro me , hut utter experimenting for Rev- ernl monUu $ , my hnshal\l became dis- r'IIRted , and one night when wo noticed the tcstlmollinl oC a womtln who had been cured oC Hilllitnr trouble through the use or Lydia ; I : . Pinkhan Vegetable Compound , he went out and bought n. hot.t.1o for me. I used your JIIcdlcino for three md one-hnl months ' , . ' ill health , imtJl'' steadily : , nnl In twenty - t vo months Do child cltme. I cannot fully express the joy and thankfulness that Is In my heart. Our hOI1l I5 I : a different place HOW , a : we have ROl1lethiug' to live for , and 1 nIl the credit ( is due to Lydia J : . inlchn.m's Veg ( ; tahlc Oom- potltul. fours very sincerely , Mml. L. ) C. OLoVtn , fiB Orov08t. . , 1i1wauleee , \ 'is. " Vice president , M11waukeo Th sinessVotuan's Assoeiatfon.-S5ooo forfeit If / orlllnnl of abolla letter prou/n / psnulns- lieu cannot be produced , TWENTY BUSHELS OF WHEAT TO THE ACRE a la the record on 'EDr the Free Homo- 4d' stood Lands of WoatornCanada for /GO / i. The 1 4JlkA ( rarlllerK from the Unltt'11 Sll\tl' , who during ! the pnst.eeeu YCRr have gone to Canada 1 participate tit . this prosperity The United States will \ Soon become an importer or ! 'heat. let a free h1l1ll1'81l'nll IIr purchase R farm III Western Cauadu , and become one uf111I80 who will help prut11\l'u It. Apply for information 10 8uperlnlfmllrnt or Ilnll\l. jfI\lIlIlI , 0111\\\11 , Canada , or III alit horired Cantu lan Olln'rnmellt AIll1l1l-W. Y. lIclinett , 601 New York I.lfn lIulldllllt , omaha , Nebraska. Please say where you saw this IIIITerlhemellt. MEXICAN Mustang liniment euros Slrnlns ntHl Strn.ll1S. tl f Wanted \ RAW FURS all kinds 'rom all sections the CoUnlry. Will pay highest ' cash I.rll'c. " \ . J. : . IWIUt rARDT .'r- .i liRtlUI",1 Fur : Merohtutt CINcINNATI , o. Green VisIble Afar Oft. In clear weather and by daylight } green is visible at the greatest distance . , tance ot any color , much further. , for instance. i than scarlet , which Is u8unl- ly I imagined to be the most brilllnnt ot colors. Indeed , blue , and oven dark gray , are tar more visible at a distance than IR scarlet. Follow Tolstol's TeachIngs. Bulgarian . newspapers give the t names ot two doctors oC philosophy ; : ( who have taken the teachings ot Tol- 6tol so much to heart that one ot them has become a cobbler md the other a bootblacl . When the average man docs t\ good deed on the sly he is apt to feel put out ir his aCQun.1ntlUlcl tail t.o let OttChlcaocwa. ; . .a - DEVIL GUARDED THE GOLD. - His Satanic Majcnty's Portrait indi , 1ted Treasurer House. In this Instance , as often , His Sa tunic Majesty proved , n good guide to riches. Recently workmen were pa- Ilcrlng n wall III 1111 old house nt Per. p111I01l , III the south oC France. 011 the wall Wilt llxed , as a curious ornn : neat , 11 very ullclollt sculptured chal : " . 'I'ho worlunan found it necessary to remove this , allll discovered that the Illicit of the chair had hidden u mural , painting ) of the devil , horns , tall , . cloven foot , diabolic grin-all. I Sounding the wall with their ham. 'I ' IIwrs file workmen easily found there was a hollow space behind ( l il , into which they brolw. 'fhel'c lay n big pile of tarnished gold pieces , some French , most of them Spanish. or course tills wealth amounting to SOllll' thommnds of francs \ , reverted to the owner . . of the house. IIe re ' warded halldsolllely hose f who found It , and \ docs not concern himself whether it was uC'p.1I1l111IateI1 hy the aid ! of the lilllphul'oUS personage whosu' portrait ) Indicated Us hlllllll place. - - - - - - - An Elephant's Strength The elephant 1M great as a traction t ! Ilo\\'eJ' Experiments have shown that . . . . . . . . . , . . " . ' " . . ' , . " . ' . ' ' : .t.t ! m , .t " " 1.1 s\ . . , " , ' ; ! _ A i 1 : i < aye I tr ' s ! < " ' > 1\ " . ' ' " i \ . : . 'ii , " . u ' , " , ! , ' . . . . \ j , , I. t- . . t't " 't , > ; " - ' ' < ( , " . 1. . . . . , . . . . ' ' / ; " ) a horse Jlllls ) shout one . sixtll of its own weIght , Whereas : an elephant can 11\111 \ Its entire weight , This might be 0ll11lhllsl hr the fact that an ele- phaut is six tinges t tiS big as u horso. In 1I1I1In for centuries It has been the custom to utilize elephants to IHlsh Instead oC plIII : wagons , Imt. now It has heen shown Hilt they are unequalled ] as Imllcrs. Two of thom in carefully arranged tests raised 6,500 pounds. ) One raised 11 safe wolghlng more than n tOlW. That WitS dead weight , and the feat , ns one will see is different from mere plllllng Recently at Bridgeport there was a tug of war be. tween elephants and n locomotive In which the huge beasts developed surprising pulllnj power. 'fho' engine was nearly wl'oclced. Lunacy on Increase. T n years ago in England and Wales there was one insane person to each :3 . I oC the poplllntlon ; now the ratio is one to each 288 , The Increase In lunacy Is attributed to a considerable . able degree to the intense strain of modern life. - - - - - - - Country Noses. r it needs the man with the busted nose 'fo appreciate the "Grecian. " It needs the man 'wIth the Grecian nose To scent out the "patricIan " It needs a man of patrician beak To recognIze the power or cheer brute strength I and brawn and force Of "CbamploD of the Hour , " . . Every ttollsolccoper should know that if they will buy Defiance Cold Water Stal'ch for ' ' laundry use they will save not only time , because It never sticks to the iron , but because each paclcago contaIns 1G oz-one full pound-whilo all other Cold Water Starches are put up in : ) , pound pack- ales , and the Price Is the same , 10 , cents. Then agaIn because Defiance Starch la free froth all injurious chem- icnls. Ie your grocer tries to sell you 11 12o , package ! it is because ho has a stock on hand which bo wishes to tllspose of beforehe Defiance. I'Ie Imows that Dellance Starch has printed ) on every package in large let- tcrs and figures " 16 ozs " Demand Dellance n.nd save much time and money and the annoyance ot the Iron sUcldn . Defiance never sllcles. Many a candidate for office gets nothing but XII01'lenec , I nm sure ! 1'180'1Cure for Consumption saved my life three years IIg-- rILS. ' 1'1I0S. HOllll1 : 1S < , Maple Street , Norwich , N. y" , FIh 17 , 1000 'fhe president lI1uiccH mountains out oC molehills anti the optimist makes molehills out of mountains. A G1JAitANT1:1i : ) Cl1Itl' : FOR J'n.E ' lIehlD ! : , 11111111 1 , Ill ecihug ( ! ! / IIr I'rotrudhig ! 1'110' . Your druggist ; ' will refund IIJnIlC ) ' , If l'AO OINTMENT fails 10 cure you In 1to 11 lays. "Oc. - - - - - - - - - - - A left of gi ratltudo Is generally till hardest lcind 1 to collect 4 t _ --4 r t I ; CONTAINS 25.000 NEW WORDS Etc. . .I . , New Gazetteer of the World , . . . 1 New nloarllPhlcll1 Dictionary a60 Quarto 1.111 . . New Plata , 5000lllustntioas. \ Should ho in Every home School and Office t Ito ' . J.vllmn Abbott D.n" , Editor of The OutIoult , \IYs ! : Webster has always been /a'orl/e tit our household , and I have seen no reas' n 10 transfer my allegiance to any , 01 hIS com 'el1lor . . FREE"A Teat In Pronunciation . " instncdre I and enlertalnlnl Also illustrate pal1ll'hlrts G. Cs C. MERRIAM CO. . , Publishers Springfield , Ma. . . ' " + J 1fS 1 , DID YOU KNOW f that you can get pore light for less money with , 1 MONARCH CARBIDE FEED ACETYLENE GENERATOR I than from I anything else in the world-except the slit Bend for Catalogue D. ' MONARCH ACETYLENE GAS CO. . Iii 1012 Farnam St. . Omaha. Neh. : " f + 'I , W. N. U. , Omaha , No. 50-1904 not' _ Ne , - I W. L. Douglas malces and seNa more men' $8.80 O shoos flan nny oilier manufacturol'In the world. The reSE(1I1 ; W. I. , Joucln $ M.lJ fihoell lire the IlTI'ntcllt sellers \ the world \11'1':111118 \ of their o1'f1. ! lent stylortsy tlUIII ! . alllJ . IIIIJlI'rlor wenriug vuriitie' : If I I'n\'hillhow you the difference between the chin's tulcite In lilY fat.I..y ; RIIII those or other snakes 111111 the high-grade leathers cd. you would tinder- IIlalld : wily W. 1. . Ilnugias f .W shoes cost moro to ' "nk".1. . why : they hold their elope lit better wear ionger , Bud are . IIr Irr"t'r IlIlrln.h value th"l1 , any other ' 1.10 111100 OU the market to-day , and why the fi.\ICRrOr , the year emding.tuly 1 , lt1)t ! , were ! ! : ( tilO,2na.)40 : . , kW. 1. . IhullllIlI\uarlllllt'IJR 1 their value Ittnlnlllnl : hla name and price on the bottom. Look for It- I. . . . . j take 110 8uh lltnto. Sold by shoo dcdcrs 6\'crywbere. SUPERIOR IN FIT , COMFORT AND WEAR. l " / hrrrf 'Mr,1 II IJnllllrr..e y3J0 shoes for the last 1/rf ' veers with ab.olu lallif"rlnll 1 jllld 11 , , , , , sn , Terror ill1lt. comfort ' amt wear 10 others ( 'o.eliIlO from l SJ.O to S7.-/l. . ' ) . Jlrt iJ/ : , lJrJ" Coil. , U S Int. Jlevmu Richuiund 1"0. i , , - . T. DOIIJhu ; n.ea Ccornnn Cnlt"kln : In fix 8:1./j0 "Iw , " " . Corona Colt I" conceded to . ' be the moist l'utont Leather load . J'l\ht Color Eyelets tlilcd cxcIURh'cIy. ; W. L. DOUGLAS Llrockton M..chusett. . . . , i . V ( l r A , , ; , , I A , I 1 , . , \ - t I' I i.r r . , . It \ It is the purest , cleanest starch made. ) fAIt b It is free of injurious chemicals. .t ' It can be used where ordinarily you-would be afraid to use starch of any kind That's Deriance. Your grocer sells it THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO. , . I ! OMAHA NEB. .1 l ( . , r