The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 09, 1904, Image 6

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l { ( filJ JJ lJJli1@
llfiI ) ( l/lTltP
. The Old River.
i I
" 'h 1I night drops down over ! 111 II 1 nllll
AI the end of the weary . .Iur , .
J Hit 111111 1111111I IIf II rippling IItI'CIIIII-
Ah , iniuty It tithe IIwnr.
J sit nail dream of It I'IJlJlIIIII- + + { strtvtin ,
Of the ebb and the ! lIul't flow ;
Of the reeds In ranks by the WI1\'O-WUih-
lll ! 1 hanks /
Awl lilies that had 1111I1 1II0w
From her Jltllll-Julll ! nest III 1Cl'allllr
The swallow swoops III the title ;
A H\\'CI'\'U-ll 111I1'1-IIlIcI wllh joyous lire it
She IIhl\llell \ thin spray fl'olll hl'l' Hili.
The 1'1'11Hili / lllllCII through the 111:1:111",1
piney \ ,
Anil lot un the Watery 110111'
A path uf red for It fllh' : 'H tl'cllIl
Lies stl'olchell tu the farther \ HholO
'J'he swimmers cry 1IoJ ! they I clllllh on high
" 1'0 the mock of the sliver sands ,
'J'III one by one , III the Iwttllll HUll ,
'rlluv { + Jlull'o ! with their I outstretched
They IlolAu-they 1cup from the rocky
'h'Ol'o the evening nil' blows cool ,
And tilt bodies ( IIl\lIh IlU the brown arms
III the depths of the 1IIIIet )1001 )
'Though , 1I0W , nutyhap ) , III the 1'1\01"11
'l'hl'l'u ( ; row hilL the waving reeds ,
And mho wlILOI"1I flow through the lulls \ ,
1 Itllow ,
111 hot III the tangled weeds ;
Yet , when IIIht ! lIroJlII dowlI over , field
anti town ,
At limo 01111 IIf too weary tiny ,
1 henna 1\ lilt ( ] loon of the rippling \
Ah , yours upon yetu ii : War.
- 1loralluVlnalow , 111 LeHllo'u \\'eckiy.
- - -
Items of Interest Gathered from Many
Labor ulllolls of Kansas City are
lignin discussing plans for a labor
'rho JourneyInon Tailom's' ullion of
America , will hold convention ' III
Bloomington , Ill , the first 1\101ld1lY ill
February , 1905
The next convention or time Hrlcl-
1I1\'nrs ntlll Stone 1\1asons' luternn.-
. .
tlonlll union will meet III Slln I.'I'an-
cisco Jan S , 1906.
'rho third annual cOllvelllloll of the
international 11011 CarrIers and Building -
ing Ln.horers' Union of America will
moot In Minneapolis , beginning .Tnn
1 , 1905 ,
Philip 'Velnsohuol' , former president -
dent of the New York Building Trades
k' Alliance , was found guilty on the
F chnrgo of extorting $2,700 from
t George .1. Bssig for calling off n 5trll\O
The International llrlclclayors'
union , through referendum vote , decided -
cltloc1 not to affiliate with the Structural -
tlll'al Building Trades AllIallco. Of
nearly 13,000 vote's cast hardly 4,000
( wore In favor of the proposition
The now mill being installed In
Youngstown , Ohio , by time Republic !
w Iron and Steel Company , will 110 i .
equipped to roll rails as well ns sheets
and tin hnrs This Is the first do-
r 11IIrturo of that concern to make mils
It is announcOll that the immense
The Texas State Federation of La-
bor has resolved to cooperate with
time Farmers' Union and other organizations -
mtlons favorable to the majority or
all of the demands of labor in order
t 'to advance time Interests of those who
toil for their daily broad "
plant of the Acme Harvester com-
panr at South Bal'tonvlllc , Ill" , will
resume immediately , giving employ-
. ment to 900 men , The plant hnB
been practically closed for a year ,
l . owing to financial dl11lcllitles
The tonnage scale In the merchant
1 Inlll or the Illinois Steel company at i
Joliet expired Oct. 21 and 1\ scale 1'0- .
4limcing wages 10 to 15 per cent was :
r 1nit into offoct. The men accepted the
i reduction : , though there is bitter feol-
Sag , some or the men charging an oC-
fen for political effect.
Girl cutters are now employed ) at
tire factory , or the \l1l1el-Woollhllrr
Shoe Compllnr , Beverly , Mass. : The
j firm Is teaching them to cut shoes
with the hope or breaking . the strike
\1eclarod br the Itnlsht of Labor tat
the Ihop , Girl cutters are e1U lo'ed
to I number ot pleas in the West ;
Time governing ' board of the SII'IIC-
' 11II'al 'I'rndl'R Alllllllce 11l'Ollo'es ! com-
I' 1"lsO/'Y , nrhltrnlloll for llIiillules lie'
twet'll the hlllhlill trades 1l1lonn and
cOlltrllclol'R A board to consist ! ! or an
eqlllli ntimimber 01' cOlltmctol'A I\IlIl
union agents IR lropol'II , ! : ! The Idea
has not been ratified hy the tlniOIlR ,
hilt inn been 6t1hlllittoll to the con-
trnclors The Alliance does not represent '
resent . nil the hulltllllg 1l'ulcR : The
proposed arbitration board woulll he
organized on lineR similar to Ihat of
the Associllted Teaming : IntI'cRts
Among / ; thc Il1'opoRltlolfI ! sent to a
vote or ho I mtmemnbers of ho I Bridge
mud Stl'lwI1II'1l1 11'011VOI'lwl's' Intor-
tint t IOlml Union IA one to change time
location of the pm'eull body from New
York to some other city. Among the
candidates fw time place al'o Chicago
and Cleveland , hut New York wants
to retain time heatIquartcl's
'rho helHlqunl'tel's of Ihe Intel'l1
Llollal nlllou , which have boon located
In the Do Soto block in Indianapolis
since ISBt , will ho lIIo\'cd to the Newton -
ton ClnnlOol building , comer Pennsylvania -
\'unla unit Ohio streets , opposite the
new federal building , to'IIIOI'I'O\\ ,
w hero 1\ suite of eleven rooms has
been secured on the sixth noor
' ' ' . ' board of '
The al'hll.mLlon the execlI' :
11\0 cOllncll of the HOll Carriers and !
Building Lahol'CI's' union of Chicago
hm succeeded in relillclllg the hours
of labor from ten to eight allay since
its formation , and In securing an increase -
crease In wages ! from 1UiO for ten
hours to $2.70 for eight ho\1\'s The
increase affected a tholl8anll mod ( car-
1'1(11'8 and building Illhol'el's
The Aumalgamalctl Association or
Iron , Steel anti ' 1'in'ol'lers has
adopted a novel method tu legman
Homo of time 1I0nunlon steel plants 1'1
PltlslHII'g' br ( dec'larlng thelll to he
"open shops" and permiiltting men to
wOl'k there If they wish amid still be
recognized as ullloll 1I10n The mo\'e
Is expected : ! to result In a great 1111.
\'Ilntngo to the steel wOl'lQl's'llIlon ,
'rho United States Steel Corporation .
lion haG declared that $1,000,000 will
ho sport , If necessary , to beat the
Amalgllmatell Association In its ! battle -
tlo IIgnln the Cal'ncgle Steel Comn-
Ilfin nt Youngstown , 0" , anll GlI'fIJ'CI ,
O. 'I'hc"lclOI'Y of the COlllpany in
this fight wOIIIIl lIIean time nnnlhi1\- :
tlon of the great Amalgamated Asso
elntlon of iron and steel workers of
' 1'he Department of Health of New
York is preparing : to make a more
rigid Inspection of food 1II"00hwtn sold
In the city. Two extra chemistB have
been added to investigate the extent
uf adulte\'atlon , nUll the department )
this year will spend more money
along this line thlln hOl'otofore The
now chemists are now engaged In CX'
amlnlng syrups adullernllol1s 01'
deleterious comhlnat Ions.
lames Woodward , who waR elected -
cd mayor of Atlanta , GII" , on Oct. 6 , Is
Il member of Typographical ) l Union \u. .
48 or that city , amid ! if 0\0 ; of the
union's trustoPR 111'Voo wal'tl has
been a member of Typographical !
Union for thll'tr.fh'o 'ellrs , lie has
always taken all active interest in the
affairs of orgnnlzet ! labor and is
proud to be known as a mayor who
will carry a union card in his po'lc ( > l.
The strike of time sheet metal
workers In Philadelplmia l and ! other < <
cities was settled ! through nn IIgt'ce'
mont with the C'mpioyers hy which
strikes and lockouts are forever
barred , The mon have obtained :1.n
! ncr :1so : from ! 371 : % to ,10 cents nn hou\
in vagcs and a guarantee that only
union men shall bO employed , while
the employers have gained the advantage -
vantage of hUmunit from all labor
troubles In the future ,
Rceentt ) ' l'IhbhQcccmaUR \ \ : ftR"Nfi
how that every firth child between
the ages ot ten and fifteen in the
r r.
United States Is a bread-winner. Onol
out or three of these child worlcNR 1Ft
a girl There are said to he 1,750,178
chllcll'en ' ' iii'
gulal'ly employed , an
crease of 331ti : : ! per cent In ten yeal'n,1
Alabama has the highest percentage
of child labor , fllllllng'olle for 27,2
per cent of her chllth'on , while lnsBn-
( 'lulletl:1 : : lifts the lowest , having only
Oi per ) vent of her ju\'onlle Iloll\lla- '
LIon at worle
Steps HI'O being taken to establish
at Denver , Cole a hOllle for aged
and lndigermt Cl\I'I1enters , A committee -
tee was allPolntet ! att the recent con '
mention of time Brotherhood of Car-
Ilentcrs and Toll101'S tl investigate the
IlJ'Olloslllon and make n 1'llOJ't. ) thereon I -
on , 'rho carpenters generally are
sail to he favorable to time IH'OpIJ'HI-
Lloll. Lenders of the 1110\'l'l11cnt point
out the success which hUH attended
tlo ! institution of he I IlI'lnters' home
at Colorado Springs nnd time good
tvorl they flay It haH accomplished ,
'rho ' \ akot's' .iournal I ' :
Clgal'-l\lalw\'s' 011 1'\1 II says
" ' { , ho tnenibership of the Internntlonnl
Union is greater now thllll It has ever
been before , IlJwln reached abont
2,000 f regular aOcen con trlbll tlng
1110mhOl'8 , 1'hls argues well for the
future and is a 8\11'0 Indication that
we are 0'11 a solid foundation amid that
nothing can destroy ; un except our
own fell ' , No power from without
can accomplish our defeat or disrupt
the international Union The best
way to convert the nonunionist to our
way of thinl\ng \ and malclng him a
member is hy time use of argument
and facts. Violence antI abuse make
enemies antI drive time nonunionist
further away from us 'l'here is a
difference between the willful scab
and the ordinary nonunionist. The
first Is viciously mean and should bo
treated accordingly , while the latter
is , in most cases , such owing to en-
\'Ironments ITe should he shown the
error of his ways and urged hy kindly -
Iy argument to become one of \IS Tt
Is the duty of the International Union
to lift till the whole craft , and all
members should apply themselves to !
this task In a rational and business- I
. . . „
IIICO wa ' , "
One of the weak spots in time
American labor movement Is time lIck l
of preparation in times of peace for
war ; the small war client in the shape .
of a IJorl11nnent reserve fund , says
the CInrmalccrs' Jom'nah What ammunition -
l11\1nltlon and provisions are to a regular .
ulnl' army n strong reserve fllnd is tea
a trade union : ample to support mom-
b" : ' : ' : on strike for an indellnlte time
The weapon of the Emplo 'ers' Association '
claOon is the lockout , the attempt to
star\'o the omployes Into slIbmisslon
hr a long struggle , with the ultimate
aim to crush the organization , and reduce '
duce wages to a mere point or exist
Cute , A genoml at the head of an
army , ignoring the commissary depart "
part ) meat il1 III'O\'ltling ample pro\'I.
slons in times or peace , Is incol11po
tent and shoultl be relegated to the
real' ,
Time London Board of Trade ,
through its Bureau of Labor , has just
issued its eleventh ml11l1al report
Hhowing changes In the rates 0 :
wages and amours of labor thl'oughou'
the United Kingdom in 1903 and the
t1l'sl six months of IfJ04. 'rho report
shows a net decrease in wages , Coal
mining , Iron and steel working , en
glueerlnr , shlphllilding [ and glass
manufacturing are the trades most
affected by the fall in wages , 'l'hu
reportt ! . shows that about 897,000 work
people had tlwll' wages chanret' , dur
Ing 190 . Of these 21.000 obtained
increases amounting to about .c 1.500
( i,2S0) ) 11 week , while 875,000 were reduced -
duced in amount ithdul ! :39,000 : ( $18fJ.
7.1) ! ) ) a weel\ Changes affecting 78
per ) cent of time total im mmher of work
people affected were arranged by arbitration
ltratlon , wages boards , slllltpg scales
CI' other conciliatory agenlies The
chanles ill the first six months or
1fJ04 resulted in a net decrease .In the
weekly wages of 13,038 ( $63,450) ) .
affecting 275,227 work people , against
a decraltso of 10.354 ( $50,388) ) , af-
fecUnd 320,330 work people , In the
carresllondinty period of 1003 The
trades mainly affected were the Silmt
: \r in 1&08 ,
Diabolical Act of Drunken Men Committed . r/
mltted a Century Ago ,
There are probably ) many , even
among the suhscl'lbers to l\tllton'
statue , who will ho surprised to learn
that he I body of time great poet ) W'nH
once on view at a charge of throopenco
1 head within a few yards ! from the
; ; ; lIe chosen for this RlllelHHll tribute to. .fits I
his 11mcrlumry' ,
, It was iu 17fJO , oftel' n. carousal , that
i two overseers and a carpenter entered -
I eel the Church of St. Giles , Cl'ipplc-
, gate , where Milton \ lay hurled , and ,
having' 118CO\'OI'od the leaden coffin
I which contuhlll his body , cut open its
, toil with il mallet llld chlscl "When
they dist urbell the shroud , " Neve says ,
when lelllng the story of the ghoulish
loed ( , "tho ribs fell. Fountain confessed .
fessoll that ho pulled hard al the
teeth , which resisted \\IIUI someone hit
them with Il stone Fountain secured
all [ the fine teeth in the upper jaw , and
generously ! : gave OliO 10 OliO of Ills nc-
compllces Altogether time scoundrels
stole a rih bone , ten teeth and several
hantlfuls or hair ; and , to crown time :
diabolical business , the female gravedigger .
digger afterward exhibited the hotly
to any one willing to pay threopenco
fOl' time speclaclo : -Westminster Ga
Fire Steels of Our Grandfathcro
Time housewife who presses a button -
ton and lights the house with electricity -
trlclt or furnishes the heat for cooking -
Ing on nil electric rangevili look
with Interest upon this picture 'of fire
steels of the fifteenth century , wherewith -
with the folic of that time secured
i.i. " j Jr . -
time necessary heat and llghL To the
utst crude pieces of metal of years /
and years before the art of this period
was added taste in design and orna-
montatlon. Some of the steele
showed a high degree of art , and to-
day are valued highly by anUqua-
rlans The best collection at present
Is In England , and comprises the
make of several countries
- - - - ,
Gift for Texas University
Time museum of Baylor university I
at Waco , Texas , has recently received
as n. gift from the Rev Z. C. Taylor , I
Bnhia , Brazil , the complete skull the ,
blade bones , several vertebrae , and
three ribs of an immense specimen 1
of the common fin whale or rOl'qual , .
captured In time South Atlantic The \
100lgth of time skull Is 1514 feet , width 1
across the top 8 feet , bight from the
ground 5 feet , length of lower jawbones ,
, hones 131t feet , length of ribs 6 feet 1
,1 hitches , length of h1adebone 5 feet 4 "
inches , width 4 foot. 'Voight of skull I .
2,884 pounds : of each of the lower f
jawbones 645 , or the blndobonos , SI ) ,
pounds. ,
Shower Proof Hats
An Austrian genius has made the 11
discovery that celluloid , prepared In . , 1:1 :
a special war , provides n material out , t
of which _ hats and the most delicate .
flowers can be mado. Those hats are
not only beautiful it1 themselves and
cannot bo told frolll those made ot
the usual material , but wlll stand
the most severe shower and look eyed
better after than before. They are
used to some extent in Geh many , es
peclally in Vienna , They would be
exceedingly popular in London during
the rainy seasons , for many a charming . '
ing bonnet la ruined there by the per :
sletent drizzle from which no Um
brolla can protect A TMomtin ,
: .
{ \ . I ,