The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 09, 1904, Image 3

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w " . Ieccmb 9 , 904 ' I THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE - - - - - - - ,
' - - - - '
_ . -
. . - - - - - . . _ - - . - - - -
R '
, , r. .
, , , . : Fancy and Staple
t. .
. ' ' . , " , : ; . . \ . " . , . , Groceries
, ' " " - ' " '
, ,
I " , , ; . . . ' . L/ . , , . . . " . . , Fruit in Season
, , . ; " ;
: : -t. .
! t' " . . . . : ' . , - . . . . Satisfaction Guar-
! - . ' ' ' . . . . ' , i ' . ' . . , an teed
( . " . . . . "
1. . , . ' . Free City Delivey
" ,
. . '
' .
. ' , , : : ' ' : 'f -.i. ' Phone 40
. Storage for Household
" -
' l And Other Goods J
' ' Face to Face
Look your watch square in the
face and ask yourself if ! you arc
treating this old friend right in allowing -
. lowing it to tick its life M'ay for
. . need of timely attention.
. r
Perchance a drop of oil now I a
I . little grit or dust brush away will
. prolong Its period of timeliness . for
. y " m < 1 ny .days
I 'Vc clean , repair and put in order
" . . timers of all kinds , from the costli-
' cst chronom ' tc cheahpcst
I' .
Roberts . The Jeweler
' ; i" :
I. . "
. . . . 1 ' . ' . . . . Banqu
r' " The members of the Sphinx
i ; Club gave a Bachelor Farewell
. . . .
: . - banquet Tuesday evening at the
I I. National hotel in honor of Bert
\ , -4 " 'Reavis and Fred Keller who will
i - ' soon depart on the matrimonial
sea. The social affairs given by
the Sphinx Club are always enjoyable -
. , " . . * , . . joyable this one being no except-
1 ' \ ionto _ their general standard.
Those present were Bert Reavis ,
1 : a. Fred Keller , Albert Maust , Simon
t' ' . )1i . Davies , Neal 'rI1Ornton , George
Hall Will Shock , Guy Green-
wald. Fred Reithers , 'Will l\Iinn-
i . ick Will Hershey , Jake Norris
, Rob Johnston and Doll \Vhitaker.
I : Burlington Bulletin
i " ' 'r " , Winter Tourist Rates to Cali-
. forniaColoradatheGulf Country ,
Florida , South and South cast. '
, , Landseekers Rates , -approxi-
/ " matel" half rates December 20th ,
' . " , ' , . January 3 and 17 to Oklahoma ,
i' , - - ' 1'e as and the Southwest.
. Low One \Va , ' Settlers' Rates
. - . , . . ' ' . . December 20tl to Southeast
.117\ ; ;
, ( . { K ' \ pcints beyond the Ohio River.
l , Christmas And New Year ,
. _ . . , greatly : : reduced holiday rates for
. short and long journeys in terri-
l tory between the Rockies and
' , . ' , Chicago Peoria and St. Louis.
, , Live Stock Convention , Denver.
One fare plus $2 for the round
. trip January 7 to 9 , 1905.
. . Ask the agent for further information -
formation or writeto L.W. 'Vake-
a , ley , General Passenger Agent ,
Omaha , Neb.
, .
( :
! ) , \
. . ,
. .
. An Old Settler Dead.
I Af8:30 : o'clock Monday morning
Nicho'las Hoffman was found
dead at his home 1f miles northeast -
east of this city. Mr. Hoffman
was performing his usual morn-
ing chorEs , and not returning at
his general time 10 the house , his
wife started to look for him.
His body was found hy 1\frs. Hoffman -
man not many yards from the
house , and indication showed
that death had been almost in-
stantaneou : , County coroner ,
Dr. Reneker , gave thc cause of
death as neuralgia of the heart ,
and the coroner's jury emoaneled
on the same day gave the follow-
ing verdict :
State of Nebraska
Richardson Co. ss.
At an inquisition held at Nick
Hoffman's one and a half miles
east of Falls City. Richardson -
ardson county. on the 5th day of
December , A. D. 1904 , before me ,
Dr. Geo. W. Heneker , coroner of
said county , upon the body of
Nick Hoffman lying dead , by the
jurors whose names are hereto
subscribed ! : , the said jurors upon
their oath do say that he came to
his death from neuralgia of the
heart and not due to violence.
Iv ! . J. Schaibl4
H. M. 1-lellwig
/ J. B. Coupe
. D. L. Foster
W. A. Shock
C. F. Bucholtz
In testimony whereof the said
jurors have hereunto set their
. hands the day and year afore-
said. Dr. Geo. W. Heneker.
- - -
Gre&.t. R.eduction
: '
' "
" entire l\'lillincI"V Stock
Having decided to close out our '
by January .J 1st , we will sell everything in our line at (
, Hats , Plumes , Fancy . Feathers , G
Ribbons , Laces , FI.owers. I
We Mean Business
Barnett . Millinery
--L1 ,
Mr. Hoffman was an honest
and industrious citizen living a
very quiet life and at the time of
his decease was )2 years , 10
months and 9 days of age , and
leaves to mourn their losss a wife
and two children.
The funeral' was held from the
family residence on Wednesday ,
December 7 , 1904 at l' o'doc1
p.m. interment : being in Zion
Cemetery 6 miles northeast of
this city : . . .
- - - - -
- -
A business man buys qE
newspaper space as a busi-
ness proposition. Help us r
make a Tribune ad. a pro-
fitable investment by do- .
ing your trading with The
Tribune's advertisers. ,
'rom Poteet , left today for
Californicr where he will spend
the winter with his brother ,
Ben Poteet. .
_ _
- - - - - ' - - - - - - -
II > ' . - I , . . . . . " .
For the Season of 1904 we are Better able than ever to Supply all
your needs in the Christmas Goods as our stock Comprises a vast assort-
ment of Toys , Dolls , HandkerchiefsFurs Fancy Novelteis of various kinds
as well as a good stock everyday useful things for gifts.
I Toys From Toyville
In this Dep't we have a good assortmelt
of Toys from 5c to $1.50 such as Hattles , 'l'ops ,
Drums , Steam Engin'sMechanical Toys of all
kinds. Hill Climbing Autos , Fire Engines ,
Dishes and Doll Furniture. See our 25c Mechanical -
chanical Toys at 25c.
The people from Doll town have made us
a visit and a great many stopped over with uS :
for the Christmas Season ! ) , and we have Dolls of
all kindsDressed Dolls , Undressed Dolls , Sleep-
ing Dolls and Crying Dolls. Our special kid
body doll the largest kid body loll ever sold
in Falls City 19 inch tall , long curly hair ,
either brunette or blond , sleeping eycs , a great
doll 50c
Dressed Dolls , sleeping-'eyes , nicely dressed -
ed , it says Mamma and Papa
The Greatest Doll oj" All - - soc
Furs I
What could be a nicer present for a lady
then a pretty Fur , we have them , all kinds
from $1.00 up to $3.00 in Ladies Scarfsas well
as all kinds of Childrens Fur Sets See our
assortment of Isabella Fox Scarfs from $8.00
up , we can. save you from 52.00 to 5.00 on any
of these Furs. .
Fancy Novelties
Of aU kinds , such as English Cut Work ,
Battenberg Work. fancy pin cushions , new s
collars and a host of other things. 1" "
Christmas Candeis
We have placed our order for the largest
amount of candy ever bought in Falls City
it one order and securing the price we did on
this we are going to dispose of it at a very ;
low price , price this before you buy.
See the Home of Santa Claus in our Dry . .
Goods Window
. 1 !
T 1