The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 09, 1904, Image 26

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December 9 , 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE
I HOLIDAY - - - - - - - GIFT I
WHILE ve do not go into the Holiday Lines . as extensively as some , ve carry an ample assort . I
ment of such goods and In addition , we have in regular everyday useful articles a most complete -
plete and appropriate display. Please take note of the following and see if you cannot find among
these gifts acceptable and fitting. .
. . .
- . . . . .
\Ve arc showing unending variety of llandker- 1
chiefs , covering plain and embroidered effects at from
5c to S I. 50 each. Gent's Initials I at IOC , 15c and 25C.
Our values in embroidered Handkerchiefs at toe , 15C ,
20C and 25C arc of extraordinary value. Our designs
arc entirely novel and exclusive with us.
a Ladie's' Neckwear
Ladies have found that Collars make very beautiful -
ful and acceptable presents. \Ve start them at 5C and
go on up to $5.00 for the large cape style. \Vc arc
showing an entirely new assortmcnt.
Shilt ti .ists
At a. Sacrifice ,
\Ve now offer all our Shirt waists at very much
reduced prices. Among these arc heavy Mercerized
Cotton , Flannel , Brilliantine and and Satinc \Vai5ts of
new designs and excellent fittcrs. All. $ 1 waists now
75c ; $ [ .25 waists 95c ; $1.50 waists $1. to ; $2 waists
$1.50 ; $4.50 waists $3.75 ; $5 waists $4. All others at
corresponding cuts.
Souvenir Day _ - - - ,
On MONDAY , DECEMBER 12 , 1904 , we will present to every lady ;
L over' sixteen years of age a beautiful Souvenir. . " .
For two or three years we have not had enough to go around but this season wc have secured a larger 1 ;
supply and expect to bc able to supply the demand. Only one will be given to a person , but anyone deairing" ! I
more can be supplied at 20C each. .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J
Silks and Dress Goods
A suit pattern of Silk or Wool goods is never amiss and
always thankfully received at Christmas. You know that wc
carry the most extensive stock of Dress Goods in Richardson
Cloaks and Suits
If any member of your family needs a Suit or Cloak , the
Holidays is an opportune time to fill 1 the need and perhaps kill
two birds with one shot. Considering thc ti.11C and the season
wc have still many excellent styles nearly all of which we are
offering at reduced prices.
Rugs Rugs
In thc whole range of gifts there are few that mar fill so
large a place as Rugs. You will find in our store a" larger
range in these from Mats costing you 75c to Royal \ViIton
room size at $35.00. Do not fail to look these over.
Carpet Sweepers
Many may nut hove . used a Carpet Sweeper. No home
should be without one Nothing contributes so much toward
of the housewife and 1'5 always -
the comfort a sweeper accep-
table \Ve keep the Bissell.
\Ve have the choicest in literature at moderate prices.
Our 'roy Books are especially choice , costing 5c to $1.00.
- .
Floor Oil Cloths : 1
\V c find we have too many Floor Oil Cloth and
' ,
make the following reductions :
75c Stove Mats now . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ssc
$ t.oo Stove Mats now . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c '
1 yard , I / yard , I i a yard and 2 yard Oil Cloths ,
worth 35c per square yard reduced "to 2Be. Above rc-
dnctions are good until Christmas. .
If you wish to please your married sister . your
mother , grandmother or aunt give her a heavy \V oolen
Shawl. \Ve buy these from the most extensive manu- _
facllll'cr in the United States anti guarantee our price
to be low. From 50C to $ So are the range.
- ,
Furs Furs ;
- t l
Now that Furs are 50 much worn and add to the +
dress and comfort of the wearer , you will do welly to .J
keep these in your mind in planning for your fricds. , . 't' '
Vve have a much larger assortment than ev , : r hefer , '
covering the line completely from 75c to $25. Scarfs ,
long and short capes , muffs and children's sets. f
, Pillows and Tops " "
The choicest designs ever shown by as in pillow tops arc
now on our counters , ranging from those needing no hand
work at all through to those requiring the most elaborate cm-
broidcry. OUt stock ) of Embroidery silks and cotton is the
most complete in town and also include a full line of Jewels
so effective in decorating , tll sorts of pillows. Down Pillows
in 18 , 20. 22 and 24 inch sires at 25c to 51.50 each.
BRUSHES of all kinds are all well represented at prices that
are strictly regular. Not leaving any extra Holiday Margin I
marked on.
On the Grocery Side 1
In low and medium priced China we are not equalled in
our prices at 5c , lOc 15c , 20c 25c , up to 51.50 per piece , we 1
offer many dainty bits that fill a large place in the multitude ' '
of gifts that you require. Fancy Lamps from $1 to 58 add . .
to thc adornment and use of thc homc-look at ours. In cut 'j.
glass we would ask you to compare our values with those of .
othcrs. .
Candies s1c per Ih up ; Mixed Nuts , Oranges , Lemons ,
Bananas , Grapes , Apples Raisins all these in very extensive
variety. \Ve solicit an opportunity to mare estimates on sup-
plies for Day and Sunday schools Christmas Trees , Holly
and Mistletoe , Candles and Ornaments. \Vc are prepared to
meet all demands in these necessities. Our trees and Holly
are very choice in quality.
V. G. LYE , OR
)0. ) I