i . . Dccember 9 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE . . 'l\hc lecture given by Hc\ Sel- ! ing-cr at the Baptist church on 'l'ucsday evening was most inter- j csting and instructive. 'Phc sub- ject uscdlby the everand "Husctta A Romance of the Ghetto , " was J listcncd to by a large and appreciative - preciative audience and He\ ' . j t\clil1g'er \ has been requested to , continue the excellent work. j I Ladies Hand Bag's at City i Pharmacy. : ! L'hc best furnaces on earth for I sale byV. . H. Crook and Co. : John R. en.cker : was down ; from Ilumbohlt the latter part of : last week and visited at the home of \Vm. Heischick and SOI1S. G. \V. Camblin of Se\'crcnce , Kan1ilS , who is visiting friends in this city , called at this office "Tcdmsday : morning- 1)r. A. Gaiscr , dentist over Richardson county ba nk. Xmas Perfuncs at City Pham- acr. Mrs. Ruby Jackson of Rube spent Thursday of this week with her parents , Dick Junes and wife of this city. Read the adveriseillents in this issue , and make your prrchases of those business houses whose names appear herein. 'Phcre wilt be the usual morn- ing- and evening sermon at the Brethren church in this city Sun- day. The revival ilt Hamlin , conducted by Hc\ Haskins the last threw weeks has been very successful resulting in large congregations - gregations and numcrous cOI1\'er- siom The Heart and Hand Club entertained - tcrtaincd their g-cnt1em n friends at thc home of Stella Stone last night. The evening i was very pleasantly spent in' music and g-anH'S and at a late hour delicious refreshments were served thc hoste s. PLENTY . OFIT I . . 0 J \Ve sell plenty of good pure coal. The cleaner the coal is the more free burning . it is. Th"re's more heat in a ton of our coal than in any other ton we know. Our coal's a little better than other coal because we take : more pains handling it. it.MAUST MAUST BROS. Phone 3.8 - , M A COMPLETE MARKETIlK : ' IlK . WHEN we say a Complete Market we , _ ! j mean that we keep on hand at all ; times everything found in a Complete neat Market and can supply you with the best in season. In addition to our coin = . , plete stock of meats we have the celebrated . , : , Heinz Pickles , Mustard , Etc. If you have : ; not been trading wIth us , try us once and. tt ' you are sure to come again. . . . , 1 4 The Meat narket City ! 1 WESLEY MILLER , Proprietor. . ; . . . . k , av ray rrvsi sir .v .cr R aai aY v a .spy psi ) Dressing Cases Gloves and handkerchief buses , smoking : sets , Jewel cases , work boxes and I : every novelty you can think of iu : Stag , folly and Celluloid at City L Pharmacy. M. Scott and Mrs. Hubert ichtou and daughter'isited with gd Hays and family Sunday. Eat Sowles Can < 1 r. Merchants and , Business Men "With hard accounts to collect , should place them with . . . . - - John L. Cleaver JUSTICE of the PEACE FALLS CITY , NEB For Collection or for Suit Small Commission 0:1 Collections - I , " tions , No Attorney's Fee on Snit , defendant pays all the Costs Mnrried. At the 1\1. I . parsonage in Falls City Thursday , Dec. S , at 10:30 : a.m. l1r.Ym. . E. Bunton and Miss Alice 1\1. Wilkins , both of Lawrence , Kansas were united in marriage by Rev. " \y/r. Cline , Ph. D. l\Ir. and Mrs. Bunton will re- turn at once to Lawrence , where their new home awaits thcm. The groom is in the mercantile busi- ncss. ' ! ! : 'I . : . w. : ; . e : ; ! . : : : : r ; : > . .iEm".mr , , . . _ n - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n - . : . - - - ; ) IT : ChrIstmas SlIpper f i n Sugetions " ' ° : . y , What to Give an Old Lady r. Sippers - - - - - - - - f What to Give a Young i . Lady Slippers - What to Give an l . Old Man - _ . Slippers . I I I What to Give a ! . Young Man I . Slippers ! - - IL L I - - - - - - - - - . R What to Give a. I Boy SUppers ' . _ - I What to Give a Girl . Slippers : - - What to Give a. . Kid , Slippers . ' \ , What to Give . Everybody t Slippers " . 1 " ' 1 Come Get Your Assortment , 60 cents to' $2.00 I . GEORGE B. HOLT The Shoe nan. - - - - - Santa Claus headquarters at Miss Jennie \Vatteyne of Pres- City Pharmacy. . ton was visiting friends in this a ' ' " 'rOYS To's"at CIty Toys I . . ' ) city the latter Part of the week . Pharmacy.