, . y. falls City Tribui ! ! , . . BY TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO rt - 1 . : yy . FALLS CITY - , NEBRASKA L--- . I - - - iti Count Tehan Marie Joseph Alain De does ( ie Plerrcfeu , who took a wife in I Boston 'Vednesday , will Bve in New nrle. Some of his names will Iroba : , bly be stored in a warehouse. - - - - - ' They say that In the flashing contest 4 between Mrs Potter Palmer's jewels b and the searchlights of the Wilhelm del' Grosse the diamonds were first and the searchlights were nowhere. - - - - - - J I1 In the bright Russian lexicon there Is no such word as me iatlon. 'Ve don't know what the Russian word for it is , and even if we could tell you you IlI'ohably wouldn't bo able to Iwo ) ' flounce it _ A dispatch from 'Vashington says money is plentiful. The great trouble , however , is that no matter how plenti- rul money may he it is always neces- 1 sary to do something . . before one can get any of it. . A New Jersey man while trying to pay an election bet- by riding a pig was thrown off and one of his arms was brolwn. For obvious reasons his brains were uninjured , although he landed on hIs hoad. C By the terms of her uncle's will an Indiana gIrl Is to receive $15,000 if she marrIes and not a cent if she rot ' : t maIns single There are plenty of heroes ' roes who will he willing to help the poor gIrl get her mone ' . - A e 1\Iost men are such gross , material creatures that they are satisfied If theIr wIves can make good flapjacks and look pretty on a small amount of " " 'J.mone ' , even If they cannot repeat a' ,1.\ sIngle page of the dictlonarr. : ) A man who has been exploring In Central AfrIca says it Is much safer to' travel alone In the jungle at night than In Chicago or New York. That beIng the case , why go to the jungle , it 'ou're looking for diversion ? . t Another Pitts burg heIress has found 0. titled foreigner who Is willIng to marry for a' cash consideration PItts burg heiresses appear to he havIng little difficulty of late In making It possIble for the world to see theIr smolte. New York Is mournIng the death of a man who had the artistic faculty of t' , . painting blacked eyes so that they . . / \ . . looked as Innocent as an Innocent lit- " tle baby's sky-blue orbs. It Is hard f to see how the Tenderloin wIll manage to get along without him. LIpton has about decIded not to challenge for the AmerIca's cup next year. Perhaps , in vIew of the success at the governor . elect of Massachusetts . setbJ , Sir Thollllls has decided that It wIll be more profitable to do hIs advertising . vertislng In the newspapers. . A young New Yorker who marrIed tour western girls Inside of four 'I\'eeles , gave as an excuse that they . were so tchlng" he couldn't resIst , \ them. As he wIll fetch up In the penltentlarr'e6 - he wlll penitentiary \ soon have ample time to reconsider his opInion. PrInce Louis Philippe of Orleans , < " who has been tourIng the United States , complaIns that he found It hard to get along In ChIcago because at his Inablllt to understand the peculiar - culIar language In universal use In t that cltr. It a foreIgner can't get along In ChIcago , who can ? The king of Servla wants to borrow $8,000,000 and Is wIlling to gIve his kingdom as securltr. The trouble with the ldng's scheme Is that no prudent - dent person would wish to foreclose 1A case the interest were not paid. U , i' : ; Barber's Graded PrIces. A traveler from the south of Franco tells of n certaIn village there where he discovered a barber's shop bear. ing the following sign : "Ol'llinary shave , 4 cents ; careful shave , 5 [ i cents : shave In which every care is taken , G cents " More FlexIble and Lasting , won't shake out 01' blow out : hy using Defiance Starch ' obtain better ' you o I'C- nulls than 0881ulo with any other brand and onc-thh' more fur same llIoner. : The moth always looks on the brIght side of the thune. Those Who Have Tried It will use no other. Defiance Cold Water - ter Starch has no equal In Quantity or Quullt ' -lG 07. for 10 cents. Other brands contain only 12 07. Never bet on a sure thIng unless you can afford ta , lose. No chromes or cheap prenllhms but 11 better quality and unc-thll'd JllOI'C oC Defiance Starch fur the same price oC other starches. TIme softens all things-except boarding house biscuits. Superior quality and extra quantity must win. This Is why Defiance Starch Is taking the place of aU others. You need not pe a shadow because you are not a sun. TO CU1t1 : A COLD IN ONE nAY Take Laxath'c IIromo Qululnu 'ra.lct All drug. gl3t $ refund the money If It fnlls to 'uru. E. W. Grovu'a signature Ia on each bux. 2e. 'rhe richest man Is the one who can give freely wIth fewest regrets. fiTS permanently cured. No fltn or ncrTcusnesn arte . Unit ltlY'S Use or IIr. l , lInt"8 ( irent Servo 1 < < -8tol'o cr. Send for II1tnIL 82.00 tl1..1 bottle And treatl.e . Du. IL U. KuNJI : , Ltd. , 031 Arch Street 1'hUadulphfa,1'a Nature leaves a lot of work for the dressmaker to finish. STATE OF 011I0 , CITY OF TOLEDO , l l.uO.\8 COUNn" 58 ' FRANK .1. CIIJlNKY : 1akrs onlh that he II aenler flarlller of the IIrlll of F..1. CIIY.NICY 0\ : Co dulug ! buslne8s In the City of 'foledo , County anti State Rforesnltl and that enid IIrlll will flay the aunt of ONE JlUNlllCEll 1I0J.I.AHS for each : and every CMC of CATAnnu that cannot bo cured by the use ot HALL'S CATARRH CIIIIE FRANK J. UIIENEY Sworn to before me and hubnrlbed III lilY prey- once this Gth day ot lJeeellllier , A. JI , r.S6. J --l A. W. GLEASON 1 REAL NOTARY l'UIILJO. II all's Clllnrrh Cure Is taken internally nut acts dIrectly on the blood and mucous surfaces ot the IY8tCIII. Send for testtuwnlal , frre. F. I. CIIENEY S CO" , TOledo. O. Sold by all Druggists , j5c Take en's Family 1'1118 for constipation. Sonic 1100plo know too much to be- lieve anythIng. GUARANTEED MINING INVEST- ENTS. 'Ve are the largest mine operators in the west and cordially ! Invite you to write for prospectus and full particulars . . \llars about OUR NINE ASSOCIATED COMPANIES , whIch have joined In forming our INVESTORS' GUARANTEE - TEE < : : ASSOCIATION , with 5,000,000 capital , TO GUARANTEE ALL OF' OUR INVESTORS AGAINST LOSS Write for free Information and be con- vlnced. ARDUCKLE..GOODE COMMISSION : COMPANY , 325 Olive Street , St. Louis , Mo. Halt the fun of being bad Is the way It makes good people envy 'ou. SPECIAL NOTICE. UNDOi\IA Hair Tonic will lend to your hair that soft fluffy appearance appreciated by people or good taste . and refinement. Ask Your Barber. Send us your name for free treat- ment. TILE UNDOMA COMPANY , Omaha. Nothing else wlll cure your own miser lIke mlnlster for others. - - - - - SMOKERS : FIND LEWIS SINGLE BINDER 5l Cigar better Quality than most 10f Cigars Your JObber or direct tivtn : Factory , I'eom. IV . . L---- - - - , . ) t . . .J.'OI . . . . " . . . . .I'o. ' t. " ' ' ' III' . ' . i i 1 11 1)0'f ) f I ' ' ' ' ' „ ' ' ' ' I II w1iTIT lnnaanalFa"SnonTautRau7u7.dn. ; , , , ' ' ' ; . ; , , , , , , , , , ' , a ' , u. , . , ( 'T'stDfl . , . , j If. .J r ! . . . . , j . . . . , " . , ' . ' : , _ .1 1 . II' , , IIII , ; /1111 " , , , /i1,11I'n'Inlln , , ' ' ' ' tit''f 111111'1'41111111111'llln'1111 , " , - ' , , / 'r Illillll'II , , , I , , , , , , II " - ActatJle l'ccp8rationfor As- ; ! ! I , slmi1alin IheFoodandfc _ ' ! ttla- I ling the S lomuchs and ow eis of /r i , I . - :1 : Promotes Dj cslionCheerru1- I : ncssandncstConlnins neither ! OpiumMorphine nor Nincr 1. I : NOT "N.AUC OTIC. i , . . . . J. aI' ( ) 'SWlJELff1'C/1ZR ' 1 . I 'nq. , ( ' SuJ.- A/x.rmna 0 < 1./1 S4Gr- .firire , Wd' /Iol1'lrrWrt - \ Jl C rrdanwkda d r 1 .rMtl- ( la + rld . A/ml' JfIilltrty'1tf't . Prayti . : Apcnecl Hcmedy rorConsUpl1- non , Sour Slomc.\chDinrrhoc.1 Worms , Convulsions , Feverishness - ness l\ml Loss OF SUEI ) . . . Fac simile Signnlurt or . - , : NE'YORl . 1 . EXACT : COpy OF WRAEEm. . IMt ' . - . . . , . . . . . . . .r- , _ _ _ _ _ , . _ _ _ _ DR. McOREVV } 'orO } 'lItrlllu , " made n specialty of IHHY.ASI'S , 0h4MIN. mlCht " ' "II Yl'arl III Olllaha lila 111011I" 'l'routnrent It a a permanently cured thOIlIlII\l11I at 1111I1111 coat , Sate 1111I0 and IIIOUI'Y by Ilplel'lb' ing your I.'alll' . and write for l rUb book rind I'rml or treatment M"I d- ! Ieln" IIPIIIIII Pta1n Iacka/c / Iios : < 'jttj. omen 215 South UtlJ Street , Olllaha Nubral1cI _ u When AnswerIng Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. BEGGS' . CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds. - . .t . CASTORIA .r I For Infants and Children. I 1 - . . The Kind You Have jI Always Bought ! Ji' i ! Bears the . I : Signature ) tJ' / ) , of k . : ' .1 . ' : I .1 . 1. , ' I 4 1 I In t I v ' : S Use ' I , For Over I , ' I' ' [ ! ' : Thirty YearsI I U ' : CASTORIA 1 t ; . . . . \'HI OENT"UII OMPaNT. NW YORK cITY. 1 > _ , . _ " , . ' ---L1 1 - - - - - . . . 1NCHEST 1 44 NEW RIVAL" BLACK POWDER SHELLS. It's the thoroughly modern and scientific system of IOld- : r Ing and the use of only the best materials which make I Winchester Factory Loaded New Rival Shells give bet- ter pattern , penetration and more uniform results generally - ally than any other shells. The special paper and the Win- - chester patent : corrugated head used In making " New Hlvat shells give them strength to withstand reloading. w .A , , L BE SURE TO GET WINCHESTER MAKE OF SHELLS. . I I HAVE YOU A HORSE WOULD YOU LIKE US TO SADDLE Q SEND YOU A BEAUTIFUL FORTH MOST WONDERFUL SADDLE OI'I'ER EVER HEARD 01' an .rrer by which anyone can hue the nicest saddle In his - neighborhood , cut this wl oat and cn(1 II to UI alll you will receive our Hew , Bla and Beautiful Special Saddle Catalogue , large , handsome photographic Illustrations uf all kinds uf Man's , Womon's , Boys' and Girls' Saddles , ( . / Stock Saddles , Ranch and Range Saddles , . SMALL MEDIUIJ AND LAROE PLAIN ' AND FANCY SADDLES . EVERY IMACIH'JL ! : KIND AND STYLe : AND SHAPE ! : 01' SADDLe. OUR PRICES WILL ASTONISH AND PLEASE YOU.7 You will get our Very Latest and Most Astonishingly Liberal Otter , you . will get our New Free Trial Plan , you will receive a . IIlllltllo ulrer that every homo , owner should have at OIII'C If you own a hone d"n't rllll to cut this ad ouG and send ' to WI today and see what aU you get : hy return mall , free , POdplId. If , , ADDRESS , SEARS , ROEBUCK & 00111 CHICAGO. J UJ SdYC2on Drugs TT w write for our 100-PIlle cutnIOlUe : showing 10,000 articles at cut prlcc ri PA'J'gl'"r iii ' : DIC'INES ' : , Ituru3Eii GOODS , TitUSSEf3. U. SUIRMAN & MCONNII DRUG (0. Cor. 1bth and Dodo. Omaha , Neb. : ' . PUTNAM FADELESS DYES I m'.d' ' and faster colors than a " ' . ' o , , , , , . , " " " 'lt0 "d ' , , , , , , - t/ltuu Ask aeiler or we will send post paid at Oc a package , Writ eo free b oklet-flowto Dyes Bleach and Mind x Colors. .11 ( I.\'Jtll 10 ; JJJ' UU GU , UtonrUlceM , " ( , e - yr - UUHtS Wilts All EIbE AILS. hest Cough Syrup. 'matey Good. Use in tlmo. . t3ola by druggists. . ,