The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 09, 1904, Image 22

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December 9 19a4 . . . THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE
District Court.
Judge A. I I. Babcock can down
Monda ) ' even lg' to hold In ld- : ,
journed term of the district cdurt.
The following mutters were disposed -
posed of.
The case of Sarah Ellen Lcsher
v : , . Isham Heavis et al was heard
by the court , the trial consuming'
all of 'l'ucselay and until noon
Wednesday ; iit which time the
matter was submitted , the court
taking thc case under advisement
and ordercd the case argued ilt
briefs .
' [ 'he sale of land in Southeast-
crn Nebraska Building and 'Loan
Association Robert H. Meyers
ct al was confirm ce1.
- - -
The mortg'ag' sale in Matilda
Kling'cnberg' Aug'ust Stein-
brink ct al W IS confirmed. The
SiCme ; order . was made in Jerome
C. Vliltse vs John C. Kentner ct
nt. . .
haul Ranch became a citi1.c'n of
the United States by taking out
his second papers and renouncing
all alleg'ance to the Emperor of
Germlny. :
A decree of foreclosure was
taken in State Bank of Stella \8
Amos 11' Orr . ct a1.
, -
'rhe case of Gertrude Brisby.'s
Iewis\I3risby for alimony ; was
heard Monday evcnins ; , the court
granting the 11aintitT ] ten dollars
per Month This order was set
aside by . the order of the court
upon the showing of W. II , Morrow -
row and the case continued until
the next terul _
- - - -
gssic May Alanhaug-h was
g'rantccl a divorce from her husband -
band Jolll1 Alanbaug-h together
I with the custody of her minor
child. Alimony to thc extent of
S25 in cash nnd $6 per month from
Dcccmber 15th until the child
reaches the age of fourteen years
was granted hcr.
- - - -
Court adjourned Wedllcsday
noon.At .
At the Court' House.
Messrs McCray , Hinton and
Glasscr arc still at work on the
delinquent tax list. They have
completed thc years from 18,5 to
1890 inclusive and will probably
discover in the neighborhood of
$25,000 in delinquent taxes which
H areuncolltccable and will strike
j them from the books. .
The work has progressed two
weeks and the members of the
committee , arc about worn out b\p
their lauors.
Nothing has been doing in
Clerk . 'l'.lI1ner's office aside from
thc filing of a few claims and
chattel mortg-ag-cs.
! The 'rreasurcr's office is still
I I busy with tax collections though
payments arc not so numerous as
they were last week.
Personal taxes under the new .
. .
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revenue law become ( dclinqucn
Deceimber 1st 1 instead of ebruary I
1st ' ass under the old law.
Aside from the adjourncd term
of the district court thc Court
housc has been a very quiet place
this wl'ck.
James Casebeer editor of the
Blue Springs Sentinel , rcprcscn-
tat ; vc elect from Gage County
and candidate for speaker was a
halls City visitor \Vednl'sday. If
there is a better qualified man or
a better man than Cascbcer men-
tioncd for speaker of the house ,
wc havcn't seen his namc.
I 'rhe following marriage license
were issued by Judge \Vilhitc :
Joint Gerdes.Illlmboldt-------------71
Eliza Hauchs , Ifumboldt.----71 ,
Rev. 11. A. Hohcllwold of Hum ohlt.
Edward O'Donucl , Stella-----------24
BCisic Ikowu , Stcllauuu..n. . . .28
Hc\ Hex of this city
'Villiam BUlltollf..a wrCllCC , I as.27
Alice Wall < IIH.Lawrcllcc , . . . . . . . 24
- - - - - ' - - -
painful Accident.
On 'l'hursday afternoon of last
week , wilile putting pair of
sales : : together at Burress Bros.
drug store Fred De\Vald had this
misfortune to drop them on his
foot smashing- one of his toes.
This accjdent proved to bc a very
pain ful one and which will keen
FrC'd at home for sonic time
CQuncil Meets.
'rhe members of thc City Coun-
cill filet Monday e'cningin the
City Mall and transacted their
regular work.
Resignations of n. C. Barton
as mayor and J. F. 'Clcgg- as 2nd
ward councilman . re tcndered.
George Holt , chairman of thc
council hy the resignation of \Ir.
Barton will bc thc Mayor for thc
remainder of the tcrm. Among
other questions discussed was
that of sewerage and a mass
meeting will bc held at the
Court Housc when thc sun'cror's
report is cOl11plctcel. The coun-
cil then adjourned to meet again
at their regular meeting night in
January. ,
Turkey Dinner.
The Ladies Aid Society of thc
Baptist church will serve a'rurk-
ey dinner , 'l'ucsday. Dcc. 13th , 6
to 10 p.m. Plate 25c. At the
home of Mrs 1\1. Gianini.
Come in and help a worthy
caus . -L\Irs. : r.b Gianini , Pres.
A Mistake.
The circulated report of thc
death of Charlie Heck , thc son of
0 , P. Heck of this city , has not
a restage of truth in it , Mr. Heck
received - from
telegram Fillmore ,
Cal. , to the effect that Charlie
was ' alive and wcll. Their many
friends arc sincerely glad that
slice is thc casc.
Make your Christmas
purchases of The Tribune's
. : , -1 ,
- .
y BIG CLOSING . . ; '
. . .
. . . . . , \
Having decided to go out of business I am going .
to sell Wholesale ' 1
my complete stock of gO'ods con-
sisting of :
- Diamonds , Watches , Clocks . , Jewelry . , Silver- .
. - - - - - - - - - - -
. Ware , Cut - - - . . Glass . . - , . Silk . . . . . - Umbrellas . . - - - - ' o I
Silver Novelties , Toilet
. -
Sets , Etc , Etc. .
- ;
And lit fact includes everything to be found ill a first
class Jewelry store.
Furniture and Fixtures For Sale. .
This Sale will continue until ' the Entire
Stock is gone. Come early while our assort
Inent is yet conlpletc. Now is your chance to
Buy Christmas presents at Wholesale prices.
" \ s
. Jeweler and Optician , ' . ' ,
V'- - "
V'r " - , . . . - m. _ _ : 'I.w : : . . . . . . , ' . . - . : "
r . ; mT
I .
I ' .
Sowles' Candies
. ,
: E'J'J "
For Good . ,
Candy come to a
CANDY store. The best is the t
cheapest and we male delicious
. Chocolates and Creams
. t
Just melt in your Mouth. Can- '
dy in fancy boxes and baskets Pl P l
makes nice preselts. Hundreds '
of pounds of pure mixed Candy. 1
Christmas Trees
All sizes For all kind of Christ- " 1' '
mas Goodies see .