The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 09, 1904, Image 21

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- "
1Ii PiUs That Cure
f ; , it . Sick Nerves
\ ,
! Y
Mrs. Dora n. Frazier , No. 140
AIlhcl St. , Providence , R. l. , I
has been cured of Nervous
q Prostration by thc use of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
For Pale People.
. .
. She says : " I suffered for thrco
years and was several times at the
' . point of dealh. My weight went
down to scventy-five poun s. I was
. ' afflicted with nervdusness , dizziness ,
suffocating spells , swelling of limbs ,
sleeplessness and irregularities. I
had a good doctor but he could not
help me. The first box or Dr. Wil-
Iiams' Pink Pills did I11C good and
I continued their use until I was
curcd. I am now perfectly wel ! . "
These pills are a specific for
all disorders of the nerves from
" neuralgia to partial panlysis.
Sold by all Druggists.
A Celebrated Apotegrn.
Patriotism having become one of
r our topics , Johnson suddenly uttered ,
in a strongly determined tone , an
apotegm at which many will start :
. "Patriotism Is the last refuge oC a
: ? t' fcoundreV' But let It be considered
that 110 did not mean a real and gen-
erous love of our country , but that pretended .
" tended patriotism which so many In
all ages and countries , have made a
cloak for self.lnterest-DosweU's : Life
of Johnson.
. White Fur Tells Nothing.
" Weasels , ermines and hares , which
assume white coats for winter , have I
not much \ judgment about seasons.
They generally change color about
the same time every year , whether
t the snow comes early or late. No
woodsman pretends to divine the
weather from such creatures as'
change their color for the seasons.
Rarest American Book.
The rarest American book Is the
New England Primer , "the little Dlbio
ot New England , " as It has been calls -
s ' ed , which Is so rare that the earliest
printed editions have vanished , no one
. knowing , Indeed , when and where the
first edition was actually Issued.
Greatest In the World.
Arlington , Ind. , Dec. 5th-Speclal ( )
-Mr. W. A. Hysong , the photographer -
pher , who moved here recently from
Sapp , Ky. , Iii firmly of the opinion that
I Dodd's Kidney Pills are the greatest
Kidney Remedy the world has ever
"In the years 1901 and 1902 , " says
'Mr. ' Hysong , "and for some time be-
lore I was afflicted With Kidney Trou-
ble. My joints were sore and stiff
and I finally got so bad I could not
turn In bed without assistance : In the
r' Spring of 1903 I was induced , by a
x friend , to try Dodd's Kidney Pills and
r after using one and one-half boxes I
was and am still completely cured.
Several of my neighbors , too , used
Dodds : , Kidney Pills and 1It every casa ,
they did as recommended. "
' I Cure the early symptoms of Kidney
Disease , such as Backache , with
Dodd's Kidney Pills and you will never -
er have Brlcht's Disease.
- \ Being a great political leaders Iii
making other people believe whu.t you
don't bIl1avl rourlielt
c ! .
. -
Interesting Seesfon Promised for An.
nual Convention In Omaha.
LINCOLN-Programs for the thlr-
tyuintll annual meeting of the Ne.
braslm State 'I'eachers' association ,
which convenes In Omaha December
28 , 29 and 30 , have been received bj-
the state supm'lntcmlont. Among the
prominent people who will deliver lectures -
tares or take dart in the meetings
are : General ! . ' 1' . Sweene of Colum-
bus , Ind. : Adrlnn 1\1. Newmans , the
weB known monologuist : Frank U
RolJOrson , who will lecture Oj1 Russia :
Dr. Benjamin L. D'Ooge of Michigan
State Normal school : Rm' l\r. P ,
Dowling of Creighton university : Mrs.
Mary H. hunt national superintendent
ent or temperance education ; SUler- ] -
intendent W. 1\1. Davhlson of Omaha ,
the Wagner chorus and the Royal
Hungarian orchestra
Following are the I officers of he t as-
soclatlon : President , E. , I. notl well
of Omaha : vice president \ , Miss BUn '
Brown of Valentine ; secretary , A. 0. '
Thomas of Kearney : treasurer , A. L.
Caviness of Falrhllr ; executive com-
mittee , E. .T. Dodwell of Omaha , chair-
mmt ex . officio : D. C. O'Connor of Nor
folk , term expires 1JOG ! : : James E.
Delzell of Lexington , term expires
HIOG ; W. H. Gardner of Fremont , term
expires } 1907
The Millard hotel has been selected
as headquarters for the teachers and
a representative 01' a member or the
executive committee and local com-
mittee will he there from 8 to 10 a.
m" and after 6 ( j o'clock daily to give
Information or to receive enrollments.
'rho books for enrollment will be open
at 1:30 : o'clock Tuesday afternoon and
at 8:30 : the following days at the high
school building
Prof. , 'Waterhollse will have charge
of the local nrrangements and for the
entertainment of the teachers he has
already arranged for conducting excursions .
cllrsions to points or Interest In and
about time city The l\t'nJYr.t1" contains
. . . . - . . . . . " "J' . . 1.0. . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . .
the following miscellaneous announce-
ments :
A reception br the citizens or Omaha -
aha will be tendered to the teachers
Thursday evening In the Auditorium
immediately after the lect ure ,
The alumni of the Peru State Nor-
mal school will hold a banquet Immediately .
mediately after the reception 'rhurs.
day evening at the Paxton hotel.
Headquarters for the alllmnl of the I
Fremont Normal school have been
provided at the Millard : hotel.
The alumni of the Fremont Normal
school will hold a qanquet immediately .
ately after ; the reception Thursday
evening at the 'Millard hotel. .
Colby Wants to Keep Premiums.
LINCOLN-Adjutant General Colby
explained to Governor Mickey : that the I
premiums on lump warrants drawn br I
him were really perquisites because : : : ;
'other } officials had taken them He
Insisted he owed $126 and did not owe
the armory rent at Wilber' Examiner
Wiggins claims $267 Is due the stale.
Prairie Fire on Reservation.
NORFOLK-A prairie fire on the
Rosebud reservation , between St.
Elmo I and Donesteel , fifteen miles ,
burned ? a strip eight miles wide , destroying -
stroying many thousand tons of hay
and two houses. Bonesteel was saved.
Road Tax O1lnlon.
LINCOLN-Attorney General Prout
has med an opinion holding that road
taxes must be levied on the 1903 assessments -
sessments The difficulty concerning
which the opinion was med arose 1n
Brown county and the effect will uo
to decrease the 1006 . ucumcnt. .
West Polnl.'s new passenger depot
will be opened December 1st.
Laboring men pf Lincoln .wlll go
Into politics In the municipal campalu !
next spring
I.'h'o destroyed six stacks of hay and
a quantity of corn for a farmer residing -
ing on time Iowa bottoms cast or Platts
mou the
Eva Gaud , who came from Lincoln
to work In the Pratt hotel at Osceola ,
was declared Insane and has been
taken to the asylum at Lincoln
Senator Charles 'II. Dietrich departed -
ed for Washington , where he goes to
occupy his scat In the United States
senate when it convenes ( In Decemher.
Governor Mickey honored the regtti '
sltion issued by the governor or , Kiln-
sag for the return to that state of P.
1.1. Ford , alias Frank Hutchinson , wanl-
ed for burglary , Ford Is In jail ut
By the failure of a wholesale holism
In the east , W. W. .Jenne of Falls City , '
who was In the employ of the concern I
for a number of years , Is out about
$2,200 cllle him as salary and commissions -
sions '
The Catholic church society at Sttt
ton by a three days' fair succeeded In
raising $1,100 toward the fund for the
hllllding oC a new chmch. Time new
building ; Is to be or brick and to cost
The best report on the yield of corn
In Sarpy county is that which comes
from the Drown Bin farm. COIn : oC
the White Cap variety on this farm
averaged eighty bushels per acre.
Other corn Is going slxty.five bushels
POI' acre.
The town of Crab Orchard , In the
western llllrt of Johnson county , Is enjoying -
joying a boom A company or citizens -
7.ens has been formed to put In an
electric lighting system and the pow- i
01' building Is now almost completel (
and the machinery Is arI'ivlng I
Three years In the penitentiary } was I
the sentence given tJ Daniel } 'V Keefo '
of Lincoln fOl' shooting ! at his cousin ,
James Malone , tearing a Hole In the
laltel"s coat. Keefe claims ho was
drunk ut the tlmo and J'Omomuel'8
nothing whatever about the lihootlng
Tile jury In the case oC 1\lrs LIIII
dmui1Clson at Colnmbus against the
Union Pacific railroad company returned .
turned a verdict giving time plaintiff
damages in the sum or $3tj00 , ' Mrs.
EJdmundHon asked for damages In the
sum of $55,000 for the loss of her hUH-
bunk , who was killed one year ago
while engaged In the capacity of
) ) ralwmun.
The Missouri J'Ill'II.C's tax agent
has paid over to County 'l'teatHlrf'r : ' r
Whceler of Cass county the Hum of
$17l91.09-belng ! ! In full for the personal .
sonal taxes assessed \ against the com-
pan for the year 1904 'I'he Burlington .
ton has made a part payment of $ Hi- .
511GO to the county. The taxes us-
seBRed against the latter road this
year umounted to a little over $19,000.
The hoard of county mperVI20r:1
appointed a commlttee : lo revise the
delinquent personal tax list oC Rich
ardson county , and strike from 'tho
same the names of all from whom it
seems Impossible .to co1Ject. . As the
list 110W stands .Il represents the accumulation .
cumulation of Indebtedness or years ,
a large per cent of which will never
bo paid and Is a burden on the rec-
More than thirty years ago Chief
Justice Ferguson of Nebraska died and
was burled In the Bellevue cometerr.
Last week the only JIving Hon or the
deceased had N. R. Wilcox visit the
cemetery to ascertain whether or not
there was a stone to mark the place
where Judge Ferguson was burled.
After considerable trouble the grave :
was located , and la unmarked , and
wu only locltcd by the sol ! above '
the grays being sunken Ie.
_ . . ' " ' _ .6 _ _ " _ . _ , . _ . , . . _
. .
A. A. Boyce , farmer , living three
and a half miles from 1'ronton , Mo .
says : "A M'
vero cold ncl. t
4 tied In my
lddimeys I\nll
tlm'clqped so
Clulcltly that
S 1 was obliged
' to lay oil
' ,
wo'rle on nc !
count oC the
nchlng In my
hack , and
sl\108. l"Jr1. \ . '
tlmo I was
unable to walk nt nil , and every make'
shift I tried and all the medicine 1 took
had not the slightest effect. My back
continued Lo grow weaker until I began -
gan taking DOIUI's Kidney Pills , anti
I must say 1 wits more than surprised
ar\tl gratified to notice the back ache !
disappearing gradually until it final ! ) '
lopped. "
Duan's Kidney Pills sold b3' all
dealer ! or mailed on receipt or prlco i
fiO cents per hox. Foster-Mllhurn Co" , '
Buffalo , N. Y.
, " ,
Bacon'o Prophetic Worl'fs.
Roger Bacon (1214,94 ( > may have
foreseen the possibility of , 'malting
dynamite and other powerful oxide
lives when ho wrote time following
words : "A small portion of matter ,
about the 817.0 of the thumb , properly
disposed , will multo Irol1lCntlouM
sound and coruscation , 1Iy which cities
and armies might bo destroyod. " cAN c
Will Canada In the next quarter of I
It century take the plllce oC time United
States as the great wheat exporting ; r
section of the western hemisphere ?
Everything ' points that way. In time
opinion of exports the United Stntctt f
has remtchetl high water mark au a
wheat exporting country. The increasing -
creasing wlJ11latlon over there hhfJ ,
reached the point when home , COil' '
.sumptlon is becoming annually } grcnt. ;
er in proportion than the increase In
wheat IJroduction. As a matter of
, fact wheat production Is decreasing
over there as the land becomes more
valuable und by reason of the demand
for other forms of produce for liomo
consumption It III said that the
wheat crop this year Is not moro than
70 per cent. oC the crop of 1901 and
much below the crops of 1902 and
1903 It Is estimated that this year
the UnIted States surplus for export
will not be over 100,000,000 , which is
less than any year since 1878 with
two exceptions. Not only Is this the
case , but a considerable quantity of
the best Canadian wheat Is being Imported -
ported , Into Minnesota and also Chi-
cago. '
All this tends to keep time price or
wheat near the dollar mar , and "dol'
mar wheat" Is the loadstone that wl11 I
attract , farmers .to the 'Canadlan
Northwest , where lund Is cheap tumid
can be farmed on 11 wholesale basis ,
particulars of which may be had from
any Canalllnn Government Agent.
' ' American exports
Time reduction of
will have the ' double Influence of in' /
creasing Canadian production and
eeplng up the price. It constitutes
'a roseate prospect for this country ,
raid needs IIU exut Cidu ! ur optlll1lstle
enthusiasm to foresee the near expl\n.
alan of the Dominion Into the actual
position ot ale : "granary' the em
plre " ' _
Strange FoC'ds. .
Certain Indians contltdcr earth
worms a dainty. They are dried and .
rolled together Into a peculiar flou.r
In Bahama and somo. of the Florida
keys } the conch Is eaten-b tar time
toughest food known : more like India
rubber than anything else , having to
ho beaten and pounded before It can
he masticated or oven cooked
Chinese Dress Colors
Any color or harmony of colors
may bo used In the Chinese costume
except solid yellow. That color Is reserved -
served for the robes of royaltyi
WhIte enters not at all into the Chi. . ,
neap drcBI , that ta , in solid color , Lox
it 11 Chinas ! mourning i ,
. .