The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 09, 1904, Image 20

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December .2. , 90' ' } . _ _ _ THE FALLS CITY T.RIBUNE _ : ' _ _ _ _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ,
Educational'Departrn ent
Conducted by County = upentendcnt Crocfer
1)ist No. 2.J-\Vc have had four
weeks vacation. School Legate
last Monday with an enroll nlcut
of 17. Interest is very good.Vc
shall give a short Christmas pro-
The Hulo schools observed
' ' - ' d'l ' but returned
Thanksgiving duty
to work Friday foJowiJ1g. ] The
percent of attcndanc has ! averaged -
cd high for thc first part of the
ycar. The line weather and interest -
tcrl'st in the work have conspir-
'd keep about'JO per cent of the
pupils in school so fhr.
\Ye arc well pleascl with thc
stcamhcatingplant which does
away with much of thc dirt and
di'icomfort of thc banished stovcs.
The present season has been very
light on fuel and thc change will
no doubt ( save the district some
money besides keeping the tcm-
pl\rnturc of thc school rooms more
The pupils of thc first and src-
end primary rooms expect to
furnish the program for a public
school Christmas tree at the
opera house Oil Christmas I'e I ; , A
pretty play hy the 1iuleoncs with
selected musical numbers will
furnish entertainment for old and
y 01111 g.
'l'hc Reading Circle of the
teachers of this vicinity meets
every two weeks with a fair at-
t < 'nla ( ncc. 'l'he next meeting will
hc at the home of Miss u1ia
Cronin on the evening of Dec. 1 ( > .
The eig'th chapter of CJlI1mon
Sense Didactics will be discllssed ,
and a paper by Miss Yerna Vas-
tine will be thc literary feature.
_ . - - - .
Dist. No. 35 , Pearl Sncthen
teadler--School is progressing
nicely , interest is good. \Vc
gave a basket sapper last Saturday -
I day evening , and cleared $15.30.
: part of which will he used to im-
! prove thc interior of our school
I room and the rest to purchase
1 two well framed pictures. Pro-
i cel-ding thc basket supper wc
J gave a program invhirh \ rill the
] pupils took part. ' Nearly : all our
\ , patrons were prcscn t. It was a
i real social timc , amul ' " the evening
1 Pls c(1'cry pleasantly. Such
meetings . . lzrilig about a loser bond
' 'y " ' ' - ' bc"
rf' operatiOtf and S\111patny "
twee11 thc home and thc school.
- - - - -
: Dhil. 'N > . ( I.Gl1staHerr.tcach -
erOurhool was dismissed
. last Thauksgtving Day that
1 teacher and pupils might (10
' ' ' - ' ' . On
, 'J'hanksg'illg' turkey
: the following Friday attendance
\ \ as small , but Monday all were
' eager f Jr work ag-aill. Most of
( , pupils are S111\1l' ! ' and this hcauti-
: ' fu1l weather lm' l given us a splcn-
lid attendancc.
Dist. No. 23 has an enrollment
of 78. -
- -
tl'hc school board in Dist" No
31 have given their teacher permission -
mission to order ncccssary text
books r. nd supplics. Accordingly
Miss KocnigorC'rcd songbooks
for her school last Sa turday.
- - - -
Field Notes.
After a ten mile Monday morn-
November 28,1 reached the school
ill 1)ist. 45 , Grace Dain , teacher ,
enrollment is 20 , but only 10 were
prescnt. The personal appear-
ancc of thc teacher was g-ood.
Under the topic "Pcrsonan ap-
pearance"Hcl1rySabin says "Hair
neatly brushed , teeth Pearly white
finger : : nails immaculate as \'ory.
'l'hcsc things will exert a more
potent influence over though : ss
boys and girls than switch or fe-
rule can possibly have. The
frown -of such a tCtlcher is a ter-
ror to evil doers , and her smile is i
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _
a perpetual reward to those who
do wcll. " The pupils in this
school arc good readen The discipline -
ciplinc was good There ts good
slate blackboard all around thc
room , and the school has a nice
new organ. A few weeks ago .
the school had been troubled with
thc stove ' smok1t1g' 'l'h' ' teacher
finally l dis1l1isscdannoundng-
theme would be no more school until -
til the school board fixed the
sto\'e The repairs were promptly -
ly made and school work resumed
thc next. lay.
T took dinncr with the treasurer
of Uist. 4(1 and as wc paned he
said "If our teacher Heed , SUtJ-
plies of any kind , tell her to makt :
her wants known and she shaH
have thcm " "rith such Clh.our- :
ag-cmclt front thc board , I expected -
pected tl ) find It good school and
was not disilppoi..tcd. Miss Al-
len has achcrs' : helps and knows
ho : to use thcm. The school
has a basin towel , mirror and
comb and several oupi1s made use
of them during [ the ' sit. Everything -
thing about thc school was neat
and clean The decoratiot.s are
good and the school has a nc . \ '
stove. I was especially interested -
ed in the the third reader recita-
tion The teacher is i arood
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(1ueStiuner. 'l'hc prcvious lesson
was reviewed , the lay's lesson
disposed of and the next lesson
cxplaincd. During recess 1 en-
joyed a gaunt if blackman with
he t pupils.
I visited Ankrom school No 3
'L'uesday morning' fty.lolr
pupils are cur deed ; thirty-four
present. E. R. Huff' the teacher
is a splendid c1iscip1inarian. Hc
is doing good work and is recch'
. ihg 550 per month. The school
' basket few weeks
gave a ; supper a
- : mF" " ! ! G : 'ltJ ' ' .
i.1 .J
Junk ! Junk ! '
. . . . _ .r - - - - - - - - - - . - . . . - . . . . . . . - - . - . - - - - - _ . - J.
I will buy all the Junk J you have and pay g-oqd j (
prices for it. Just like finding moncy on your part. I
A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Earned.
ri 1-Icrc is whcre Von can pick em tip- lollat'sVC I11Ca11. l'f ' . . .l J r I
( I now sort all Junk here : instead of , at Omaha , and ' . ;
can therefore pay hettcr pnces. J wIll buy retail 01' : ,
wholesale lots and pay city prices , and at thc same time
: ; ' : von ' the ; ; : ; . -
t. , Iial Office Between fsf & 2nd . }
on Chase Street.
. , l Deal with me and make money. Ring Phone No. , .239 ti }
and I will call on you , or drop me a card. Prid . . . . . . S
: d.
submitted on application.
. . . . . rtn - . . - . . . . . . . . - - - _ . . . - - ' " . . . . - . . . . , . - . " . . . . . . . . . . _ " " " " ' ' . ' ' ' - ' , ' W . . : . . - . . . . . . . _ t
'UI'f :
eta FE R fJ f . ' '
" ' " - > -l"IJI " " " & "C..tdbill1JJ ! " " < " : " . - . , , , . , . . . . ! . : . I.o.I.I . . . . . . , . , . , , . . _ , " ' . ' . . . . .tJ . . . > ; ; f' ; : , ; . . . \ lB'r . . . . . . , " . I 1
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I ! 3KAT1EE3 f }
I. . , : . ' :1 ; ' . . . . - Q l , b\ , . < J' I : - i' ' II " I
ff ! .1.1 . j M
, we have 3. . fun Line of Pop f
tdar Pi e . Call and See
j : : _
tl Thei ) ( , i - , 1 ,
1V1 E .Y .E S ,
t. . . f
. fr'9\ ' Ii' - - W' =
. ' 1ARPMLUR & H
r .1 ! : J w.1 Q I f ;
F.'r' F. . . . , . , . . . , , . . . . _ . . .
'r'r. . " : ; . . . . " l" ' : : : ; - t2 : . . . " . " : : . : " , L s ; _ , . j " " . . "T'T , . '
ago , and as a resul t . they have : a
nice near dictionary. 'l'hc schuol
has new furniture single spats. '
It seems worth mentioning that
Mr. Ankroui has 110 Angora
goats , snow whitethe ) are bcau-
tics. The wool is very valuable ,
they arc not hard to raise and
are very pro.f table.
School No Walnut Grove , is
nicely located and surrounded by
beautiful ! walnut trees. The
room was neat and clean and
beautiful decorated with pupils'
s :1 eel ( \ 'ork. 1 very child was
quiet and busy. 'l'hc teacher is
( loin ; ; espccia1iy good work il1
teaching writing' Each child 1
s cmcd proud of his copy bool
At recess the pupils began telling
mc about their 'l'hanksgiving-
program. For closing exercises ,
their teacher , Miss "Tcl1er , con-
scnted to let them repeat a pan
of thc program. During thc
singing thc school stood in double
- - - - . - - - - - - - - . _ _ r _ . . , LI. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
rows ; a boy and a girl stood at. . +
thc head , faced the school and
lead thc singing One boy , I
nave forgotten lug namc.certain- S
ly has considerable musical tal-
cu t-he is a splendid sing-cr. It
seemed so good to hear thc boys
take such an active part in thc
singing.tlhe recitations 'and 1
concert exercises were good , and . .
showed careful training on the t
part of the tea. liner. It was clear ;
that the teacher had thc respect
and confidence of all her pupils z
( Continued in next Issue ) .
, .t'I
Rl , .BaU1nont , r.1.D.
Sixth & " . FelixSt.Joseph
' -
Formerlcye and ear special-
ist now limited hracttce ! to b
Eye Glasses :