The Falls City tribune. (Falls City, Neb.) 1904-191?, December 09, 1904, Image 13
. I December 9 , 1904 THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE - - - - - - THE FALLS CITY TRIBUNE Published Every riday at F ALLS CITY , N1I3RAShA. . . ' Br TRII3UNh PUBL1SJ1ING co. 1S ; 11 ( ( , Entered as sccOlld.class matter , Jalllt- ary 1:2. : 190-tat tile post olliceat Falls City Neb. , antler the Act of 'eollg"rcss of March 3 , 1879. \ . - - - - - c : " ONE \ Ill l YEAN Telephone No. 22 ( , . - - - - - - - - - , SAVING MONEY. "How use doth breed a habit. " . A man is more than the ) ) creature ! " ' . of circumstance , hc is also thc ' creature of habit. The lessons c . remembered thc longest arc hc f lessons which arc learned at . homc. The boy who is taught honesty truthfulness and kindness is usual 13' an honest , truthful and considerate citizeti when hc becomes - comes a man. 'hc boy who br , parental indulgence is permitted to spend all thc money hc obtains is usually thc spendthrift man. lIc has never learned thc value of thc dollar nor has he ever come J to thc knowledge that it is well + to spcnd less I than you earn. 'l'hc best time in life to form a 1 , habit is in , childhood , and one of I many valuable habits is that of \ sang . ' " If a child grows accustomed , l' grows used to sa\ ' ngthc very . , , , custom will create a habit. i $ A. . j. \Vc are not given to calling attention : - . ' tcntion in this column to the ad" o , ycrtiscmcllts in this papcr. but , . - " the advcrtiscmcnt of the Falls City State Bank in this issue iso - so fraught with good for thc chil- drcn of ' this vicinity that for this once we depart from the rule amid ] . ask - yon to read it. I Start a hank account for thc boy ; get him interested in his savings ; encourage him to earn ' more money that hc may increase thc account. This will teach j' him habits of industry as well as - ? - j " - "C011Omy. I1c will soon take a personal pride in his financial f . . . . . progress and before you arc - ' of it hare taught him . l\\-a1'e , you . .t. , . . : the art of saving , have created I l in him the te1l1p ramental duality j , ' called l self reliance and have put ' . him several dollars ahead of thc 'j' . game. . . . _ .u' - - - - - ' TELEPHONE. l' . It will not hc many months until - til , another municipal election ' I.- , , will be held in Falls CitOnc , . ' cf the issues of this election will 1 . telephone ' : .i' phone companies into Falls City j' r on the same terms that thc local , interstate and Bcll companies have been admittcd. The 'eri- bUllc has advocated such a course and will continue to do so until . thc people of this town have spokcn. \Vc believe thc closer the relations between thc busi- . ness interest of this city and - thc - ' - c 1 / ' ' " - farming coilitnity the better it will bc for all. ' 1 ' lie statement ! is often made that neither time farmers nor thc business interest arc much concerned in this ag-i- tation. 1'0 ascertain whether or not this is true wc invite a discussion - cussion of the question from both sidcs. \Vc will gladly publish any letters written to us on thc question and invite all mcmii bets of thc rural telephone lines to write us expressing their views as to thc benefits which will flow from such admission ill order that thc people of Falls City way know thc sentiment uf thc men who support the business interest of Falls City. - - - WiLL YOU HELP US ? \\TC believe that The Tribune enjoys closer and 1I101" % confidential t- ial relations with its subscribers than any other local newspapcr. \Vc have scarcely a subscriber who isn't interested ill the suc- cess of this paper. Many of theta have induced others to take the paper until now as a result of this interest , wc have at the end of forty-cig-ht weeks a few more than a thousand bonalidc suh- scribers. \Vc aporeciatc your c IT.rts morc than we can say. \Ve arc try to : merit your confidence and esteem. \Vc want you to help us in another way , and hy doing so you will be cqual- " , b 'nefited In the columns nf 'j . c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . this paper are thc advertisements of thc leading and reliable business - ness houses of Falls Ci tr. rhc : 'l'ribunc will guarantee the promises \ - iscs of every onc. \Vi1l you trade with thcmVc want an ad in this paper to bc the most produc- ti'l possible. Such a reputation will bc of great benefit to us , and you who have been so kind t1 us in other ways can give us./this ' if will. . . : ; ' reputation you Loq.i' over this paper and in your qh' 'istmas shopping call upon thc ; lcrchants whose names appear in these col- umns. - - . . . . . - - - - GOOD ROADS. Every year thiscounty has several - eral thousand dollars for road purposes. Every year the money is dribbled out among thc various subdivisions of the county , a lit- tIc here and a little thCIC. There { is no law which com pcls such action , and there is very little result obtaincd. Would it not bc better to use thc money to build a few milcs of permanently good road : than to build many milt of poor road ? Why not take half the money to build enduring roads over the botfoms and next year build permanently good roads it : other locations until wc have the entire county traversed with such highways ? At thc end of ten ) ears such a system will produce something for the money , while under thc present system thc result is but a temporary - ary improvemcnt. If wc should . rpt . ; ; ; and Teachers . \ . ra . . . . . . . wmcu.wrn..aan.rn ' : Too often overlook the practical side of n child's cdu- cation. J-Iow is it with the chiJdl' ( of your hnWH'hold those under " control ? Arc . ' ' ? or your they saving money \ Have they I ( arncd to appreciate v < lllteol' the : dollar ? , : J , Are you endeavoring' to instil into their minds corn'l't ideas concerning thrift and economy ? \V ould you Jis- . . k , ten to a plain I sllg'gestlon. If so , here it : is : 1 , Send the children to this hank ; with the first spare dollar. ' 1'lie net dollar or 11ftv : ccnls ; should be trcatecl ' ' in like mannCI" and the practice so continued until a ' fixed habit of saving has hc.rn firmly f tabIishcd. * 1 In order to encourage ' the CII i I LDREN to savc [ 'j : their money , learn the ways of banking" while voting r tJ and lay the foundation for a successful life , we inaug"ur- r -i atec1 ; a CHILDREN'S I ) DEPARTrdENT allo\v in- J terest at the rate of four pet' cent on childrens accounts I ; 1 undo the age of ig-hteen. These accounts : mean it great amount of extra work for us , but if by these , means we succeed in encouraging the child in self dc > - [ : ; vial and the proper 1 use of money , we shall feel well re- paid for thc extra work performed. Will you assist us in our efforts to do the children r good ? I it - - - - - - - I ; C y State Bank I L , -3 'I Capital and Surplus $62,000 . , \V. I : . Dorrington , PrcHillcllt W. A. Grccnwald , Cashier \ ' 1\ J. Gist Vice Prcsidcnt Guy P. nrccl1wald , Asst' Cashier ' , ' . _ . , . . . . . . . _ . . . . , . . . . : : " ! n ! roIr. " "T'r : : : : ! y. ; Lt : : ' : G lQt. ; n " : " : - ' ! ) ' ; i1".T. I1 _ w ' _ ' " - _ ' .n _ s.w _ ' 1. _ " _ ' _ ' spend one thousand dollars to stake onl' bottom road passable and failed that would bJ extra- vagancc. If wc should mend : : ten thousand dollars for such purpose - pose and succccdcd that would bc cconomy. \Vh ' not economize ? _ _ u _ _ . _ ' CHRISTMAS DINNER. A few weeks agowe spoke of thc custom of one little boy who a I"a I \'S invited several ! I of his unfortunate - fortunate school mates to take 'l'IJanksgivingdinncr with him. As a result of that item at least a dozen little chaps were invited to good dinncrs. who would otherwise - wise have gone hung-n' One little fellow invited a colored boy to 'l'hanksg- \ing- dinner with him. Promptly on time hc came , his white waste stilT with starch , his face shining from anticipated pleasure nosed with soap and water , his kinky head brushed as never before , and the whites of his eyes rolling at thc sight of turkey and fixinls. That little boy will remember his thanksgiving dinner for years to comc. It wasn't much to defer for him , but it was a great deal to him. . \\'hy not make some child happy on Christmas ? You don't know whom to invite ? Your child docs. Give your boy or girl permission to invite a poor school mate to Christmas dinncr. , _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ n _ _ _ Every room in our schools has some poor chill who will goo hungry 011 Christmas unless you in tcrvenc. 'rllc writer of this has investigated and klid ) W5. \\'ouldn't your Christmas bc happier if you knew that there was not one hungry , Milt app'y child in Falls I City on thc day of and good will ? peace . . . . . . - Good morning--ILts your name been mentioned as a prospective ; callclidate for cong-rcss. i 'rhc proof readier on Tic 'rrib- , ale was evidently suffering ! last wcek from too much 'l'lianksg-iv- . ing- 'he News is isunncccssarily - ricd over thc congressional situ- ation. 't ' he republican part will settle its own problcms and settle them rig-h v Advertisers may depend on the fact that The Tribune will stop the paper of any subscriber who requests its discontinuance and f will not ask for the privilege of sending free for a ycar. \Vc arc not forced to such action to keep u ' our subscription list. D. S. McCarthy PROPJUCTOR 011 / CITY DRAY LINE SpecIal Attention to household Movln" Phone 211 Palls Nebraska City - -